Where did this guy get the idea it was okay to go into a girls restroom stall?

I would love to be a member of the jury for his trial.

I'd vote Not Guilty on all counts. ..... :cool:

So you're for vigilante justice? That's a complete disaster waiting to happen. You're giving a free pass to kill to every parent who feels their child has been wronged. It appears the girl was never assaulted and we don't know why he was trying to get into the stall. No doubt as a father I'd be angry. But really? That gives him the right to be judge, jury and executioner? I don't think so.

Do you really think it was his intent to kill the guy?
PHOENIX – Police say a man who tried to enter a teenage girl’s bathroom stall was confronted and killed by the girl’s father, KNXV reports.

According to Phoenix police, around 11:30 p.m. on August 2, 40-year-old Melvin Harris went to the QuikTrip near Dunlap and 19th avenues to pick up his teenage daughter and her friends.

A man, who would later become the victim, approached Harris’ car in the parking lot and asked for money. Harris gave him some money, and the man went into the QT.

Harris was later informed that a man tried to enter the bathroom stall his daughter was using. The teen told an employee, who in turn alerted an on-duty security guard.

Man who followed teen into restroom is beaten to death by girl’s father, police say

If you don't read the story, the ending is not very good. The father met the guy outside and beat him severely eventually causing his death. Now the protective father is facing second degree murder charges.

So question one: what gave this guy the idea it was okay to go into a girls restroom and even her stall?

Question two: would that have been okay had he been wearing a dress?

Question three: Assuming the charges will lead to a conviction, would a jury have more compassion for the intruder if he was wearing a dress?

I think we set a very negative precedent here during the last administration.
So, let's be clear:

Violent sexual criminals, i.e. felons who may face life in prison, have, up until now, been held at bay by the fear of getting written a ticket for entering the women's bathroom.

It makes perfect sense, if you lobotomize yourself. Twice.

Apparently, that didn't stop this (now rightfully dead) pervert from trying to victimize a teenage girl. Just like gun control, your argument makes perfect sense, if you lobotomize yourself. Twice.

Please post the evidence that the person beaten to death was a "pervert" and his intent was to "victimize a teenage girl".

Pay no attention to the part that says he tried get into her stall.

I don't have all the facts, I've done enough investigations to know one does not decide what happened until they've completed due diligence.

Some people chant, "lock her up" and have no clue as to what, why, how, when or where.

ZACKLY, thank you. Lotta wags rush to judgment based on precious little here.
Apparently, that didn't stop this (now rightfully dead) pervert from trying to victimize a teenage girl. Just like gun control, your argument makes perfect sense, if you lobotomize yourself. Twice.

Please post the evidence that the person beaten to death was a "pervert" and his intent was to "victimize a teenage girl".

From the OP "Harris was later informed that a man tried to enter the bathroom stall his daughter was using. The teen told an employee, who in turn alerted an on-duty security guard."

Evidence. This is what you get when you too damned lazy to read the original post and discover the facts for yourself. The dead man tried to enter a stall the girl was using, she alerted an employee and that employee alerted the security guard. When the father found out, he confronted the man and beat him to death. As he rightfully should have done.

One can reasonably assume that the girl would not lie about something like that, unless she was hatching a plot to get her father put in prison. An ulterior motive if you will. If that were the case, she should be in prison for lying to authorities or be charged as an accessory to murder. Or both.

I'm not holding your hand again. For sanitary reasons.

Where is the evidence that he is a pervert? How do you know he was attempting - and it seems failed - to enter a stall, not to molest, but to shit? What was his blood alcohol, or what drugs were in his system?

Your comment, " he rightfully should have done" ( killed a human being), hold a callous disregard for human life. You disgust me.

LOL, if you have evidence that article is false present it or stfu. A source has been provided and your support for a pedo has been duly noted. You disgust me.

LOL, you have evidence that the man went in there at all?

Hell no but that doesn't hold you back from tying a noose, does it Sparkles.

There is a surveillance video, apparently.
Clerks would have given a male the boys room key and vice versa before. Now they can ask for either.

Quik Trip doesn't lock its restrooms.

That's my experience too, and it also doesn't necessarily designate male and female restrooms as the OP here weasel-wordedly tried to suggest.

PHOENIX – Police say a man who tried to enter a teenage girl’s bathroom stall was confronted and killed by the girl’s father, KNXV reports.

According to Phoenix police, around 11:30 p.m. on August 2, 40-year-old Melvin Harris went to the QuikTrip near Dunlap and 19th avenues to pick up his teenage daughter and her friends.

A man, who would later become the victim, approached Harris’ car in the parking lot and asked for money. Harris gave him some money, and the man went into the QT.

Harris was later informed that a man tried to enter the bathroom stall his daughter was using. The teen told an employee, who in turn alerted an on-duty security guard.

Man who followed teen into restroom is beaten to death by girl’s father, police say

If you don't read the story, the ending is not very good. The father met the guy outside and beat him severely eventually causing his death. Now the protective father is facing second degree murder charges.

So question one: what gave this guy the idea it was okay to go into a girls restroom and even her stall?

Question two: would that have been okay had he been wearing a dress?

Question three: Assuming the charges will lead to a conviction, would a jury have more compassion for the intruder if he was wearing a dress?

I think we set a very negative precedent here during the last administration.
I have used the womens bathroom in public places when the mens door is locked. You knock first and tell the women you are coming in as the mens room is full and you really need to go. Then ask a person in the restroom which stall is empty and use it.

There's no indication that a male walked into a 'ladies' room' designated as such even in the originating KNXV-TV story.

Obviously the OP is using a dead body to sell his crackpot agenda obsession. Which is typical for him.
I guess RayRay's taking over the tranny obsession from NovaSteve.

Okay, I have never been in a QT that did not have the bathrooms clearly marked. And if I remember correctly, THAT particular QT has its restrooms on opposite sides of the store from each other.

And that may indeed be the case here, and you're in a position to find out. But the OP isn't, had zero information leading to his obsessions, and ran with it anyway, so my commentary is about his (the OP's) motivations in desperately trying to make this some kind of "tranny" story.

I never tried to make it a tranny story, simply asking what would make a man believe he has the right to use a restroom of females and even go into one of their stalls? He had to get that idea from somewhere, don't you think?

In your entire article --- and the link it came from --- there is no indication a "restroom of females" (what a quaint term) was involved. YOU made that part up.

And yes, I vetted your link, because I've come to learn it's necessary.
Apparently, that didn't stop this (now rightfully dead) pervert from trying to victimize a teenage girl. Just like gun control, your argument makes perfect sense, if you lobotomize yourself. Twice.

Please post the evidence that the person beaten to death was a "pervert" and his intent was to "victimize a teenage girl".

From the OP "Harris was later informed that a man tried to enter the bathroom stall his daughter was using. The teen told an employee, who in turn alerted an on-duty security guard."

Evidence. This is what you get when you too damned lazy to read the original post and discover the facts for yourself. The dead man tried to enter a stall the girl was using, she alerted an employee and that employee alerted the security guard. When the father found out, he confronted the man and beat him to death. As he rightfully should have done.

One can reasonably assume that the girl would not lie about something like that, unless she was hatching a plot to get her father put in prison. An ulterior motive if you will. If that were the case, she should be in prison for lying to authorities or be charged as an accessory to murder. Or both.

I'm not holding your hand again. For sanitary reasons.

Where is the evidence that he is a pervert? How do you know he was attempting - and it seems failed - to enter a stall, not to molest, but to shit? What was his blood alcohol, or what drugs were in his system?

Your comment, " he rightfully should have done" ( killed a human being), hold a callous disregard for human life. You disgust me.

LOL, if you have evidence that article is false present it or stfu. A source has been provided and your support for a pedo has been duly noted. You disgust me.

LOL, you have evidence that the man went in there at all?

Hell no but that doesn't hold you back from tying a noose, does it Sparkles.

Let's see the girls come out and tell me what happened and I'm going to say "Oh honey, no that didn't happen we just need to wait for an investigation" My kids word is all I need.
I would love to be a member of the jury for his trial.

I'd vote Not Guilty on all counts. ..... :cool:

So you're for vigilante justice? That's a complete disaster waiting to happen. You're giving a free pass to kill to every parent who feels their child has been wronged. It appears the girl was never assaulted and we don't know why he was trying to get into the stall. No doubt as a father I'd be angry. But really? That gives him the right to be judge, jury and executioner? I don't think so.

Do you really think it was his intent to kill the guy?

No, that's why it's second-degree murder, and not first-degree. He appears not to have thought about or cared at all what the result of his attack was.

I don't know that I'd vote "guilty" on 2nd-degree if I was on the jury, but I don't think I'd be comfortable just letting him walk.
yesterday and today.jpg

Look! Sick liberals again defending perversity.
Apparently, that didn't stop this (now rightfully dead) pervert from trying to victimize a teenage girl. Just like gun control, your argument makes perfect sense, if you lobotomize yourself. Twice.

Please post the evidence that the person beaten to death was a "pervert" and his intent was to "victimize a teenage girl".

From the OP "Harris was later informed that a man tried to enter the bathroom stall his daughter was using. The teen told an employee, who in turn alerted an on-duty security guard."

Evidence. This is what you get when you too damned lazy to read the original post and discover the facts for yourself. The dead man tried to enter a stall the girl was using, she alerted an employee and that employee alerted the security guard. When the father found out, he confronted the man and beat him to death. As he rightfully should have done.

One can reasonably assume that the girl would not lie about something like that, unless she was hatching a plot to get her father put in prison. An ulterior motive if you will. If that were the case, she should be in prison for lying to authorities or be charged as an accessory to murder. Or both.

I'm not holding your hand again. For sanitary reasons.

Where is the evidence that he is a pervert? How do you know he was attempting - and it seems failed - to enter a stall, not to molest, but to shit? What was his blood alcohol, or what drugs were in his system?

Your comment, " he rightfully should have done" ( killed a human being), hold a callous disregard for human life. You disgust me.

LOL, if you have evidence that article is false present it or stfu. A source has been provided and your support for a pedo has been duly noted. You disgust me.

LOL, you have evidence that the man went in there at all?

Hell no but that doesn't hold you back from tying a noose, does it Sparkles.

The moral is DON'T go into the Women's Restroom with my daughter.
Quik Trip doesn't lock its restrooms.

That's my experience too, and it also doesn't necessarily designate male and female restrooms as the OP here weasel-wordedly tried to suggest.

I have used the womens bathroom in public places when the mens door is locked. You knock first and tell the women you are coming in as the mens room is full and you really need to go. Then ask a person in the restroom which stall is empty and use it.

There's no indication that a male walked into a 'ladies' room' designated as such even in the originating KNXV-TV story.

Obviously the OP is using a dead body to sell his crackpot agenda obsession. Which is typical for him.
I guess RayRay's taking over the tranny obsession from NovaSteve.

Okay, I have never been in a QT that did not have the bathrooms clearly marked. And if I remember correctly, THAT particular QT has its restrooms on opposite sides of the store from each other.

And that may indeed be the case here, and you're in a position to find out. But the OP isn't, had zero information leading to his obsessions, and ran with it anyway, so my commentary is about his (the OP's) motivations in desperately trying to make this some kind of "tranny" story.

I never tried to make it a tranny story, simply asking what would make a man believe he has the right to use a restroom of females and even go into one of their stalls? He had to get that idea from somewhere, don't you think?

In your entire article --- and the link it came from --- there is no indication a "restroom of females" (what a quaint term) was involved. YOU made that part up.

And yes, I vetted your link, because I've come to learn it's necessary.

Doesn't matter if it's in the article. That QT has a restroom with a big sign marked "Women" and an appropriate stick figure, and a restroom marked "Men" with the appropriate stick figure.

So yeah, it was indicated.
The guy was probably a drunk or drugged out schizophrenic who had no idea he was blundering into a situation. You can't fault the father who was protecting his daughter. Phoenix is full of degenerates on every street corner.
I would love to be a member of the jury for his trial.

I'd vote Not Guilty on all counts. ..... :cool:

So you're for vigilante justice? That's a complete disaster waiting to happen. You're giving a free pass to kill to every parent who feels their child has been wronged. It appears the girl was never assaulted and we don't know why he was trying to get into the stall. No doubt as a father I'd be angry. But really? That gives him the right to be judge, jury and executioner? I don't think so.

Do you really think it was his intent to kill the guy?

No, that's why it's second-degree murder, and not first-degree. He appears not to have thought about or cared at all what the result of his attack was.

I don't know that I'd vote "guilty" on 2nd-degree if I was on the jury, but I don't think I'd be comfortable just letting him walk.

I think if anything it was manslaughter. He probably didn't mean to kill the guy, just beat the hell out of him not expecting the final result.
Please post the evidence that the person beaten to death was a "pervert" and his intent was to "victimize a teenage girl".

From the OP "Harris was later informed that a man tried to enter the bathroom stall his daughter was using. The teen told an employee, who in turn alerted an on-duty security guard."

Evidence. This is what you get when you too damned lazy to read the original post and discover the facts for yourself. The dead man tried to enter a stall the girl was using, she alerted an employee and that employee alerted the security guard. When the father found out, he confronted the man and beat him to death. As he rightfully should have done.

One can reasonably assume that the girl would not lie about something like that, unless she was hatching a plot to get her father put in prison. An ulterior motive if you will. If that were the case, she should be in prison for lying to authorities or be charged as an accessory to murder. Or both.

I'm not holding your hand again. For sanitary reasons.

Where is the evidence that he is a pervert? How do you know he was attempting - and it seems failed - to enter a stall, not to molest, but to shit? What was his blood alcohol, or what drugs were in his system?

Your comment, " he rightfully should have done" ( killed a human being), hold a callous disregard for human life. You disgust me.

LOL, if you have evidence that article is false present it or stfu. A source has been provided and your support for a pedo has been duly noted. You disgust me.

LOL, you have evidence that the man went in there at all?

Hell no but that doesn't hold you back from tying a noose, does it Sparkles.

The moral is DON'T go into the Women's Restroom with my daughter.

Actually the "moral" is you ass-sumed 'facts' that are not in evidence.

He was in the girls room and the GIRLS said he tried to get into her stall.

I put it to you AGAIN --- where in the article does it say anything about "girls in a girls' room"?

Since the question stumps you I'll give you the answer. It doesn't.
That's my experience too, and it also doesn't necessarily designate male and female restrooms as the OP here weasel-wordedly tried to suggest.

There's no indication that a male walked into a 'ladies' room' designated as such even in the originating KNXV-TV story.

Obviously the OP is using a dead body to sell his crackpot agenda obsession. Which is typical for him.
I guess RayRay's taking over the tranny obsession from NovaSteve.

Okay, I have never been in a QT that did not have the bathrooms clearly marked. And if I remember correctly, THAT particular QT has its restrooms on opposite sides of the store from each other.

And that may indeed be the case here, and you're in a position to find out. But the OP isn't, had zero information leading to his obsessions, and ran with it anyway, so my commentary is about his (the OP's) motivations in desperately trying to make this some kind of "tranny" story.

I never tried to make it a tranny story, simply asking what would make a man believe he has the right to use a restroom of females and even go into one of their stalls? He had to get that idea from somewhere, don't you think?

In your entire article --- and the link it came from --- there is no indication a "restroom of females" (what a quaint term) was involved. YOU made that part up.

And yes, I vetted your link, because I've come to learn it's necessary.

Doesn't matter if it's in the article. That QT has a restroom with a big sign marked "Women" and an appropriate stick figure, and a restroom marked "Men" with the appropriate stick figure.

So yeah, it was indicated.

Not in the article it isn't.

Go ahead, prove me wrong.
The guy was probably a drunk or drugged out schizophrenic who had no idea he was blundering into a situation. You can't fault the father who was protecting his daughter. Phoenix is full of degenerates on every street corner.

I don't think he was "blundering" anywhere. When the news article says, "This is the victim" and puts up his mug shot, I feel safe in saying he was a predator who was actually, deliberately trying to hurt the girl.
From the OP "Harris was later informed that a man tried to enter the bathroom stall his daughter was using. The teen told an employee, who in turn alerted an on-duty security guard."

Evidence. This is what you get when you too damned lazy to read the original post and discover the facts for yourself. The dead man tried to enter a stall the girl was using, she alerted an employee and that employee alerted the security guard. When the father found out, he confronted the man and beat him to death. As he rightfully should have done.

One can reasonably assume that the girl would not lie about something like that, unless she was hatching a plot to get her father put in prison. An ulterior motive if you will. If that were the case, she should be in prison for lying to authorities or be charged as an accessory to murder. Or both.

I'm not holding your hand again. For sanitary reasons.

Where is the evidence that he is a pervert? How do you know he was attempting - and it seems failed - to enter a stall, not to molest, but to shit? What was his blood alcohol, or what drugs were in his system?

Your comment, " he rightfully should have done" ( killed a human being), hold a callous disregard for human life. You disgust me.

LOL, if you have evidence that article is false present it or stfu. A source has been provided and your support for a pedo has been duly noted. You disgust me.

LOL, you have evidence that the man went in there at all?

Hell no but that doesn't hold you back from tying a noose, does it Sparkles.

The moral is DON'T go into the Women's Restroom with my daughter.

Actually the "moral" is you ass-sumed 'facts' that are not in evidence.

I put it to you AGAIN --- where in the article does it say anything about "girls in a girls' room"?

Since the question stumps you I'll give you the answer. It doesn't.

LOL< so the girls went into the men's room. You're an idiot.
Quik Trip doesn't lock its restrooms.

That's my experience too, and it also doesn't necessarily designate male and female restrooms as the OP here weasel-wordedly tried to suggest.

I have used the womens bathroom in public places when the mens door is locked. You knock first and tell the women you are coming in as the mens room is full and you really need to go. Then ask a person in the restroom which stall is empty and use it.

There's no indication that a male walked into a 'ladies' room' designated as such even in the originating KNXV-TV story.

Obviously the OP is using a dead body to sell his crackpot agenda obsession. Which is typical for him.
I guess RayRay's taking over the tranny obsession from NovaSteve.

Okay, I have never been in a QT that did not have the bathrooms clearly marked. And if I remember correctly, THAT particular QT has its restrooms on opposite sides of the store from each other.

And that may indeed be the case here, and you're in a position to find out. But the OP isn't, had zero information leading to his obsessions, and ran with it anyway, so my commentary is about his (the OP's) motivations in desperately trying to make this some kind of "tranny" story.

I never tried to make it a tranny story, simply asking what would make a man believe he has the right to use a restroom of females and even go into one of their stalls? He had to get that idea from somewhere, don't you think?

In your entire article --- and the link it came from --- there is no indication a "restroom of females" (what a quaint term) was involved. YOU made that part up.

And yes, I vetted your link, because I've come to learn it's necessary.

Correct, I am making assumptions, but Cecilie1200 is testifying that my assumption was absolutely correct. At least here, the only male/ female restrooms are those with facilities to only accommodate one person and both sexes have to share. In that case, the door has a lock that prevents people from coming in while you're using it.
Okay, I have never been in a QT that did not have the bathrooms clearly marked. And if I remember correctly, THAT particular QT has its restrooms on opposite sides of the store from each other.

And that may indeed be the case here, and you're in a position to find out. But the OP isn't, had zero information leading to his obsessions, and ran with it anyway, so my commentary is about his (the OP's) motivations in desperately trying to make this some kind of "tranny" story.

I never tried to make it a tranny story, simply asking what would make a man believe he has the right to use a restroom of females and even go into one of their stalls? He had to get that idea from somewhere, don't you think?

In your entire article --- and the link it came from --- there is no indication a "restroom of females" (what a quaint term) was involved. YOU made that part up.

And yes, I vetted your link, because I've come to learn it's necessary.

Doesn't matter if it's in the article. That QT has a restroom with a big sign marked "Women" and an appropriate stick figure, and a restroom marked "Men" with the appropriate stick figure.

So yeah, it was indicated.

Not in the article it isn't.

Go ahead, prove me wrong.

You are quite the sick puppy, do you generally go into Women's Restrooms too?
I would love to be a member of the jury for his trial.

I'd vote Not Guilty on all counts. ..... :cool:

So you're for vigilante justice? That's a complete disaster waiting to happen. You're giving a free pass to kill to every parent who feels their child has been wronged. It appears the girl was never assaulted and we don't know why he was trying to get into the stall. No doubt as a father I'd be angry. But really? That gives him the right to be judge, jury and executioner? I don't think so.

Do you really think it was his intent to kill the guy?

No, that's why it's second-degree murder, and not first-degree. He appears not to have thought about or cared at all what the result of his attack was.

I don't know that I'd vote "guilty" on 2nd-degree if I was on the jury, but I don't think I'd be comfortable just letting him walk.

I think if anything it was manslaughter. He probably didn't mean to kill the guy, just beat the hell out of him not expecting the final result.

I think the prosecutors will probably be willing to accept manslaughter, but since he was in the commission of what IS, after all, a crime - assault - and it resulted in death, the law in Arizona says he's guilty of murder. I'm not seeing an actual defense here, just mitigating circumstances.
From the OP "Harris was later informed that a man tried to enter the bathroom stall his daughter was using. The teen told an employee, who in turn alerted an on-duty security guard."

Evidence. This is what you get when you too damned lazy to read the original post and discover the facts for yourself. The dead man tried to enter a stall the girl was using, she alerted an employee and that employee alerted the security guard. When the father found out, he confronted the man and beat him to death. As he rightfully should have done.

One can reasonably assume that the girl would not lie about something like that, unless she was hatching a plot to get her father put in prison. An ulterior motive if you will. If that were the case, she should be in prison for lying to authorities or be charged as an accessory to murder. Or both.

I'm not holding your hand again. For sanitary reasons.

Where is the evidence that he is a pervert? How do you know he was attempting - and it seems failed - to enter a stall, not to molest, but to shit? What was his blood alcohol, or what drugs were in his system?

Your comment, " he rightfully should have done" ( killed a human being), hold a callous disregard for human life. You disgust me.

LOL, if you have evidence that article is false present it or stfu. A source has been provided and your support for a pedo has been duly noted. You disgust me.

LOL, you have evidence that the man went in there at all?

Hell no but that doesn't hold you back from tying a noose, does it Sparkles.

The moral is DON'T go into the Women's Restroom with my daughter.

Actually the "moral" is you ass-sumed 'facts' that are not in evidence.

He was in the girls room and the GIRLS said he tried to get into her stall.

I put it to you AGAIN --- where in the article does it say anything about "girls in a girls' room"?

Since the question stumps you I'll give you the answer. It doesn't.

What stumps ME about the question is why you think you get to impose an arbitrary parameter of "in the article" on people.

Amazingly enough, we are all not only capable of acquiring facts from places other than the initial article, we are also ALLOWED to do so, even if you don't like it.

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