When Romney gets the nomination.....

Your unfailing instinct to be wrong makes comments like this gladden my heart.

As yours with regard to democrats – a Perry nomination would guarantee an Obama win.

Romney can't even get the support of his own party. How the heck do you expect him to get "crossover" votes?



In order for the GOP candidate to win he’ll need a lot of Obama voters to vote for him. And that’s not going to happen. They may not bother to vote at all, but they won’t be voting republican. 2012 will be a replay of 1996.
Here's the funny thing. Romney's been running for quite some time. McCain, beat Romney for the nomination. Obama beat McCain in the general election.

What makes anything think that Romney's going to do well in the general if he couldn't even beat McCain?

How many Democrats Voted for McCain in the Primaries? :lol: Good One. :D

Romney can't even get the support of his own party. How the heck do you expect him to get "crossover" votes?


Seriously, I'm just sitting back enjoying the process. I will support whoever gets the nomination. Romney is of those most moderate, so the cross over vote is the least of his worries. I personally don't believe in demonizing Mormonism, so I don't encourage others doing that ether. I am so touched by your concern though. :lol: :D
A staunch conservative is no more likely to win than a far left wing candidate. Because the fact remains that American is a centerist nation. We don't do 'far' on either side.... and, despite being a conservative, I think that's great.

Me too, but I still think it's bullshit the way Obama was portrayed as some deep leftist outsider when it appeared to me, and still does, that he was a centerist also all along.

(of course when we say "centerist" they still have a predominant lean, it's just not extreme).

Obama is right of center, which is what makes all the "Communist" and "Socialist" chants so so very ridiculous.
Your unfailing instinct to be wrong makes comments like this gladden my heart.

As yours with regard to democrats – a Perry nomination would guarantee an Obama win.

Romney can't even get the support of his own party. How the heck do you expect him to get "crossover" votes?



In order for the GOP candidate to win he’ll need a lot of Obama voters to vote for him. And that’s not going to happen. They may not bother to vote at all, but they won’t be voting republican. 2012 will be a replay of 1996.

Right now I see a party in disarray. They won 2010 by pulling all stops out on a neat trick. They convinced voters they were going to be the job creators and that the Obama administration was killing medicare.

Well they came into power..and then what?

They tried to kill Obama care. They tried to get a balance budget amendment to the Constitution and they've been sending up bill after bill to try to kill Abortion.

Laughable really..
A staunch conservative is no more likely to win than a far left wing candidate. Because the fact remains that American is a centerist nation. We don't do 'far' on either side.... and, despite being a conservative, I think that's great.

Me too, but I still think it's bullshit the way Obama was portrayed as some deep leftist outsider when it appeared to me, and still does, that he was a centerist also all along.

(of course when we say "centerist" they still have a predominant lean, it's just not extreme).

Obama is right of center, which is what makes all the "Communist" and "Socialist" chants so so very ridiculous.

I don't view him Right of Center at all. Look at his Cabinet, his friends. His Track Record. Right of Center? absurd.
Your unfailing instinct to be wrong makes comments like this gladden my heart.

As yours with regard to democrats – a Perry nomination would guarantee an Obama win.

Romney can't even get the support of his own party. How the heck do you expect him to get "crossover" votes?



In order for the GOP candidate to win he’ll need a lot of Obama voters to vote for him. And that’s not going to happen. They may not bother to vote at all, but they won’t be voting republican. 2012 will be a replay of 1996.

Right now I see a party in disarray. They won 2010 by pulling all stops out on a neat trick. They convinced voters they were going to be the job creators and that the Obama administration was killing medicare.

Well they came into power..and then what?

They tried to kill Obama care. They tried to get a balance budget amendment to the Constitution and they've been sending up bill after bill to try to kill Abortion.

Laughable really..

As opposed to a Party that would destroy the Constitution to Mob Rule. Hint. Mob Rule, is just another form of Tyranny through intimidation.
How many Democrats Voted for McCain in the Primaries? :lol: Good One. :D

Romney can't even get the support of his own party. How the heck do you expect him to get "crossover" votes?


Seriously, I'm just sitting back enjoying the process. I will support whoever gets the nomination. Romney is of those most moderate, so the cross over vote is the least of his worries. I personally don't believe in demonizing Mormonism, so I don't encourage others doing that ether. I am so touched by your concern though. :lol: :D

I think Romney is the strongest candidate in the Republican field..and I also think he's incredibly weak going into the general.

That's a pretty fair assessment.

He's missing something that most politicians have..and that's "likability" and "charisma".

Along with alot of the baggage he's got..I personally think that's his biggest weakness.

People just don't like the guy.
As yours with regard to democrats – a Perry nomination would guarantee an Obama win.


In order for the GOP candidate to win he’ll need a lot of Obama voters to vote for him. And that’s not going to happen. They may not bother to vote at all, but they won’t be voting republican. 2012 will be a replay of 1996.

Right now I see a party in disarray. They won 2010 by pulling all stops out on a neat trick. They convinced voters they were going to be the job creators and that the Obama administration was killing medicare.

Well they came into power..and then what?

They tried to kill Obama care. They tried to get a balance budget amendment to the Constitution and they've been sending up bill after bill to try to kill Abortion.

Laughable really..

As opposed to a Party that would destroy the Constitution to Mob Rule. Hint. Mob Rule, is just another form of Tyranny through intimidation.

What "mob rule"?

Has the Democrats or the President changed the way national elections are held?

That would be Republicans involved in doing that very thing.
Your unfailing instinct to be wrong makes comments like this gladden my heart.

As yours with regard to democrats – a Perry nomination would guarantee an Obama win.

Romney can't even get the support of his own party. How the heck do you expect him to get "crossover" votes?



In order for the GOP candidate to win he’ll need a lot of Obama voters to vote for him. And that’s not going to happen. They may not bother to vote at all, but they won’t be voting republican. 2012 will be a replay of 1996.

Right now I see a party in disarray. They won 2010 by pulling all stops out on a neat trick. They convinced voters they were going to be the job creators and that the Obama administration was killing medicare.

Well they came into power..and then what?

They tried to kill Obama care. They tried to get a balance budget amendment to the Constitution and they've been sending up bill after bill to try to kill Abortion.

Laughable really..

I think the Republicans are going to win everything in 2012.
A staunch conservative is no more likely to win than a far left wing candidate. Because the fact remains that American is a centerist nation. We don't do 'far' on either side.... and, despite being a conservative, I think that's great.

Me too, but I still think it's bullshit the way Obama was portrayed as some deep leftist outsider when it appeared to me, and still does, that he was a centerist also all along.

(of course when we say "centerist" they still have a predominant lean, it's just not extreme).

And a corrolary to my previous post, my problem with Obama is not that he's a leftist or a centrist, but that he's INCOMPETENT!

He couldn't even get a centrist agenda passed when he had an 80 seat majority in the HOuse and a filibuster proof senate. He put the priorities in the wrong places, he's fumbled one operation after another, he squandered his political capital.

So Romney is a sleazy cultist and Obama is an incompetent Boob.

Some choice.

Third Party, anyone?
I don't quite agree. Obama incorrectly thought that the Republicans could be worked with, considering the country's economy was falling off a cliff. He figured, incorrectly again, that the GOP would put country in front of party. Obama, the pragmatist, couldn't believe that the GOP was willing to tank the economy just to get rid of him. Wrong again, they were and still are, at least until the next election. His next big mistake was moving to the right to hopefully have the GOP climb aboard. You see how that worked out. He took the public option off the table when he should have been going for national healthcare, single payer. Let's face it, we'll never tackle the skyrocketing healthcare costs without Medicare for all, and unless we get real and stop paying 50% of an individual's healthcare during his last two years of life, Medicare will bankrupt the nation. I'm a senior and I don't want to be kept alive when my quality of life is in the toilet without the possibility of a light at the end of that long dark, and most often, painful tunnel. Death panels - nonsense. We put our pets out of their misery, yet we let those dearest to us suffer. And for those of you who believe in God and that we are going to a better place, why are you delaying our departure?
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Compare this to Bush/Chaney who had very small margins in Congress, yet got everything passed. Several Republican congressmen lost their seats over the Iraq war - but they stayed with Bush until the end. The discipline and obedience of the Republican party is unmatched. They are much better with strict hierarchies. Obama, on the other hand, could not get Blue Dog democrats to support his agenda. The Left allows too much freedom and dissent in the ranks. They are like the irresponsible parent who allows the spoiled child to talk back. Dick Chaney, on the other hand, does not take shit. If a republican breaks ranks and votes with the democrats, he loses his job. If a democrats breaks ranks, he ends up like Joe Lieberman - in charge of a committee.

This obedience disparity partly stems from the institutional structure of the Republican party. Grover Norquist - backed by insanely deep pockets - is able to force all congressmen to sign a pledge. If they don't sign the pledge, they don't keep their seats. Indeed, business supplies massive funds to primary any congressman who does not play ball. Whereas the Left lacks a well-funded operation to impose its agenda on its party apparatchiks. Why? Because business is not going to fund a party that wants to raise their taxes and tighten regulations (even though they have to fund the dems pretty heavily as a hedge, especially in non-republican electoral cycles like '92 and '08).

Republican agendas have a vast network of think tanks and well funded groups who keep their issues alive when they are not in control of Washington. People can spend their entire life inside movement conservatism, producing data and talking points to feed thousands of media sources. The movement rewards obedient members with well paid careers; they punish dissent through exile. The anti-tax movement does not die when the Republicans lose the presidency. Whereas nobody worked on universal health care after Clinton botched it in '94. When Obama picked it up again in 2008, he defaulted to Bob Dole's & Mitt Romney's plan. If the Liberals had any power at all, they would have had a well-developed, well-funded battle plan. Instead, they stumbled through health care with no clear vision or leadership. (Does anyone know how long the neocons through PNAC were preparing for Iraq? They had intelligence agencies, media, and congress perfectly orchestrated. The Left, on the other hand, is a flaccid mess. They gave up on politics after LBJ > Vietnam. Granted, SDS blew up a few monuments, but they retired to cushy university jobs)

The Left needs another LBJ - someone to play Texas hardball with anybody who does not obey the leader. Obama is not that person.
While you make some good points, you also illustrate the contrast bewteen the democratic (small 'd') Democratic Party, that welcomes many opposing views among themselves . . . big tent, and all that - and the authoritarian Republican Party, which allows for very little dissent and variation among their ranks.

The big tent way may not be as cohesive and effective politically, but is much more representative of the country as a whole than the Republican method of keeping people in line and castigating/punishing people who step out of line, and dogma.
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Right now I see a party in disarray. They won 2010 by pulling all stops out on a neat trick. They convinced voters they were going to be the job creators and that the Obama administration was killing medicare.

Well they came into power..and then what?

They tried to kill Obama care. They tried to get a balance budget amendment to the Constitution and they've been sending up bill after bill to try to kill Abortion.

Laughable really..

As opposed to a Party that would destroy the Constitution to Mob Rule. Hint. Mob Rule, is just another form of Tyranny through intimidation.

What "mob rule"?

Has the Democrats or the President changed the way national elections are held?

That would be Republicans involved in doing that very thing.

Which leave Newt to be the one to wipe the floor with Wonder Bot in Debate. :D :lol:

talk about a Train Wreck. Newt is looking better Everyday as The Punisher. :eek:

God, I just wish He wasn't so smitten by Hillary. :eusa_whistle:
As yours with regard to democrats – a Perry nomination would guarantee an Obama win.


In order for the GOP candidate to win he’ll need a lot of Obama voters to vote for him. And that’s not going to happen. They may not bother to vote at all, but they won’t be voting republican. 2012 will be a replay of 1996.

Right now I see a party in disarray. They won 2010 by pulling all stops out on a neat trick. They convinced voters they were going to be the job creators and that the Obama administration was killing medicare.

Well they came into power..and then what?

They tried to kill Obama care. They tried to get a balance budget amendment to the Constitution and they've been sending up bill after bill to try to kill Abortion.

Laughable really..

I think the Republicans are going to win everything in 2012.
If you believe that, then you believe in American exceptionalism - exceptionally stupid and certainly not paying attention. I was a proud Independent prior to Bush, the W. Then I woke up. Most Independents are simply that because they don't pay attention, at least not until the next election is upon them. Then, in most instances, they are swayed by 30 second sound-bites. Most have no idea how congress functions, consequently they don't realize how a minority party can freeze the government, which is pretyy pathetic even during normal times. Anyone following congress these past 3 years would sooner slit their rists than vote for the Republican pack of scoundrels. If you are middle class and vote Republican you deserve what you get, unfortunately, we get it too.
Sorry to see your man Perry's self induced implosion

You ready to jump off the bandwagon yet? You will be shouting the benefits of Romney in a short time

Has any other candidate in the past fucked up as badly as Perry and won? Is there historical precedent?

At this point 4 years ago McCain's candidacy was declared dead. And he was in worse shape financially than Perry, who is going great guns raising money.
Romney, Perry top GOP fundraising race, but lag behind Obama | TBO.com

That is voting with your wallet, which means a hell of a lot more than polls.

That's a few people giving lots of money.

All of Karl Rove's group's money comes from 3 guys. Is that your idea of democracy?
While you make some good points, you also illustrate the contrast bewteen the democratic (small 'd') Democratic Party, that welcomes many opposing views among themselves . . . big tent, and all that - and the authoritarian Republican Party, which allows for very little dissent and variation among their ranks.

The big tent way may not be as cohesive and effective politically, but is much more representative of the country as a whole than the Republican method of keeping people in line and castigating/punishing people who step out of line, and dogma.

True and well said.

As to Romney being the nominee – which he will be – he’s the fatal flaw in the GOP plan to take back the WH: too much baggage, too many flip-flops, no charisma, the GOP needed a Ronald Reagan and they’ll only get a Romney.
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

Here's the funny thing. Romney's been running for quite some time. McCain, beat Romney for the nomination. Obama beat McCain in the general election.

What makes anything think that Romney's going to do well in the general if he couldn't even beat McCain?

How many Democrats Voted for McCain in the Primaries? :lol: Good One. :D
In the general election? How many? Do you know?

Of course, no Democrats voted for McCain in the Republican primaries, which is the issue discussed.

I can't even say "nice try".
Right now I see a party in disarray. They won 2010 by pulling all stops out on a neat trick. They convinced voters they were going to be the job creators and that the Obama administration was killing medicare.

Well they came into power..and then what?

They tried to kill Obama care. They tried to get a balance budget amendment to the Constitution and they've been sending up bill after bill to try to kill Abortion.

Laughable really..

As opposed to a Party that would destroy the Constitution to Mob Rule. Hint. Mob Rule, is just another form of Tyranny through intimidation.

What "mob rule"?

Has the Democrats or the President changed the way national elections are held?

That would be Republicans involved in doing that very thing.

You Guy's ae inciting something you can very easily lose control of. Just giving you a heads up.Republicans just want Fair Elections, one Legal Person, one Legal Vote. It's not exactly Rocket Science, or the End of The World. You cannot advocate Equal Justice and Equal Outcome at the same time. If you can't support Justice, maybe you should at the least be honest to yourself about it. How's that for Catholic Guilt. ? :eek: :)
Here's the funny thing. Romney's been running for quite some time. McCain, beat Romney for the nomination. Obama beat McCain in the general election.

What makes anything think that Romney's going to do well in the general if he couldn't even beat McCain?

How many Democrats Voted for McCain in the Primaries? :lol: Good One. :D
In the general election? How many? Do you know?

Of course, no Democrats voted for McCain in the Republican primaries, which is the issue discussed.

I can't even say "nice try".

With some states having open prmaries you cant make that claim.

As you said I cant even say nice try!!!

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