When Romney gets the nomination.....

and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

Reagan was considered too conservative to get the nomination.
Romney has polled no more than about 25%. So his front runner status is pretty weak.

And you smell funny and are stupid as hell.
I kind of wonder where you get off telling a party you don't belong to who is "legitimate". .

That's about all YOU do here all day every day, shitbag.

No, I just point out why he'd be a horrible candidate who is going to lose. I'm sorry you don't have the intellect to make that disctinction.

So when Obama is being sworn in for a second term because 30 million baptists wouldn't vote for a Mormon, you can comfort yourself on how tolerant and understand of batshit crazy cults you are.
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

Reagan was considered too conservative to get the nomination.
Romney has polled no more than about 25%. So his front runner status is pretty weak.

And you smell funny and are stupid as hell.

Sorry to see your man Perry's self induced implosion

You ready to jump off the bandwagon yet? You will be shouting the benefits of Romney in a short time
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

Reagan was considered too conservative to get the nomination.
Romney has polled no more than about 25%. So his front runner status is pretty weak.

And you smell funny and are stupid as hell.

Sorry to see your man Perry's self induced implosion

You ready to jump off the bandwagon yet? You will be shouting the benefits of Romney in a short time

Romney and Perry are the top fundraisers in the race, Nutwinger. The first primary has yet to be run.
You are such a media tool it isn't funny.
Reagan was considered too conservative to get the nomination.
Romney has polled no more than about 25%. So his front runner status is pretty weak.

And you smell funny and are stupid as hell.

Sorry to see your man Perry's self induced implosion

You ready to jump off the bandwagon yet? You will be shouting the benefits of Romney in a short time

Romney and Perry are the top fundraisers in the race, Nutwinger. The first primary has yet to be run.
You are such a media tool it isn't funny.

Over/Under for when Rabbi jumps ship..... Feb 12
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

Reagan was considered too conservative to get the nomination.
Romney has polled no more than about 25%. So his front runner status is pretty weak.

And you smell funny and are stupid as hell.

Sorry to see your man Perry's self induced implosion

You ready to jump off the bandwagon yet? You will be shouting the benefits of Romney in a short time

Has any other candidate in the past fucked up as badly as Perry and won? Is there historical precedent?
Last edited:
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

When Romney wins the nomination to represent his party for the Presidential election the rest will reluctantly SCRAMBLE to fall in line feigning staunch support. Many of them will be proverbially holding their noses and pulling the lever. Many, however, will be true to their word and belief and simply not vote.

However, it will be a day late and a dollar short for the RepubliCON$. And if they are stupid enough to elect any of those other fools currently running, it's an instant lose for them in the general. A landslide I say. A total washout.

Heads...we win. Tails...we win.

The RepubliCON$ are toast. TOAST I say! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Smoking the good shit and not sharing.

Compare this to Bush/Chaney who had very small margins in Congress, yet got everything passed. Several Republican congressmen lost their seats over the Iraq war - but they stayed with Bush until the end. The discipline and obedience of the Republican party is unmatched. They are much better with strict hierarchies. Obama, on the other hand, could not get Blue Dog democrats to support his agenda. The Left allows too much freedom and dissent in the ranks. They are like the irresponsible parent who allows the spoiled child to talk back. Dick Chaney, on the other hand, does not take shit. If a republican breaks ranks and votes with the democrats, he loses his job. If a democrats breaks ranks, he ends up like Joe Lieberman - in charge of a committee.

This obedience disparity partly stems from the institutional structure of the Republican party. Grover Norquist - backed by insanely deep pockets - is able to force all congressmen to sign a pledge. If they don't sign the pledge, they don't keep their seats. Indeed, business supplies massive funds to primary any congressman who does not play ball. Whereas the Left lacks a well-funded operation to impose its agenda on its party apparatchiks. Why? Because business is not going to fund a party that wants to raise their taxes and tighten regulations (even though they have to fund the dems pretty heavily as a hedge, especially in non-republican electoral cycles like '92 and '08).

Republican agendas have a vast network of think tanks and well funded groups who keep their issues alive when they are not in control of Washington. People can spend their entire life inside movement conservatism, producing data and talking points to feed thousands of media sources. The movement rewards obedient members with well paid careers; they punish dissent through exile. The anti-tax movement does not die when the Republicans lose the presidency. Whereas nobody worked on universal health care after Clinton botched it in '94. When Obama picked it up again in 2008, he defaulted to Bob Dole's & Mitt Romney's plan. If the Liberals had any power at all, they would have had a well-developed, well-funded battle plan. Instead, they stumbled through health care with no clear vision or leadership. (Does anyone know how long the neocons through PNAC were preparing for Iraq? They had intelligence agencies, media, and congress perfectly orchestrated. The Left, on the other hand, is a flaccid mess. They gave up on politics after LBJ > Vietnam. Granted, SDS blew up a few monuments, but they retired to cushy university jobs)

The Left needs another LBJ - someone to play Texas hardball with anybody who does not obey the leader. Obama is not that person.

WoW!!!! You get it. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

When Romney wins the nomination to represent his party for the Presidential election the rest will reluctantly SCRAMBLE to fall in line feigning staunch support. Many of them will be proverbially holding their noses and pulling the lever. Many, however, will be true to their word and belief and simply not vote.

However, it will be a day late and a dollar short for the RepubliCON$. And if they are stupid enough to elect any of those other fools currently running, it's an instant lose for them in the general. A landslide I say. A total washout.

Heads...we win. Tails...we win.

The RepubliCON$ are toast. TOAST I say! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Smoking the good shit and not sharing.


Ahhh...I take it you're in FULL-ON support for Mr. Romney eh?
Reagan was considered too conservative to get the nomination.
Romney has polled no more than about 25%. So his front runner status is pretty weak.

And you smell funny and are stupid as hell.

Sorry to see your man Perry's self induced implosion

You ready to jump off the bandwagon yet? You will be shouting the benefits of Romney in a short time

Has any other candidate I'm the past fucked up as badly as Perry and won? Is there historical precedent?

Perry is not mortally wounded like Edwards or Garry Hart but he will have to work twice as hard to recapture lost support. The impression he gives is lazy and not too bright.
Even Bachmann, who is dumber than shit, shows up at the debates prepared. No excuse for Perry
When Romney wins the nomination to represent his party for the Presidential election the rest will reluctantly SCRAMBLE to fall in line feigning staunch support. Many of them will be proverbially holding their noses and pulling the lever. Many, however, will be true to their word and belief and simply not vote.

However, it will be a day late and a dollar short for the RepubliCON$. And if they are stupid enough to elect any of those other fools currently running, it's an instant lose for them in the general. A landslide I say. A total washout.

Heads...we win. Tails...we win.

The RepubliCON$ are toast. TOAST I say! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Smoking the good shit and not sharing.


Ahhh...I take it you're in FULL-ON support for Mr. Romney eh?

Yep Romney is my guy, that I wont vote for, with a disclaimer of who the vp pick is.
Reagan was considered too conservative to get the nomination.
Romney has polled no more than about 25%. So his front runner status is pretty weak.

And you smell funny and are stupid as hell.

Sorry to see your man Perry's self induced implosion

You ready to jump off the bandwagon yet? You will be shouting the benefits of Romney in a short time

Has any other candidate in the past fucked up as badly as Perry and won? Is there historical precedent?

At this point 4 years ago McCain's candidacy was declared dead. And he was in worse shape financially than Perry, who is going great guns raising money.
Romney, Perry top GOP fundraising race, but lag behind Obama | TBO.com

That is voting with your wallet, which means a hell of a lot more than polls.
Sorry to see your man Perry's self induced implosion

You ready to jump off the bandwagon yet? You will be shouting the benefits of Romney in a short time

Has any other candidate I'm the past fucked up as badly as Perry and won? Is there historical precedent?

Perry is not mortally wounded like Edwards or Garry Hart but he will have to work twice as hard to recapture lost support. The impression he gives is lazy and not too bright.
Even Bachmann, who is dumber than shit, shows up at the debates prepared. No excuse for Perry

Your unfailing instinct to be wrong makes comments like this gladden my heart.
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

Here's the funny thing. Romney's been running for quite some time. McCain, beat Romney for the nomination. Obama beat McCain in the general election.

What makes anything think that Romney's going to do well in the general if he couldn't even beat McCain?
Has any other candidate in the past fucked up as badly as Perry and won? Is there historical precedent?

Actually, there is. His name was "Bill Clinton". The guy fumbled very badly in 1991, then there was the Gennifer Flowers revalations. He even Lost Iowa and came in third in New Hampshire.

The fact is, a lot of people aren't paying attention right now, and the media is trying to write off Perry because he does badly in a few straw polls, even though RomneyBot 4.0 does even worse in them.
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

Here's the funny thing. Romney's been running for quite some time. McCain, beat Romney for the nomination. Obama beat McCain in the general election.

What makes anything think that Romney's going to do well in the general if he couldn't even beat McCain?

How many Democrats Voted for McCain in the Primaries? :lol: Good One. :D
Ahhh...I take it you're in FULL-ON support for Mr. Romney eh?

Yep Romney is my guy, that I wont vote for, with a disclaimer of who the vp pick is.

That's what I thought.

So when Romney get's the nomination and you are proven to be DEAD WRONG and I'm proven to be right as rain...will you kiss my proverbial Big Toe!??


What are you using? The crystal ball or the eight ball? What are the lotto numbers for my state? Are you ready for your reorder of tinfoil? Operators standing by.
Has any other candidate in the past fucked up as badly as Perry and won? Is there historical precedent?

Actually, there is. His name was "Bill Clinton". The guy fumbled very badly in 1991, then there was the Gennifer Flowers revalations. He even Lost Iowa and came in third in New Hampshire.

The fact is, a lot of people aren't paying attention right now, and the media is trying to write off Perry because he does badly in a few straw polls, even though RomneyBot 4.0 does even worse in them.

Perry didn't only do badly in a "few straw polls" but he wrote a book detailing his extreme views, he's said and done things that make people cringe and he did horribly in the debates.

He came in with a commanding lead..but now he's basically a flash in the pan.

And it seems from now on his sole purpose in life is to do harm to the Romney candidacy.

Which is fine by me.
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

Here's the funny thing. Romney's been running for quite some time. McCain, beat Romney for the nomination. Obama beat McCain in the general election.

What makes anything think that Romney's going to do well in the general if he couldn't even beat McCain?

How many Democrats Voted for McCain in the Primaries? :lol: Good One. :D

Romney can't even get the support of his own party. How the heck do you expect him to get "crossover" votes?


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