Where did republicans get the rap as racist when history says it was the demcrats?

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History says that liberal were the racists. The left were the ones that preach anti-Semitism. The left are the ones that were pro-slavery. The left were the ones pro-segregation. It was the Democrat president Woodrow Wilson that said he understood the need for the KKK to protect victimized whites in the south. He re-segregated the federal government. He claimed segregation was a benefit to the colored people. People only write about Kennedy and Johnson brokering the civil rights bill but fail to mention it was the democrats in the senate that were creating the filibuster not the republicans. And it was actually Nixon that did more to desegregate the schools than any other president in history. No democrat supported the 15th amendment that allowed blacks to vote. It was the republicans that were anti-slavery. It was the Republican Abraham Lincoln that freed the slaves. So how is it exactly that the republicans get the accused of being racist?

Do you know the meaning of the word HISTORY?
So you had to go back - what. Half a century? I rest my case.

Look at how you guys treat Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBHxfWKfN4w]Anita Hill's Testimony Part 1 - Clarence Thomas 2nd Hearing Part 10 (1991) - YouTube[/ame]​

She made it all up. She was put up there by Ted Kennedy
So you had to go back - what. Half a century? I rest my case.

Look at how you guys treat Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain
...and Condi Rice and Michael Steele.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7_RNc0xA0A]Janeane Garofalo - Racial Attack Against Michael Steele - YouTube[/ame]

Condi Rice lied for the master, Michael Steele made a mess of the Republican Party, what is your point?
Lets see when did the Republican party get it's start? With Lincoln? Since lincoln was a profound racist, one must conclude that Republican were racist from the very beginning!

"I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races--that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which will ever forbid the two races living together in terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior. I am as much as any other man in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."

Abe Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln: Dark Side of a Liberaor

The real question is when did the Democrats stop being a mostly racist party.....
History says that liberal were the racists. The left were the ones that preach anti-Semitism. The left are the ones that were pro-slavery. The left were the ones pro-segregation. It was the Democrat president Woodrow Wilson that said he understood the need for the KKK to protect victimized whites in the south. He re-segregated the federal government. He claimed segregation was a benefit to the colored people. People only write about Kennedy and Johnson brokering the civil rights bill but fail to mention it was the democrats in the senate that were creating the filibuster not the republicans. And it was actually Nixon that did more to desegregate the schools than any other president in history. No democrat supported the 15th amendment that allowed blacks to vote. It was the republicans that were anti-slavery. It was the Republican Abraham Lincoln that freed the slaves. So how is it exactly that the republicans get the accused of being racist?

The civil rights bill fight was a North/South Issue. Southern Democrats and Republicans were opposed while Northern Democrats and Republicans were for it. Oh and Abe was still a racist.
I ran into this very same issue on another thread. Unfortunately this just further shows how poor our current public education system really is. The quality of our schools are really heading to the bottom of the barrel when compared to other nations who are far superior with their "quality" of education. Unfortunately the liberal Democrats will continue to spread THAT lie, with respect to racism and slavery in America, because they are counting on their supporters to NOT educate themselves. It's all to better serve in the advancement of the Democrats political machine. It's sad really.

Here is what I found, with respect to where the Democrats and Republicans stood on the issue of slavery:

On July 17, 1862 "The Second Confiscation Act" passed the Republican Congress, with unanimous Democratic opposition, stating that slaves of the Confederacy "shall be forever free".
The Second Confiscation Act July 17, 1862 - NAACPC.org

Well I agree that this (this post) just shows how poor our current public education system really is.......

Abe was a racist. But then again most whites at the time were.
History says that liberal were the racists. The left were the ones that preach anti-Semitism. The left are the ones that were pro-slavery. The left were the ones pro-segregation. It was the Democrat president Woodrow Wilson that said he understood the need for the KKK to protect victimized whites in the south. He re-segregated the federal government. He claimed segregation was a benefit to the colored people. People only write about Kennedy and Johnson brokering the civil rights bill but fail to mention it was the democrats in the senate that were creating the filibuster not the republicans. And it was actually Nixon that did more to desegregate the schools than any other president in history. No democrat supported the 15th amendment that allowed blacks to vote. It was the republicans that were anti-slavery. It was the Republican Abraham Lincoln that freed the slaves. So how is it exactly that the republicans get the accused of being racist?
Your post is so full of holes and fallacious nonsense that the question posed becomes a non sequitur.
This is hilarious.

In the 60's, blacks joined the then conservative Democratic Party. This caused the right wing to run screaming in terror with their hands flapping over their heads like little girls right into the Republican Party which is why that party is 90% white today.

So here we have conservatives trying to take credit for everything their party did BEFORE it became conservative. Sound familiar?

It's like the right wing trying to take credit for Obama getting Bin Laden.

Responsibility doesn't stick to the right wing. When they got 98% of everything they wanted, they were crowing, but when the economy was downgraded, it was Obama's fault.

When the right wing held millions of unemployed hostage to force Obama to extend the Bush tax cuts, they were crowing how it would help the economy. When the economy got worse, it was Obama's fault that he caved on the Bush tax cuts.

When people started a revolution in Libya, right wingers screamed Obama should get involved. When Obama got involved, right wingers started screaming "Obama shouldn't be involved". When Libya thanked Obama, the right said he was carrying out Bush policies.

This right wing party, this party that yells "Let him die" and applauds executions, is so dishonest and so radical.

If the right wing truly believed in what they were doing, they wouldn't be working so hard at "voter suppression". They know it. We know it. Everyone knows it.
Again can we get facts here? What are we talking about that makes the GOP racist?

I didn't say the GOP was "racist." I said (or implied) that the party has abandoned the strong stance on civil rights that was part of its definition from the 1850s until the 1960s. The party has never in fact been as racist as one segment of the Democrats used to be, and that kind of overt racism no longer exists in our politics.

The implication of this thread is that the Republicans are better than the Democrats on issues of racial equality. That's bullshit (although it was once true), but saying that is not equivalent to saying that the GOP is full of KKKers or Stormfronters, which seems to be what you are asking me to prove. A strawman, of course.

Did you say the Republican was for racial equality?:lol::lol::lol: I mean sure they wanted to punish the South by depriving them of their property but they never ever want the Black Slaves to be equal in any sense.
In reality, however, it is the Left and the Democrat Party that has historically been the enemy of black Americans and freedom for all. Even today, liberals have little to offer black Americans except for pandering and quota systems that engineer reverse-discrimination.

Let’s cut through the propaganda of the “mainstream” media and other Leftists to take a look at the history of discrimination against black Americans. Let’s take a look at history to see who has really been the enemy of freedom and opportunity.
A Republican president sacrificed over half a million white American lives to end slaveryA Republican president issued the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring the freedom of black Americans. A Republican congress passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to spell out clearly what Democrats refused to acknowledge: that all Americans have the same rights and protections, regardless of their skin color

The first seven black Americans elected to congress were all RepublicansHiram Revels
Benjamin Turner
Robert De Large
Josiah Walls
Jefferson Long
Joseph Hayne Rainey
Robert Brown Elliot

A Republican congress banned segregation in 1875, but it wasn’t long before Democrats found ways around the law to discriminate against black Americans
Democrats passed poll taxes designed specifically to exclude black Americans from voting
Democrats passed long literacy tests as a voting requirement that were administered by racist whites to prevent black Americans from voting
Democrats passed “grandfather” tests to prevent black Americans from voting
Democrats created ballots that made it difficult for anyone to vote for a Republican and often required that the ballots had to be cast at several different voting sites
Democrats passed Jim Crow laws to restrict and segregate black Americans
Democrats gerrymandered voting districts to prevent black representatives (who had been almost entirely Republican) from getting elected again for decades
Democrats engineered white-only primaries that further locked out black Americans from voting
Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) to intimidate, assault and kill black Americans who “got out of line”

“Politics and the School Question” from 1876 outlines the Democrat and Republican position on segregation, with Republicans supporting public education for all and Democrats calling for segregated education

In response to Brown v. Board of Education, 19 senators and 81 representatives voted for the “Southern Manifesto,” denouncing desegregation
Georgia Democrat Governor Herman Talmadge denounced the desegregation decision, stating ”There will never be mixed schools while I am Governor.”
Mississippi Democrat Governor James Coleman said in 1957, when asked if schools would ever be integrated, ”Well, ever is a long time. I would say that a baby born in Mississippi today will never live long enough to see an integrated school.”
Texas Democrat Governor Allan Shivers deployed the Texas Rangers to block desegregation
Arkansas Democrat Governor Orville Faubus called out the National Guard to block desegregation in Little Rock in 1954. Republican President Dwight Eisenhower had to federalize the Ark. National Guard, order them to return to their posts, and then deploy the 101st Airborne to protect black students in Little Rock
In response to Eisenhower’s actions in Ark., Georgia Democrat Governor Marvin Griffin stated ”Come hell or high water, races will not be mixed in Georgia schools.”In preparation for action in Georgia similar to that taken in Arkansas, the Democrat-controlled Georgia legislature passed legislation that, in that eventuality, public schools would be dissolved and replaced with private schools run by the state which would exclude black Americans
In Arkansas, Gov. Faubus ended up shutting down public schools for a year rather than allow black Americans to attend
In Virginia, Democrat Governor James Almond did the same thing

Louisiana Governor Jimmie Davis in 1960 tried to block a young black girl from attending public school in New Orleans
Washington D.C. schools are the worst in the nation, and are predominately black, yet when a voucher program was proposed to help low-income students get out and into better schools, only 1% of Democrats in congress supported it

It is easy to see that the same political group that is the enemy of freedom and opportunity today with their heavy-handed socialist programs and regulation has been the enemy of freedom and opportunity for over 150 years.

They can peddle their propaganda with the help of the “mainstream” media, but it’s pretty clear that this leopard never changes its spots.


Nope the Union fought to keep the Union, depriving the South of slaves was a tactic.
This is hilarious.

In the 60's, blacks joined the then conservative Democratic Party. This caused the right wing to run screaming in terror with their hands flapping over their heads like little girls right into the Republican Party which is why that party is 90% white today.

So here we have conservatives trying to take credit for everything their party did BEFORE it became conservative. Sound familiar?

It's like the right wing trying to take credit for Obama getting Bin Laden.

Responsibility doesn't stick to the right wing. When they got 98% of everything they wanted, they were crowing, but when the economy was downgraded, it was Obama's fault.

When the right wing held millions of unemployed hostage to force Obama to extend the Bush tax cuts, they were crowing how it would help the economy. When the economy got worse, it was Obama's fault that he caved on the Bush tax cuts.

When people started a revolution in Libya, right wingers screamed Obama should get involved. When Obama got involved, right wingers started screaming "Obama shouldn't be involved". When Libya thanked Obama, the right said he was carrying out Bush policies.

This right wing party, this party that yells "Let him die" and applauds executions, is so dishonest and so radical.

If the right wing truly believed in what they were doing, they wouldn't be working so hard at "voter suppression". They know it. We know it. Everyone knows it.

“I’ll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next two hundred years.” -- LBJ
Again can we get facts here? What are we talking about that makes the GOP racist?

I didn't say the GOP was "racist." I said (or implied) that the party has abandoned the strong stance on civil rights that was part of its definition from the 1850s until the 1960s. The party has never in fact been as racist as one segment of the Democrats used to be, and that kind of overt racism no longer exists in our politics.

The implication of this thread is that the Republicans are better than the Democrats on issues of racial equality. That's bullshit (although it was once true), but saying that is not equivalent to saying that the GOP is full of KKKers or Stormfronters, which seems to be what you are asking me to prove. A strawman, of course.

The liberals are constantly saying that the GOP is racist. I'm asking for what makes the GOP racist? How exaclty is the GOP against civil rights?
"The Democratic Party had been the bastion of white supremacy in the southern states since the end of Reconstruction, but this situation began to change during the New Deal. With President Franklin Roosevelt at the helm, the Democrats became the political organization of federal intervention in economic affairs. At the same time, the party became more receptive to the demands of African American voters, whose protest against southern segregation grew stronger, particularly during and after World War II. When the Democrats adopted a strong civil rights plank in 1948, party members from the Deep South bolted the National Convention and formed their own political movement, based on the philosophy of states’ rights and the maintenance of segregation in the former Confederacy."

Talking about making up history. You see pretty good at it as well.
Where did republicans get the rap as racist when history says it was the demcrats?

Because we live in the present. And in the present, it's the Republican Party that harbors the racists.

Ok. Tell me what the GOP has done that was racist?

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