When should things open up?

The whole thing is complete bullshit. It never was a "pandemic". It was a distraction because every other means to take Trump down failed. The entire journalist industry should be held criminally liable for creating a panic with malicious intent.
So it WASN'T created in a lab by the Chinese to bring us down? I wish the deniers would decide on one story and stick to it.
What are the "deniers" denying?
That there's an actual problem, usually. But then there are those who blame it on China. So which is it, a fabricated crisis by the MSM and Dems or a disease manufactured in a Chinese lab? For me I'll go with option C, experts saying that it's a dangerous disease for which we have no vaccine and treatments that are still being developed. I'm afraid I can't take it on the word of some that we can reopen and everything will be OK.
No one is denying that, you fucking moron. What they object to is the theory that this "shut down" is an effective means to combat the problem. Fauci has even admitted that the same number or people will become infected, shutdown or no shutdown. The shutdown is worse than the disease.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

When the science and disease data tells us.

Picking a date is not data driven.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

When the science and disease data tells us.

Picking a date is not data driven.
The science the data and these models have been off quite a lot so I don't think that is the best way to decide. For some businesses there is going to be a point of no return when they can no longer stay in business and close down for good. A lot of people don't seem to get this or just don't care they seem to want a time where everything will be perfect and there will be no risk the problem is that time will never come.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

Probably when you've seen a month of declining cases diagnosed, hospitalizations, and deaths. Then, you've probably flattened your curve and can take steps to re-open with social distancing guidelines and mandatory masks for everyone.
Seems sensible.
What science supports that plan?

Not putting forth any science. It may be longer than that. I heard several governors today talking about needing a one month decline in cases along with greatly expanded testing before you could even think about opening up again. The masks are already mandatory in several states and my guess is that they will be across the US shortly.

Meanwhile hospitals are going broke because they are empty. They are saving all the space for covid patients who are not arriving. People aren't going in for other routine procedures they need and there is going to end up being a cost for that in lives as well.
Health experts are proficient in their field, but at some point you have to determine how much control of the U.S. economy you are going to give them. At some point we need to go back, with continued precautions, or there will be nothing left to go back to.
So yes, thinking and planning to go back to work IS important to do now, because it needs to be done in a systematic way. It needs to be figured out Now, not figured out when the doctors give the ok. It will be too late then.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

When the science and disease data tells us.

Picking a date is not data driven.
The science the data and these models have been off quite a lot so I don't think that is the best way to decide. For some businesses there is going to be a point of no return when they can no longer stay in business and close down for good. A lot of people don't seem to get this or just don't care they seem to want a time where everything will be perfect and there will be no risk the problem is that time will never come.
The science is not perfect. If you’re waiting for a Time when it is, that time will never come. Even the seasonal flu vaccine gets it wrong.

So you just want to pick a date and hope for the best? Ok. Is May 1 better than April 24 or May 8?

At some point the businesses have to decide to go out of business due to not reopening or go out of business by being shut down by the health department.

If you want to make it May 1 or April 25 orMay 8 just ‘cuz...ok. That is the best for the economies. Is that the paramount concern? I disagree that it should be. Competing interests.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

Probably when you've seen a month of declining cases diagnosed, hospitalizations, and deaths. Then, you've probably flattened your curve and can take steps to re-open with social distancing guidelines and mandatory masks for everyone.
Seems sensible.
What science supports that plan?

Not putting forth any science. It may be longer than that. I heard several governors today talking about needing a one month decline in cases along with greatly expanded testing before you could even think about opening up again. The masks are already mandatory in several states and my guess is that they will be across the US shortly.

Meanwhile hospitals are going broke because they are empty. They are saving all the space for covid patients who are not arriving. People aren't going in for other routine procedures they need and there is going to end up being a cost for that in lives as well.
Health experts are proficient in their field, but at some point you have to determine how much control of the U.S. economy you are going to give them. At some point we need to go back, with continued precautions, or there will be nothing left to go back to.
So yes, thinking and planning to go back to work IS important to do now, because it needs to be done in a systematic way. It needs to be figured out Now, not figured out when the doctors give the ok. It will be too late then.

Yep.. They are going broke because of no elective surgeries. Believe it or not, I'm actually in agreement with you here. If the proper precautions for COVID-19 are in place and there isn't an overwhelming of resources, I'm not sure why these can't continue. I was floored the other night when CNN featured a local hospital in northeastern Missouri that my former company had done business with about 7 years ago. I feel bad for these hospitals that function on a razor's edge of a margin.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.
Answer: NOW!!
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

When the science and disease data tells us.

Picking a date is not data driven.
The science the data and these models have been off quite a lot so I don't think that is the best way to decide. For some businesses there is going to be a point of no return when they can no longer stay in business and close down for good. A lot of people don't seem to get this or just don't care they seem to want a time where everything will be perfect and there will be no risk the problem is that time will never come.
The science is not perfect. If you’re waiting for a Time when it is, that time will never come. Even the seasonal flu vaccine gets it wrong.

So you just want to pick a date and hope for the best? Ok. Is May 1 better than April 24 or May 8?

At some point the businesses have to decide to go out of business due to not reopening or go out of business by being shut down by the health department.

If you want to make it May 1 or April 25 orMay 8 just ‘cuz...ok. That is the best for the economies. Is that the paramount concern? I disagree that it should be. Competing interests.
So when a business goes under and their employees are out of work and have no income and can't find another job because things are still shut down or other businessess are suffering the same fate as their old employer is a positive? It is truly amazing how some seem to think mass unemployment and businssess going under is no big deal and causes no harm. I guess the idea is the government will support them never mind the fact the government gets it's money from the taxpayers and if people aren't working they aren't paying taxes.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

When the science and disease data tells us.

Picking a date is not data driven.
The science the data and these models have been off quite a lot so I don't think that is the best way to decide. For some businesses there is going to be a point of no return when they can no longer stay in business and close down for good. A lot of people don't seem to get this or just don't care they seem to want a time where everything will be perfect and there will be no risk the problem is that time will never come.
The science is not perfect. If you’re waiting for a Time when it is, that time will never come. Even the seasonal flu vaccine gets it wrong.

So you just want to pick a date and hope for the best? Ok. Is May 1 better than April 24 or May 8?

At some point the businesses have to decide to go out of business due to not reopening or go out of business by being shut down by the health department.

If you want to make it May 1 or April 25 orMay 8 just ‘cuz...ok. That is the best for the economies. Is that the paramount concern? I disagree that it should be. Competing interests.
So when a business goes under and their employees are out of work and have no income and can't find another job because things are still shut down or other businessess are suffering the same fate as their old employer is a positive? It is truly amazing how some seem to think mass unemployment and businssess going under is no big deal and causes no harm. I guess the idea is the government will support them never mind the fact the government gets it's money from the taxpayers and if people aren't working they aren't paying taxes.

The economy is important but so is health.

competing interests

picking a date may be the best idea. It may not. I don’t think it is.
Nothing will be perfect no mater what we do, but if we don't start compromising & working together towards a solution things will stay a mess. this making a virus a political football is killing people.
You said it!
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

When the science and disease data tells us.

Picking a date is not data driven.
The science the data and these models have been off quite a lot so I don't think that is the best way to decide. For some businesses there is going to be a point of no return when they can no longer stay in business and close down for good. A lot of people don't seem to get this or just don't care they seem to want a time where everything will be perfect and there will be no risk the problem is that time will never come.
The science is not perfect. If you’re waiting for a Time when it is, that time will never come. Even the seasonal flu vaccine gets it wrong.

So you just want to pick a date and hope for the best? Ok. Is May 1 better than April 24 or May 8?

At some point the businesses have to decide to go out of business due to not reopening or go out of business by being shut down by the health department.

If you want to make it May 1 or April 25 orMay 8 just ‘cuz...ok. That is the best for the economies. Is that the paramount concern? I disagree that it should be. Competing interests.
So when a business goes under and their employees are out of work and have no income and can't find another job because things are still shut down or other businessess are suffering the same fate as their old employer is a positive? It is truly amazing how some seem to think mass unemployment and businssess going under is no big deal and causes no harm. I guess the idea is the government will support them never mind the fact the government gets it's money from the taxpayers and if people aren't working they aren't paying taxes.

The economy is important but so is health.

competing interests

picking a date may be the best idea. It may not. I don’t think it is.
Yes they are both important which is why this shouldn’t an either or thing but something that takes steps to start the economy back to some degree while taking steps to keep people safe.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.
Nuke NYC and reopen America.
Get all the hot chics out first please
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

When the science and disease data tells us.

Picking a date is not data driven.
The science the data and these models have been off quite a lot so I don't think that is the best way to decide. For some businesses there is going to be a point of no return when they can no longer stay in business and close down for good. A lot of people don't seem to get this or just don't care they seem to want a time where everything will be perfect and there will be no risk the problem is that time will never come.
The science is not perfect. If you’re waiting for a Time when it is, that time will never come. Even the seasonal flu vaccine gets it wrong.

So you just want to pick a date and hope for the best? Ok. Is May 1 better than April 24 or May 8?

At some point the businesses have to decide to go out of business due to not reopening or go out of business by being shut down by the health department.

If you want to make it May 1 or April 25 orMay 8 just ‘cuz...ok. That is the best for the economies. Is that the paramount concern? I disagree that it should be. Competing interests.
So when a business goes under and their employees are out of work and have no income and can't find another job because things are still shut down or other businessess are suffering the same fate as their old employer is a positive? It is truly amazing how some seem to think mass unemployment and businssess going under is no big deal and causes no harm. I guess the idea is the government will support them never mind the fact the government gets it's money from the taxpayers and if people aren't working they aren't paying taxes.

The economy is important but so is health.

competing interests

picking a date may be the best idea. It may not. I don’t think it is.
Yes they are both important which is why this shouldn’t an either or thing but something that takes steps to start the economy back to some degree while taking steps to keep people safe.

Fair enough
The whole thing is complete bullshit. It never was a "pandemic". It was a distraction because every other means to take Trump down failed.

The entire journalist industry should be held criminally liable for creating a panic with malicious intent.

The entire Trump Administration should be held criminally liable for negligence causing death.

Trump had one job: Keep the American people safe. And he blew it completely.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.
Nuke NYC and reopen America.
Yes, yes, yes.
The whole thing is complete bullshit. It never was a "pandemic". It was a distraction because every other means to take Trump down failed.

The entire journalist industry should be held criminally liable for creating a panic with malicious intent.

The entire Trump Administration should be held criminally liable for negligence causing death.

Trump had one job: Keep the American people safe. And he blew it completely.
Oh how tedious.......How about this? Pelosi and the entire DNC should be held criminally liable for negligence causing death. They encouraged partying in Chinatown and impeded the President with their fake impeachment. Who knows how many thousands they killed?

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