When will white people admit it.......the world is laughing at YOU, not us!!

Clearly you get what I'm trying to say.....how can any race proclaim all this glory of achievement, ie whites, when history has afforded them every opportunity known to mankind? And then shit on everybody cause they haven't caught up? The fucked up irony in all this, because the tides of change is happening, who's the first privileged mf's to start whining about I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK? lolololo

Black tribal leaders sold their own people into slavery. 600,000 white Union soldiers, including President Lincoln, were killed and 3 times that many were grievously wounded freeing your people. You were given your civil rights and what did you do with them? Put them in the democrat party's pocket and look where it got you....in drug and crime-infested projects. Now we have open warfare your young males have declared on innocent white people walking down a street. Take a look at Ben Carson, a Detroit kid with no future until he made his own future by ignoring drugs and crime and working at becoming a world-class surgeon. There's hundreds of other stories like his but not the hundreds of thousands there should be. Fact of the matter is that between the ages of 15-40, black males are little more than ticking bombs waiting to go off because they had no father figure. I doubt you have many white friends and the ones you do have probably wouldn't open their door for you in the middle of the night.
When will white people realize that attempts to civilize black people was always a mistake. They will never be anything but the white man's burden.
To the stupid OP:

When blacks have:

Black history month
Black Entertainment Television (BET)
Affirmative Action
The White House

and whites have none of those things and yet we aren't bitching, I have to say:

DO we have the winner of the dumbest thread of the week already???
The Op (aka racist retard) needs to check her black privilege
Now this is interesting because the last time posted this shit, yo white ass reported me.....LOLOL

Keep it up and I may again. Your idiotic race baiting and flaming is tiresome. Grow up already and relax,

Are you out of your fuckin mind? Do you think for a hot fuckin mynute of a damned second, I give a fuck about you reporting me? Really bitch? Get over yourself, cause I have...

If you don't care why do you keep harping on it. You accuse someone of bestiality and yeah you're going to get reported...even a smart black person like you should be able to grasp it. That and it reveals how truly ignorant and vulgar you really are.
She/it isn't smart.
What a surprise that a racist troll thread would draw out all these racist losers. They must sense their affinity with the racist loser OP.
I love how you mix in some ebonics ....it gives your posts a touch of realism.

Pretty amateurish, though, strictly B movie hollywood stuff. But he/she/it/mutant may get better as it goes through high school or maybe meets some real black people and hears dialects first hand.
DO we have the winner of the dumbest thread of the week already???
The Op (aka racist retard) needs to check her black privilege
Now this is interesting because the last time posted this shit, yo white ass reported me.....LOLOL

Keep it up and I may again. Your idiotic race baiting and flaming is tiresome. Grow up already and relax,

Are you out of your fuckin mind? Do you think for a hot fuckin mynute of a damned second, I give a fuck about you reporting me? Really bitch? Get over yourself, cause I have...

If you don't care why do you keep harping on it. You accuse someone of bestiality and yeah you're going to get reported...even a smart black person like you should be able to grasp it. That and it reveals how truly ignorant and vulgar you really are.
Why do I keep harping on it? Harping on what? Unless somebody is guilty??????Me thinks you protesth toooooo much.
The Op (aka racist retard) needs to check her black privilege

Bite your tongue. Everybody knows predominately white countries are Xian rayciss hellholes; that's why there are so many people of color and ethnicities fleeing them and flooding into all the black and brown and Asian paradises around the world.

oh .... wait ... ummm ... never mind.

Its called location, location ,location....where the fuck else are they gonna go? Kinda like what them white motherfuckers did a few centuries ago....FLEEING THAT PRECIOUS WHITE EUROPE TO THAT DIRTY DARK PEOPLE LAND CALLED AMERICA.....OH, WAIT, UMMMM....NEVER MIND. OR THAT DUSTY LITTLE PLACE CALLED SOUTH AFRICA....OH, WAIT...UMMMM NEVER MIND.
You know -- sometimes it is difficult to tell over the internet whether you are dealing with a really stupid, really racist 60 year old black woman or a really stupid, really racist 15 year old white kid pretending to be a really stupid, really racist black women in order to make black people look really stupid and really racist.
No one ever gave me shit.

Your assumption that white people have it easy is your racism.
The assumption that you don't recognize or acknowledge your white boy privilege makes your comment and you appear and sound ignorant, but what else is new, you're white.
You know -- sometimes it is difficult to tell over the internet whether you are dealing with a really stupid, really racist 60 year old black woman or a really stupid, really racist 15 year old white kid pretending to be a really stupid, really racist black women in order to make black people look really stupid and really racist.

Uh, kinda like sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't? In all fairness, I cringe knowing that ignorant white people are so prevalent in our society and are able to vote.
No one ever gave me shit.

Your assumption that white people have it easy is your racism.
I love this shit when you white mf's start talking about how hard life had been and how much you struggled in that job interview and how rough it was to make it to supervisor and move into that posh new home, yada yada yada....cry me a fuckin river, even with my boot straps. Look if it makes you hard working, tax paying white saps feel better, than so be it. It wasn't your white skin, it was the texture of your hair, feel better?
You talk a lot about what you know so little about. I would bet my bank account I've busted my ass way more than you ever dreamed possible. Bitching and whining seems to be your calling in life, you don't get paid for that unless you are Al Sharpton.

Impossible. I've served 10 years in the US Navy, raised 5 kids by myself, all married, hard working, college educated and making good money. I've worked Union my whole life...struggled with racism and pay inequality, been with my current job almost 20 years and because of the big crash...now doing the job of 3 people...all at the old age of almost 60...and I did all this as a BLACK WOMAN LIVING IN RACIST FUCKED UP AMERICA....TRUST ME, my resume of struggle would make even the likes of you cry...now sit the fuck down privilege white fuck and thank god for your white skin!!
You were dumped by five black boyfriends? My sympathies.

5 black men in america diggin black women? Now I know your cra cra.:banana:
This is a personal response to the thread attacking blacks as usual, of whites having accomplished more in this country than everybody, including God himself.

The topic in itself, is ridiculous, but I can't let it slide without schooling this ass hole along with others who co signed onto his bullshit of reality.....

Here we have a race, ie white people, especially white men, who throughout our history, from the boat ride to a meth clinic down the street, who has been free his whole life, has had every door propped wide open for nothing but opportunity and success for the entire history of this nation, who did just about everything possible to keep everybody, including women and minorities from the table of opportunity while standing on the necks....and this motherfucker wants to brag about and thump his chest??? Uh, ya think maybe just maybe, ya gotta just a little bit help along the way>>

I do contend however, that despite the attempts to keep minority and women as second class citizens, we've done pretty good for ourselves, especially that black under achiever currently in the white house, who trust me, despite your thoughts will go down as one of the greatest presidents in our history and you heard it hear first, cracker!!

U.S. election: How the world sees it - CNN.com
BECAUSE OF STUPID WHITE ACHIEVING REDNECKS.....WE LEAVE 8 YEARS OF THIS:View attachment 71695View attachment 71696
to this empending shit......
View attachment 71697
View attachment 71698and all this is because of over achieving, God blessed, ignorant white motherfuckers..and you want to brag? Really? Your race is a laughing stock of the world...get the fuck outta here.

And this is your race's only accomplishment: name calling, lying, butthurt, and revisionist history.

Your jealous hatred and envy is quite strong.

For the last time you moron pay attention, this thread was a response to a thread that you obsessing whites keep making about blacks.....understand you simple minded fool
DO we have the winner of the dumbest thread of the week already???
I thought the OP was well said.

I thought it was dumb as hell.

Maybe your life reflects the cakewalk he assumes that all whites have had.

But not mine, and none of my white friends.
No, if you're white, we both had the cakewalk. No one said everyone white has it easy; I didn't. But we had it easier in many ways than Tigerred. The words that came out of her mouth are pretty much the way I feel after entering some of the most racist threads here. Unbelievably ignorant.

I challenge you or anyone on this topic to show one sentence of my original thread that is false.....one that's not true? And because you can't, I suggest you put a sock in it and shut the fuck up and sit down.....old lady
Clearly you get what I'm trying to say.....how can any race proclaim all this glory of achievement, ie whites, when history has afforded them every opportunity known to mankind? And then shit on everybody cause they haven't caught up? The fucked up irony in all this, because the tides of change is happening, who's the first privileged mf's to start whining about I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK? lolololo

Black tribal leaders sold their own people into slavery. 600,000 white Union soldiers, including President Lincoln, were killed and 3 times that many were grievously wounded freeing your people. You were given your civil rights and what did you do with them? Put them in the democrat party's pocket and look where it got you....in drug and crime-infested projects. Now we have open warfare your young males have declared on innocent white people walking down a street. Take a look at Ben Carson, a Detroit kid with no future until he made his own future by ignoring drugs and crime and working at becoming a world-class surgeon. There's hundreds of other stories like his but not the hundreds of thousands there should be. Fact of the matter is that between the ages of 15-40, black males are little more than ticking bombs waiting to go off because they had no father figure. I doubt you have many white friends and the ones you do have probably wouldn't open their door for you in the middle of the night.
All this coming from a privilege white person??? Next?

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