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When The Constitution Died….

The Constitution was almost murdered by the FDR administration with the cooperation of the criminal conspiracy in the media but the document created by the Founding Fathers is stronger than any administration so far. It seems that the liberal media held their noses when FDR appointed a KKK member to the Supreme Court and Justice Black paid him back by writing the majority opinion that justified the incarceration of American citizens without due process. FDR tried to double down and force Congress to authorize another half dozen liberal hacks appointed to the Court and that was when things started to turn against the administration. The Constitution survived FDR and it remains strong today.

"The Constitution survived FDR and it remains strong today."

If only....

If that were so....
The fateful year was 1937: up until that year the Congress of the United States conducted its business within the boundaries of seventeen enumerated powers granted under Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution; these powers defined clearly the areas within which Congress could enact legislation including the allocation of funds and levying of taxes.

Anything not set down in the enumerated powers was considered outside the purview of the national government and hence, a matter for the states. There were occasional challenges to the concept but it was not until Franklin Roosevelt's new deal that it was attacked in deadly earnestness. The General Welfare Clause

...how to explain this?

Hence....this result of Progressives in power:

"Feds pay researcher to have bee sting his penis
Taxpayers also fund studies of drunk birds songs, femininity of Democrats in Congress"
Feds pay researcher to have bee sting his penis
Feds pay researcher to have bee sting his penis
"Three New Deals: Why the Nazis and Fascists Loved FDR
  • fdr%20mussolini%20hitler.jpg

09/13/2018David Gordon
[Three New Deals: Reflections on Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany, 1933-1939. By Wolfgang Schivelbusch. Metropolitan Books, 2006. 242 pgs.]

Critics of Roosevelt's New Deal often liken it to fascism. Roosevelt's numerous defenders dismiss this charge as reactionary propaganda; but as Wolfgang Schivelbusch makes clear, it is perfectly true. Moreover, it was recognized to be true during the 1930s, by the New Deal's supporters as well as its opponents.

When Roosevelt took office in March 1933, he received from Congress an extraordinary delegation of powers to cope with the Depression."
Three New Deals: Why the Nazis and Fascists Loved FDR | David Gordon
"Three New Deals: Why the Nazis and Fascists Loved FDR
  • fdr%20mussolini%20hitler.jpg

09/13/2018David Gordon
[Three New Deals: Reflections on Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany, 1933-1939. By Wolfgang Schivelbusch. Metropolitan Books, 2006. 242 pgs.]

Critics of Roosevelt's New Deal often liken it to fascism. Roosevelt's numerous defenders dismiss this charge as reactionary propaganda; but as Wolfgang Schivelbusch makes clear, it is perfectly true. Moreover, it was recognized to be true during the 1930s, by the New Deal's supporters as well as its opponents.

When Roosevelt took office in March 1933, he received from Congress an extraordinary delegation of powers to cope with the Depression."
Three New Deals: Why the Nazis and Fascists Loved FDR | David Gordon
FDR called nazi germany a bandit nation.
In order to be pro-fascist, you first need to be anti democracy.
"Three New Deals: Why the Nazis and Fascists Loved FDR
  • fdr%20mussolini%20hitler.jpg

09/13/2018David Gordon
[Three New Deals: Reflections on Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany, 1933-1939. By Wolfgang Schivelbusch. Metropolitan Books, 2006. 242 pgs.]

Critics of Roosevelt's New Deal often liken it to fascism. Roosevelt's numerous defenders dismiss this charge as reactionary propaganda; but as Wolfgang Schivelbusch makes clear, it is perfectly true. Moreover, it was recognized to be true during the 1930s, by the New Deal's supporters as well as its opponents.

When Roosevelt took office in March 1933, he received from Congress an extraordinary delegation of powers to cope with the Depression."
Three New Deals: Why the Nazis and Fascists Loved FDR | David Gordon
FDR called nazi germany a bandit nation.
In order to be pro-fascist, you first need to be anti democracy.

"FDR called nazi germany a bandit nation."

You're back for another lesson?


First of all, FDR was on excellent terms with all three....Hitler, Mussolini, and, of course, his BFF, Stalin.

FDR gave Chamberlain an 'attaboy' for giving in to Hitler.

Now....the Nazis???

  1. The National Socialists hailed these ‘relief measures’ in ways you will recognize:
    1. May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): “Roosevelt’s Dictatorial Recovery Measures.”
    2. And on January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’
    3. And “[Roosevelt], too demands that collective good be put before individual self-interest. Many passages in his book ‘Looking Forward’ could have been written by a National Socialist….one can assume that he feels considerable affinity with the National Socialist philosophy.”
    4. The paper also refers to “…the fictional appearance of democracy.”
  2. In 1938, American ambassador Hugh R. Wilson reported to FDR his conversations with Hitler: “Hitler then said that he had watched with interest the methods which you, Mr. President, have been attempting to adopt for the United States…. I added that you were very much interested in certain phases of the sociological effort, notably for the youth and workmen, which is being made in Germany…” cited in “Franklin D. Roosevelt and Foreign Affairs,” vol.2, p. 27.

. Why would FDR, who had taken an oath to defend the Constitution, tear it asunder? Because he saw the success, the power, of his ‘friends’…the dictators, Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin.
Because Roosevelt wanted nothing more than to swim with the sharks....to be one with the other dictators, not fight them.

It was a terrible decision for Roosevelt to have to choose between Stalin and Hitler....but he did.
" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48

You should stop being fearful of books....really, dunce.
19. In addition to his own hatred of the Constitution, Roosevelt surrounded himself with like-minded Fascists….such as his economics guru Rexford Tugwell.
Tugwell openly despised those who honored the Constitution.

“It is a fact that none of the New Dealers were constitutionalists. Roosevelt's economist, Rexford Tugwell said: Any people who must be governed according to the written codes of an instrument which defines the spheres of individual and group, state and federal actions must expect to suffer from the constant maladjustment of progress. A life' which changes and a constitution for governance which does not must always raise questions which are difficult for solution."
Manly, “The Twenty Year Revolution,” p.63

“Roosevelt never had much use for Hitler, but Mussolini was another matter. "'I don't mind telling you in confidence,' FDR remarked to a White House correspondent, 'that I am keeping in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman'" (p. 31). Rexford Tugwell, a leading adviser to the president, had difficulty containing his enthusiasm for Mussolini's program to modernize Italy: "It's the cleanest … most efficiently operating piece of social machinery I've ever seen. It makes me envious" (Schivelbusch, “Three New Deals,” p. 32, quoting Tugwell).

In July 5, 1935, in a letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill of Washington, the President manifested his contempt for the Constitution. Hill was chairman of the subcommittee studying the Guffey-Vinson bill to regulate the coal industry: the purpose of the legislation was to re-establish, for the coal industry, the NRA code system which the Supreme Court had unanimously declared unconstitutional. Roosevelt wrote: "I hope your committee will not permit doubts as to constitutionality, however reasonable, to block the legislation.”

This was the same Roosevelt who had sworn an oath on his 300 year old family Bible, to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Manly, Op.Cit., p. 65.

Justice James McReynolds, for instance, announcing from the bench in 1935 his dissent from Court decisions upholding President Franklin Roosevelt’s orders taking the federal government off the gold standard, famously uttered extemporaneously a line not found in his written opinion:

“The Constitution, as we have known it, is gone.”

Remarks of Philip B. Perlman, Solicitor General of the United States, at Proceedings in the Supreme Court of the United States in Memory of Mr. Justice McReynolds, 334 U.S. v, x (Mar. 31, 1948).

No, America is no longer under the guidance of the Constitution.
20. To see the abject cowardice of the Justices, note that in invalidating the Guffey-Vinson Coal Act on May 18, 1936, less than a year before Roosevelt attempted to pack the court, Justice Charles Evans Hughes said that federal laws restricting local labor relations provisions were unconstitutional, that "the relations of employer and employee is a local relation" and "the evils are all local evils over which the federal government has no legislative control."

He went on to say "Otherwise in view of the multitude of indirect effects Congress in its discretion could assume control of virtually all of the activities of the people to the subversion of the fundamental principles of the Constitution." And..."... it is not for the court to amend the Constitution by judicial decision."
Manly, Op.Cit., p. 70.

And in a concurring opinion holding (298 U. S. 238) the Bituminous Coal Act of 1935 in conflict with the Constitution, this was said by Chief Justice Hughes:
"If the people desire to give Congress the power to regulate industries within the State, and the relation of employers and employees in those industries, they are at liberty to declare their will in the appropriate manner; but it is not for the Court to amend the Constitution by judicial decision."
Barefoot's World

Sadly, eleven months later, Chief Justice Hughes, spoke for the majority in finding the Wagner Labor Relations Act constitutional. Yes, he said...Congress could regulate labor relations in manufacturing plants.

The irrevocable alteration that Franklin Roosevelt wreaked on this nation, in effect, produced what Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937), a Marxist intellectual whose main legacy arises through his departures from orthodox Marxism. He concurred with Marx as to class warfare, but sought the destruction of society as the precondition for the eventual victory of global Marxism. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."
John Fonte -- Why There Is A Culture War: Gramsci and Tocqueville in America

True...thanks to Franklin Roosevelt, and, after 1937, under the thumb of the federal government which no longer had any restrictions on what it could do.
"Three New Deals: Why the Nazis and Fascists Loved FDR
  • fdr%20mussolini%20hitler.jpg

09/13/2018David Gordon
[Three New Deals: Reflections on Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany, 1933-1939. By Wolfgang Schivelbusch. Metropolitan Books, 2006. 242 pgs.]

Critics of Roosevelt's New Deal often liken it to fascism. Roosevelt's numerous defenders dismiss this charge as reactionary propaganda; but as Wolfgang Schivelbusch makes clear, it is perfectly true. Moreover, it was recognized to be true during the 1930s, by the New Deal's supporters as well as its opponents.

When Roosevelt took office in March 1933, he received from Congress an extraordinary delegation of powers to cope with the Depression."
Three New Deals: Why the Nazis and Fascists Loved FDR | David Gordon
Nazis know, it is the socialism of Government that gets things Done; not private capital or private capitalists.
The first thing the Nazi regime did when Hitler assumed power was to take over the media. It was easy in the 30's when the only information was the print media or radio. When the media becomes the willing propaganda arm of a political party, any outrageous unconstitutional act by the federal government is justified and when the media becomes an official arm of the federal government by law as it did during WW2 the outrages are magnified. The bottom line is that the greatest most tolerant Nation in the world depends on information and if the information is skewed and biased and children are taught to hate their own freedom it becomes an issue but somehow the Bill of Rights always gets in the way of progressive socialist thought. It's no surprise that he U.S. is the last global super power when Europe is falling apart and South America is falling apart and Canada has become a blind idiot thrashing around in a drug induced coma. It's all about the Constitution.
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The General Welfare clause was never meant to be used the way FDR and company use it.

At least, according to the author of the Constitution.

“If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America.”
James Madison
The General Welfare clause was never meant to be used the way FDR and company use it.

At least, according to the author of the Constitution.

“If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America.”
James Madison
just right wing propaganda and rhetoric.

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;-And
The General Welfare clause was never meant to be used the way FDR and company use it.

At least, according to the author of the Constitution.

“If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America.”
James Madison
just right wing propaganda and rhetoric.

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;-And


You are saying James Madison was a right winger or that he never said all that?
The General Welfare clause was never meant to be used the way FDR and company use it.

At least, according to the author of the Constitution.

“If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America.”
James Madison

  1. Article I, section 8, clause 1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;….
    1. Hamilton’s view was that this clause gave Congress the power to tax and spend for the general welfare, whatsoever they decide that might be.
    2. William Drayton, in 1828, came down on the side of Madison, Jefferson and others, pointing out that if Hamilton was correct, what point would there have been to enumerate Congresses’ other powers? If Congress wished to do anything it was not authorized to do, it could accomplish it via taxing and spending. He said, "If Congress can determine what constitutes the general welfare and can appropriate money for its advancement, where is the limitation to carrying into execution whatever can be effected by money?" 'Charity Not a Proper Function of the American Government' by Walter E. Williams
    3. According to James Madison, the clause authorized Congress to spend money, but only to carryout the powers and duties specifically enumerated in the subsequent clauses of Article I, Section 8,and elsewhere in the Constitution, not to meet the seemingly infinite needs of the general welfare.Alexander Hamilton maintained that the clause granted Congress the power to spend withoutlimitation for the general welfare of the nation. The winner of this debate was not declared for 150years. General Welfare
The General Welfare clause was never meant to be used the way FDR and company use it.

At least, according to the author of the Constitution.

“If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America.”
James Madison
just right wing propaganda and rhetoric.

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;-And


You are saying James Madison was a right winger or that he never said all that?
Madison the federalist did a fine and wonderful job with our federal Constitution.

Madison the Republican, got our white house burnt.
The General Welfare clause was never meant to be used the way FDR and company use it.

At least, according to the author of the Constitution.

“If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America.”
James Madison

  1. Article I, section 8, clause 1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;….
    1. Hamilton’s view was that this clause gave Congress the power to tax and spend for the general welfare, whatsoever they decide that might be.
    2. William Drayton, in 1828, came down on the side of Madison, Jefferson and others, pointing out that if Hamilton was correct, what point would there have been to enumerate Congresses’ other powers? If Congress wished to do anything it was not authorized to do, it could accomplish it via taxing and spending. He said, "If Congress can determine what constitutes the general welfare and can appropriate money for its advancement, where is the limitation to carrying into execution whatever can be effected by money?" 'Charity Not a Proper Function of the American Government' by Walter E. Williams
    3. According to James Madison, the clause authorized Congress to spend money, but only to carryout the powers and duties specifically enumerated in the subsequent clauses of Article I, Section 8,and elsewhere in the Constitution, not to meet the seemingly infinite needs of the general welfare.Alexander Hamilton maintained that the clause granted Congress the power to spend withoutlimitation for the general welfare of the nation. The winner of this debate was not declared for 150years. General Welfare
This is how simple the concept is regarding the federal doctrine:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises,

to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;

but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

Died, it did, and, it wasn’t a natural death….it was a cold blooded, calculated, assassination by the Brutus called Franklin Roosevelt.

1.The only document by which American have agreed to be governed is the United States Constitution, called ‘the law of the land.’

According to the Founders of our nation, and memorialized in our founding documents, our nation was based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

America was America from 1789 to 1933....nearly a century and a half. The Constitution was in effect, and served as a guide for our government.

Mull this over:

To which should an American give his support, the Constitution, or to the current President of the moment?

2.The fateful year was 1937: up until that year the Congress of the United States conducted its business within the boundaries of seventeen enumerated powers granted under Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution; these powers defined clearly the areas within which Congress could enact legislation including the allocation of funds and levying of taxes.

Anything not set down in the enumerated powers was considered outside the purview of the national government and hence, a matter for the states. There were occasional challenges to the concept but it was not until Franklin Roosevelt's new deal that it was attacked in deadly earnestness. The General Welfare Clause

3.In 1933, Fascism was celebrating its eleventh year in power, in Italy, and the election of the National Socialists in Germany represented an unmitigated defeat for liberal democracy in Europe’s largest industrialized nation.

At the beginning of the same month, FDR was inaugurated as President. And before Congress went into recess it granted powers to Roosevelt unprecedented in peacetime. From Congressional hearings, 1973: “Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency.” http://www.freedomsite.net/93-549.htm

4.During the Depression, FDR asked for an receive unprecedented powers. Some poorly crafted legislation went to the courts. The first of the new deal statutes to reach the Supreme Court for review, arrived in January 1935. In the sixteen months following, the court decided ten major cases or groups of cases involving new deal statutes. In eight instances out of ten the decisions went in favor of the United States Constitution and against the new deal. Eight of the ten pieces of "must legislation" were found to be unconstitutional. Ibid.

Under FDR’s threats to pack the court, they threw in the towel. In doing so, they said in effect, Congress would no longer be held to enumerated powers but instead could tax and spend for anything; so long as it was for "general welfare." The supreme court surrendered to the new deal on the most fundamental of constitutional issues.
The General Welfare Clause

5. Why would FDR, who had taken an oath to defend the Constitution, tear it asunder? Because he saw the success, the power, of his ‘friends’…the dictators, Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin.
Because Roosevelt wanted nothing more than to swim with the sharks....to be one with the other dictators, not fight them.

It was a terrible decision for Roosevelt to have to choose between Stalin and Hitler....but he did.
" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48

Details to follow.

Warning: the violence done to the Constitution by Roosevelt is graphic. Viewer discretion is advised.
This was FDR's mission statement according to the federal doctrine:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Was Hamilton's plan for a Bank Of America created under the necessary and proper clause?
Was Hamilton's plan for a Bank Of America created under the necessary and proper clause?

You mean Bank of the United States? The Bank of America was crated in 1783, and was the 'unofficial' bank for many years; the French in particularity would only deposit their aid and do business with it early on. It never failed and in fact paid dividends for many decades after.Morris deliberately limited how many shares a stockholder could own, so it couldn't be dominated by a cartel, hence its longevity and soundness, while the Bank of the U.S. was rife with corruption and speculation fro the start, both of them. Hamilton was a low life sleaze bag, and small wonder he was responsible for the first rackets involving war debts and freinds with the first big swindler of our Treasury, William Duer.
Was Hamilton's plan for a Bank Of America created under the necessary and proper clause?

You mean Bank of the United States? The Bank of America was crated in 1783, and was the 'unofficial' bank for many years; the French in particularity would only deposit their aid and do business with it early on. It never failed and in fact paid dividends for many decades after.Morris deliberately limited how many shares a stockholder could own, so it couldn't be dominated by a cartel, hence its longevity and soundness, while the Bank of the U.S. was rife with corruption and speculation fro the start, both of them. Hamilton was a low life sleaze bag, and small wonder he was responsible for the first rackets involving war debts and freinds with the first big swindler of our Treasury, William Duer.
But what was the Constitutional authorization for the Bank?

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