When will Trump be Held Accountable for Molesting 12 Women

Democrats have had a rough week:
-Al Franken grope photo
-John Conyers using tax dollars to pay off accusers
-Charlie Rose is a pervert
-Donald Trump is still President

That’s what you get for being corrupt perverts
With a record low approval rating and now the GOP is known as the party of pedaphiles.
Zero legislative accomplishments in a fucking YEAR... and all you can do is parade around that you WON.
Most corrupt administration since Reagan’swith 2 indictments , one guilty plea and many more indictments to come. Let’s see how much you’ll be celebrating .

Boy, you're living in such bizarre denial. Lay off the Democrat Fake News, kid. It really is rotting your brain. This definitely never happened...

Unless there are charges filed, he will not be held accountable for any wrongdoing. You have to be CHARGED with a crime first. What you want is for him to be impeached, but that is most likely not going to happen.

That's all that's really important after all.

Yes, that is how our justice system works. We don't put people in jail or impeach presidents because of mere allegations.

Mueller won’t have mere allegations. He already has Trump’s financial records and ample evidence his staff colluded with Russians. Actually 9 of them. Watch him pull a Christie and claim he knew nothing about it.
I bet Bob Mueller will have some evidence on that too..

Yup, we are still waiting, aren't we? And then Pence will be your new POTUS. :ack-1:

I’m sure you’d be happy with Pence who’s on record saying tobacco doesn’t cause cancer while taking tens of thousands $$ from Big Tobacco.
Pence is a lightweight. He was a terrible governor of Indiana and will be dealt with

Oh, so you are going to get him impeached too? :lol: What kind of trip are you on? :dunno:
Provide the thread or post where I defended BC on any sexual things
You’re a liar.
We both know that.
so you admit that bill clinton raped 4 women and anyone that defended him is as bad as he was INCLUDING his wife hillary?
So after I just proved you to be a liar...you create an even bigger lie that I admitted something I didn’t.
You are one desperate hombre.... Its exactly what we expect from a serial sex offender supporter.
so you ARE defending bill clinton. called first time. women actually went to court to accuse bill clinton. they did not disappear after the election. so who should we believe? according to you an accusation is proof so why do you defend hillary for defending her rapist husband?
Next, you'll be defending Robert E. Lee.

Why not stay in this century and look at what is going on now?

Clinton was impeached. Are you saying Trump should be impeached?

Clinton was impeached for what? Perjury and obstruction of justice.
He was impeached for lying about getting a blowjob. Starr said, after his own sex scandal, that if he had it to do all over again, he wouldn't.

How many Republicans have gotten blowjobs and lied to their wives about it?

Monica was 24 years old. Republicans should have minded their own fuking business.

At least he didn't peep at underage girls at the Miss Teen USA Pageant backstage.
The old “ locker room talk “ bullshit again.
Steve Bannon invented that line and you fell for it.
If Obama said those same things your kind would have lynched him.

Reasonable is a typical, fascist libtard that wants to imprison people for saying things to which he objects.
I provided links to every woman who Trump accosted and what they said yet you still act like a true moron who’s incapable of learning.
Trump: I love my uneducated base.
The carnival barker spotted you from a mile away..
but of course the 4 women that bill clinton raped actually went to the police and courts and hillary attacked them. you defend bill and hillary while claiming inTHIS case all it takes is an accusation with no willingness to actually go to court and no actual evidence.
so you admit that bill clinton raped 4 women and anyone that defended him is as bad as he was INCLUDING his wife hillary?
So after I just proved you to be a liar...you create an even bigger lie that I admitted something I didn’t.
You are one desperate hombre.... Its exactly what we expect from a serial sex offender supporter.
so you ARE defending bill clinton. called first time. women actually went to court to accuse bill clinton. they did not disappear after the election. so who should we believe? according to you an accusation is proof so why do you defend hillary for defending her rapist husband?
Next, you'll be defending Robert E. Lee.

Why not stay in this century and look at what is going on now?

Clinton was impeached. Are you saying Trump should be impeached?

Clinton was impeached for what? Perjury and obstruction of justice.
He was impeached for lying about getting a blowjob. Starr said, after his own sex scandal, that if he had it to do all over again, he wouldn't.

How many Republicans have gotten blowjobs and lied to their wives about it?

Monica was 24 years old. Republicans should have minded their own fuking business.

For lying under oath and for obstruction of justice. That is why he was impeached.
Democrats have had a rough week:
-Al Franken grope photo
-John Conyers using tax dollars to pay off accusers
-Charlie Rose is a pervert
-Donald Trump is still President

That’s what you get for being corrupt perverts
With a record low approval rating and now the GOP is known as the party of pedaphiles.
Zero legislative accomplishments in a fucking YEAR... and all you can do is parade around that you WON.
Most corrupt administration since Reagan’swith 2 indictments , one guilty plea and many more indictments to come. Let’s see how much you’ll be celebrating .

Boy, you're living in such bizarre denial. Lay off the Democrat Fake News, kid. It really is rotting your brain. This definitely never happened...

Moron still can’t tell the difference of pretending to touch a woman’s breasts and assaulting minors like Moore and sexually assaulting 16 women like Trump..
Unless there are charges filed, he will not be held accountable for any wrongdoing. You have to be CHARGED with a crime first. What you want is for him to be impeached, but that is most likely not going to happen.

That's all that's really important after all.

Yes, that is how our justice system works. We don't put people in jail or impeach presidents because of mere allegations.

Mueller won’t have mere allegations. He already has Trump’s financial records and ample evidence his staff colluded with Russians. Actually 9 of them. Watch him pull a Christie and claim he knew nothing about it.
I bet Bob Mueller will have some evidence on that too..

Yup, we are still waiting, aren't we? And then Pence will be your new POTUS. :ack-1:

I’m sure you’d be happy with Pence who’s on record saying tobacco doesn’t cause cancer while taking tens of thousands $$ from Big Tobacco.
Pence is a lightweight. He was a terrible governor of Indiana and will be dealt with

Then Paul Ryan is next in line. Lol. I mean really. What do you think is going to happen here? Seriously.
so you admit that bill clinton raped 4 women and anyone that defended him is as bad as he was INCLUDING his wife hillary?
So after I just proved you to be a liar...you create an even bigger lie that I admitted something I didn’t.
You are one desperate hombre.... Its exactly what we expect from a serial sex offender supporter.
so you ARE defending bill clinton. called first time. women actually went to court to accuse bill clinton. they did not disappear after the election. so who should we believe? according to you an accusation is proof so why do you defend hillary for defending her rapist husband?
Next, you'll be defending Robert E. Lee.

Why not stay in this century and look at what is going on now?

Clinton was impeached. Are you saying Trump should be impeached?

Clinton was impeached for what? Perjury and obstruction of justice.
He was impeached for lying about getting a blowjob. Starr said, after his own sex scandal, that if he had it to do all over again, he wouldn't.

How many Republicans have gotten blowjobs and lied to their wives about it?

Monica was 24 years old. Republicans should have minded their own fuking business.

At least he didn't peep at underage girls at the Miss Teen USA Pageant backstage.
he sexually assaulted an EMPLOYEE and then lied about it under oath.
So after I just proved you to be a liar...you create an even bigger lie that I admitted something I didn’t.
You are one desperate hombre.... Its exactly what we expect from a serial sex offender supporter.
so you ARE defending bill clinton. called first time. women actually went to court to accuse bill clinton. they did not disappear after the election. so who should we believe? according to you an accusation is proof so why do you defend hillary for defending her rapist husband?
Next, you'll be defending Robert E. Lee.

Why not stay in this century and look at what is going on now?

Clinton was impeached. Are you saying Trump should be impeached?

Clinton was impeached for what? Perjury and obstruction of justice.
He was impeached for lying about getting a blowjob. Starr said, after his own sex scandal, that if he had it to do all over again, he wouldn't.

How many Republicans have gotten blowjobs and lied to their wives about it?

Monica was 24 years old. Republicans should have minded their own fuking business.

For lying under oath and for obstruction of justice. That is why he was impeached.
And his approval rating soared after your republicans spent millions on a semen stain.
You never got over how Bill always had the last laugh on you.
Unless there are charges filed, he will not be held accountable for any wrongdoing. You have to be CHARGED with a crime first. What you want is for him to be impeached, but that is most likely not going to happen.

That's all that's really important after all.

Yes, that is how our justice system works. We don't put people in jail or impeach presidents because of mere allegations.

Yes, allegations ought to be completely ignored.
While trump is still stuck with the lowest approval rating of any president the retardos will never get over Bill Clinton’s approval ratings soared after impeached andyou couldn’t remove him from office...
Democrats have had a rough week:
-Al Franken grope photo
-John Conyers using tax dollars to pay off accusers
-Charlie Rose is a pervert
-Donald Trump is still President

That’s what you get for being corrupt perverts
With a record low approval rating and now the GOP is known as the party of pedaphiles.
Zero legislative accomplishments in a fucking YEAR... and all you can do is parade around that you WON.
Most corrupt administration since Reagan’swith 2 indictments , one guilty plea and many more indictments to come. Let’s see how much you’ll be celebrating .

Boy, you're living in such bizarre denial. Lay off the Democrat Fake News, kid. It really is rotting your brain. This definitely never happened...

Moron still can’t tell the difference of pretending to touch a woman’s breasts and assaulting minors like Moore and sexually assaulting 16 women like Trump..

Nice try wanka. The dude's a slimy little pervert. The woman doesn't think this is funny at all. He needs to go. Period, end of story.
so you ARE defending bill clinton. called first time. women actually went to court to accuse bill clinton. they did not disappear after the election. so who should we believe? according to you an accusation is proof so why do you defend hillary for defending her rapist husband?
Next, you'll be defending Robert E. Lee.

Why not stay in this century and look at what is going on now?

Clinton was impeached. Are you saying Trump should be impeached?

Clinton was impeached for what? Perjury and obstruction of justice.
He was impeached for lying about getting a blowjob. Starr said, after his own sex scandal, that if he had it to do all over again, he wouldn't.

How many Republicans have gotten blowjobs and lied to their wives about it?

Monica was 24 years old. Republicans should have minded their own fuking business.

For lying under oath and for obstruction of justice. That is why he was impeached.
And his approval rating soared after your republicans spent millions on a semen stain.
You never got over how Bill always had the last laugh on you.

I really wasn't much into politics back then, so yet again, you are wrong.
The old “ locker room talk “ bullshit again.
Steve Bannon invented that line and you fell for it.
If Obama said those same things your kind would have lynched him.

Reasonable is a typical, fascist libtard that wants to imprison people for saying things to which he objects.
I provided links to every woman who Trump accosted and what they said yet you still act like a true moron who’s incapable of learning.
Trump: I love my uneducated base.
The carnival barker spotted you from a mile away..
but of course the 4 women that bill clinton raped actually went to the police and courts and hillary attacked them. you defend bill and hillary while claiming inTHIS case all it takes is an accusation with no willingness to actually go to court and no actual evidence.
I know. Hillary is super woman. She can do anything because she is all powerful.
He admitted that he engages in sexual assault ...

Why is it that you guys can't just quote EXACTLY what Trump said? Why do you embellish, or rather, lie? Just tell the truth. Can you do that?
Here’s a few of your dumbass’ quotes:
Who knew Puerto Rico was an island surrounded by water?
Who knew healthcare was so difficult.
Dumbest president ever. No wonder you love him. He reminds you of yourself..

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