When Romney gets the nomination.....

As long as your cult keeps trying to take over my country, it's a valid target for ridicule...

Take over the country ?

I think you are the bigger target.

To bad you can't stay with the subject at hand.

Oh, please guy... I've obviously got your magic underwear in a knot...

And please learn the difference between "to" and "too". This is like third grade stuff. You've made this mistake a bunch of times, so it makes me think you don't know the difference.
Oh, please guy... I've obviously got your magic underwear in a knot...

And please learn the difference between "to" and "too". This is like third grade stuff. You've made this mistake a bunch of times, so it makes me think you don't know the difference.


And grammar and spelling seem to be what you focus on when you can't make a point.

You accuse the mormon church of wanting to take over the country. I am really looking forward to the doctrinal teachings and historical information you will bring forward to suppor that claim.

People on this board seem to be on to your bitterness. Why not try to show them wrong ?

Present some facts.
Oh, please guy... I've obviously got your magic underwear in a knot...

And please learn the difference between "to" and "too". This is like third grade stuff. You've made this mistake a bunch of times, so it makes me think you don't know the difference.


And grammar and spelling seem to be what you focus on when you can't make a point.

You accuse the mormon church of wanting to take over the country. I am really looking forward to the doctrinal teachings and historical information you will bring forward to suppor that claim.

People on this board seem to be on to your bitterness. Why not try to show them wrong ?

Present some facts.

Guy, the last time I did, you dodged the question. Let's try it again.

Do you really think you are going to rule over a world full of spirit children when you die?

You didn't answer that question. You dodged it. Probably because the answer is "yes" and it sounds, well, crazy to most normal people. Even one who beleive in sky pixies of some sort.

As for what the Church does, the fact is, from when Joseph Smith to Prop 8, you've been trying to slime your way into policy discussions that really have nothing to do with you.

Prop 8 was a great example. Even those LDS only make up 2% of the population of California, 70% of the Pro- 8 funds came from Mormons, most outside the state.

If you aren't trying to impose your will on people, why are you so afraid if non-Mormons get married to someone of the same sex?

(My attitude on Same-Sex marriage. Let them! Why should only the straights have to suffer?)
No, actually, he really was. Nice try, tho...
He campaigned as one. Is that what you meant?

And governered as one...

Which is why he is still loved today.

Did he make comprimises? Yup. They all do.

But did he stand up for his principles and change the conversation? Yup, he did that, too.
One of his principles was amnesty for illegals? Raising taxes almost every year of his presidency? Cutting and running from Beirut?
One of his principles was amnesty for illegals? Raising taxes almost every year of his presidency? Cutting and running from Beirut?

Those were the best three you could come up with? Seriously?

Besides the fact Reagan cut taxes and spending for most of his presidency, let's look at your two other dubious claims.

We didn't cut and run from Beruit. We were in Beruit under a very specific mandate from the Uninted Nations, to support the government of Amine Geymal. That government effectively collapsed, as did the Lebanese military we were there to support. It was kind of amusing, that the Lebanon operation was exactly the kind of surrender of our soveriegnty that you libs say we should do with the UN, and it turned out pretty disasterously.

Now, for the illegals. Here's the thing, it made very few of them actually eligable, and it imposed very strict rules on hiring and put the onus of verification on employers. The thing was, it wasn't enforced and still isn't being enforced, and that's the problem.
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

Romney will not win the nomination...

Paul or Cain will win the nomination...

Both have backgrounds that make Obama look like a simpleton.. Obama has a law degree from Harvard but never practiced law... He's not even eligible to practice law.

Herman Cain has an economics degree and has been a successful CEO of many companies.

Ron Paul is a practicing medical doctor with a consistent 30-year voting record who is the most honest individual in congress.

Romney wont bet either of these guys either.
The problem with Romney is that hes the "same old" republican bullshit hack..

You wont get change - the change we need with Romney..

I have faith both Cain and Paul will certainly do something..
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

Romney will not win the nomination...

Paul or Cain will win the nomination...

Both have backgrounds that make Obama look like a simpleton.. Obama has a law degree from Harvard but never practiced law... He's not even eligible to practice law.

Herman Cain has an economics degree and has been a successful CEO of many companies.

Ron Paul is a practicing medical doctor with a consistent 30-year voting record who is the most honest individual in congress.

Romney wont bet either of these guys either.

Romney will easily walk into the nomination. Perry looked like a legitimate threat but has proven to be inept

Cain is a momentary anti-Romney but has no national presence and is a one trick pony with his 999
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

Romney will not win the nomination...

Paul or Cain will win the nomination...

Both have backgrounds that make Obama look like a simpleton.. Obama has a law degree from Harvard but never practiced law... He's not even eligible to practice law.

Herman Cain has an economics degree and has been a successful CEO of many companies.

Ron Paul is a practicing medical doctor with a consistent 30-year voting record who is the most honest individual in congress.

Romney wont bet either of these guys either.

Romney will easily walk into the nomination. Perry looked like a legitimate threat but has proven to be inept

Cain is a momentary anti-Romney but has no national presence and is a one trick pony with his 999

It is pretty funny when a liberal Democratic insists on telling the GOP who they have to select.

The criticism of Cain from leftwinger is sooooo sincere and factual in nature.

Romney will not win the nomination...

Paul or Cain will win the nomination...

Both have backgrounds that make Obama look like a simpleton.. Obama has a law degree from Harvard but never practiced law... He's not even eligible to practice law.

Herman Cain has an economics degree and has been a successful CEO of many companies.

Ron Paul is a practicing medical doctor with a consistent 30-year voting record who is the most honest individual in congress.

Romney wont bet either of these guys either.

Romney will easily walk into the nomination. Perry looked like a legitimate threat but has proven to be inept

Cain is a momentary anti-Romney but has no national presence and is a one trick pony with his 999

It is pretty funny when a liberal Democratic insists on telling the GOP who they have to select.

The criticism of Cain from leftwinger is sooooo sincere and factual in nature.

I've been telling you for over a year that Romney is your only legitimate candidate and you have been replying that it is too early to tell and we need to wait till all the Republicans have declared

Well, guess what?

All the Republicans have declared and Romney is your only legitimate candidate
I kind of wonder where you get off telling a party you don't belong to who is "legitimate".

I think Perry's 11 years as governor of Texas (the second biggest state in the union) trumps Romney four years as governor of Massachusetts.

Oh, that's right. He didn't sound great in the debate. That's important, because apparently, that's all presidents do is debate... Oh, wait. they don't. Almost never.

Right now, the right is having a fling with Cain, because Cain isn't scripted. But he doesn't have the money or organization to go the distance, so those people will drift back to Perry, who has a much better chance of beating Obama than Romney does.
I kind of wonder where you get off telling a party you don't belong to who is "legitimate".

I think Perry's 11 years as governor of Texas (the second biggest state in the union) trumps Romney four years as governor of Massachusetts.

Oh, that's right. He didn't sound great in the debate. That's important, because apparently, that's all presidents do is debate... Oh, wait. they don't. Almost never.

Right now, the right is having a fling with Cain, because Cain isn't scripted. But he doesn't have the money or organization to go the distance, so those people will drift back to Perry, who has a much better chance of beating Obama than Romney does.

Perry has impressive credentials which resulted in an initial lead of over 12% over Romney. Looked like a landslide.

However, initial impressions are fleeting. Since he has been thrust in the national spotlight, he has floundered. He has proven to be inept and unprepared in his public appearances and his rightwing support has abandoned him for Cain
I kind of wonder where you get off telling a party you don't belong to who is "legitimate".

I think Perry's 11 years as governor of Texas (the second biggest state in the union) trumps Romney four years as governor of Massachusetts.

Oh, that's right. He didn't sound great in the debate. That's important, because apparently, that's all presidents do is debate... Oh, wait. they don't. Almost never.

Right now, the right is having a fling with Cain, because Cain isn't scripted. But he doesn't have the money or organization to go the distance, so those people will drift back to Perry, who has a much better chance of beating Obama than Romney does.

Perry has impressive credentials which resulted in an initial lead of over 12% over Romney. Looked like a landslide.

However, initial impressions are fleeting. Since he has been thrust in the national spotlight, he has floundered. He has proven to be inept and unprepared in his public appearances and his rightwing support has abandoned him for Cain

again, at this point in 2007, Hillary and Rudy were way in the lead in their respective parties. Obama was in third place behind Edwards and Hillary, and McCain was in fifth place behind Guiliani, Thompson, Huckabee and Romney. It's a process that really needs to play out.
and last you had McCain...
Before him Bush...

I think it's pretty telling that we'll never elect a "staunch" Conservative. :razz:

When Romney wins the nomination to represent his party for the Presidential election the rest will reluctantly SCRAMBLE to fall in line feigning staunch support. Many of them will be proverbially holding their noses and pulling the lever. Many, however, will be true to their word and belief and simply not vote.

However, it will be a day late and a dollar short for the RepubliCON$. And if they are stupid enough to elect any of those other fools currently running, it's an instant lose for them in the general. A landslide I say. A total washout.

Heads...we win. Tails...we win.

The RepubliCON$ are toast. TOAST I say! :lol: :lol: :lol:
He couldn't even get a centrist agenda passed when he had an 80 seat majority in the HOuse and a filibuster proof senate.

Compare this to Bush/Chaney who had very small margins in Congress, yet got everything passed. Several Republican congressmen lost their seats over the Iraq war - but they stayed with Bush until the end. The discipline and obedience of the Republican party is unmatched. They are much better with strict hierarchies. Obama, on the other hand, could not get Blue Dog democrats to support his agenda. The Left allows too much freedom and dissent in the ranks. They are like the irresponsible parent who allows the spoiled child to talk back. Dick Chaney, on the other hand, does not take shit. If a republican breaks ranks and votes with the democrats, he loses his job. If a democrats breaks ranks, he ends up like Joe Lieberman - in charge of a committee.

This obedience disparity partly stems from the institutional structure of the Republican party. Grover Norquist - backed by insanely deep pockets - is able to force all congressmen to sign a pledge. If they don't sign the pledge, they don't keep their seats. Indeed, business supplies massive funds to primary any congressman who does not play ball. Whereas the Left lacks a well-funded operation to impose its agenda on its party apparatchiks. Why? Because business is not going to fund a party that wants to raise their taxes and tighten regulations (even though they have to fund the dems pretty heavily as a hedge, especially in non-republican electoral cycles like '92 and '08).

Republican agendas have a vast network of think tanks and well funded groups who keep their issues alive when they are not in control of Washington. People can spend their entire life inside movement conservatism, producing data and talking points to feed thousands of media sources. The movement rewards obedient members with well paid careers; they punish dissent through exile. The anti-tax movement does not die when the Republicans lose the presidency. Whereas nobody worked on universal health care after Clinton botched it in '94. When Obama picked it up again in 2008, he defaulted to Bob Dole's & Mitt Romney's plan. If the Liberals had any power at all, they would have had a well-developed, well-funded battle plan. Instead, they stumbled through health care with no clear vision or leadership. (Does anyone know how long the neocons through PNAC were preparing for Iraq? They had intelligence agencies, media, and congress perfectly orchestrated. The Left, on the other hand, is a flaccid mess. They gave up on politics after LBJ > Vietnam. Granted, SDS blew up a few monuments, but they retired to cushy university jobs)

The Left needs another LBJ - someone to play Texas hardball with anybody who does not obey the leader. Obama is not that person.
Last edited:
Romney will not win the nomination...

Paul or Cain will win the nomination...

Both have backgrounds that make Obama look like a simpleton.. Obama has a law degree from Harvard but never practiced law... He's not even eligible to practice law.

Herman Cain has an economics degree and has been a successful CEO of many companies.

Ron Paul is a practicing medical doctor with a consistent 30-year voting record who is the most honest individual in congress.

Romney wont bet either of these guys either.

Romney will easily walk into the nomination. Perry looked like a legitimate threat but has proven to be inept

Cain is a momentary anti-Romney but has no national presence and is a one trick pony with his 999

It is pretty funny when a liberal Democratic insists on telling the GOP who they have to select.

The criticism of Cain from leftwinger is sooooo sincere and factual in nature.

His 999 would put a lot of businesses out of business. He has no deductions in his plan.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siz40idkKh8]Lawrence O'Donnell destroys Hermann Cain's 999 Plan - YouTube[/ame]

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