When should things open up?

Things should be opening up right now. I'm not talking about another Woodstock even though that would be 100 times better than the NYC subways which have been stupidly spared from this idiotic lock down. This whole thing is really absurd when you think how it is being run by incompetent politicians. WTF are we doing to ourselves? And while we're at it, lets look at the people who are considered experts. To me many of them are more effed up than anyone. Kinda like politicians
Those ancient subway tubes with trains whooshing thru them were the ideal fan like mechanism to blow the virus everywhere.
Yet they remain open while individuals who have no proven ability to harm anyone are supposed to stay home
It’s has nothing to do with health and everything to do with harming Trump and productive Americans.
A lot of people are starting to wake up to that fact.

Shockingly--to me--a lot of people are waking up to that fact even here. I would say this turned in my hometown just in the last week or so. The Karens seem to be in retreat and everyone is getting antsy.

You're losing, Leftists. Again
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

Probably when you've seen a month of declining cases diagnosed, hospitalizations, and deaths. Then, you've probably flattened your curve and can take steps to re-open with social distancing guidelines and mandatory masks for everyone.
Seems sensible.
What science supports that plan?

Not putting forth any science. It may be longer than that. I heard several governors today talking about needing a one month decline in cases along with greatly expanded testing before you could even think about opening up again. The masks are already mandatory in several states and my guess is that they will be across the US shortly.

Meanwhile hospitals are going broke because they are empty. They are saving all the space for covid patients who are not arriving. People aren't going in for other routine procedures they need and there is going to end up being a cost for that in lives as well.
Health experts are proficient in their field, but at some point you have to determine how much control of the U.S. economy you are going to give them. At some point we need to go back, with continued precautions, or there will be nothing left to go back to.
So yes, thinking and planning to go back to work IS important to do now, because it needs to be done in a systematic way. It needs to be figured out Now, not figured out when the doctors give the ok. It will be too late then.

Yep.. They are going broke because of no elective surgeries. Believe it or not, I'm actually in agreement with you here. If the proper precautions for COVID-19 are in place and there isn't an overwhelming of resources, I'm not sure why these can't continue. I was floored the other night when CNN featured a local hospital in northeastern Missouri that my former company had done business with about 7 years ago. I feel bad for these hospitals that function on a razor's edge of a margin.

This is how bad they're losing now.

This liberal here is starting to realize that hospitals are sitting empty because all "elective" surgeries have been canceled. Thus all the moronic Tik Tok health care 'hero' videos.

They're waking up

We're winning--again
There should never have been a lockdown in the first place. At least not the way it was done, quarantining everyone.

But IMO the better question to ask is, will we ever go back to "normal" and if not, what direction is this world heading in? There seems to be almost no interest in that topic on this site, people are only interested in regurgitating mainstream hype and propaganda. And neverending hyperpartisan bickering. Very few are digging deeper and looking into all the interesting angles of this whole thing, or the bigger picture.

There are many posters, almost all of them Leftists, who simply are incapable of thinking any deeper.

If they could think better, they wouldn't be liberals. But they can't. You try to get them to think, it's like talking to a wall. And talking to a wall would be a lot less frustrating.
We should never have closed American economy like we did.
No reason we should have shut everything and everywhere down
We need to reopen America as soon as possible!
You quarantine the sick, you do not quarantine the healthy
When things do open up a good chunk of the population isn't going to quit their lockdowns and will simply do a lot, I mean a lot less shopping. So open things up and let people decide. About half will spend less. Everyone in this situation wins correct?
We should encourage those that are social distancing to keep doing that and not pressure them to go out once things are opened up.
We should encourage those that are social distancing to keep doing that and not pressure them to go out once things are opened up.
Again it should all be left up to the individual and not the Government! The government is not your parents and do not have the right to protect you from yourself.
I believe that the capacity of the health care system will determine when places can open up and to what degree.
The true danger of COVID-19 is the possibility of it overwhelming hospitals and staff.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

Hate to tell you blackhawk, but even in parts of the same state conditions are different from others. I'm in Amarillo TX, and right now would be a bad time to open up. Why? Because we started to show cases in the Panhandle, and now they are still spiking upwards. We haven't flattened the curve up here yet, we're just getting started.

And, I've got a hunch that cases are going to continue to rise for another couple of weeks. Why? Because I see people on a regular basis who either (a) aren't wearing masks, (b) ignoring social distancing guidelines, or (c) a combination of both.

I think opening up Amarillo for business would be a bad idea right now.

Do you have any notion whatsoever of how small this critter is and how ineffective a silly mask is in preventing infection?

Do I have any notion of how small this critter is? Yes, the size of the virus is 0.1 microns.

If you want to make your own mask, google "micron filtration" for whatever material you are going to use. If it is 1 micron or bigger, it won't do much to stop the virus from affecting you. Most cloth has a micron rating of 5 to 15, so it's not a good choice.

Paper towels have a micron rating of 0.3, which is the same as a lot of masks you can currently buy.

Kleenex has a micron rating of 0.1 (same as the virus), plus it has a static charge, meaning that if a virus hits a kleenex, it sticks to it like a magnet.

I make my masks out of paper towels, with a kleenex behind it to catch anything that the paper towel misses.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

When the science and disease data tells us.

Picking a date is not data driven.

Science and disease data do not tell us anything on their own. They are interpreted by humans which are falable... and scientific models have all ready been way off.

The disease data , is Part of the entire equation. There is also evidence to suggest that staying cooped up indoors and eating too much is not healthy and can bring down the IMMUNE system.
SO you may gain on one hand and lose on the other. Also the scientific data is only looking at covid. Who is running the scientific model right now on all the other health problems developing, both mentally and physically? for so many reasons related to the shutdown.
Areas where people have not been getting sick can probably be opened first
Such things are not contagious

Yet such things also kill in large numbers, if not immediately then from the effects later, when we are talking about millions of people being affected. MORE people are being affected by the shutdown than are actually being adversely affected by the virus.
Plus there is no scientific evidence that lock downs really work.. despite what model you are using.
take a look at Sweden, according to the models they should have been hurt the worse. So much of what is going on is still just peoples' opinion. In a case like NYC however, they have a dense population, so we can use common sense from region to region and not necessarily have to break this country into pieces.

So, to ask the obvious questions your stance brings up:

If you had the virus, you feel that you shouldn't have to self-quarantine or change your interactions with others in any way?

If someone you knew had the virus, you'd have no problems doing things like playing a pick up game of basketball with them, shaking their hands, letting them hold your newborn child?

When we go back to work, we still need to social distance, wear masks... yes change the way we interact. We can do both... and you can see we already are. Go to a grocery store to shop and youll see just about everyone is wiping their hands and carts, everyone has to wear a mask or they cant go in the building. And no one will be forced to go back to work if they choose not too. We need to also let people be responsible. From what I see everywhere, they are doing just that.
I am not talking about on a national level or some one size fits all plan I understand the conditions in every state are going to be different. So what I'm curious about is based on the conditions in your state and your observations what do you think would be a good time to start to open things up relax these restrictions to some degree? I'm in Texas my opinion is we could start to do this at the start of May.

When the science and disease data tells us.

Picking a date is not data driven.

Science and disease data do not tell us anything on their own. They are interpreted by humans which are falable... and scientific models have all ready been way off.

The disease data , is Part of the entire equation. There is also evidence to suggest that staying cooped up indoors and eating too much is not healthy and can bring down the IMMUNE system.
SO you may gain on one hand and lose on the other. Also the scientific data is only looking at covid. Who is running the scientific model right now on all the other health problems developing, both mentally and physically? for so many reasons related to the shutdown.
Areas where people have not been getting sick can probably be opened first
Such things are not contagious

Yet such things also kill in large numbers, if not immediately then from the effects later, when we are talking about millions of people being affected. MORE people are being affected by the shutdown than are actually being adversely affected by the virus.
Plus there is no scientific evidence that lock downs really work.. despite what model you are using.
take a look at Sweden, according to the models they should have been hurt the worse. So much of what is going on is still just peoples' opinion. In a case like NYC however, they have a dense population, so we can use common sense from region to region and not necessarily have to break this country into pieces.

So, to ask the obvious questions your stance brings up:

If you had the virus, you feel that you shouldn't have to self-quarantine or change your interactions with others in any way?

If someone you knew had the virus, you'd have no problems doing things like playing a pick up game of basketball with them, shaking their hands, letting them hold your newborn child?

When we go back to work, we still need to social distance, wear masks... yes change the way we interact. We can do both... and you can see we already are. Go to a grocery store to shop and youll see just about everyone is wiping their hands and carts, everyone has to wear a mask or they cant go in the building. And no one will be forced to go back to work if they choose not too. We need to also let people be responsible. From what I see everywhere, they are doing just that.
Not sure about being “forced” to go back to work; nobody is “forced” to go to work now. You can be fired for no reason whatsoever; I’m pretty certain absenteeism is not going to be accepted.
We should never have closed American economy like we did.
No reason we should have shut everything and everywhere down
We need to reopen America as soon as possible!
You quarantine the sick, you do not quarantine the healthy
Herd immunity is the way to go.

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