Where did the 'colder' go?

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
For years now our resident idiots have been claiming it is going to get colder. Where did the 'Colder' go?

For years now our resident idiots have been claiming it is going to get colder. Where did the 'Colder' go?

Through manipulation, manipulation of where temp stations are located, miscalibration of temp stations, and removing temp stations further away from city centers, that’s how. Oh, and starting their graphs from 1979, only showing a minute time period record.
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I say that within the next 5 years, starting in 2020, a new all-time global average temperature record will be set. NASA GISS will be the standard used to determine that.

I'll make that bet will any denier here. Name the stakes. I'll make the bet even knowing that any of the hard-core deniers here will refuse to honor the bet when they lose. Yes, I'm so confident, I'm willing to make the bet even though I know there's zero chance of ever "collecting". It's like betting that the sun will rise. It's going to happen with the next even mild El Nino, and that will happen within 5 years.

(Oh, one condition. A supervolcano eruption or major asteroid strike nullifies the bet.)
I can't help but still point out that the earths temperature has changed over years. I realize that there were glaciers that covered most of the U.S. but somehow no one was running SUVs when they receded.
Wyoming was once a tropical swamp.

Glacier National Park took down the notices that there would be no glaciers left in 2020. Perhaps because they are still there.

The funniest thing about all the climate idiots is this all started from Al Gore. A failed presidential candidate that needed to make money. He was so worried about the climate that he bought a mansion by the sea, flew around the country in a private jet and used large limousines.

They just did a peice in the news that wind turbine blades are taking up room in landfills. But the climate crazies think that ruining the environment in diffrent ways is better then actually finding effective ways to save it. Don't forget to throw your hands in the air and run around screaming. It looks more effective.
It's been a warm winter in the USA. Not that it means much globally, but it does shut up the "Look! A snowflake! Global Warming is a hoax!" kooks.

The Great Lakes are now showing ice cover near record lows.


Every state in the lower 48 is showing higher-than-normal average temperatures for this winter.

I really hate to mention this but how far back are your records going? Three hundred, a thousand, a million years? You do realize that the U.S. is not the world?
To say anything about climate really takes more then a few seconds time compared to the billions of years that the earth has been around.
I really hate to mention this but how far back are your records going?

"Period: 1895-2020". It's right there on the chart.

Three hundred, a thousand, a million years? You do realize that the U.S. is not the world?

That would be why I wrote words to that effect.

To say anything about climate really takes more then a few seconds time compared to the billions of years that the earth has been around.

Understand the point of the thread. Every winter, deniers use any cold day to proclaim that it proves global warming is a hoax. Then when a warm period comes around, they vanish. Consistency would dictate that deniers say that any warm spell proves global warming.

That is, it's not about proving global warming. It's about proving how bad and dishonest denier arguments are.
I can't help but still point out that the earths temperature has changed over years. I realize that there were glaciers that covered most of the U.S. but somehow no one was running SUVs when they receded.

Fallacy of the single cause. You assume, totally incorrectly and without any evidence, that only natural cycles can control climate.

The funniest thing about all the climate idiots is this all started from Al Gore.

Completely wrong. Climate science and global warming predictions go way back before Gore, back to Arrhenius in 1896. So who fed you such a bizarre conspiracy theory, and why did you blindly accept it without checking out the facts yourself?

They just did a peice in the news that wind turbine blades are taking up room in landfills. But the climate crazies think that ruining the environment in diffrent ways is better then actually finding effective ways to save it. Don't forget to throw your hands in the air and run around screaming. It looks more effective.

I guess you have to deflect the topic away from the warming somehow, so you do it with irrevelant talking points and Gore Derangement Syndrome.
For years now our resident idiots have been claiming it is going to get colder. Where did the 'Colder' go?


LOL, it HAS been getting cooler since early 2016, can't you read the chart?

.88C down to .56C by Feb 1, 2020 a .32C drop.......
What is a denier ?

Someone who denies climate change or someone who denies AGW ?
I am in southern California. I have never seen it this cold. It's below zero at night.
I really hate to mention this but how far back are your records going?

"Period: 1895-2020". It's right there on the chart.

Three hundred, a thousand, a million years? You do realize that the U.S. is not the world?

That would be why I wrote words to that effect.

To say anything about climate really takes more then a few seconds time compared to the billions of years that the earth has been around.

Understand the point of the thread. Every winter, deniers use any cold day to proclaim that it proves global warming is a hoax. Then when a warm period comes around, they vanish. Consistency would dictate that deniers say that any warm spell proves global warming.

That is, it's not about proving global warming. It's about proving how bad and dishonest denier arguments are.
So any time it is warm it proves global warming. But anytime it is cold somehow does not? To call that crazy would be a large understatement.

So you are using temperatures from 1895. Where were these temperatures taken? was it the same instrument each time? Were there houses, cities close by that had remained the same? Was there any added heat source of any kind?

You do realize that 1895 was not the start of the earth? That the U.S. is not the world?
I can't help but still point out that the earths temperature has changed over years. I realize that there were glaciers that covered most of the U.S. but somehow no one was running SUVs when they receded.

Fallacy of the single cause. You assume, totally incorrectly and without any evidence, that only natural cycles can control climate.

The funniest thing about all the climate idiots is this all started from Al Gore.

Completely wrong. Climate science and global warming predictions go way back before Gore, back to Arrhenius in 1896. So who fed you such a bizarre conspiracy theory, and why did you blindly accept it without checking out the facts yourself?

They just did a peice in the news that wind turbine blades are taking up room in landfills. But the climate crazies think that ruining the environment in diffrent ways is better then actually finding effective ways to save it. Don't forget to throw your hands in the air and run around screaming. It looks more effective.

I guess you have to deflect the topic away from the warming somehow, so you do it with irrevelant talking points and Gore Derangement Syndrome.
You you claim a fallacy but you fail to note that there are people with PhDs that claim we have no real evidence that what we are currently experiencing is not a natural phenomenon. We have never been able to reproduce what we call global warming even in a laboratory environment without affecting the experiment artificially.

There were those that claimed it but they were discounted as kooks and other derogatory comments. It has also been stated that we were going to be buried in ice miles thick by now. But Gore was the face of global warming, he was the one that brought it to the for front. He was the side show barker that made it into the religion it is today.

I was merely pointing out that things like wind turbines, lithium for batteries ect. All have an environmental downside that those of the faith tend to overlook in their rush to pretend that they are green.
Do I think that we need to move away from fossil fuel use? Yes we do. But to do it in such a rush that we kill off other parts of the environment is lunacy at best.
Are you really this dense rocks? How long did it take to cool off into the little ice age? The earth still hasn't warmed completely out of it and it is beginning to cool off again...once more, how long did it take to go from the warmest part of the MWP to the coldest part of the LIA?

Use your brain for once and try to just think past the stupidity that obviously clouds everything you think and see.
I say that within the next 5 years, starting in 2020, a new all-time global average temperature record will be set. NASA GISS will be the standard used to determine that.

I'll make that bet will any denier here. Name the stakes. I'll make the bet even knowing that any of the hard-core deniers here will refuse to honor the bet when they lose. Yes, I'm so confident, I'm willing to make the bet even though I know there's zero chance of ever "collecting". It's like betting that the sun will rise. It's going to happen with the next even mild El Nino, and that will happen within 5 years.

(Oh, one condition. A supervolcano eruption or major asteroid strike nullifies the bet.)
Snow is a thing of the past too, right?

Q. By how much must we lower CO2 to stop the climate from changing?

A. $78,000,000,000,000
So any time it is warm it proves global warming.

Spare us your strawmen. Nobody here says or implies that. We specifically reject that way of thinking, unlike your side.

Your side constantly says that any bit of cold weather disproves global warming. There are many threads here to that effect. Only your side relies on the "Weather is climate!" fallacy. This thread is about debunking that fallacy, by demonstrating how you only use it selectively and inconsistently.

So you are using temperatures from 1895. Where were these temperatures taken?

All over the world. It's really remarkable how few measurements you need to get a good global average. The temperature measuring network is far more extensive than it needs to be.

was it the same instrument each time?

Of course not. And the error rate for each type of instrument is known and accounted for.

Were there houses, cities close by that had remained the same? as there any added heat source of any kind

Sometimes. Such things are detectable in the record, and such errors are always accounted for and corrected. If a conspiracy blog told you otherwise, that conspiracy blog lied to you.

You do realize that 1895 was not the start of the earth?

We have good proxy data from long before that.

That the U.S. is not the world?

And you're back to pretending I didn't say just that.
Are you really this dense rocks? How long did it take to cool off into the little ice age? The earth still hasn't warmed completely out of it and it is beginning to cool off again...

As is always the case, the hard data flatly contradicts your idiot cult mantras.

By 1850, temperatures were well above what they were at the beginning of the LIA. To any non-retard, that marks a full recovery, kind of by definition.

once more, how long did it take to go from the warmest part of the MWP

Being local, the MWP is irrelevant to global climate. Again, the hard data says you're just babbling nonsense.

And yes, this is where you post a link to big of "The MWP was global!" lies from a conspiracy website, in order to prove your status as a loyal cultists. Please proceed and confirm my point.

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