When will we ban Homosexuality,Transexulism, and beastiality?

America as a nation must move to ban, Homosexuality,Transexualism, and beastiality. These three evils must be removed from American society. No normal society should allow those three evils.
Beastiality is already banned. Try to remember that the next time you're down on the farm. As for sexual activity among consenting adults, and the freedom to express ones gender identity goes- most of the developed, western world has decided that DISCRIMINATION AND PERSECUTION of people based on sexuality and gender identity should not be allowed in NORMAL SOCIETY. So what does that tell us about you and how NORMAL you are?
Shouldn't people that identify as barnyard animals be able to have sex with barnyard animals?

Only if identifying as a barnyard animal is the same as being a barnyard animal

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America as a nation must move to ban, Homosexuality,Transexualism, and beastiality. These three evils must be removed from American society. No normal society should allow those three evils.
Beastiality is already banned. Try to remember that the next time you're down on the farm. As for sexual activity among consenting adults, and the freedom to express ones gender identity goes- most of the developed, western world has decided that DISCRIMINATION AND PERSECUTION of people based on sexuality and gender identity should not be allowed in NORMAL SOCIETY. So what does that tell us about you and how NORMAL you are?
Shouldn't people that identify as barnyard animals be able to have sex with barnyard animals?

Only if identifying as a barnyard animal is the same as being a barnyard animal

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Isn't that the way it works with gender? Why not species?
America as a nation must move to ban, Homosexuality,Transexualism, and beastiality. These three evils must be removed from American society. No normal society should allow those three evils.
Beastiality is already banned. Try to remember that the next time you're down on the farm. As for sexual activity among consenting adults, and the freedom to express ones gender identity goes- most of the developed, western world has decided that DISCRIMINATION AND PERSECUTION of people based on sexuality and gender identity should not be allowed in NORMAL SOCIETY. So what does that tell us about you and how NORMAL you are?
Shouldn't people that identify as barnyard animals be able to have sex with barnyard animals?

Only if identifying as a barnyard animal is the same as being a barnyard animal

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Isn't that the way it works with gender? Why not species?
Gee, I guess you are just going to have to try real hard to figure out that tough riddle all by yourself. try squeezing your brain real hard, maybe with a vice or something.
America as a nation must move to ban, Homosexuality,Transexualism, and beastiality. These three evils must be removed from American society. No normal society should allow those three evils.
Beastiality is already banned. Try to remember that the next time you're down on the farm. As for sexual activity among consenting adults, and the freedom to express ones gender identity goes- most of the developed, western world has decided that DISCRIMINATION AND PERSECUTION of people based on sexuality and gender identity should not be allowed in NORMAL SOCIETY. So what does that tell us about you and how NORMAL you are?
Shouldn't people that identify as barnyard animals be able to have sex with barnyard animals?

Only if identifying as a barnyard animal is the same as being a barnyard animal

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Isn't that the way it works with gender? Why not species?
Gee, I guess you are just going to have to try real hard to figure out that tough riddle all by yourself. try squeezing your brain real hard, maybe with a vice or something.
If you don't understand my sarcasm, then you need to squeeze your own brain.
America as a nation must move to ban, Homosexuality,Transexualism, and beastiality. These three evils must be removed from American society. No normal society should allow those three evils.
Beastiality is already banned. Try to remember that the next time you're down on the farm. As for sexual activity among consenting adults, and the freedom to express ones gender identity goes- most of the developed, western world has decided that DISCRIMINATION AND PERSECUTION of people based on sexuality and gender identity should not be allowed in NORMAL SOCIETY. So what does that tell us about you and how NORMAL you are?
Shouldn't people that identify as barnyard animals be able to have sex with barnyard animals?

Only if identifying as a barnyard animal is the same as being a barnyard animal

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Isn't that the way it works with gender? Why not species?
If you have to ask it means that you won't understand the answer.
America as a nation must move to ban, Homosexuality,Transexualism, and beastiality. These three evils must be removed from American society. No normal society should allow those three evils.

Why specifically do you want government to be monitoring Americans consensual sex lives in their bedrooms?

Animals of course can't consent to sex- and I encourage every state to make bestiality illegal- why is bestiality legal in West Virginia and Wyoming(Texas just made it illegal)

True. You can cut their throats, stab them in the heart or shoot them. Just don't grease them up and fuck'em. Sound like a Fatwah concerning married women !
America as a nation must move to ban, Homosexuality,Transexualism, and beastiality. These three evils must be removed from American society. No normal society should allow those three evils.
Beastiality is already banned. Try to remember that the next time you're down on the farm. As for sexual activity among consenting adults, and the freedom to express ones gender identity goes- most of the developed, western world has decided that DISCRIMINATION AND PERSECUTION of people based on sexuality and gender identity should not be allowed in NORMAL SOCIETY. So what does that tell us about you and how NORMAL you are?
Shouldn't people that identify as barnyard animals be able to have sex with barnyard animals?

Only if identifying as a barnyard animal is the same as being a barnyard animal

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Isn't that the way it works with gender? Why not species?
If you have to ask it means that you won't understand the answer.
I understand that believing something which is obviously and provably not true is a sign of being delusional whether it's a biological male that thinks he is female or a human that thinks he is a chicken. However, if you are going to allow Bruce to re-brand himself as Caitlyn, then we may as well allow people to re-brand themselves as barnyard animals. After all, it is a free country.... right!
Beastiality is already banned. Try to remember that the next time you're down on the farm. As for sexual activity among consenting adults, and the freedom to express ones gender identity goes- most of the developed, western world has decided that DISCRIMINATION AND PERSECUTION of people based on sexuality and gender identity should not be allowed in NORMAL SOCIETY. So what does that tell us about you and how NORMAL you are?
Shouldn't people that identify as barnyard animals be able to have sex with barnyard animals?

Only if identifying as a barnyard animal is the same as being a barnyard animal

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Isn't that the way it works with gender? Why not species?
If you have to ask it means that you won't understand the answer.
I understand that believing something which is obviously and provably not true is a sign of being delusional whether it's a biological male that thinks he is female or a human that thinks he is a chicken. However, if you are going to allow Bruce to re-brand himself as Caitlyn, then we may as well allow people to re-brand themselves as barnyard animals. After all, it is a free country.... right!
So they want you to believe anyhoo. Get those vaccines yet ?
The first two are life time choices that would be against human rights to ban as those people can't help who they're.

The last choice must be banned.

Oh'yess, you're a religious person and believe that your dumb beliefs should be forced on everyone.

This is why I don't believe in god anymore.
ISIS has a permanent cure for these kind of perverts.

Works every time!!! ..... :thup:
Beastiality is already banned. Try to remember that the next time you're down on the farm. As for sexual activity among consenting adults, and the freedom to express ones gender identity goes- most of the developed, western world has decided that DISCRIMINATION AND PERSECUTION of people based on sexuality and gender identity should not be allowed in NORMAL SOCIETY. So what does that tell us about you and how NORMAL you are?
Shouldn't people that identify as barnyard animals be able to have sex with barnyard animals?

Only if identifying as a barnyard animal is the same as being a barnyard animal

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Isn't that the way it works with gender? Why not species?
If you have to ask it means that you won't understand the answer.
I understand that believing something which is obviousaly and provably not true is a sign of being delusional whether it's a biological male that thinks he is female or a human that thinks he is a chicken. However, if you are going to allow Bruce to re-brand himself as Caitlyn, then we may as well allow people to re-brand themselves as barnyard animals. After all, it is a free country.... right!

I'm not even going to deal with the clap-trap about trans people being delusional. It's obvious that you have no knowledge of the reasons why people are trans and probably don't care to learn. Comparing them to people who want to be barnyard animals is equally inane.

Caitlyn is still a human being. If someone wants to be a barnyard animal, they have to do more than walk around on all fours and make barnyard animal sounds. They have to become a barnyard animal. They can take barnyard animal hormones. Get a barnyard animal transfusion. Have a barnyard animal brain transplant. Then they will be equal to barnyard animals and can have as much barnyard animal sex as they want.
Fudge packers and transfreakazoids are mentally ill and need to be locked up and receive intense therapy to be cured of their vile behavior. .... :cool:

As long as we can lock up the mentally ill freakazoids such as yourself first- sure.
Beastiality is already banned. Try to remember that the next time you're down on the farm. As for sexual activity among consenting adults, and the freedom to express ones gender identity goes- most of the developed, western world has decided that DISCRIMINATION AND PERSECUTION of people based on sexuality and gender identity should not be allowed in NORMAL SOCIETY. So what does that tell us about you and how NORMAL you are?
Shouldn't people that identify as barnyard animals be able to have sex with barnyard animals?

Only if identifying as a barnyard animal is the same as being a barnyard animal

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Isn't that the way it works with gender? Why not species?
Gee, I guess you are just going to have to try real hard to figure out that tough riddle all by yourself. try squeezing your brain real hard, maybe with a vice or something.
If you don't understand my sarcasm, then you need to squeeze your own brain.
The correct word is "facetiousness".
If this ever happens in the United states with Homosexuality or Transgenderism then the thousands of troops that have fought the taliban and isis died in vein. They fought for freedom against religious fascism. What part of that don't you bastard don't understand?

This is a direct attack on liberty and freedom. If an organized resistance takes form in this country I'll join it and take up arms.
If this ever happens in the United states with Homosexuality or Transgenderism then the thousands of troops that have fought the taliban and isis died in vein. They fought for freedom against religious fascism. What part of that don't you bastard don't understand?

This is a direct attack on liberty and freedom. If an organized resistance takes form in this country I'll join it and take up arms.
Will you also be wearing a dress and heels when you do. .... :cool:
If this ever happens in the United states with Homosexuality or Transgenderism then the thousands of troops that have fought the taliban and isis died in vein. They fought for freedom against religious fascism. What part of that don't you bastard don't understand?

This is a direct attack on liberty and freedom. If an organized resistance takes form in this country I'll join it and take up arms.
Will you also be wearing a dress and heels when you do. .... :cool:
In my short time here, it has become clear that homosexuality is, by far, your favorite topic. You even bring it up out of the blue a lot.
The first two are life time choices that would be against human rights to ban as those people can't help who they're.

The last choice must be banned.

Oh'yess, you're a religious person and believe that your dumb beliefs should be forced on everyone.

This is why I don't believe in god anymore.
Why should the last be banned if both the human and animal consent? And don't tell me animals can't consent........they do with each other all the time.
Are you serious??? If so...on iggie you go.
The first two are life time choices that would be against human rights to ban as those people can't help who they're.

The last choice must be banned.

Oh'yess, you're a religious person and believe that your dumb beliefs should be forced on everyone.

This is why I don't believe in god anymore.
Why should the last be banned if both the human and animal consent? And don't tell me animals can't consent........they do with each other all the time.
That question is too fucking stupid to even try to answer. I suppose that you also think that children can consent to sex?? Or maybe that consent is not necessary?? Adult humans have power over both animals and children . I can't believe that anyone is so stupid as to not get that.

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