When Romney gets the nomination.....

I am so touched by the Leftist's here and their concern for who we run. Who would have thought they even gave a flying fuck. :D

Indeed. Were any of us inclined to be cynical, we MIGHT take the dim view that they are hoping to influence the GOP nomination so as to get the least conservative opponent they can get to run against President Zerobama. That way, when President Zerobama inevitably loses, at least they can have a Dim-lite heading the GOP for four years.
Are you going on the record, for later ridicule, saying that President Obama is going to LOSE????

And as always, Liability: say it - don't spray it.
If Romney gets nominated and then loses, we can look forward to interminable crying and moaning from the Right about how the GOP lost again because they didn't nominate someone conservative enough.


Well, the problem with that is that it WOULD be true.

When Conservatives get the nomination they WIN!

Reagan won the most impressive victories since FDR. Not because he did what Romney did, check with a focus group as to which way to part his hair. He had a philosophy, and stuck to it.

Bush-43. Lots of flaws, but he stuck to his guns.

When the GOP nominates a Dole (who spent his valedictory speech in the Senate bragging about how he made government bigger, kind of missing the point) or McCain, (who never understood why the Mainstream Media stopped loving him after he got the nomination) they lose and they deserve to.

You can't be all things to all people. You can only be true to yourself. I'm still trying to figure out which version of Mitt Romney we are looking at here. Liberal 1994 Mitt or Ultra-Right 2008 Mitt or something in-between.
Reagan was not a conservative, despite the revisionist history writing.
If Romney gets nominated and then loses, we can look forward to interminable crying and moaning from the Right about how the GOP lost again because they didn't nominate someone conservative enough.
Yet they can never nominate somebody conservative enough, even though they claim that the majority of the country is conservative.

A paradox!

Or more likely: they are full of shit.

After Obama you think you should talk? :lol:

He's a Fucking Soap Opera. :D
Address my point, please: If the country is majority conservative, then why can't you ever nominate a conservative in the 1 out of 2 parties who constantly put being a conservative as the most important job requirement?
Yet they can never nominate somebody conservative enough, even though they claim that the majority of the country is conservative.

A paradox!

Or more likely: they are full of shit.

I am afraid that what you say is all to true.

I can't stand being at political meetings (which are 90% about abortion) and hearing how many are on our side.....

And I sit there and think that while I believe many people have lots of conservative attitudes, they also get pretty disgusted with the hard-core, take-no-prisoners attitude.

I want things to be conservative at the federal level. I get more moderate as things get closer to home. If I want more government, I want it at City Hall....but I digress.

No paradox. There are not so many total conservatives that they can rule the world, or even Alaska.

No matter who's in there, it's about who he or she surrounds them self with, and how they delegate. Progressive Statism is on the Run, We are fighting for Individual Liberty, don't forget that.

You made up your mind to hate Obama before he even took office, and nothing he does or doesn't do will change that.

Doesn't matter how many al Qaeda he kills, doesn't matter how lax he is on gun laws, doesn't matter how many free trade agreements he reaches, doesn't matter how much he lowers everyone's taxes.

Your hatred cannot be diminished. Why is that? Since the logical reasons are non-existent, I must conclude that the illogical reasons prevail.
A staunch conservative is no more likely to win than a far left wing candidate. Because the fact remains that American is a centerist nation. We don't do 'far' on either side.... and, despite being a conservative, I think that's great.

MFer!!! :eek:

Aren't you one of those RW fundamentalists that are always screeching and wailing and going on about Obammer being a Socialst?
A staunch conservative is no more likely to win than a far left wing candidate. Because the fact remains that American is a centerist nation. We don't do 'far' on either side.... and, despite being a conservative, I think that's great.

MFer!!! :eek:

Aren't you one of those RW fundamentalists that are always screeching and wailing and going on about Obammer being a Socialst?
Don't expect an intelligent answer.
A staunch conservative is no more likely to win than a far left wing candidate. Because the fact remains that American is a centerist nation. We don't do 'far' on either side.... and, despite being a conservative, I think that's great.

MFer!!! :eek:

Aren't you one of those RW fundamentalists that are always screeching and wailing and going on about Obammer being a Socialst?
Don't expect an intelligent answer.

From THAT rightwing fanatic....?

I never do. :cool:
Romney wont get it, so dont sweat that. Cain will get it, and for that you better be afraid, because a real black man will win the presidency of the united states, voted in by white folks, not the fake Half white kenyen the left elected last time. Racism as you know it is about to lose out, the left will collapse under the fact that white conservatives elected a black man, so in essence that race card will be lost forever, , and the left wont know what to do with themselves afterwards.
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MFer!!! :eek:

Aren't you one of those RW fundamentalists that are always screeching and wailing and going on about Obammer being a Socialst?
Don't expect an intelligent answer.

From THAT rightwing fanatic....?

I never do. :cool:

you're a moron, why anyone on this board still pays attention to you "myself included" is beyond me. From this point on, you are invisible to me, I hope more is to follow.
Romney wont get it, so dont sweat that. Cain will get it, and for that you better be afraid, because a real black man will win the presidency of the united states, voted in by white folks, not the fake Half white kenyen the left elected last time. Racism as you know it is about to lose out, the left will collapse under the fact that white conservatives elected a black man, so in essence that race card will be lost forever, , and the left wont know what to do with themselves afterwards.

Cain's 999 is blowing up in his face. :lol:
This is a political board.

And your messed up, freakish cult would stay the hell out of politics, I'd be perfectly fine with that.

As long as you stick your nose into it, expect me to take a two by four to it.

Sorry there BuckWheat, but with six senators and nine members of the house, I am afraid we are here to stay....better hide your daughters. :lol::lol::lol:

A two by four ? :lol::lol::lol:

That was funny.

Thanks, I needed that.

Don't worry, the fraud of your cult will be exposed. Millions are leaving Mormonism.
Don't worry, the fraud of your cult will be exposed. Millions are leaving Mormonism.

I am not at all worried.

I can think of some I'd like to see leave that won't !

BTW: I think I've already mentioned this, but your meds seem to need updating.


There is a Religion and Ethics Forum with a massive thread on mormonism (over 100 pages). Why don't you go show your stupidity over there ?
If Romney wins and has either Rubio or Cain as VP, Obama and AxleDick will begin the process of registering football players,trees,pets,statues,some dead or soon to be dead people, and 2 Million Vibrators. That should be enough to win all three Tri-Fector States.

I know I should not laugh at this kind of humor....

But that was funny.

Let's see. Conservatives always win when they run for President but can hardly ever win the Republican nomination.



For much the same reason that liberals hardly ever win the Democratic nomination.
There's a difference: Liberals don't spend 4 years announcing that they are going to put a Liberal in the White House, then fail spectacularly. :)
Don't worry, the fraud of your cult will be exposed. Millions are leaving Mormonism.

I am not at all worried.

I can think of some I'd like to see leave that won't !

BTW: I think I've already mentioned this, but your meds seem to need updating.


There is a Religion and Ethics Forum with a massive thread on mormonism (over 100 pages). Why don't you go show your stupidity over there ?

As long as your cult keeps trying to take over my country, it's a valid target for ridicule...

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