When will we ban Homosexuality,Transexulism, and beastiality?

What parents are "encouraging" children to do any such thing.? Encouraging is another poor choice of a word. Some parents who are enlightened enough will listen to their children when they are expressing doubts and confusion and give them PERMISSION and support to explore those feelings.

What do you think that parents should do? Should children who have those feeling be made to feel ashamed and guilty? Tell the child that he/she is just being foolish and that they should get over it.? Reject the child and tell them they will go to hell? Regardless of why people question their gender, they are very real feelings being experienced by real people and the wrong response has consequences.

I suppose that knowing that such a response often leads to depression, anxiety, and self harm is to much to expect of you

And , no one is allowing children who have those doubts about their gender to make irreversible changes. At most, they are given a drug to delay the onset of puberty so that the person can make an informed decision when they are old enough.

Another thing that indicates to me that you know precious little about the Transgender issue is your reference to "body parts" There is much more to biological gender than the obvious external male/female anatomy.

Geeez man!! do some reading before bloviating about that which you know nothing.
Abort them before they're born.
Problem solved.
I thought that you dumb fucks believe that gay is a choice. Please explain how you might know what choice the unborn might make
Your mistake was putting me in a box with a bunch of other people. I'm unique with unique opinions and thoughts.
OK, My bad. Next question. Are you pro life or pro choice and what other "conditions" if any-besides homosexuality-should subject the unborn to routine abortion??
I don't know what to think, which side to take. One the one hand you want to have sex without consequences. On the other hand you have to decide what is human life and is it a valuable commodity worthy of protection. Why is a human fetus worth more than a chickens fetus for example. Do you deserve health care simply because you are a human? A lot of these questions I don't have the answer for. Depends on what side of the bed I get up on. Meanwhile I play devils advocate.

In general I believe every person has a right to do any damn thing that person wants to do as long as it doesn't step on another persons toes.
That's what I like. A man of conviction!! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Who exactly is it that "wants to have sex without consequences??:confused-84::confused-84:

Lets remind the class where this all started......with your inane and hateful assertion that gays should be aborted before being born.

So while you are non committal on all of those other issues, you seem to have taken a stand one that one. Something is wrong with this picture. Do you really believe that or were you just being a provocateur??:lalala:
Abort them before they're born.
Problem solved.
I thought that you dumb fucks believe that gay is a choice. Please explain how you might know what choice the unborn might make
Your mistake was putting me in a box with a bunch of other people. I'm unique with unique opinions and thoughts.
OK, My bad. Next question. Are you pro life or pro choice and what other "conditions" if any-besides homosexuality-should subject the unborn to routine abortion??
I don't know what to think, which side to take. One the one hand you want to have sex without consequences. On the other hand you have to decide what is human life and is it a valuable commodity worthy of protection. Why is a human fetus worth more than a chickens fetus for example. Do you deserve health care simply because you are a human? A lot of these questions I don't have the answer for. Depends on what side of the bed I get up on. Meanwhile I play devils advocate.

In general I believe every person has a right to do any damn thing that person wants to do as long as it doesn't step on another persons toes.
That's what I like. A man of conviction!! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Who exactly is it that "wants to have sex without consequences??:confused-84::confused-84:

Lets remind the class where this all started......with your inane and hateful assertion that gays should be aborted before being born.

So while you are non committal on all of those other issues, you seem to have taken a stand one that one. Something is wrong with this picture. Do you really believe that or were you just being a provocateur??:lalala:
If you are going to have an abortion because you don't want to get fat. Or because you want to party and it'll get in the way,. You may as well come up with better reasons such as the fetus has unwanted traits.

other reasons.
low iq
color of skin
color of eyes.
genetic defect
short gene
I thought that you dumb fucks believe that gay is a choice. Please explain how you might know what choice the unborn might make
Your mistake was putting me in a box with a bunch of other people. I'm unique with unique opinions and thoughts.
OK, My bad. Next question. Are you pro life or pro choice and what other "conditions" if any-besides homosexuality-should subject the unborn to routine abortion??
I don't know what to think, which side to take. One the one hand you want to have sex without consequences. On the other hand you have to decide what is human life and is it a valuable commodity worthy of protection. Why is a human fetus worth more than a chickens fetus for example. Do you deserve health care simply because you are a human? A lot of these questions I don't have the answer for. Depends on what side of the bed I get up on. Meanwhile I play devils advocate.

In general I believe every person has a right to do any damn thing that person wants to do as long as it doesn't step on another persons toes.
That's what I like. A man of conviction!! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Who exactly is it that "wants to have sex without consequences??:confused-84::confused-84:

Lets remind the class where this all started......with your inane and hateful assertion that gays should be aborted before being born.

So while you are non committal on all of those other issues, you seem to have taken a stand one that one. Something is wrong with this picture. Do you really believe that or were you just being a provocateur??:lalala:
If you are going to have an abortion because you don't want to get fat. Or because you want to party and it'll get in the way,. You may as well come up with better reasons such as the fetus has unwanted traits.

other reasons.
low iq
color of skin
color of eyes.
genetic defect
short gene
Unwanted traits? Unwanted by who? Now it seems that you are advocating eugenics.
Your mistake was putting me in a box with a bunch of other people. I'm unique with unique opinions and thoughts.
OK, My bad. Next question. Are you pro life or pro choice and what other "conditions" if any-besides homosexuality-should subject the unborn to routine abortion??
I don't know what to think, which side to take. One the one hand you want to have sex without consequences. On the other hand you have to decide what is human life and is it a valuable commodity worthy of protection. Why is a human fetus worth more than a chickens fetus for example. Do you deserve health care simply because you are a human? A lot of these questions I don't have the answer for. Depends on what side of the bed I get up on. Meanwhile I play devils advocate.

In general I believe every person has a right to do any damn thing that person wants to do as long as it doesn't step on another persons toes.
That's what I like. A man of conviction!! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Who exactly is it that "wants to have sex without consequences??:confused-84::confused-84:

Lets remind the class where this all started......with your inane and hateful assertion that gays should be aborted before being born.

So while you are non committal on all of those other issues, you seem to have taken a stand one that one. Something is wrong with this picture. Do you really believe that or were you just being a provocateur??:lalala:
If you are going to have an abortion because you don't want to get fat. Or because you want to party and it'll get in the way,. You may as well come up with better reasons such as the fetus has unwanted traits.

other reasons.
low iq
color of skin
color of eyes.
genetic defect
short gene
Unwanted traits? Unwanted by who? Now it seems that you are advocating eugenics.
unwanted by the person who gets to decide to abort or not.

On a side note I'm pro sterilization of all poor people until they can prove they can financially support a kid.
"Before the government recognized same sex marriage the couples could call their relationship whatever they want. They could enter it anyway they wanted. They could end it when they wanted."

That is so dumb. before, the government determined they were all NOT married. The government is not interfering in marriage law, it is interfering less. Stop with this laughable nonsense.
Married people should not get benefits single people don't get.
Okay, not sure I even disagree there, but it's about more than that. Such as, property rights upon death. Such as, when only immediate family is allowed to visit an ill or dying person. Or spousal rights for those in the military. I'm sure we could come up with a long list, if we took the time.
What law requires you be a family member to visit an ill or dying person?
There should be no spousal privileges within marriage that can't be arranged without marriage.
"What law requires you be a family member to visit an ill or dying person?"

The law that says hospital security can use force to enforce a hospital's policy, and when the hospital has a policy of "only immediate family" for a set of situations. Which is true of every hospital. yes, before gay people could get married, their partners could and would get turned away.

So no law
The laws I just described. Pay attention!
So the answer is you don't think things through ever.

Before the government recognized same sex marriage the couples could call their relationship whatever they want. They could enter it anyway they wanted. They could end it when they wanted.

Now the government determined if they are married or not. They have to follow governments rules on how to enter the relationship. They have to petition the government when they want to leave the relationship. The government decides how to divide your property. The government decides how long you have to be together before you can separate.

Oh and now because of the court decision, the federal government is interfering in marriage law.

So yeah big government. Giving government power to regulate always increases its size and power.
"Before the government recognized same sex marriage the couples could call their relationship whatever they want. They could enter it anyway they wanted. They could end it when they wanted."

That is so dumb. before, the government determined they were all NOT married. The government is not interfering in marriage law, it is interfering less. Stop with this laughable nonsense.
Married people should not get benefits single people don't get.
Okay, not sure I even disagree there, but it's about more than that. Such as, property rights upon death. Such as, when only immediate family is allowed to visit an ill or dying person. Or spousal rights for those in the military. I'm sure we could come up with a long list, if we took the time.
What law requires you be a family member to visit an ill or dying person?
There should be no spousal privileges within marriage that can't be arranged without marriage.
"What law requires you be a family member to visit an ill or dying person?"

The law that says hospital security can use force to enforce a hospital's policy, and when the hospital has a policy of "only immediate family" for a set of situations. Which is true of every hospital. yes, before gay people could get married, their partners could and would get turned away.
So called Christian families would kick out a child. As an adult, the child would be successful with a partner. The child gets sick. The family swoops in and keeps the partner from visiting. The child dies. Then they family sues the partner for everything they had.

I've seen this play out many times.
On a side note I'm pro sterilization of all poor people until they can prove they can financially support a kid.

Really? Have you thought that through?? That would include most of the world

What about people who are to stupid to properly guide kids into adulthood? What about people with extremist views that are sure to screw kids up? Where does it end?

Ya think that we might wind up with an under population problem or too many old people in relation to the number of young ones like in Japan already??
Last edited:
unwanted by the person who gets to decide to abort or not.
Really, what happened to you since less than an hour ago when you said "I don't know what to think, which side to take....." regarding abortion . Now, suddenly you have no qualms about it for whatever reason. Not tell enough? Not a genius? Left handed? Oh, or gay? You are a slippery one
unwanted by the person who gets to decide to abort or not.
Really, what happened to you since less than an hour ago when you said "I don't know what to think, which side to take....." regarding abortion . Now, suddenly you have no qualms about it for whatever reason. Not tell enough? Not a genius? Left handed? Oh, or gay? You are a slippery one
If they're going to abort anyhow, and I can do nothing to stop them, not saying I should, then I do believe it should be a better reason than that the baby will get in the way or cramp their style.

I still haven't come up with a decision whether a human is special as a fetus or not. Should we preserve their life just because they exist? Should we feed them, heal them, simply because they are human? There are too many poverty stricken people out there desperately in need for us to value them special simply because they are human. Smarter to sterilize them so they don't reproduce more who can't feed themselves.
unwanted by the person who gets to decide to abort or not.
Really, what happened to you since less than an hour ago when you said "I don't know what to think, which side to take....." regarding abortion . Now, suddenly you have no qualms about it for whatever reason. Not tell enough? Not a genius? Left handed? Oh, or gay? You are a slippery one
If they're going to abort anyhow, and I can do nothing to stop them, not saying I should, then I do believe it should be a better reason than that the baby will get in the way or cramp their style.

I still haven't come up with a decision whether a human is special as a fetus or not. Should we preserve their life just because they exist? Should we feed them, heal them, simply because they are human? There are too many poverty stricken people out there desperately in need for us to value them special simply because they are human. Smarter to sterilize them so they don't reproduce more who can't feed themselves.
Should those already born be considered special because they are human?
unwanted by the person who gets to decide to abort or not.
Really, what happened to you since less than an hour ago when you said "I don't know what to think, which side to take....." regarding abortion . Now, suddenly you have no qualms about it for whatever reason. Not tell enough? Not a genius? Left handed? Oh, or gay? You are a slippery one
If they're going to abort anyhow, and I can do nothing to stop them, not saying I should, then I do believe it should be a better reason than that the baby will get in the way or cramp their style.

I still haven't come up with a decision whether a human is special as a fetus or not. Should we preserve their life just because they exist? Should we feed them, heal them, simply because they are human? There are too many poverty stricken people out there desperately in need for us to value them special simply because they are human. Smarter to sterilize them so they don't reproduce more who can't feed themselves.
Should those already born be considered special because they are human?
The world population of humans has been estimated to exceed 7.5 billion this year.
unwanted by the person who gets to decide to abort or not.
Really, what happened to you since less than an hour ago when you said "I don't know what to think, which side to take....." regarding abortion . Now, suddenly you have no qualms about it for whatever reason. Not tell enough? Not a genius? Left handed? Oh, or gay? You are a slippery one
If they're going to abort anyhow, and I can do nothing to stop them, not saying I should, then I do believe it should be a better reason than that the baby will get in the way or cramp their style.

I still haven't come up with a decision whether a human is special as a fetus or not. Should we preserve their life just because they exist? Should we feed them, heal them, simply because they are human? There are too many poverty stricken people out there desperately in need for us to value them special simply because they are human. Smarter to sterilize them so they don't reproduce more who can't feed themselves.
Well as a vegetarian and a Pagan, I believe that all life is equally valuable and in a just and rational world, there would be adequate resources to support all of it.

But this is now far afield from where this started. Again! You stated that gays should be aborted. You didn't say that they should be aborted if the parents wanted it. You made a bigoted assertion that they should be aborted .That has nothing to do with economics or any of these loftier questions that you are raising to divert attention from the real issue here. It was about hate. Period. I won't let you run from that . You said it. Now explain yourself.
America as a nation must move to ban, Homosexuality,Transexualism, and beastiality. These three evils must be removed from American society. No normal society should allow those three evils.

You seem to be extremely preoccupied with what sex practices go on in other people's bedrooms. Voyeurism can be treated. See a psychologist.
America as a nation must move to ban, Homosexuality,Transexualism, and beastiality. These three evils must be removed from American society. No normal society should allow those three evils.

You seem to be extremely preoccupied with what sex practices go on in other people's bedrooms. Voyeurism can be treated. See a psychologist.
Forget it . The perpetrator of this moronic OP hasn't been around since posting it. Apparently does not have the guts or intelligence to try to defend it.
Married people should not get benefits single people don't get.
Okay, not sure I even disagree there, but it's about more than that. Such as, property rights upon death. Such as, when only immediate family is allowed to visit an ill or dying person. Or spousal rights for those in the military. I'm sure we could come up with a long list, if we took the time.
What law requires you be a family member to visit an ill or dying person?
There should be no spousal privileges within marriage that can't be arranged without marriage.
"What law requires you be a family member to visit an ill or dying person?"

The law that says hospital security can use force to enforce a hospital's policy, and when the hospital has a policy of "only immediate family" for a set of situations. Which is true of every hospital. yes, before gay people could get married, their partners could and would get turned away.

So no law
The laws I just described. Pay attention!
If such laws existed, you'd be able to vote them.

If I went to court stating something was law with no effort show where, I'd be laughed out of court
America as a nation must move to ban, Homosexuality,Transexualism, and beastiality. These three evils must be removed from American society. No normal society should allow those three evils.

You seem to be extremely preoccupied with what sex practices go on in other people's bedrooms. Voyeurism can be treated. See a psychologist.
Forget it . The perpetrator of this moronic OP hasn't been around since posting it. Apparently does not have the guts or intelligence to try to defend it.

Oh yes I've been around to know that some of you weirdos that support perversions like homosexuality , Transexualism, and beastiality would be shoot , or hung in many African,or middle eastern countries.
America as a nation must move to ban, Homosexuality,Transexualism, and beastiality. These three evils must be removed from American society. No normal society should allow those three evils.

You seem to be extremely preoccupied with what sex practices go on in other people's bedrooms. Voyeurism can be treated. See a psychologist.
Forget it . The perpetrator of this moronic OP hasn't been around since posting it. Apparently does not have the guts or intelligence to try to defend it.

Oh yes I've been around to know that some of you weirdos that support perversions like homosexuality , Transexualism, and beastiality would be shoot , or hung in many African,or middle eastern countries.
Than take your ignorant bigoted ass to Africa where you will be worshiped
Okay, not sure I even disagree there, but it's about more than that. Such as, property rights upon death. Such as, when only immediate family is allowed to visit an ill or dying person. Or spousal rights for those in the military. I'm sure we could come up with a long list, if we took the time.
What law requires you be a family member to visit an ill or dying person?
There should be no spousal privileges within marriage that can't be arranged without marriage.
"What law requires you be a family member to visit an ill or dying person?"

The law that says hospital security can use force to enforce a hospital's policy, and when the hospital has a policy of "only immediate family" for a set of situations. Which is true of every hospital. yes, before gay people could get married, their partners could and would get turned away.

So no law
The laws I just described. Pay attention!
If such laws existed, you'd be able to vote them.

If I went to court stating something was law with no effort show where, I'd be laughed out of court
Vote for laws? Haha....welcome to America, when did you arrive, what country did you come from, and would you like to borrow my civics book?

Look man, when you have to deny the reality that gay spouses have and are denied the simple permissions enjoyed by straight spouses, you have officially declared yourself delusional. Yes, the force and letter of law has allowed this. So, gay peolle want to be recognized as spouses in the same way. You can agree or agree (duh, wonder which), but you are not going to waste any more of my time with the idiotic argument over whether or not it makes a difference, under law.
unwanted by the person who gets to decide to abort or not.
Really, what happened to you since less than an hour ago when you said "I don't know what to think, which side to take....." regarding abortion . Now, suddenly you have no qualms about it for whatever reason. Not tell enough? Not a genius? Left handed? Oh, or gay? You are a slippery one
If they're going to abort anyhow, and I can do nothing to stop them, not saying I should, then I do believe it should be a better reason than that the baby will get in the way or cramp their style.

I still haven't come up with a decision whether a human is special as a fetus or not. Should we preserve their life just because they exist? Should we feed them, heal them, simply because they are human? There are too many poverty stricken people out there desperately in need for us to value them special simply because they are human. Smarter to sterilize them so they don't reproduce more who can't feed themselves.
Well as a vegetarian and a Pagan, I believe that all life is equally valuable and in a just and rational world, there would be adequate resources to support all of it.

But this is now far afield from where this started. Again! You stated that gays should be aborted. You didn't say that they should be aborted if the parents wanted it. You made a bigoted assertion that they should be aborted .That has nothing to do with economics or any of these loftier questions that you are raising to divert attention from the real issue here. It was about hate. Period. I won't let you run from that . You said it. Now explain yourself.
I'm not going to allow you to control the argument.

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