When Romney gets the nomination.....

Votes and confidence.
Did you vote for Bush, or Cheney?

While I believe that Biden's experience and influence with his ex-fellow Senators has been a plus for Obama, I really do not see much of Biden trumping Obama in policy. Same with every VP. Cheney is the only one who actually was more powerful than the president, and nobody knew that would be the case in 1999-2000.

Biden talks too much. Cheney was given allot of leeway. The buck did however stop with Bush, there is a distinction.
Well, Bush got the blame for Cheney's fuck-ups.

Bush will go down in history as the president who outed a covert CIA agent, not Cheney.

Bush will go down in history as the president who invaded a country based on cherry picked data and lies, not Cheney.
Not true at all. Many States have Open Primaries. There are even those that change Parties to do that. Rush Limbaugh even had Operation Chaos on the other side, to push Hillary forward. People even move State to State to effect Primaries and General Elections.

Yes, I realize that you and Full-Auto are both Dittoheads, and parrot all of his ridiculous utterings, but his 'operation chaos' was an utter failure because nobody on the Democratic side was going to waste their vote.

Nobody moved to another state in order to cast another vote. Don't be a fucking idiot.

Even Republicans voted to support Hillary in Primaries, Dick Head, that was operation Chaos. People did move to effect Election outcome. You are in denial.
Where's your proof?
Yes, I realize that you and Full-Auto are both Dittoheads, and parrot all of his ridiculous utterings, but his 'operation chaos' was an utter failure because nobody on the Democratic side was going to waste their vote.

Nobody moved to another state in order to cast another vote. Don't be a fucking idiot.

Even Republicans voted to support Hillary in Primaries, Dick Head, that was operation Chaos. People did move to effect Election outcome. You are in denial.

i'm a registered democrat :lol:.
You're also a provable liar.
In the general election? How many? Do you know?

Of course, no Democrats voted for McCain in the Republican primaries, which is the issue discussed.

I can't even say "nice try".

With some states having open prmaries you cant make that claim.

As you said I cant even say nice try!!!
Of course I can. With Obama and Clinton in such a tight race, who was going to throw away their vote in a Republican primary? Especially since Bush shit the bed so badly, it was a foregone conclusion a Democrat was going to win.

It was a tight race however in the end democrats cheat themselves by allowing double votes, then add in super delegates and you cant even call it an election with a straight face.

TRY AGAIN!! There will always be a group of people that vote in other primaries.
With some states having open prmaries you cant make that claim.

As you said I cant even say nice try!!!
Of course I can. With Obama and Clinton in such a tight race, who was going to throw away their vote in a Republican primary? Especially since Bush shit the bed so badly, it was a foregone conclusion a Democrat was going to win.

It was a tight race however in the end democrats cheat themselves by allowing double votes, then add in super delegates and you cant even call it an election with a straight face.

TRY AGAIN!! There will always be a group of people that vote in other primaries.
There were no 'double votes'.

With some states having open prmaries you cant make that claim.

As you said I cant even say nice try!!!
Of course I can. With Obama and Clinton in such a tight race, who was going to throw away their vote in a Republican primary? Especially since Bush shit the bed so badly, it was a foregone conclusion a Democrat was going to win.

It was a tight race however in the end democrats cheat themselves by allowing double votes, then add in super delegates and you cant even call it an election with a straight face.

TRY AGAIN!! There will always be a group of people that vote in other primaries.

Yeah, one has to really love the Super Delegate, Concept. A Control Freaks wettest Dream. :D Who comes up with this stuff? :lol:
Of course I can. With Obama and Clinton in such a tight race, who was going to throw away their vote in a Republican primary? Especially since Bush shit the bed so badly, it was a foregone conclusion a Democrat was going to win.

It was a tight race however in the end democrats cheat themselves by allowing double votes, then add in super delegates and you cant even call it an election with a straight face.

TRY AGAIN!! There will always be a group of people that vote in other primaries.
There were no 'double votes'.



I guess you havent a clue how it works.

I was hoping you had gotten a little smarter since our last encounter, My bad

texas double voting in dem primary - Bing
Of course I can. With Obama and Clinton in such a tight race, who was going to throw away their vote in a Republican primary? Especially since Bush shit the bed so badly, it was a foregone conclusion a Democrat was going to win.

It was a tight race however in the end democrats cheat themselves by allowing double votes, then add in super delegates and you cant even call it an election with a straight face.

TRY AGAIN!! There will always be a group of people that vote in other primaries.
There were no 'double votes'.


God, you are gullible. You even have Van's trolling the Ghetto's paying people to vote, who cares if they vote more than once, or cross County Lines, State Lines. You bottom feed so much, who can even keep track. That is the point, isn't it.
I don't believe you.

Be Specific.
I did. I bolded it.

I even Voted for Jesse Jackson once. I admit, I was duped, I took him at his word. I wish I could take that Vote back. I've Voted for Perot. Nader, I was Anti Reagan in the 80's. I even protested and demonstrated, allot. Shit, I was Left of Jerry Brown up until I started to gain some sense and personal responsibility, Pre Desert Shield. People like Rush did help, yes, indeed. They just made sense, had reason on their side. :D
Perry didn't only do badly in a "few straw polls" but he wrote a book detailing his extreme views, he's said and done things that make people cringe and he did horribly in the debates.

He came in with a commanding lead..but now he's basically a flash in the pan.

And it seems from now on his sole purpose in life is to do harm to the Romney candidacy.

Which is fine by me.

The only person harming a Romney candidacy is Mitt Romney.

Look, guy, nothing in that book is really hurting him with the right. What hurt him was that he fumbled the answer on immigration and Gardisil. Things the left would normally praise him for, but they were happy to join in.

I still think he is going to be the center of all the "not Romney" votes when all is said and done, because he's the only one with enough foundation to do so. The Establishment is going to have to make a decision at that point. Force Romney down our throats, knowing a lot of us will stay home, or give the guy a chance.

They'll fuck it up. Which should probably make you happy, but four more years of the inept idiot isn't going to be so good for the rest of us.
Perry didn't only do badly in a "few straw polls" but he wrote a book detailing his extreme views, he's said and done things that make people cringe and he did horribly in the debates.

He came in with a commanding lead..but now he's basically a flash in the pan.

And it seems from now on his sole purpose in life is to do harm to the Romney candidacy.

Which is fine by me.

The only person harming a Romney candidacy is Mitt Romney.

Look, guy, nothing in that book is really hurting him with the right. What hurt him was that he fumbled the answer on immigration and Gardisil. Things the left would normally praise him for, but they were happy to join in.

I still think he is going to be the center of all the "not Romney" votes when all is said and done, because he's the only one with enough foundation to do so. The Establishment is going to have to make a decision at that point. Force Romney down our throats, knowing a lot of us will stay home, or give the guy a chance.

They'll fuck it up. Which should probably make you happy, but four more years of the inept idiot isn't going to be so good for the rest of us.

Bush isn't running.
You know what, I did pretty good under Bush. My 401K was flush and growing, I was able to buy a house, I was making 20% more than I make now.

Obama has messed everything up. If the Republicans weren't going to do the incredibly stupid thing of nominating Romney, he'd be toast now.
Your unfailing instinct to be wrong makes comments like this gladden my heart.

As yours with regard to democrats – a Perry nomination would guarantee an Obama win.

Romney can't even get the support of his own party. How the heck do you expect him to get "crossover" votes?



In order for the GOP candidate to win he’ll need a lot of Obama voters to vote for him. And that’s not going to happen. They may not bother to vote at all, but they won’t be voting republican. 2012 will be a replay of 1996.

Nothing short of martial law will guarantee an Obama win.
There are very few Obama voters. There are tons of ex-Obama voters.

2012 will be a replay. It will be a replay of 1980--ineffective inexperienced incumbent with a terrible economy facing a resurgent GOP with real answers.
The electoral college map pretty much says it all. Obama is toast. So is the Democratic majority in the Senate.
Nothing short of martial law will guarantee an Obama win.
There are very few Obama voters. There are tons of ex-Obama voters.

2012 will be a replay. It will be a replay of 1980--ineffective inexperienced incumbent with a terrible economy facing a resurgent GOP with real answers.
The electoral college map pretty much says it all. Obama is toast. So is the Democratic majority in the Senate.

I haven't talked to an Ex-Obama voter yet. Everyone I know who voted for him in 2008 plans to do so again in 2012. And I know a few McCain voters who have problems with the current selection of GOP hopefuls.

And if you want to use 1980 as an example, it's a poor one. Reagan only got 50.8% of the vote despite all of Carters problems. What people forget is that Carter did so badly because John Anderson siphoned away so many liberal votes from him. Carter was also hamstrung because a large chunk of his party would have rather had Ted Kennedy. There's no sign that any internal party challenger is going to face Obama, so he's got smooth sailing while the GOP pack pick each other apart.

And he raised three times as much as Romney and Perry combined.

Now, that said, I think that the GOP can retake the Senate, regardless of who wins the presidency. There are too many open or vulnerable Democratic seats, and not enough Republicans up in this cycle because 2000 and 2006 were so bad for them.
Nothing short of martial law will guarantee an Obama win.
There are very few Obama voters. There are tons of ex-Obama voters.

2012 will be a replay. It will be a replay of 1980--ineffective inexperienced incumbent with a terrible economy facing a resurgent GOP with real answers.
The electoral college map pretty much says it all. Obama is toast. So is the Democratic majority in the Senate.

I haven't talked to an Ex-Obama voter yet. Everyone I know who voted for him in 2008 plans to do so again in 2012. And I know a few McCain voters who have problems with the current selection of GOP hopefuls.

And if you want to use 1980 as an example, it's a poor one. Reagan only got 50.8% of the vote despite all of Carters problems. What people forget is that Carter did so badly because John Anderson siphoned away so many liberal votes from him. Carter was also hamstrung because a large chunk of his party would have rather had Ted Kennedy. There's no sign that any internal party challenger is going to face Obama, so he's got smooth sailing while the GOP pack pick each other apart.

And he raised three times as much as Romney and Perry combined.

Now, that said, I think that the GOP can retake the Senate, regardless of who wins the presidency. There are too many open or vulnerable Democratic seats, and not enough Republicans up in this cycle because 2000 and 2006 were so bad for them.

Reagan "only" got 51% of the vote?
This map would work for me. Anyone want to claim the race was close now?
Guy, because we have this clinically retarded system called the electoral college in place is nothing to brag about.

If Anderson hadn't been there, and if the hostages had been released, that map would be the opposite colors. Most of the states were pretty damned close, and I worked as a Reagan volunteer in 1980.
You know what, I did pretty good under Bush. My 401K was flush and growing, I was able to buy a house, I was making 20% more than I make now.

Obama has messed everything up. If the Republicans weren't going to do the incredibly stupid thing of nominating Romney, he'd be toast now.

Well I didn't. My 401K lost 50K. The company I worked for went public. My wages stagnated. My city got attacked by terrorists and we lost 3000 people.

Glad you did well.

But Bush was a fucking big time failure for NYC.
Well I didn't. My 401K lost 50K. The company I worked for went public. My wages stagnated. My city got attacked by terrorists and we lost 3000 people.

Glad you did well.

But Bush was a fucking big time failure for NYC.

And how were any of those things Bush's fault? We had a recession coming before Bush got there, and we recovered from it. I took hits after 9-11, too. But I was back better than I was before by 2003. On the other hand, I've just muddled along since 2008, and we have another recession rising on the horizon.

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