When will we put LGBTQ issues behind us.?

You [ProgressivePatriot] need to get some anger management. You have serious issues!

I think it goes without saying that anyone who wants creepy male perverts to be allowed in women's restroom or dressing facilities while actual women or girls are using those facilities, has serious issues. One certainly has to wonder about the motivation behind such a desire.

Obviously, since they now object to my husband being there.

Your husband has no more "right" to be there, sorry.

And neither do the sick perverts that you want to be allowed in there. That's the point.
You [ProgressivePatriot] need to get some anger management. You have serious issues!

I think it goes without saying that anyone who wants creepy male perverts to be allowed in women's restroom or dressing facilities while actual women or girls are using those facilities, has serious issues. One certainly has to wonder about the motivation behind such a desire.

Obviously, since they now object to my husband being there.

Your husband has no more "right" to be there, sorry.
Why not? I thought we were going for equality?

I never mentioned my feelings on the "bathroom" issue. Though I think it is rather silly considering that MOST rapists are heterosexual men.

Yes, you did. You said you did not want to pee with men.
So it's okay for a man to go into a woman's bathroom if it's on your terms?

If other men are given the right why would you object to my husband being there?

When it gets down to it, no matter how they may try to deny it, wrong-wing ideology ultimately favors the interests of criminals, sexual perverts, and other degenerates over those of sane, normal, decent citizens.
I am completely amazed at the shear STUPIDITY of the bathroom issue

First of all- the issue of transgender rights goes way beyond bathroom access. That is just one small aspect of the wider issues. Yet you annually fixated jackasses can't deal with the real issues- or anything besides the bathroom. Makes me wonder what is going on between your ears.

Secondly, I would like someone to show me just one case where someone either pretending to be or who actually is a trans women going into a women's room for the purpose of sexual gratification. There have, however, been several recent cases of straight men planting cameras in women's rooms

In addition, banning transwomen from the ladies room would not prevent some straight male pervert from dressing as a women and going into the women's room.

Most transwomen- even though they are biologically still men- ARE NOT INTERESTED in women sexually. Those who are pose no more of a risk to the women that a lesbian would- so shall we ban them too. Keep in mind that YOU have probably peed next to a gay man in the mans room more than once.

Women relieve themselves in a stall- always- so no one is going to know what the fuck they have between their legs. Now can we just shut the fuck up!??
If transwomen who are biologically still men are not interested in women, how do you explain Bruce Jenner?

Well, I can at least agree with you that they are still biologically men. You can't change biological facts. My issue is not which bathroom a transgender person uses. My issue is how horrible some of you "conservatives" treat other people, especially gay people. Why is it any concern of yours what other consenting adults do in their bedrooms?

Conservatives don't care about what goes on in your bedrooms. Why do you think they do?

Well, I'm not gay, I just believe in equality for all American citizens. Apparently you do care a lot.

Sure I do. If gays and transgendered get access to public women's bathrooms then I want my straight man to have access too. Now, that's equality. Right?

So then you just want to act like a child basically. Lol. :D
Thank you for confirming that you are unable to deal with any of these questions, or the challenge that I issued to you in my previous post which you have thus far ignored because you are either unable to learn anything or have no interest in doing so. My guess it is the former. . Thank you also for confirming my initial assessment of your abysmal level of intellectual functioning and the fact that you are nothing more than an obnoxious troll. Get the fuck out of here!
Thank you for confirming that you are unable to deal with any of these questions, or the challenge that I issued to you in my previous post which you have thus far ignored because you are either unable to learn anything or have no interest in doing so. My guess it is the former. . Thank you also for confirming my initial assessment of your abysmal level of intellectual functioning and the fact that you are nothing more than an obnoxious troll. Get the fuck out of here!

You need to get some anger management. You have serious issues!
Thank you again for validating my assessment of you that you can not actually deal with the issue and instead must turn it back on me and attempt to discredit me. That is a pathetic and obvious ad hominem . You really can't do any better, can you?
You [ProgressivePatriot] need to get some anger management. You have serious issues!

I think it goes without saying that anyone who wants creepy male perverts to be allowed in women's restroom or dressing facilities while actual women or girls are using those facilities, has serious issues. One certainly has to wonder about the motivation behind such a desire.

Obviously, since they now object to my husband being there.

Your husband has no more "right" to be there, sorry.

And neither do the sick perverts that you want to be allowed in there. That's the point.

Where did I say that men should be allowed to use the women's restroom. Quote it please. :D Oh, that's right. You cannot because I never stated such a thing.
Thank you for confirming that you are unable to deal with any of these questions, or the challenge that I issued to you in my previous post which you have thus far ignored because you are either unable to learn anything or have no interest in doing so. My guess it is the former. . Thank you also for confirming my initial assessment of your abysmal level of intellectual functioning and the fact that you are nothing more than an obnoxious troll. Get the fuck out of here!
Thank you for confirming that you are unable to deal with any of these questions, or the challenge that I issued to you in my previous post which you have thus far ignored because you are either unable to learn anything or have no interest in doing so. My guess it is the former. . Thank you also for confirming my initial assessment of your abysmal level of intellectual functioning and the fact that you are nothing more than an obnoxious troll. Get the fuck out of here!

You need to get some anger management. You have serious issues!
Thank you again for validating my assessment of you that you can not actually deal with the issue and instead must turn it back on me and attempt to discredit me. That is a pathetic and obvious ad hominem . You really can't do any better, can you?

Do I give a pig's fuck about your assessment of me? Ponder that asswipe!
I think it goes without saying that anyone who wants creepy male perverts to be allowed in women's restroom or dressing facilities while actual women or girls are using those facilities, has serious issues. One certainly has to wonder about the motivation behind such a desire.

Obviously, since they now object to my husband being there.

Your husband has no more "right" to be there, sorry.
Why not? I thought we were going for equality?

I never mentioned my feelings on the "bathroom" issue. Though I think it is rather silly considering that MOST rapists are heterosexual men.

Yes, you did. You said you did not want to pee with men.

Most of the time, I avoid using public restrooms unless it's absolutely necessary, and then my biggest concern is that I have to pee. If I saw some big freakish looking transexual in there, sure it might make me feel uncomfortable, but since they are a HUGE minority of the population, I have yet to experience such an occurrence. If it did happen, I doubt that I would run out of the bathroom screaming. Lol. I would just do my business and get out of there.
Where did I say that men should be allowed to use the women's restroom. Quote it please. :D Oh, that's right. You cannot because I never stated such a thing.

That seems to be the side that you're taking, even if you have avoided directly stating it.

So let me ask you point-blank: Do you or do you not believe that sick male perverts, who claim to “identify as female”, should be allowed to use women's dressing and restroom facilities?
Where did I say that men should be allowed to use the women's restroom. Quote it please. :D Oh, that's right. You cannot because I never stated such a thing.

That seems to be the side that you're taking, even if you have avoided directly stating it.

So let me ask you point-blank: Do you or do you not believe that sick male perverts, who claim to “identify as female”, should be allowed to use women's dressing and restroom facilities?

I don't know the answer to that. They do have to go to the bathroom like anyone else. If they have had surgery and they have a vagina and not a penis, which restroom would you prefer they use?
I happen to know someone who has treated me very kindly, and that person happens to be a transgendered person. The LAST thing I would want to do is to hurt that person by being so cruel, like some of you seem to actually really enjoy. DO you ever think that they are human beings that have feelings?
I don't know the answer to that. They do have to go to the bathroom like anyone else. If they have had surgery and they have a vagina and not a penis, which restroom would you prefer they use?

That you don't have teh answer only goes to show just how much wrong-wing ideology has damaged you.

It's simple. If you're male, you do not go into the women's facilities. Period.

And if you're male, no amount of surgical or chemical mutilation will change that.

Not even as long as a generation ago, everybody knew this., How has this generation become so damaged that so many can no longer see what is obvious?

And some people call this “progress”.
I don't know the answer to that. They do have to go to the bathroom like anyone else. If they have had surgery and they have a vagina and not a penis, which restroom would you prefer they use?

That you don't have teh answer only goes to show just how much wrong-wing ideology has damaged you.

It's simple. If you're male, you do not go into the women's facilities. Period.

And if you're male, no amount of surgical or chemical mutilation will change that.

Not even as long as a generation ago, everybody knew this., How has this generation become so damaged that so many can no longer see what is obvious?

And some people call this “progress”.

So you want transexuals that are postoperative and have a vagina to share YOUR bathroom?
I happen to know someone who has treated me very kindly, and that person happens to be a transgendered person. The LAST thing I would want to do is to hurt that person by being so cruel, like some of you seem to actually really enjoy. DO you ever think that they are human beings that have feelings?

So, you'd rather throw women and girls under the bus, rather than risk being “cruel” to a sick, disgusting pervert.
I don't know the answer to that. They do have to go to the bathroom like anyone else. If they have had surgery and they have a vagina and not a penis, which restroom would you prefer they use?

That you don't have teh answer only goes to show just how much wrong-wing ideology has damaged you.

It's simple. If you're male, you do not go into the women's facilities. Period.

And if you're male, no amount of surgical or chemical mutilation will change that.

Not even as long as a generation ago, everybody knew this., How has this generation become so damaged that so many can no longer see what is obvious?

And some people call this “progress”.

If they are mentally disturbed and feel that they really ARE female, and have had one of these surgeries, you want them to have to pee in the men's room? They can't use the urinal anymore. Lol.
I happen to know someone who has treated me very kindly, and that person happens to be a transgendered person. The LAST thing I would want to do is to hurt that person by being so cruel, like some of you seem to actually really enjoy. DO you ever think that they are human beings that have feelings?

So, you'd rather throw women and girls under the bus, rather than risk being “cruel” to a sick, disgusting pervert.

Who is throwing anyone "under the bus." The fact of the matter is that transexuals raping women is not common at all. In fact, I've never heard of it. How would they rape a woman if they have no penis? Most rapes are committed by HETEROSEXUAL men. Who are the REAL perverts in that case?
I happen to know someone who has treated me very kindly, and that person happens to be a transgendered person. The LAST thing I would want to do is to hurt that person by being so cruel, like some of you seem to actually really enjoy. DO you ever think that they are human beings that have feelings?

So, you'd rather throw women and girls under the bus, rather than risk being “cruel” to a sick, disgusting pervert.

Why don't you just admit that you hate them? Is that so hard to do? Just be honest at least with your own self.
So you want transexuals that are postoperative and have a vagina to share YOUR bathroom?

As a society, we just need to stop embracing this madness, and stop treating it as if it is anything other than madness.

These freaks created the problem, and as a society, we have foolishly allowed them to do so.

As a society, we have foolishly allowed ourselves to be bullied by these freaks, into catering to this madness.

Even a “postoperative ‘transwoman’” is still a man, albeit a distorted, mutilated, freak of a man. He has no business being in a women's facility. If he's made himself into such a freak that he can no longer safely use a men's facility, then that's his problem, and sane people are not under any obligation to make any sacrifice to cater to him.
I happen to know someone who has treated me very kindly, and that person happens to be a transgendered person. The LAST thing I would want to do is to hurt that person by being so cruel, like some of you seem to actually really enjoy. DO you ever think that they are human beings that have feelings?

That's your go to back up? Accusing us of being cruel because we disagree with having to use public restrooms with people of the opposite sex? Really? Then why can't my husband go in there with me? Does he have feelings? Do I? Do only transgender so and gays have feelings to be considered? Talk to us.
So you want transexuals that are postoperative and have a vagina to share YOUR bathroom?

As a society, we just need to stop embracing this madness, and stop treating it as if it is anything other than madness.

These freaks created the problem, and as a society, we have foolishly allowed them to do so.

As a society, we have foolishly allowed ourselves to be bullied by these freaks, into catering to this madness.

Even a “postoperative ‘transwoman’” is still a man, albeit a distorted, mutilated, freak of a man. He has no business being in a women's facility. If he's made himself into such a freak that he can no longer safely use a men's facility, then that's his problem, and sane people are not under any obligation to make any sacrifice to cater to him.

So what bathroom should he/she use then?
I happen to know someone who has treated me very kindly, and that person happens to be a transgendered person. The LAST thing I would want to do is to hurt that person by being so cruel, like some of you seem to actually really enjoy. DO you ever think that they are human beings that have feelings?

That's your go to back up? Accusing us of being cruel because we disagree with having to use public restrooms with people of the opposite sex? Really? Then why can't my husband go in there with me? Does he have feelings? Do I? Do only transgender so and gays have feelings to be considered? Talk to us.

What bathroom should they use then? They do go to the bathroom too you know.

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