When Trump says he has a secret plan why is no one laughing?

If Trump has a secret plan he is confident will work he should reveal it now,

to save lives.
Oh now you think that was a real conversation? Do you wear a helmet?
You're the one who posted it, genius, getting busted for what you accuse others of doing. Sad you have to lie and make up non-existent conversations to try to prove your non-existent point.
He's says "take the oil" and someone says how?

He says: Well, we'll leave some people there to make sure we're taking it

And no one fucking busts a gut laughing at this shit?

The Trumptards are all in. They are incapable of admitting that anything Trump says is stupid.

Steal the oil. You can't get more stupid than that.
There is no plan.

If Trump loses, no one will care about his imaginary plan.

If Trump wins, the non-existence of his plan becomes moot.
If Trump has a secret plan he is confident will work he should reveal it now, to save lives.
He's not President. Right now he has as much authority to present 'plans' as you do.

He could present it to the Administration.
He's a fuckikng candidate for potus. And he not only said the US should commit a war crime by stealing oil, he misstated what Generals do and how they receive postings, and he misstate what people in the intelligence community do.

Easy's a fcoking idiot who brings nothing of substance. But, by responding to his freshman bs you actually enable him.
Was the secret plan you've been hiding asking the generals for their plan?

If it's a good plan.

It make me laugh.
Easy's a fcoking idiot who brings nothing of substance. But, by responding to his freshman bs you actually enable him.
Oh, but a curse-filled personal attack is 'something of substance'?!


I thought you were 'Out', Bendog. Man, you have the same problem with telling the truth just like Hillary.
Trump reminds me of the Match Game tv show, "Dumb Donald was so dumb...when he told the generals to come up with a plan in 30 days to defeat IsiL the generals told Donald to ____ off!"

This clueless idiot is just devoid of knowledge of how the real world works. He thinks all the world works as it does when he barks orders at some valet to bring his car around or get his dry cleaning. He is one of these stupid people, like Bush, who don't know they're stupid.
How can anyone trust that Hillary won't make another huge mistake like supporting the Iraq war?
In this day and age is it unfair to laugh at someone who is obviously bullshitting you for bullshitting you?

Trump says: I was against the war and that shows my judgement is better. And then everyone sits there and goes "well, sure he wasnt against it but thats a fair point"

He says he was against Libya. Except he wasnt and again everyone sits there like "What do I believe, the audio recordings or what he's telling me right now?"

Then he says his super plan is to....ASK FOR A PLAN!!! Sheesh.....What forward thinking? Has anyone thought over the past 14 years to ask someone for a plan? NO! :rolleyes:

The ONLY "asset" that Trump has is his mastery of the bullshit and had the democrats a less-tainted candidate, the Trumpster would have been sent packing last spring.

How can ANYONE abide by a candidate who "claims" that he has THE answer in how to defeat ISIS, and then states that he is withholding that supposedly infallible answer? For those who claim that he does not have the "power" to implement his plan, I'd say BULLSHIT.....as any powerful American, he could share this masterful plan to save the thousands of lost lives between now and next January when he could (VERY unlikely) take office.

It like stating...."I have a sure way to defeat cancer, but I'll only share it AFTER I get a medical degree."
In this day and age is it unfair to laugh at someone who is obviously bullshitting you for bullshitting you?

Trump says: I was against the war and that shows my judgement is better. And then everyone sits there and goes "well, sure he wasnt against it but thats a fair point"

He says he was against Libya. Except he wasnt and again everyone sits there like "What do I believe, the audio recordings or what he's telling me right now?"

Then he says his super plan is to....ASK FOR A PLAN!!! Sheesh.....What forward thinking? Has anyone thought over the past 14 years to ask someone for a plan? NO! :rolleyes:

The ONLY "asset" that Trump has is his mastery of the bullshit and had the democrats a less-tainted candidate, the Trumpster would have been sent packing last spring.

How can ANYONE abide by a candidate who "claims" that he has THE answer in how to defeat ISIS, and then states that he is withholding that supposedly infallible answer? For those who claim that he does not have the "power" to implement his plan, I'd say BULLSHIT.....as any powerful American, he could share this masterful plan to save the thousands of lost lives between now and next January when he could (VERY unlikely) take office.

It like stating...."I have a sure way to defeat cancer, but I'll only share it AFTER I get a medical degree."

What did you think was Hillary's best moment last night?

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