When the next Great Recession hits, how will republicans respond?

It paid for 3 million private jobs due to an increase in economic demand.

It paid for 3 million private jobs due to an increase in economic demand.

$280,000 for each job you feel was created, and you think that was a good deal? LOL!
Most of the money was given to unemployed people. They spent that money on business that grew the economy. $288 billion was through tax cuts. Tax cuts aren't free you know that right?

I see, It is bad to let the people keep THEIR own money?

A day may come when you lose your job against your will. An economic crisis that leaves you without a job for months or even longer. Wouldn't you appreciate the help? Paying taxes serves a lot of purposes. Paying taxes is part of being a citizen. You commit to the system and you get services in return.

I'll take Harding's recovery from a depression over the 10+ years wasted under FDR or 6 years now wasted under Obama. No, I don't want your welfare, it has impoverished millions of people.

The more programs we get that you support the worse off the nation has become... Ever stepped back and asked why that might be? None of your bullshit is getting repealed, Republican only add to these welfare programs.... You're at a point now where you want min wage to be like 15-25$ an hour. Fact is it won't happen because anyone with a slight understanding of economics since the beginning of the first economic structure knows you will create a depression you will not be able to get out of near instantly.
No one I've heard of wants a $25 minimum wage. $15 would work as long as it was gradually raised to that over 3 years or so. 15 would be kept up with inflation. Jobs would be lost but so be it. It would be less than a million. 10s of million would be lifted out of poverty. The increase in consumer spending would inevitably create jobs.
Hey, pssst...democrats were in charge when Fannie Mae collapsed bringing the entire world economy down with it. Democrat Barney Frank was the chair(person) of the powerful "house banking committee" which had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae and Frank told Americans that Fannie was solvent when it was in desperate trouble. The question is whether democrats nudged Fannie over the edge as the biggest October surprise in history or it was typical democrat negligence.
I don't know why you are ranting about irrelevant bullshit. I don't care what dems did or didn't do years ago. That's not the point at all.

Let me simplify this: if the next Great Recession hits, how would republicans respond? How would they help the thousands that would be losing their jobs in the economic free fall?

the same way libs helped this time.....:slap::fu:
It paid for 3 million private jobs due to an increase in economic demand.

$280,000 for each job you feel was created, and you think that was a good deal? LOL!
Most of the money was given to unemployed people. They spent that money on business that grew the economy. $288 billion was through tax cuts. Tax cuts aren't free you know that right?

I see, It is bad to let the people keep THEIR own money?

A day may come when you lose your job against your will. An economic crisis that leaves you without a job for months or even longer. Wouldn't you appreciate the help? Paying taxes serves a lot of purposes. Paying taxes is part of being a citizen. You commit to the system and you get services in return.

I'll take Harding's recovery from a depression over the 10+ years wasted under FDR or 6 years now wasted under Obama. No, I don't want your welfare, it has impoverished millions of people.

The more programs we get that you support the worse off the nation has become... Ever stepped back and asked why that might be? None of your bullshit is getting repealed, Republican only add to these welfare programs.... You're at a point now where you want min wage to be like 15-25$ an hour. Fact is it won't happen because anyone with a slight understanding of economics since the beginning of the first economic structure knows you will create a depression you will not be able to get out of near instantly.
No one I've heard of wants a $25 minimum wage. $15 would work as long as it was gradually raised to that over 3 years or so. 15 would be kept up with inflation. Jobs would be lost but so be it. It would be less than a million. 10s of million would be lifted out of poverty. The increase in consumer spending would inevitably create jobs.

The problem here is you're economically illiterate lol.
Most of the money was given to unemployed people. They spent that money on business that grew the economy. $288 billion was through tax cuts. Tax cuts aren't free you know that right?

I see, It is bad to let the people keep THEIR own money?

A day may come when you lose your job against your will. An economic crisis that leaves you without a job for months or even longer. Wouldn't you appreciate the help? Paying taxes serves a lot of purposes. Paying taxes is part of being a citizen. You commit to the system and you get services in return.

I'll take Harding's recovery from a depression over the 10+ years wasted under FDR or 6 years now wasted under Obama. No, I don't want your welfare, it has impoverished millions of people.

The more programs we get that you support the worse off the nation has become... Ever stepped back and asked why that might be? None of your bullshit is getting repealed, Republican only add to these welfare programs.... You're at a point now where you want min wage to be like 15-25$ an hour. Fact is it won't happen because anyone with a slight understanding of economics since the beginning of the first economic structure knows you will create a depression you will not be able to get out of near instantly.
No one I've heard of wants a $25 minimum wage. $15 would work as long as it was gradually raised to that over 3 years or so. 15 would be kept up with inflation. Jobs would be lost but so be it. It would be less than a million. 10s of million would be lifted out of poverty. The increase in consumer spending would inevitably create jobs.

The problem here is you're economically illiterate lol.
YOUR problem is that you don't have an argument here and you know it.
billy boy one question, how will the democrats respond in another recession? I hope it's better than they did during the great depression and the last recession, they're effort was like they wanted to destroy America.
Their effort saves America. That jobs free fall, 500,000 a month, was stopped in its tracks by the stimulus package. These are facts.

The only problem is that the stimulus wasn't big enough.

Is that the one that went to pay for all of those 'shovel ready' jobs?
It paid for 3 million private jobs due to an increase in economic demand.

It paid for 3 million private jobs due to an increase in economic demand.

$280,000 for each job you feel was created, and you think that was a good deal? LOL!
libs are a special form of retard

I'd say we Nationalize all of the Indian Casinos and put the money they make right into the general fund.

Hell, why not just kill them and steal the rest of their lands?

No we'll just wean you off of the Gov tit and make you folks work for a living.
So get rid of the military?
Constitutionally speaking, YES.
Is that the one that went to pay for all of those 'shovel ready' jobs?
It paid for 3 million private jobs due to an increase in economic demand.

It paid for 3 million private jobs due to an increase in economic demand.

$280,000 for each job you feel was created, and you think that was a good deal? LOL!
Most of the money was given to unemployed people. They spent that money on business that grew the economy. $288 billion was through tax cuts. Tax cuts aren't free you know that right?

I see, It is bad to let the people keep THEIR own money?

A day may come when you lose your job against your will. An economic crisis that leaves you without a job for months or even longer. Wouldn't you appreciate the help? Paying taxes serves a lot of purposes. Paying taxes is part of being a citizen. You commit to the system and you get services in return.

I have been laid off several times, and I had three kids and a wife to support. Yes, I did draw UE until I got another job. I had to take a lower paying job and work my way up again. A man does what a man has to do.
Is that the one that went to pay for all of those 'shovel ready' jobs?
It paid for 3 million private jobs due to an increase in economic demand.

It paid for 3 million private jobs due to an increase in economic demand.

$280,000 for each job you feel was created, and you think that was a good deal? LOL!
Most of the money was given to unemployed people. They spent that money on business that grew the economy. $288 billion was through tax cuts. Tax cuts aren't free you know that right?

I see, It is bad to let the people keep THEIR own money?

A day may come when you lose your job against your will. An economic crisis that leaves you without a job for months or even longer. Wouldn't you appreciate the help? Paying taxes serves a lot of purposes. Paying taxes is part of being a citizen. You commit to the system and you get services in return.
It's called save your money. Glad I could help you in the right direction.
It paid for 3 million private jobs due to an increase in economic demand.

It paid for 3 million private jobs due to an increase in economic demand.

$280,000 for each job you feel was created, and you think that was a good deal? LOL!
Most of the money was given to unemployed people. They spent that money on business that grew the economy. $288 billion was through tax cuts. Tax cuts aren't free you know that right?

I see, It is bad to let the people keep THEIR own money?

A day may come when you lose your job against your will. An economic crisis that leaves you without a job for months or even longer. Wouldn't you appreciate the help? Paying taxes serves a lot of purposes. Paying taxes is part of being a citizen. You commit to the system and you get services in return.
It's called save your money. Glad I could help you in the right direction.
With how low wages are, many people can't afford to save money. 16.5 million people make less than 10.10 per hour.
It paid for 3 million private jobs due to an increase in economic demand.

It paid for 3 million private jobs due to an increase in economic demand.

$280,000 for each job you feel was created, and you think that was a good deal? LOL!
Most of the money was given to unemployed people. They spent that money on business that grew the economy. $288 billion was through tax cuts. Tax cuts aren't free you know that right?

I see, It is bad to let the people keep THEIR own money?

A day may come when you lose your job against your will. An economic crisis that leaves you without a job for months or even longer. Wouldn't you appreciate the help? Paying taxes serves a lot of purposes. Paying taxes is part of being a citizen. You commit to the system and you get services in return.

I have been laid off several times, and I had three kids and a wife to support. Yes, I did draw UE until I got another job. I had to take a lower paying job and work my way up again. A man does what a man has to do.
And what if an unprecedented crisis hits that leaves you jobless for longer than ever before?
It paid for 3 million private jobs due to an increase in economic demand.

$280,000 for each job you feel was created, and you think that was a good deal? LOL!
Most of the money was given to unemployed people. They spent that money on business that grew the economy. $288 billion was through tax cuts. Tax cuts aren't free you know that right?

I see, It is bad to let the people keep THEIR own money?

A day may come when you lose your job against your will. An economic crisis that leaves you without a job for months or even longer. Wouldn't you appreciate the help? Paying taxes serves a lot of purposes. Paying taxes is part of being a citizen. You commit to the system and you get services in return.
It's called save your money. Glad I could help you in the right direction.
With how low wages are, many people can't afford to save money. 16.5 million people make less than 10.10 per hour.

What difference does that make, as Hillary said? The UE rate is down to 5.8%.
It paid for 3 million private jobs due to an increase in economic demand.

$280,000 for each job you feel was created, and you think that was a good deal? LOL!
Most of the money was given to unemployed people. They spent that money on business that grew the economy. $288 billion was through tax cuts. Tax cuts aren't free you know that right?

I see, It is bad to let the people keep THEIR own money?

A day may come when you lose your job against your will. An economic crisis that leaves you without a job for months or even longer. Wouldn't you appreciate the help? Paying taxes serves a lot of purposes. Paying taxes is part of being a citizen. You commit to the system and you get services in return.

I have been laid off several times, and I had three kids and a wife to support. Yes, I did draw UE until I got another job. I had to take a lower paying job and work my way up again. A man does what a man has to do.
And what if an unprecedented crisis hits that leaves you jobless for longer than ever before?

I have saved enough to get along just fine for at least 6 months. After that I can always get one of those part time low wage jobs the have lowered the UE rate down to 5.8%.
Most of the money was given to unemployed people. They spent that money on business that grew the economy. $288 billion was through tax cuts. Tax cuts aren't free you know that right?

I see, It is bad to let the people keep THEIR own money?

A day may come when you lose your job against your will. An economic crisis that leaves you without a job for months or even longer. Wouldn't you appreciate the help? Paying taxes serves a lot of purposes. Paying taxes is part of being a citizen. You commit to the system and you get services in return.

I have been laid off several times, and I had three kids and a wife to support. Yes, I did draw UE until I got another job. I had to take a lower paying job and work my way up again. A man does what a man has to do.
And what if an unprecedented crisis hits that leaves you jobless for longer than ever before?

I have saved enough to get along just fine for at least 6 months. After that I can always get one of those part time low wage jobs the have lowered the UE rate down to 5.8%.
I have save enough to get along just fine for about 60years. OK jk I don't ever have to work again, I can live off interest.
The investors bought a tranche in a synthetic CDO, and the premiums they were receiving looked identical to the revenue streams they had been getting from a normal CDO tranche. What they did not fully realize is that by accepting the premium payments, they were putting themselves out there as insurance sellers and were liable for any losses incurred by the underlying CDO.

Buying a tranche of a CDO (or a synthetic CDO) is not like selling insurance.
Where do you get this stuff?
Investing in a synthetic CDO is like selling insurance. Just because you don't know what a synthetic CDO is does not change that fact.

As a matter of fact, it is your kind of ignorance which was taken advantage of by Wall Street when it sold that toxic shit to investors.

The people who manage your 401k and public employee pension funds think being in close proximity to a lot of money makes them smart. Well, they got taken to the cleaners because of that hubris.

Investing in a synthetic CDO is like selling insurance.

Still funny!
Since there is no recession, and you of course are hoping for one, this is kinda sorta a lame ass thread don't ya think??

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