Where are the adults? If it looks like a bomb, assume it's a bomb.

Figures that because your development was arrested you dont know what to do.
If youre going to respond with insults, could you at least be more creative?
If he made any attempt to portray it as a real bomb, you prosecute him. If he doesn't, you treat it as a school disciplinary issue.
Do you consider the possibility that he just hadn't portrayed it as a bomb... yet, or do you just assume that isn't possible?

The point is, he hadn't portrayed it as a bomb. If you want him prosecuted for something he hadn't done yet, but MIGHT have been about to do, you are an idiot.

He did not portray it as a bomb. The school and the police did not treat it as a bomb. Those are the facts.
Indeed, but without investigating it, they never would have come to that conclusion. So you do believe the investigation was warranted, right?

I don't have a problem with an investigation. I have a problem with the way the school reacted and, more importantly, the way the cops reacted.
They reacted by investigating it. What's the problem?

They way they reacted.
If youre going to respond with insults, could you at least be more creative?
Do you consider the possibility that he just hadn't portrayed it as a bomb... yet, or do you just assume that isn't possible?

The point is, he hadn't portrayed it as a bomb. If you want him prosecuted for something he hadn't done yet, but MIGHT have been about to do, you are an idiot.

He did not portray it as a bomb. The school and the police did not treat it as a bomb. Those are the facts.
Indeed, but without investigating it, they never would have come to that conclusion. So you do believe the investigation was warranted, right?

I don't have a problem with an investigation. I have a problem with the way the school reacted and, more importantly, the way the cops reacted.
They reacted by investigating it. What's the problem?

They way they reacted.
They reacted by investigating. What's the problem? Be very specific.
The point is, he hadn't portrayed it as a bomb. If you want him prosecuted for something he hadn't done yet, but MIGHT have been about to do, you are an idiot.

He did not portray it as a bomb. The school and the police did not treat it as a bomb. Those are the facts.
Indeed, but without investigating it, they never would have come to that conclusion. So you do believe the investigation was warranted, right?

I don't have a problem with an investigation. I have a problem with the way the school reacted and, more importantly, the way the cops reacted.
They reacted by investigating it. What's the problem?

They way they reacted.
They reacted by investigating. What's the problem? Be very specific.

Very specifically they treated him as though he were a bomber, but did not treat the clock as if it were a bomb. The kid is 14, and not a threat.

Also, when questioning a suspect, if the suspect requests a lawyer, you stop. Period.
Indeed, but without investigating it, they never would have come to that conclusion. So you do believe the investigation was warranted, right?

I don't have a problem with an investigation. I have a problem with the way the school reacted and, more importantly, the way the cops reacted.
They reacted by investigating it. What's the problem?

They way they reacted.
They reacted by investigating. What's the problem? Be very specific.

Very specifically they treated him as though he were a bomber, but did not treat the clock as if it were a bomb. The kid is 14, and not a threat.

Also, when questioning a suspect, if the suspect requests a lawyer, you stop. Period.
I'm pretty sure the cops knew it wasn't a real bomb. They were treating him like a suspect in a bomb HOAX. Supposedly the kid was being passive aggressive when he was questioned, which would draw even more suspicion. Don't you think it's more likely that there was a good reason to question him, as opposed to it simply being a bunch of clueless yokels who bungled an investigation?

Seriously, think about it. One idiot I could understand, but the teachers, the principle AND the cops, ALL somehow misread the situation? Come on man. There is more to this story. There always is. We have a couple facts to go by... but they were actually there. There is a reason they reacted that way, and anyone who thinks it's because he's a Muslim, is just deluding themselves. It's unrealistic.
^^ - It's "yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater" kind of shit. Prob. figured the kid was trying to scare everyone and that's why they didn't evacuate and stuff.

That said, disassembling a clock and refitting it is a common "starting point" for electronic geeks. My middle son constantly tore shit apart and put it back together in various packaging as he was learning geek stuff, he was like 11 or 12 at that time. It wasn't until he was around 14 or 15 that he started working with bread boards and making his own electronic thing-a-ma-bobs. I've only dabbled with electronic PCB shit a little bit myself (circuit paths and crap) so I'm not entirely sure what the kid may or may not have done with his analog/digital clock thing, but I can say that I didn't look at the gadget and think "bomb" or even "fake bomb" personally, I just kind of thought "tell me what you did here?" - very much like I looked at some of my kids projects heh I don't blame the school for taking precautions, regardless of ethnicity, it's one of those cases where it's better to be safe than sorry. ~shrug~

^^^ Gee whiz. Obviously what that teacher doesn't know is that there are phrases out there that are worse.

God bless you and your child always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Now if that phrase had been said to the teacher, then I could have understood better why a warning was issued depending on why the phrase was said at all.

Right?!? My kid would never say that to his teachers though, he's stubborn for sure, but he's way too much of a dork/teachers pet. He wants to be a teacher himself heh

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