When will white people admit it.......the world is laughing at YOU, not us!!

DO we have the winner of the dumbest thread of the week already???
I thought the OP was well said.

I thought it was dumb as hell.

Maybe your life reflects the cakewalk he assumes that all whites have had.

But not mine, and none of my white friends.
No, if you're white, we both had the cakewalk. No one said everyone white has it easy; I didn't. But we had it easier in many ways than Tigerred. The words that came out of her mouth are pretty much the way I feel after entering some of the most racist threads here. Unbelievably ignorant.
... No one said everyone white has it easy; I didn't. But we had it easier in many ways than Tigerred. .....

How the hell do you know? You haven't walked a mile in either one of their shoes. This empty display of meaningless 'guilt' is transparently insincere.
DO we have the winner of the dumbest thread of the week already???
I thought the OP was well said.

I thought it was dumb as hell.

Maybe your life reflects the cakewalk he assumes that all whites have had.

But not mine, and none of my white friends.
No, if you're white, we both had the cakewalk. No one said everyone white has it easy; I didn't. But we had it easier in many ways than Tigerred. The words that came out of her mouth are pretty much the way I feel after entering some of the most racist threads here. Unbelievably ignorant.

No, I have not.

And yes, that is what the OP said.
This is a personal response to the thread attacking blacks as usual, of whites having accomplished more in this country than everybody, including God himself.

The topic in itself, is ridiculous, but I can't let it slide without schooling this ass hole along with others who co signed onto his bullshit of reality.....

Here we have a race, ie white people, especially white men, who throughout our history, from the boat ride to a meth clinic down the street, who has been free his whole life, has had every door propped wide open for nothing but opportunity and success for the entire history of this nation, who did just about everything possible to keep everybody, including women and minorities from the table of opportunity while standing on the necks....and this motherfucker wants to brag about and thump his chest??? Uh, ya think maybe just maybe, ya gotta just a little bit help along the way>>

I do contend however, that despite the attempts to keep minority and women as second class citizens, we've done pretty good for ourselves, especially that black under achiever currently in the white house, who trust me, despite your thoughts will go down as one of the greatest presidents in our history and you heard it hear first, cracker!!

U.S. election: How the world sees it - CNN.com
BECAUSE OF STUPID WHITE ACHIEVING REDNECKS.....WE LEAVE 8 YEARS OF THIS:View attachment 71695View attachment 71696
to this empending shit......
View attachment 71697
View attachment 71698and all this is because of over achieving, God blessed, ignorant white motherfuckers..and you want to brag? Really? Your race is a laughing stock of the world...get the fuck outta here.
Easy there! We`re not all assholes although most of the ones that post here certainly are.

Although I generalize quite a bit, I'm always aiming my attacks and my ire at the ignorant conservative ass ho's that reign supreme here....contrary to popular beliefs, some of my dearest and nearest friends are white.

I love how you mix in some ebonics ....it gives your posts a touch of realism.
DO we have the winner of the dumbest thread of the week already???
I thought the OP was well said.

I thought it was dumb as hell.

Maybe your life reflects the cakewalk he assumes that all whites have had.

But not mine, and none of my white friends.
No, if you're white, we both had the cakewalk. No one said everyone white has it easy; I didn't. But we had it easier in many ways than Tigerred. The words that came out of her mouth are pretty much the way I feel after entering some of the most racist threads here. Unbelievably ignorant.
The ignorance is all yours. There are blacks that do what successful people do and share similar results. We've had almost 8 years of a black man as the president and race relations seems to have slipped backwards. Why? perceptions like yours. Victim hood. Anything but personal responsibility.

The fact is that many blacks have been favored due to their race. Any company with of 50 employees has to have a percentage of minorities on board or have the feds sniffing their rear ends.

Long ago in the military, as an electrician, we got a black electrician just out of school in the shop. He literally couldn't hook up a single throw single pole switch without instructions. Yet he made the grade. Why do you suppose that was? The fact is that if you can't make it in this country, you can't make it anywhere. And your skin color isn't the problem.
DO we have the winner of the dumbest thread of the week already???
I thought the OP was well said.

I thought it was dumb as hell.

Maybe your life reflects the cakewalk he assumes that all whites have had.

But not mine, and none of my white friends.
No, if you're white, we both had the cakewalk. No one said everyone white has it easy; I didn't. But we had it easier in many ways than Tigerred. The words that came out of her mouth are pretty much the way I feel after entering some of the most racist threads here. Unbelievably ignorant.
The ignorance is all yours. There are blacks that do what successful people do and share similar results. We've had almost 8 years of a black man as the president and race relations seems to have slipped backwards. Why? perceptions like yours. Victim hood. Anything but personal responsibility.

The fact is that many blacks have been favored due to their race. Any company with of 50 employees has to have a percentage of minorities on board or have the feds sniffing their rear ends.

Long ago in the military, as an electrician, we got a black electrician just out of school in the shop. He literally couldn't hook up a single throw single pole switch without instructions. Yet he made the grade. Why do you suppose that was? The fact is that if you can't make it in this country, you can't make it anywhere. And your skin color isn't the problem.
We're not comparing apples to apples here. I'm not going to argue with any of you.
Stop and frisk explicitly demonstrated an example of white privilege. Whites carried weapons and substances at rates exceeding those of blacks yet were stopped and frisked less often.

That was a privilege, a 'private law', given to them but not to blacks.
No, it was called good police work. If a racial demographic in a given area is committing the disproportionate amount of crime it would be negligent to avoid the point. It doesn't make all blacks guilty or all whites innocent, it's just a starting point. You determine the rest.

Dude, I live in a state where its 80% white....to think that crime is exclusive to this small portion of black inhabitants is just dumb...the reality is that most crime reported on my daily news you'd think is all black...why? because rarely do they show shit about whites...what about this don't you get? Yet you visit the courthouse, who's all there? White people??????????
When you focus on just one demographic, its easy to distort reality, something this country and its media is notorious for.

What a coincidence,my neighborhoods demographics....Cinco Ranch.

87.92% White, 2.85% African American, 0.23% Native American, 6.63% Asian, 0.02% Pacific Islander, 1.06% from other races, and 1.30% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 5.84% of the population.

And we effectively have damn near zero crime.

As opposed to say this neighborhood across town....Acres Home.
86.4% black with 2.2% White, Is rife with crime.

Coincidence? I think not.
DO we have the winner of the dumbest thread of the week already???
I thought the OP was well said.

I thought it was dumb as hell.

Maybe your life reflects the cakewalk he assumes that all whites have had.

But not mine, and none of my white friends.
No, if you're white, we both had the cakewalk. No one said everyone white has it easy; I didn't. But we had it easier in many ways than Tigerred. The words that came out of her mouth are pretty much the way I feel after entering some of the most racist threads here. Unbelievably ignorant.
The ignorance is all yours. There are blacks that do what successful people do and share similar results. We've had almost 8 years of a black man as the president and race relations seems to have slipped backwards. Why? perceptions like yours. Victim hood. Anything but personal responsibility.

The fact is that many blacks have been favored due to their race. Any company with of 50 employees has to have a percentage of minorities on board or have the feds sniffing their rear ends.

Long ago in the military, as an electrician, we got a black electrician just out of school in the shop. He literally couldn't hook up a single throw single pole switch without instructions. Yet he made the grade. Why do you suppose that was? The fact is that if you can't make it in this country, you can't make it anywhere. And your skin color isn't the problem.
We're not comparing apples to apples here. I'm not going to argue with any of you.
You can't because you're wrong. We're talking about the same thing. Except you only see the bad apples that you want to see and block out everything else. What's to argue?
This is a personal response to the thread attacking blacks as usual, of whites having accomplished more in this country than everybody, including God himself.

The topic in itself, is ridiculous, but I can't let it slide without schooling this ass hole along with others who co signed onto his bullshit of reality.....

Here we have a race, ie white people, especially white men, who throughout our history, from the boat ride to a meth clinic down the street, who has been free his whole life, has had every door propped wide open for nothing but opportunity and success for the entire history of this nation, who did just about everything possible to keep everybody, including women and minorities from the table of opportunity while standing on the necks....and this motherfucker wants to brag about and thump his chest??? Uh, ya think maybe just maybe, ya gotta just a little bit help along the way>>

I do contend however, that despite the attempts to keep minority and women as second class citizens, we've done pretty good for ourselves, especially that black under achiever currently in the white house, who trust me, despite your thoughts will go down as one of the greatest presidents in our history and you heard it hear first, cracker!!

U.S. election: How the world sees it - CNN.com
BECAUSE OF STUPID WHITE ACHIEVING REDNECKS.....WE LEAVE 8 YEARS OF THIS:View attachment 71695View attachment 71696
to this empending shit......
View attachment 71697
View attachment 71698and all this is because of over achieving, God blessed, ignorant white motherfuckers..and you want to brag? Really? Your race is a laughing stock of the world...get the fuck outta here.
Easy there! We`re not all assholes although most of the ones that post here certainly are.

Although I generalize quite a bit, I'm always aiming my attacks and my ire at the ignorant conservative ass ho's that reign supreme here....contrary to popular beliefs, some of my dearest and nearest friends are white.

I love how you mix in some ebonics ....it gives your posts a touch of realism.
Not to mention a touch of stupidity too.
I can settle this argument for all of you.

I thought the OP was well said.

I thought it was dumb as hell.

Maybe your life reflects the cakewalk he assumes that all whites have had.

But not mine, and none of my white friends.
No, if you're white, we both had the cakewalk. No one said everyone white has it easy; I didn't. But we had it easier in many ways than Tigerred. The words that came out of her mouth are pretty much the way I feel after entering some of the most racist threads here. Unbelievably ignorant.
The ignorance is all yours. There are blacks that do what successful people do and share similar results. We've had almost 8 years of a black man as the president and race relations seems to have slipped backwards. Why? perceptions like yours. Victim hood. Anything but personal responsibility.

The fact is that many blacks have been favored due to their race. Any company with of 50 employees has to have a percentage of minorities on board or have the feds sniffing their rear ends.

Long ago in the military, as an electrician, we got a black electrician just out of school in the shop. He literally couldn't hook up a single throw single pole switch without instructions. Yet he made the grade. Why do you suppose that was? The fact is that if you can't make it in this country, you can't make it anywhere. And your skin color isn't the problem.
We're not comparing apples to apples here. I'm not going to argue with any of you.
You can't because you're wrong. We're talking about the same thing. Except you only see the bad apples that you want to see and block out everything else. What's to argue?
Okay. I was hasty; I'm not quite through. The OP rant was specifically against the threads (blessedly few) that argue Africans are starving and living in mud huts because they are intellectually deficient; it proves in their little minds that Whites are supreme. They argue in kind that African Americans are living in poverty here and have rife crime (see post from Herewego above) because they are born stupid and violent, I guess.
The OP was specifically opposed to a certain type of argument. Not the arguments of individual merit you are making.
... No one said everyone white has it easy; I didn't. But we had it easier in many ways than Tigerred. .....

How the hell do you know? You haven't walked a mile in either one of their shoes. This empty display of meaningless 'guilt' is transparently insincere.
GFY, dear.

In other words, you know I'm right.
Neither have you. And I don't feel guilty, I am not being insincere, and you are not right. But you go about seeing how pissed off you can make people, so I'm not going to play your game.
... No one said everyone white has it easy; I didn't. But we had it easier in many ways than Tigerred. .....

How the hell do you know? You haven't walked a mile in either one of their shoes. This empty display of meaningless 'guilt' is transparently insincere.
GFY, dear.

In other words, you know I'm right.
... But you go about seeing how pissed off you can make people.....

I don't want you to be pissed, I want you to be honest.
... No one said everyone white has it easy; I didn't. But we had it easier in many ways than Tigerred. .....

How the hell do you know? You haven't walked a mile in either one of their shoes. This empty display of meaningless 'guilt' is transparently insincere.
GFY, dear.

In other words, you know I'm right.
Neither have you. .....

The difference is I'm not pretending to have walked in anyone's shoes, but you are.
Listen, it wasn't me hangin nigga's for looking at a white woman. I didn't drag a nigga for whistling at a white woman or enact laws to keep nigga's away from snow white, it was you, Mr. White boy. But to answer your question, black men are nothing but sellouts, they worship the ground you white boys spit on....they're a disgrace to the linage and legacy of black struggle...but hey if they're into white bitches who fuck horses, little boys barely into puberty and nigga's without a job on a bike with 10 kids who don't pay child support, who am I to complain....to each its own!!


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