When should things open up?

There should never have been a lockdown in the first place. At least not the way it was done, quarantining everyone.

But IMO the better question to ask is, will we ever go back to "normal" and if not, what direction is this world heading in? There seems to be almost no interest in that topic on this site, people are only interested in regurgitating mainstream hype and propaganda. And neverending hyperpartisan bickering. Very few are digging deeper and looking into all the interesting angles of this whole thing, or the bigger picture.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.
Nuke NYC and reopen America.
Yes, yes, yes.
Build a wall around NYC....Not to keep people out but to keep them in. They are obviously all infected.
There should never have been a lockdown in the first place. At least not the way it was done, quarantining everyone.

But IMO the better question to ask is, will we ever go back to "normal" and if not, what direction is this world heading in? There seems to be almost no interest in that topic on this site, people are only interested in regurgitating mainstream hype and propaganda. Or hyperpartisan mudslinging. Very few are digging deeper and looking into all the interesting angles of this whole thing, or the bigger picture.

One interesting angle, where I live, I have noticed that most people wearing masks are women and they are the ones hoarding.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

Hate to tell you blackhawk, but even in parts of the same state conditions are different from others. I'm in Amarillo TX, and right now would be a bad time to open up. Why? Because we started to show cases in the Panhandle, and now they are still spiking upwards. We haven't flattened the curve up here yet, we're just getting started.

And, I've got a hunch that cases are going to continue to rise for another couple of weeks. Why? Because I see people on a regular basis who either (a) aren't wearing masks, (b) ignoring social distancing guidelines, or (c) a combination of both.

I think opening up Amarillo for business would be a bad idea right now.

Do you have any notion whatsoever of how small this critter is and how ineffective a silly mask is in preventing infection?
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

When the science and disease data tells us.

Picking a date is not data driven.
If it's not data driven, then do it tomorrow.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

When the science and disease data tells us.

Picking a date is not data driven.
The science already has but too many people are stupid and are eagerly bending over for clouds of smoke to be pumped up their asses.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

When the science and disease data tells us.

Picking a date is not data driven.

Science and disease data do not tell us anything on their own. They are interpreted by humans which are falable... and scientific models have all ready been way off.

The disease data , is Part of the entire equation. There is also evidence to suggest that staying cooped up indoors and eating too much is not healthy and can bring down the IMMUNE system.
SO you may gain on one hand and lose on the other. Also the scientific data is only looking at covid. Who is running the scientific model right now on all the other health problems developing, both mentally and physically? for so many reasons related to the shutdown.
Areas where people have not been getting sick can probably be opened first
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

When the science and disease data tells us.

Picking a date is not data driven.

Science and disease data do not tell us anything on their own. They are interpreted by humans which are falable... and scientific models have all ready been way off.

The disease data , is Part of the entire equation. There is also evidence to suggest that staying cooped up indoors and eating too much is not healthy and can bring down the IMMUNE system.
SO you may gain on one hand and lose on the other. Also the scientific data is only looking at covid. Who is running the scientific model right now on all the other health problems developing, both mentally and physically? for so many reasons related to the shutdown.
Areas where people have not been getting sick can probably be opened first
Such things are not contagious
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

When the science and disease data tells us.

Picking a date is not data driven.

Science and disease data do not tell us anything on their own. They are interpreted by humans which are falable... and scientific models have all ready been way off.

The disease data , is Part of the entire equation. There is also evidence to suggest that staying cooped up indoors and eating too much is not healthy and can bring down the IMMUNE system.
SO you may gain on one hand and lose on the other. Also the scientific data is only looking at covid. Who is running the scientific model right now on all the other health problems developing, both mentally and physically? for so many reasons related to the shutdown.
Areas where people have not been getting sick can probably be opened first
Such things are not contagious

Yet such things also kill in large numbers, if not immediately then from the effects later, when we are talking about millions of people being affected. MORE people are being affected by the shutdown than are actually being adversely affected by the virus.
Plus there is no scientific evidence that lock downs really work.. despite what model you are using.
take a look at Sweden, according to the models they should have been hurt the worse. So much of what is going on is still just peoples' opinion. In a case like NYC however, they have a dense population, so we can use common sense from region to region and not necessarily have to break this country into pieces.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

When the science and disease data tells us.

Picking a date is not data driven.

Science and disease data do not tell us anything on their own. They are interpreted by humans which are falable... and scientific models have all ready been way off.

The disease data , is Part of the entire equation. There is also evidence to suggest that staying cooped up indoors and eating too much is not healthy and can bring down the IMMUNE system.
SO you may gain on one hand and lose on the other. Also the scientific data is only looking at covid. Who is running the scientific model right now on all the other health problems developing, both mentally and physically? for so many reasons related to the shutdown.
Areas where people have not been getting sick can probably be opened first
Such things are not contagious

Yet such things also kill in large numbers, if not immediately then from the effects later, when we are talking about millions of people being affected. MORE people are being affected by the shutdown than are actually being adversely affected by the virus.
Plus there is no scientific evidence that lock downs really work.. despite what model you are using.
take a look at Sweden, according to the models they should have been hurt the worse. So much of what is going on is still just peoples' opinion. In a case like NYC however, they have a dense population, so we can use common sense from region to region and not necessarily have to break this country into pieces.
Why are the Republicans or Rand Paul, for that matter, going along with this crap?
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

When the science and disease data tells us.

Picking a date is not data driven.

Science and disease data do not tell us anything on their own. They are interpreted by humans which are falable... and scientific models have all ready been way off.

The disease data , is Part of the entire equation. There is also evidence to suggest that staying cooped up indoors and eating too much is not healthy and can bring down the IMMUNE system.
SO you may gain on one hand and lose on the other. Also the scientific data is only looking at covid. Who is running the scientific model right now on all the other health problems developing, both mentally and physically? for so many reasons related to the shutdown.
Areas where people have not been getting sick can probably be opened first
Such things are not contagious

Yet such things also kill in large numbers, if not immediately then from the effects later, when we are talking about millions of people being affected. MORE people are being affected by the shutdown than are actually being adversely affected by the virus.
Plus there is no scientific evidence that lock downs really work.. despite what model you are using.
take a look at Sweden, according to the models they should have been hurt the worse. So much of what is going on is still just peoples' opinion. In a case like NYC however, they have a dense population, so we can use common sense from region to region and not necessarily have to break this country into pieces.

So, to ask the obvious questions your stance brings up:

If you had the virus, you feel that you shouldn't have to self-quarantine or change your interactions with others in any way?

If someone you knew had the virus, you'd have no problems doing things like playing a pick up game of basketball with them, shaking their hands, letting them hold your newborn child?
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

When the science and disease data tells us.

Picking a date is not data driven.

Science and disease data do not tell us anything on their own. They are interpreted by humans which are falable... and scientific models have all ready been way off.

The disease data , is Part of the entire equation. There is also evidence to suggest that staying cooped up indoors and eating too much is not healthy and can bring down the IMMUNE system.
SO you may gain on one hand and lose on the other. Also the scientific data is only looking at covid. Who is running the scientific model right now on all the other health problems developing, both mentally and physically? for so many reasons related to the shutdown.
Areas where people have not been getting sick can probably be opened first
Such things are not contagious

Yet such things also kill in large numbers, if not immediately then from the effects later, when we are talking about millions of people being affected. MORE people are being affected by the shutdown than are actually being adversely affected by the virus.
Plus there is no scientific evidence that lock downs really work.. despite what model you are using.
take a look at Sweden, according to the models they should have been hurt the worse. So much of what is going on is still just peoples' opinion. In a case like NYC however, they have a dense population, so we can use common sense from region to region and not necessarily have to break this country into pieces.

So, to ask the obvious questions your stance brings up:

If you had the virus, you feel that you shouldn't have to self-quarantine or change your interactions with others in any way?

If someone you knew had the virus, you'd have no problems doing things like playing a pick up game of basketball with them, shaking their hands, letting them hold your newborn child?
Lock up folks who have the virus you'd have to lock up everyone who has aids.
We well may mostly all had it but very beningly.
Open up restaurants with spacing and cooks and servers wearing masks. Doesn’t sound scary and if a surge in sickness then adjust.
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We have a governor in Pa. who thinks it's too big a threat to open golf courses. They have a governor in NY who thinks the subway is OK to stay running. Now that's two fucked up positions to take and yet we are supposed to have confidence in these two imbeciles to decide what is safe? I don't think so.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.
It is against our constitution to force separation or staying inside.
Trump says he ‘totally disagrees’ with Georgia Gov. Kemp’s decision to reopen businesses in the middle of coronavirus pandemic


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