Where are the Republicans going?

Where are the Republicans going?
Republicans believe themselves to be conservatives, but I suppose they'll adopt any political label that would suit their purposes. They are not more or less patriotic than any other USA citizens.

They do not represent the majority of USA's population, and although they represent the majority of U.S. congressional districts, Republican federally elected office holders are not our nation's majority of voters' choice.

If voters are ranked by wealth, the majority of wealthier voters are Republicans. I've been led to believe the overwhelming majority of corporation share owners and their executives are Republicans. I'm also told that the same for military and law enforcement officers and their lower ranks, but I have less confidence in those reports.
Among other professions where a Republican majority might exist, those majorities are not overwhelming. Within some professions, the majority of practitioners are not Republicans.

Our nation's demographics are detrimental to a political party of policies currently advocated by Republicans. In the not distant and possibly near future, I suppose Republicans will have significantly lesser influence upon USA's policies.

Respectfully, Supposn
They want to destroy our democratic government. Their entire goal is to turn this country into kind of a plutocratic theocracy. With them in charge.

Then once they’re in charge and have full control of the government they can murder and kill first all the gays and after that they can start targeting minorities. It’s pretty clear.

This is been there go for years.
Where are the Republicans going?
Republicans believe themselves to be conservatives, but I suppose they'll adopt any political label that would suit their purposes. They are not more or less patriotic than any other USA citizens.

They do not represent the majority of USA's population, and although they represent the majority of U.S. congressional districts, Republican federally elected office holders are not our nation's majority of voters' choice.

If voters are ranked by wealth, the majority of wealthier voters are Republicans. I've been led to believe the overwhelming majority of corporation share owners and their executives are Republicans. I'm also told that the same for military and law enforcement officers and their lower ranks, but I have less confidence in those reports.
Among other professions where a Republican majority might exist, those majorities are not overwhelming. Within some professions, the majority of practitioners are not Republicans.

Our nation's demographics are detrimental to a political party of policies currently advocated by Republicans. In the not distant and possibly near future, I suppose Republicans will have significantly lesser influence upon USA's policies.

Respectfully, Supposn


You people have been telling me that the GOP is dying out for at least 40 years.

How old are you? If you are less than 30, you can be excused for saying it yetagain, but it never happens. You see, when young democrats get a job, raise families and earn their own money, they become republicans if they are intelligent at all.
And some young people never become Democrats to begin with.


Yes, some start off with intelligence right away. Present company excepted I'm afraid. I spent my very first vote on Jimmy Carter in 1976. I got smarter though thank God.
My first vote was in some local primary for a Republican I can't even remember back in 2007.
Where are the Republicans going?
Republicans believe themselves to be conservatives, but I suppose they'll adopt any political label that would suit their purposes. They are not more or less patriotic than any other USA citizens.

They do not represent the majority of USA's population, and although they represent the majority of U.S. congressional districts, Republican federally elected office holders are not our nation's majority of voters' choice.

If voters are ranked by wealth, the majority of wealthier voters are Republicans. I've been led to believe the overwhelming majority of corporation share owners and their executives are Republicans. I'm also told that the same for military and law enforcement officers and their lower ranks, but I have less confidence in those reports.
Among other professions where a Republican majority might exist, those majorities are not overwhelming. Within some professions, the majority of practitioners are not Republicans.

Our nation's demographics are detrimental to a political party of policies currently advocated by Republicans. In the not distant and possibly near future, I suppose Republicans will have significantly lesser influence upon USA's policies.

Respectfully, Supposn
They want to destroy our democratic government. Their entire goal is to turn this country into kind of a plutocratic theocracy. With them in charge.

Then once they’re in charge and have full control of the government they can murder and kill first all the gays and after that they can start targeting minorities. It’s pretty clear.

This is been there go for years.
You need to go to a real rubber room.
Trying to relate to you, I'll put this in your favorite replacement for the English language: "Whassup, poser?"
It would be more effective if you gave some actual information or data and not just your stupid opinions.

People who are successful in the private sector tend to be conservative republicans. They also tend to be more intelligent and knowledgeable about most things.

The Democrat are multi-faceted, but the people at the VERY TOP and the people at the VERY BOTTOM tend to be Democrats. At the top, they have lost touch with reality, and at the bottom, they simply want a government that will give them as much free stuff and free benefits as possible.

Democrats tend to manipulate definitions of things, in order to make themselves look less disgusting.

If you define "Patriotic" as noisy, constantly criticizing Government, constantly demanding that Government accede to your personal desires, ignoring the Constitution, and looking with disgust at anyone wearing a uniform, then Democrats are "patriotic."

But under the traditional definition, Democrats are generally more subversive than patriotic.
Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice

Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice
Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer | January 26, 2012 10:29am ET

There's no gentle way to put it: People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb, according to a new study that is bound to stir public controversy.

according to lead researcher Gordon Hodson, a psychologist at Brock University in Ontario. Low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, the study found.

Controversy ahead

The findings combine three hot-button topics.

who was not involved in the study. it's bound to upset somebody."
political persuasions

Brains and bias
adults ages 30 or 33, their levels of social conservatism and racism were measured. [Life's Extremes: Democrat vs. Republican]

"Family life suffers if mum is working full-time,"
As suspected the factor that explained the relationship between these two variables was political

not-so-bright liberals

Nonetheless, there is reason to believe

Socially conservative ideologies tend to offer structure and order

They found that what applies to racism may also apply to homophobia.

Simple viewpoints

Those sorts of studies obviously aren't possible.

The researchers controlled for factors

help eliminate them, Hodson said.


Me, Myself, and I(vory Tower)

Once again, a Demwit altar boy recites as Holy Scripture the liturgy of bitter social misfits from academentia.
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Perhaps the problem lies with just another human problem: the need to feel superior? Trump has an acute case of this, but don't we all?/. At one time we were born into superior and inferior classes and many still feel they are. This need to feel superior caused wars and all kinds of mischief, and yet we built a nation on the premise that all men are created equal.
Not everybody needs to feel superior. Many just want to have a successful life with a good family and friends. Some who are rejected by their parents do feel the need to be superior and they are the classic trumpers.
Where are the Republicans going?
Republicans believe themselves to be conservatives, but I suppose they'll adopt any political label that would suit their purposes. They are not more or less patriotic than any other USA citizens.

They do not represent the majority of USA's population, and although they represent the majority of U.S. congressional districts, Republican federally elected office holders are not our nation's majority of voters' choice.

If voters are ranked by wealth, the majority of wealthier voters are Republicans. I've been led to believe the overwhelming majority of corporation share owners and their executives are Republicans. I'm also told that the same for military and law enforcement officers and their lower ranks, but I have less confidence in those reports.
Among other professions where a Republican majority might exist, those majorities are not overwhelming. Within some professions, the majority of practitioners are not Republicans.

Our nation's demographics are detrimental to a political party of policies currently advocated by Republicans. In the not distant and possibly near future, I suppose Republicans will have significantly lesser influence upon USA's policies.

Respectfully, Supposn
They should be going to the showers like the good jewish people did in the 40's for germany.

And you should be going to prison
Are you afraid of showers? And speaking the truth is not a reason to go to prison unless it upsets a republican.

Speaking the truth? That you want to kill your enemies? Cold blooded murder is against the law
Republican beliefs are against the law!!!
... If you define "Patriotic" as noisy, constantly criticizing Government, constantly demanding that Government accede to your personal desires, ignoring the Constitution, and looking with disgust at anyone wearing a uniform, then Democrats are "patriotic."

But under the traditional definition, Democrats are generally more subversive than patriotic.
DGS49, that would be true if you define “traditional” as “Republican”, which is not synonymous to “conservative good judgment”. People with better judgment do not perceive all others disagreeing with them to be unpatriotic.

Respectfully, Supposn
It would be more effective if you gave some actual information or data and not just your stupid opinions.

People who are successful in the private sector tend to be conservative republicans. They also tend to be more intelligent and knowledgeable about most things.

The Democrat are multi-faceted, but the people at the VERY TOP and the people at the VERY BOTTOM tend to be Democrats. At the top, they have lost touch with reality, and at the bottom, they simply want a government that will give them as much free stuff and free benefits as possible.

Democrats tend to manipulate definitions of things, in order to make themselves look less disgusting.

If you define "Patriotic" as noisy, constantly criticizing Government, constantly demanding that Government accede to your personal desires, ignoring the Constitution, and looking with disgust at anyone wearing a uniform, then Democrats are "patriotic."

But under the traditional definition, Democrats are generally more subversive than patriotic.
Ya, the people at the very top are democrats is hilarious. That is why your party keeps giving the top one percent tax breaks you fucking fool. If that is the case you should flee your party as soon as possible they keep giving dirty democrats huge tax breaks. Love how you idiots come up with this shit. You would eat shit if Trump fed it to you with a dumb smile on your face. Oh ya you do that every day, because bull shit is all that comes out trumps mouth and your!
Republicans are ready to work and even die for their country if need be.

Democrats are ready to have Republicans work and even die for their country too.
Republicans are ready to work and even die for their country if need be.

Democrats are ready to have Republicans work and even die for their country too.
Supposn said:
Republican federally elected office holders are not our nation's majority of voters' choice.
How About State Gov'ts ??
Republicans Hold A Trifecta In 26 States
Democrats, Only Eight

Democrats Lost Over 1300 Elective Offices Nationwide Since 2010
Elections Are On Tuesday
Maybe Democrats Will Win Some

Maybe They'll Continue Their Years Long Consecutive Slide
Will Democrats Consider A Platform Then ??
2018 elections, ACA, and pre-existing medical conditions.

This Tuesday we’ll learn to what extent voters’ perceptions of the Affordable Care Act have already changed. Republican candidates are fearful and they’re promising to “protect” the prohibition of ACA insurers to increase prices of applicants due to their pre-existing medical conditions. This is occurring while Republican attorney generals are opposing the federal government's right to enforce those same prohibitions. ...
... If the Republicans efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act should ever succeed, USA would inevitably later adopt a more substantial federal healthcare policy. That later created policy would more likely be federal universal single payer medical insurance.

Respectfully, Supposn

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