When Trump triumphs over these grubby caravan people...

Should a grateful nation celebrate by holding a Triumphal March through Washington ?

Cometh the hour and all that.

Should a grateful nation celebrate by holding a Triumphal March through Washington ?

Cometh the hour and all that.

What dress will you wear Tammy?

I would have to guess that it would be the same dress Susan Boyle would wear. Tommy is British , isn't he?

Well... she's rich now anyway so... very successful...

Very successful, true. But success doesn't cure the ugly.

But she is cuter in a dress than Tammy.
good to remember that these 'third world people' are mayans , aztecs , incas and other third world prehistoric savages . See post number 7 !!
So are your ancestors.

Not mine. My ancestors were building massive cathedrals and discovering medicine while those savages were still cutting out each other's hearts.

Really? Do you even know when the Mayan and Incan empires were?

From Google.............................

The Maya developed their first civilization in the Preclassic period. Scholars continue to discuss when this era of Maya civilization began. Maya occupation at Cuello (modern-day Belize) has been carbon dated to around 2600 BC.

The Inca Empire was short-lived. It lasted just shy of 100 years, from ca.1438 AD, when the Inca ruler Pachacuti and his army began conquering lands surrounding the Inca heartland of Cuzco, until the coming of the Spaniards in 1532.

The Aztec Empire flourished between c. 1345 and 1521 CE and, at its greatest extent, covered most of northern Mesoamerica.

You could say that about your ancestors for the Inca and Aztec empire, but not for the Mayans. If you try to compare your ancestors to the Mayans, then they were still hunter gatherers running around Europe.
i was just pointing out the religious practices of the tribes i mentioned and their human sacrifice . And my point is that many of their current descendants are coming to the USA now [see ms13] . Plus check out the CURRENT falling down societies that these indians have built in their home lands . Who cares what they built 500 years ago that is being swallowed up by jungle . Heck the Spanish Conquistador kicked your friends azzezs with few men as they fought huge populations of your 'indians' BSailor .
Maybe when there is something to be triumphant about. Currently, I don't see any reason for it.

By the way, would it be a civilian parade, full military parade, or a combination of both?

I see the Great Leader in a chariot drawn though the streets by De Niro,Obama Hilary and Taylor Swift in harness. A grateful nation would scatter rose petals ahead of his path and Trump would tweet LIVE from the back of the chariot.

Perhaps a few caravan people might be drawn through the streets in chains as an example to their brethren.

No, that's what the illegals want...long lines of children shackled together, moving back and forth across the border for profit. Many with bags of tar heroin jammed up their asses and forced down their throats, tied with a string to their tongues.
and look at the current 'aztecs' or 'mexicans' as MANY embrace the Death Cult of 'santa muerte' [sp] . Heck , mexico and 'otm' in this current invader caravan. Many are cave men and stone age 'indians' BSailor .
For drug smugglers, children often used as camouflage

"...Two children, 3 and 12, were in her sedan, as well as nearly 8 pounds of cocaine hidden under the back seat, according to court documents. A federal judge ordered last week that Hernandez, of Ciudad Juarez, be held without bail on drug-trafficking charges. She is believed to be the mother of at least one of the children..."
heck , mexico and other zhitholes in south america are third world zhitholes with many stone age indians living in them and responsible for building the zhitholes . And ' WE ' Americans give them huge amounts of big money 'BSailor .
Hey Piss Moron..............ever consider that I'm not answering any of your idiotic questions is because I'm ignoring you?
heck , mexico and other zhitholes in south america are third world zhitholes with many stone age indians living in them and responsible for building the zhitholes . And ' WE ' Americans give them huge amounts of big money 'BSailor .
I think that they may argue that your appetite for drugs has destabilised their countries. Maybe you have some responsibility for the state of Central America.
heck , mexico and other zhitholes in south america are third world zhitholes with many stone age indians living in them and responsible for building the zhitholes . And ' WE ' Americans give them huge amounts of big money 'BSailor .
I think that they may argue that your appetite for drugs has destabilised their countries. Maybe you have some responsibility for the state of Central America.
-------------------------------------------- i don't use drug Tommy . And south america has pretty much been a nasty place as far as i can remember or read about even before Drugs . And nowadays the Criminals or Cartels have been shooting up mexico tourist havens Tommy .
and as i say , mexico is nasty . See 'mexican' students kidnapped . Some claim mexican police and other official involvement Tommy . --- 2014 Iguala mass kidnapping - Wikipedia ---
I dont think they have any sort of chance whilst their neighbours require them to produce drugs as a staple crop. All of their institutions are dragged down by dirty money.
--------------------------------------------- figure it any way you like , mexico and most of those 'south american' zhitholes are pretty nasty Tommy .

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