When the next Great Recession hits, how will republicans respond?

Hey, pssst...democrats were in charge when Fannie Mae collapsed bringing the entire world economy down with it. Democrat Barney Frank was the chair(person) of the powerful "house banking committee" which had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae and Frank told Americans that Fannie was solvent when it was in desperate trouble. The question is whether democrats nudged Fannie over the edge as the biggest October surprise in history or it was typical democrat negligence.
Yup, Dems took over in 2006 & it's been all downhill since.
If republicans were in control, how would they assist the thousands, potentially millions of people who lost their jobs against their will? What policies would they put in place?

This is a simple question gramps. Answer it.
Congress will answer it idiot. No need for idiotic speculation. They do what needs to be done or they get voted out. Simple as that. Now go ask daddy Obama for your safety blankie & be quiet.
This isn't hard to grasp gramps. What specific policies would be needed?
How about "none"? Because everything tried was a big fail.
So millions of people would just starve? That's your answer?
Hey, pssst...democrats were in charge when Fannie Mae collapsed bringing the entire world economy down with it. Democrat Barney Frank was the chair(person) of the powerful "house banking committee" which had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae and Frank told Americans that Fannie was solvent when it was in desperate trouble. The question is whether democrats nudged Fannie over the edge as the biggest October surprise in history or it was typical democrat negligence.
I don't know why you are ranting about irrelevant bullshit. I don't care what dems did or didn't do years ago. That's not the point at all.

Let me simplify this: if the next Great Recession hits, how would republicans respond? How would they help the thousands that would be losing their jobs in the economic free fall?
They would hopefully do nothing and wait for the market to correct itself.
We see that what the Dems did was an abject total and complete failure.
Gee that's a terrific solution. Yeah let's just wait for the market to correct while hundreds of thousands of people are left unemployed every month.
Well the Dem solution of paying people to stay out of work resulted in, surprise, people staying out of work. So that's an obvious failure.
What's your solution?
Extending unemployment insurance moron. It's a temporary measure. Do you understand that word? Temporary.
The Dems extended it to 99 weeks. The result was people stayed unemployed much longer. The longer a person is unemployed the harder it is to find work. Since youv'e never been employed this concept will be a mystery to you. But the Dem solution was worse than the problem. As always.
Yup, Dems took over in 2006 & it's been all downhill since.
If republicans were in control, how would they assist the thousands, potentially millions of people who lost their jobs against their will? What policies would they put in place?

This is a simple question gramps. Answer it.
Congress will answer it idiot. No need for idiotic speculation. They do what needs to be done or they get voted out. Simple as that. Now go ask daddy Obama for your safety blankie & be quiet.
This isn't hard to grasp gramps. What specific policies would be needed?
How about "none"? Because everything tried was a big fail.
So millions of people would just starve? That's your answer?
Show me anyone starving in this country.
Our problem is obesity, not starvation.
I don't know why you are ranting about irrelevant bullshit. I don't care what dems did or didn't do years ago. That's not the point at all.

Let me simplify this: if the next Great Recession hits, how would republicans respond? How would they help the thousands that would be losing their jobs in the economic free fall?
They would hopefully do nothing and wait for the market to correct itself.
We see that what the Dems did was an abject total and complete failure.
Gee that's a terrific solution. Yeah let's just wait for the market to correct while hundreds of thousands of people are left unemployed every month.
Well the Dem solution of paying people to stay out of work resulted in, surprise, people staying out of work. So that's an obvious failure.
What's your solution?
Extending unemployment insurance moron. It's a temporary measure. Do you understand that word? Temporary.
The Dems extended it to 99 weeks. The result was people stayed unemployed much longer. The longer a person is unemployed the harder it is to find work. Since youv'e never been employed this concept will be a mystery to you. But the Dem solution was worse than the problem. As always.
Um no we had consistent job growth.
If republicans were in control, how would they assist the thousands, potentially millions of people who lost their jobs against their will? What policies would they put in place?

This is a simple question gramps. Answer it.
Congress will answer it idiot. No need for idiotic speculation. They do what needs to be done or they get voted out. Simple as that. Now go ask daddy Obama for your safety blankie & be quiet.
This isn't hard to grasp gramps. What specific policies would be needed?
How about "none"? Because everything tried was a big fail.
So millions of people would just starve? That's your answer?
Show me anyone starving in this country.
Our problem is obesity, not starvation.
The shit you say absolutely blows my mind. Are you a grown man or not?
Congress will answer it idiot. No need for idiotic speculation. They do what needs to be done or they get voted out. Simple as that. Now go ask daddy Obama for your safety blankie & be quiet.
This isn't hard to grasp gramps. What specific policies would be needed?
How about "none"? Because everything tried was a big fail.
So millions of people would just starve? That's your answer?
Show me anyone starving in this country.
Our problem is obesity, not starvation.
The shit you say absolutely blows my mind. Are you a grown man or not?
Translation: No, you're right but I cant admit that because I'm 16 years old.
Hey, pssst...democrats were in charge when Fannie Mae collapsed bringing the entire world economy down with it. Democrat Barney Frank was the chair(person) of the powerful "house banking committee" which had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae and Frank told Americans that Fannie was solvent when it was in desperate trouble. The question is whether democrats nudged Fannie over the edge as the biggest October surprise in history or it was typical democrat negligence.
Yup, Dems took over in 2006 & it's been all downhill since.
It was 2007 when Democrats took over. But it was too late by then because all the subprime loans had been made & were waiting to implode.

Democrats should have been frantic with concern about Fannie Mae when they took over during Bush's 2nd term midterm. What did they address first? Steroid use in baseball. Barney Frank actually told Americans that Fannie was fine when it was in trouble but the liberal media never asked him what the hell he was talking about.
Yup, Dems took over in 2006 & it's been all downhill since.
If republicans were in control, how would they assist the thousands, potentially millions of people who lost their jobs against their will? What policies would they put in place?

This is a simple question gramps. Answer it.
Congress will answer it idiot. No need for idiotic speculation. They do what needs to be done or they get voted out. Simple as that. Now go ask daddy Obama for your safety blankie & be quiet.
This isn't hard to grasp gramps. What specific policies would be needed?
Apparently it is hard to grasp, otherwise you wouldn't keep asking a question that's been answered a thousand times on this forum.
Well it should be fresh in your memory then. Tell me. What am I missing?
A brain.
This isn't hard to grasp gramps. What specific policies would be needed?
How about "none"? Because everything tried was a big fail.
So millions of people would just starve? That's your answer?
Show me anyone starving in this country.
Our problem is obesity, not starvation.
The shit you say absolutely blows my mind. Are you a grown man or not?
Translation: No, you're right but I cant admit that because I'm 16 years old.
Well I would have guessed 12 but that does put things in perspective for me. How about you let the adults talk? It's past your bed time.
If republicans were in control, how would they assist the thousands, potentially millions of people who lost their jobs against their will? What policies would they put in place?

This is a simple question gramps. Answer it.
Congress will answer it idiot. No need for idiotic speculation. They do what needs to be done or they get voted out. Simple as that. Now go ask daddy Obama for your safety blankie & be quiet.
This isn't hard to grasp gramps. What specific policies would be needed?
Apparently it is hard to grasp, otherwise you wouldn't keep asking a question that's been answered a thousand times on this forum.
Well it should be fresh in your memory then. Tell me. What am I missing?
A brain.
In other words, you know i am right but you are refusing to admit it.
Hey, pssst...democrats were in charge when Fannie Mae collapsed bringing the entire world economy down with it. Democrat Barney Frank was the chair(person) of the powerful "house banking committee" which had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae and Frank told Americans that Fannie was solvent when it was in desperate trouble. The question is whether democrats nudged Fannie over the edge as the biggest October surprise in history or it was typical democrat negligence.
I don't know why you are ranting about irrelevant bullshit. I don't care what dems did or didn't do years ago. That's not the point at all.

Let me simplify this: if the next Great Recession hits, how would republicans respond? How would they help the thousands that would be losing their jobs in the economic free fall?
Hold the fucking bull shit You don't care what the democrats did years ago
Why do you care what the republicans did in 2008?
When 8 million people lost their jobs to the recession of 2008, the republican response was "find another job!" Now of course that is the ultimate goal, but what republicans were too stupid to realize is that those 8 million jobs were GONE
You fucking moron.
When the next Great Recession hits, how will republicans respond?

It will be politics as usual.

One party blames another.

The narcotized populace just keep switching allegiance from one party to another hoping things will improve.

While it is true that Bush II caused the 2008 Depression democrats caused the previous ones including the Great Depression.

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When the next Great Recession hits, how will republicans respond?

Obama has been president for almost 6 years, hasn't he made our economy recession proof?
When 8 million people lost their jobs to the recession of 2008, the republican response was "find another job!" Now of course that is the ultimate goal, but what republicans were too stupid to realize is that those 8 million jobs were GONE. They didn't exist anymore. That means the large majority of those people were hopelessly unemployed for the immediate future. An immediate solution to that problem was needed. Luckily, adults were in power at the time and federal unemployment insurance was extended for those who desperately needed it. See the extension of the unemployment insurance was an emergency measure. The rightwing in their simple, childish minds thought that meant dems wanted everyone to live off the government. How could they be this stupid? Obviously it didn't turn out this way. The extension of those benefits was part of Obama's stimulus package. The stimulus of consumer spending given to these individuals created jobs in the process. From there, the massive job loss ceased and private sector job growth began and never ceased. Whew.

My point is when it comes to a national crisis like a Great Recession, a government solution is needed. Now let's pretend republicans were in control and another crisis hit. How would they respond? They would probably cut taxes for the wealthy which A) has proven to be a poor economic stimulator for the lower classes and B) would do nothing to help the growing unemployed in such an emergency.

The bottom line is you better hope and pray repubs don't control the gov in 2016.


I'd say we Nationalize all of the Indian Casinos and put the money they make right into the general fund.

Hell, why not just kill them and steal the rest of their lands?

No we'll just wean you off of the Gov tit and make you folks work for a living.

No fuck it. We'll send them to Mexico in exchange for hard working family oriented freedom loving immigrants

Progressive don't appreciate and even hate what they have here so its time to send them packing
How about "none"? Because everything tried was a big fail.
So millions of people would just starve? That's your answer?
Show me anyone starving in this country.
Our problem is obesity, not starvation.
The shit you say absolutely blows my mind. Are you a grown man or not?
Translation: No, you're right but I cant admit that because I'm 16 years old.
Well I would have guessed 12 but that does put things in perspective for me. How about you let the adults talk? It's past your bed time.
Wow too stupid to grasp an insult.
You're a piece of work, Billy.

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