Where did this guy get the idea it was okay to go into a girls restroom stall?

Clerks would have given a male the boys room key and vice versa before. Now they can ask for either.
No, I think people "before" would have been arrested. Now it seems that men are getting the idea that it's acceptable to enter a woman's facilities. I may be wrong, but unit this whole cross-dressing thing became an issue with the last administration, I don't recall a story like this. Men just went to men's rooms and women the same. Men understood that it could be trouble if they did enter a female restroom.

Quik Trip doesn't lock its restrooms.

That's my experience too, and it also doesn't necessarily designate male and female restrooms as the OP here weasel-wordedly tried to suggest.

PHOENIX – Police say a man who tried to enter a teenage girl’s bathroom stall was confronted and killed by the girl’s father, KNXV reports.

According to Phoenix police, around 11:30 p.m. on August 2, 40-year-old Melvin Harris went to the QuikTrip near Dunlap and 19th avenues to pick up his teenage daughter and her friends.

A man, who would later become the victim, approached Harris’ car in the parking lot and asked for money. Harris gave him some money, and the man went into the QT.

Harris was later informed that a man tried to enter the bathroom stall his daughter was using. The teen told an employee, who in turn alerted an on-duty security guard.

Man who followed teen into restroom is beaten to death by girl’s father, police say

If you don't read the story, the ending is not very good. The father met the guy outside and beat him severely eventually causing his death. Now the protective father is facing second degree murder charges.

So question one: what gave this guy the idea it was okay to go into a girls restroom and even her stall?

Question two: would that have been okay had he been wearing a dress?

Question three: Assuming the charges will lead to a conviction, would a jury have more compassion for the intruder if he was wearing a dress?

I think we set a very negative precedent here during the last administration.
I have used the womens bathroom in public places when the mens door is locked. You knock first and tell the women you are coming in as the mens room is full and you really need to go. Then ask a person in the restroom which stall is empty and use it.

There's no indication that a male walked into a 'ladies' room' designated as such even in the originating KNXV-TV story.

Obviously the OP is using a dead body to sell his crackpot agenda obsession. Which is typical for him.
I guess RayRay's taking over the tranny obsession from NovaSteve.

Okay, I have never been in a QT that did not have the bathrooms clearly marked. And if I remember correctly, THAT particular QT has its restrooms on opposite sides of the store from each other.

And that may indeed be the case here, and you're in a position to find out. But the OP isn't, had zero information leading to his obsessions, and ran with it anyway, so my commentary is about his (the OP's) motivations in desperately trying to make this some kind of "tranny" story.

I never tried to make it a tranny story, simply asking what would make a man believe he has the right to use a restroom of females and even go into one of their stalls? He had to get that idea from somewhere, don't you think?
PHOENIX – Police say a man who tried to enter a teenage girl’s bathroom stall was confronted and killed by the girl’s father, KNXV reports.

According to Phoenix police, around 11:30 p.m. on August 2, 40-year-old Melvin Harris went to the QuikTrip near Dunlap and 19th avenues to pick up his teenage daughter and her friends.

A man, who would later become the victim, approached Harris’ car in the parking lot and asked for money. Harris gave him some money, and the man went into the QT.

Harris was later informed that a man tried to enter the bathroom stall his daughter was using. The teen told an employee, who in turn alerted an on-duty security guard.

Man who followed teen into restroom is beaten to death by girl’s father, police say

If you don't read the story, the ending is not very good. The father met the guy outside and beat him severely eventually causing his death. Now the protective father is facing second degree murder charges.

So question one: what gave this guy the idea it was okay to go into a girls restroom and even her stall?

Question two: would that have been okay had he been wearing a dress?

Question three: Assuming the charges will lead to a conviction, would a jury have more compassion for the intruder if he was wearing a dress?

I think we set a very negative precedent here during the last administration.

Why has this thread remained in Politics?
What has this got to do with Obama?
Is Trump so soiled and stained you have to revert to one-off violent crimes as your smoke and mirrors?

It's politics because weirdos are supported by Democrats and not by Republicans. It's politics because trying to normalize people with severe mental issues was an Obama agenda.

If Democrats support weirdos then why do Republicans support criminals like Trump, Manafort, Flynn, Gates, et al.?

And this is when it gets really good:
"It's politics because trying to normalize people with severe mental issues was an Obama agenda."

I thought there was bipartisan support for more funding for people with severe mental issues, rather than take your guns away or let mentally ill people wander around in the street?

Clerks would have given a male the boys room key and vice versa before. Now they can ask for either.

Quik Trip doesn't lock its restrooms.

That's my experience too, and it also doesn't necessarily designate male and female restrooms as the OP here weasel-wordedly tried to suggest.

PHOENIX – Police say a man who tried to enter a teenage girl’s bathroom stall was confronted and killed by the girl’s father, KNXV reports.

According to Phoenix police, around 11:30 p.m. on August 2, 40-year-old Melvin Harris went to the QuikTrip near Dunlap and 19th avenues to pick up his teenage daughter and her friends.

A man, who would later become the victim, approached Harris’ car in the parking lot and asked for money. Harris gave him some money, and the man went into the QT.

Harris was later informed that a man tried to enter the bathroom stall his daughter was using. The teen told an employee, who in turn alerted an on-duty security guard.

Man who followed teen into restroom is beaten to death by girl’s father, police say

If you don't read the story, the ending is not very good. The father met the guy outside and beat him severely eventually causing his death. Now the protective father is facing second degree murder charges.

So question one: what gave this guy the idea it was okay to go into a girls restroom and even her stall?

Question two: would that have been okay had he been wearing a dress?

Question three: Assuming the charges will lead to a conviction, would a jury have more compassion for the intruder if he was wearing a dress?

I think we set a very negative precedent here during the last administration.
I have used the womens bathroom in public places when the mens door is locked. You knock first and tell the women you are coming in as the mens room is full and you really need to go. Then ask a person in the restroom which stall is empty and use it.

There's no indication that a male walked into a 'ladies' room' designated as such even in the originating KNXV-TV story.

Obviously the OP is using a dead body to sell his crackpot agenda obsession. Which is typical for him.
I guess RayRay's taking over the tranny obsession from NovaSteve.

Okay, I have never been in a QT that did not have the bathrooms clearly marked. And if I remember correctly, THAT particular QT has its restrooms on opposite sides of the store from each other.

And that may indeed be the case here, and you're in a position to find out. But the OP isn't, had zero information leading to his obsessions, and ran with it anyway, so my commentary is about his (the OP's) motivations in desperately trying to make this some kind of "tranny" story.

I never tried to make it a tranny story, simply asking what would make a man believe he has the right to use a restroom of females and even go into one of their stalls? He had to get that idea from somewhere, don't you think?

Oh for god's sake, he wasn't going in there to pee.
Your premise is in the toilet, bub. Pun intended. If I were you, I'd delete this thread.
So if someone thinks a perv is attempting to do somthing , it’s ok to attack them?

Give even the slightest hint of you attacking my daughter/wife/mom and watch what happens. "shrugs".

So kinda like Teyvon Martin . He’s being stalked , at night, by some would be perv.

He defended himself , and you righties cast him as the bad guy .

You're an idiot. He was in the girls room and the GIRLS said he tried to get into her stall. I'd have kicked his ass too. Zimmerman was aqquitted.
Wow, whole lot of information missing from this story. Good to know people will still jump to conclusions with nothing to go one.

Was he mentally challenged?
Was he a registered sex offender?

But hey, fuck critical and logical thinking. Lets just turn this into a circle jerk about hating transgendered people.

This isn't about hatred of anybody. What it's about is men feeling comfortable about going into women's facilities which yes, was caused by leftists promoting the idea on behalf of cross-dressers.

Well, to be fair, I think this asshole was just a predator who saw a girl go into a restroom and figured he could get away with molesting her while no one was watching.

What I want to know is, what the fuck was the security guard doing? According to the reports, he told the father he would "handle it", but doesn't appear to have actually DONE anything.

That's a very good point. Why didn't he do anything about it? A better question would be, what would he have done about it before this leftist push to have men in girls rest rooms?
Clerks would have given a male the boys room key and vice versa before. Now they can ask for either.

Quik Trip doesn't lock its restrooms.

That's my experience too, and it also doesn't necessarily designate male and female restrooms as the OP here weasel-wordedly tried to suggest.

PHOENIX – Police say a man who tried to enter a teenage girl’s bathroom stall was confronted and killed by the girl’s father, KNXV reports.

According to Phoenix police, around 11:30 p.m. on August 2, 40-year-old Melvin Harris went to the QuikTrip near Dunlap and 19th avenues to pick up his teenage daughter and her friends.

A man, who would later become the victim, approached Harris’ car in the parking lot and asked for money. Harris gave him some money, and the man went into the QT.

Harris was later informed that a man tried to enter the bathroom stall his daughter was using. The teen told an employee, who in turn alerted an on-duty security guard.

Man who followed teen into restroom is beaten to death by girl’s father, police say

If you don't read the story, the ending is not very good. The father met the guy outside and beat him severely eventually causing his death. Now the protective father is facing second degree murder charges.

So question one: what gave this guy the idea it was okay to go into a girls restroom and even her stall?

Question two: would that have been okay had he been wearing a dress?

Question three: Assuming the charges will lead to a conviction, would a jury have more compassion for the intruder if he was wearing a dress?

I think we set a very negative precedent here during the last administration.
I have used the womens bathroom in public places when the mens door is locked. You knock first and tell the women you are coming in as the mens room is full and you really need to go. Then ask a person in the restroom which stall is empty and use it.

There's no indication that a male walked into a 'ladies' room' designated as such even in the originating KNXV-TV story.

Obviously the OP is using a dead body to sell his crackpot agenda obsession. Which is typical for him.
I guess RayRay's taking over the tranny obsession from NovaSteve.

Okay, I have never been in a QT that did not have the bathrooms clearly marked. And if I remember correctly, THAT particular QT has its restrooms on opposite sides of the store from each other.

And that may indeed be the case here, and you're in a position to find out. But the OP isn't, had zero information leading to his obsessions, and ran with it anyway, so my commentary is about his (the OP's) motivations in desperately trying to make this some kind of "tranny" story.

I never tried to make it a tranny story, simply asking what would make a man believe he has the right to use a restroom of females and even go into one of their stalls? He had to get that idea from somewhere, don't you think?

Given that he appears to have had an arrest record, I'm gonna say the only idea he got was that it was okay for him to commit any crime he could get away with. Like most criminals.
Good for the father. One less pervert predator

Bingo, the left loves criminals.......they'll make the dead guy into a saint

The left loves criminals ? You are cheering a guy acused of murder!
Interesting to see you would not take up for your daughter....

Fuck that dead guy. I have long said child predators should be castrated upon conviction.

Truth be told they all deserve to be murdered.
Bingo, but I would say killed, murder is a negative connotation, killing a rapist is a justified homicide

Rapist!? All we know is that he tried to open the stall door . Have you ever pulled on a stall door only to find if was locked ?

Haven't you ever just looked underweight the door to see if somebody was in there? I'm 6'3" and I can see if somebody is in a stall without opening or trying to open the door.
Quik Trip doesn't lock its restrooms.

That's my experience too, and it also doesn't necessarily designate male and female restrooms as the OP here weasel-wordedly tried to suggest.

I have used the womens bathroom in public places when the mens door is locked. You knock first and tell the women you are coming in as the mens room is full and you really need to go. Then ask a person in the restroom which stall is empty and use it.

There's no indication that a male walked into a 'ladies' room' designated as such even in the originating KNXV-TV story.

Obviously the OP is using a dead body to sell his crackpot agenda obsession. Which is typical for him.
I guess RayRay's taking over the tranny obsession from NovaSteve.

Okay, I have never been in a QT that did not have the bathrooms clearly marked. And if I remember correctly, THAT particular QT has its restrooms on opposite sides of the store from each other.

And that may indeed be the case here, and you're in a position to find out. But the OP isn't, had zero information leading to his obsessions, and ran with it anyway, so my commentary is about his (the OP's) motivations in desperately trying to make this some kind of "tranny" story.

I never tried to make it a tranny story, simply asking what would make a man believe he has the right to use a restroom of females and even go into one of their stalls? He had to get that idea from somewhere, don't you think?

Oh for god's sake, he wasn't going in there to pee.
Your premise is in the toilet, bub. Pun intended. If I were you, I'd delete this thread.

I believe Ray's premise is that IF the guy had been dressed as a woman and done this, the left would have made excuses for him.
I support this guy. The democrats create this issue. They will defend anything that immoral and it's gonna get people killed like in this instance.
"The democrats create this issue".....you mean there was no hetero males assaulting girls/women in restrooms before hand?

This happened in deep red Arizona . How is this the libs fault ?

Phoenix deep red?

It's a toss up who is more ignorant of the USA you or Rderp.

Go address the original poster who tried with a straight face to equate an altercation outside a convenience store with, quote, "democrats [sic]".
So if someone thinks a perv is attempting to do somthing , it’s ok to attack them?

Give even the slightest hint of you attacking my daughter/wife/mom and watch what happens. "shrugs".

So kinda like Teyvon Martin . He’s being stalked , at night, by some would be perv.

He defended himself , and you righties cast him as the bad guy .

You're an idiot. He was in the girls room and the GIRLS said he tried to get into her stall. I'd have kicked his ass too. Zimmerman was aqquitted.

Truthfully, I don't think it was at all appropriate for the father to beat him to death that much after the fact. Punch him, beat him up . . . I could probably see that. See the guy go into the bathroom after his daughter and beat him to death on the spot? I can even see that. Talk to security and THEN follow the guy across the parking lot and beat him to death? Not so much.
So if someone thinks a perv is attempting to do somthing , it’s ok to attack them?

Give even the slightest hint of you attacking my daughter/wife/mom and watch what happens. "shrugs".

So kinda like Teyvon Martin . He’s being stalked , at night, by some would be perv.

He defended himself , and you righties cast him as the bad guy .

You're an idiot. He was in the girls room and the GIRLS said he tried to get into her stall. I'd have kicked his ass too. Zimmerman was aqquitted.

Truthfully, I don't think it was at all appropriate for the father to beat him to death that much after the fact. Punch him, beat him up . . . I could probably see that. See the guy go into the bathroom after his daughter and beat him to death on the spot? I can even see that. Talk to security and THEN follow the guy across the parking lot and beat him to death? Not so much.

I'm not condoning the severity of it, but I do understand why he did it.
Wow, whole lot of information missing from this story. Good to know people will still jump to conclusions with nothing to go one.

Was he mentally challenged?
Was he a registered sex offender?

But hey, fuck critical and logical thinking. Lets just turn this into a circle jerk about hating transgendered people.

This isn't about hatred of anybody. What it's about is men feeling comfortable about going into women's facilities which yes, was caused by leftists promoting the idea on behalf of cross-dressers.

Well, to be fair, I think this asshole was just a predator who saw a girl go into a restroom and figured he could get away with molesting her while no one was watching.

What I want to know is, what the fuck was the security guard doing? According to the reports, he told the father he would "handle it", but doesn't appear to have actually DONE anything.

That's a very good point. Why didn't he do anything about it? A better question would be, what would he have done about it before this leftist push to have men in girls rest rooms?

In all honesty, I'm not exactly shocked at the idea that the security guard was a lazy slug who didn't want to have to do much.

If I'm understanding the police report correctly, he escorted the guy out of the QT. Doesn't appear that he was making an effort to call the cops or do much else, and then the father confronted him, and he probably didn't have time to do anything before the father attacked the guy.

Definitely some pieces of the story missing here.
So if someone thinks a perv is attempting to do somthing , it’s ok to attack them?

Give even the slightest hint of you attacking my daughter/wife/mom and watch what happens. "shrugs".

So kinda like Teyvon Martin . He’s being stalked , at night, by some would be perv.

He defended himself , and you righties cast him as the bad guy .

You're an idiot. He was in the girls room and the GIRLS said he tried to get into her stall.

Yeah? WHERE is that in the article?
Why don't you quote it for the class. This oughta be good. :popcorn:

So, let's be clear:

Violent sexual criminals, i.e. felons who may face life in prison, have, up until now, been held at bay by the fear of getting written a ticket for entering the women's bathroom.

It makes perfect sense, if you lobotomize yourself. Twice.

Apparently, that didn't stop this (now rightfully dead) pervert from trying to victimize a teenage girl. Just like gun control, your argument makes perfect sense, if you lobotomize yourself. Twice.

Please post the evidence that the person beaten to death was a "pervert" and his intent was to "victimize a teenage girl".

From the OP "Harris was later informed that a man tried to enter the bathroom stall his daughter was using. The teen told an employee, who in turn alerted an on-duty security guard."

Evidence. This is what you get when you too damned lazy to read the original post and discover the facts for yourself. The dead man tried to enter a stall the girl was using, she alerted an employee and that employee alerted the security guard. When the father found out, he confronted the man and beat him to death. As he rightfully should have done.

One can reasonably assume that the girl would not lie about something like that, unless she was hatching a plot to get her father put in prison. An ulterior motive if you will. If that were the case, she should be in prison for lying to authorities or be charged as an accessory to murder. Or both.

I'm not holding your hand again. For sanitary reasons.

Where is the evidence that he is a pervert? How do you know he was attempting - and it seems failed - to enter a stall, not to molest, but to shit? What was his blood alcohol, or what drugs were in his system?

Your comment, " he rightfully should have done" ( killed a human being), hold a callous disregard for human life. You disgust me.

LOL, if you have evidence that article is false present it or stfu. A source has been provided and your support for a pedo has been duly noted. You disgust me.

LOL, you have evidence that the man went in there at all?

Hell no but that doesn't hold you back from tying a noose, does it Sparkles.
Last edited:
If someone wants to attack someone no law about where they can't is going to stop them.
Get real.
The father did get real and the attacker is dead for real........lesson, don't go into women's restrooms and don't try to break into their stalls.
The only issue I have with this....did the father assault him with JUST his daughter's ID'ing the man? A man on the other side of a bathroom stall door? I hope there was confirmation before he beat him. (If there was, I would have done the same)

So what do you think, she just pointed him out at random?
PHOENIX – Police say a man who tried to enter a teenage girl’s bathroom stall was confronted and killed by the girl’s father, KNXV reports.

According to Phoenix police, around 11:30 p.m. on August 2, 40-year-old Melvin Harris went to the QuikTrip near Dunlap and 19th avenues to pick up his teenage daughter and her friends.

A man, who would later become the victim, approached Harris’ car in the parking lot and asked for money. Harris gave him some money, and the man went into the QT.

Harris was later informed that a man tried to enter the bathroom stall his daughter was using. The teen told an employee, who in turn alerted an on-duty security guard.

Man who followed teen into restroom is beaten to death by girl’s father, police say

If you don't read the story, the ending is not very good. The father met the guy outside and beat him severely eventually causing his death. Now the protective father is facing second degree murder charges.

So question one: what gave this guy the idea it was okay to go into a girls restroom and even her stall?

Question two: would that have been okay had he been wearing a dress?

Question three: Assuming the charges will lead to a conviction, would a jury have more compassion for the intruder if he was wearing a dress?

I think we set a very negative precedent here during the last administration.

Why has this thread remained in Politics?
What has this got to do with Obama?
Is Trump so soiled and stained you have to revert to one-off violent crimes as your smoke and mirrors?

It's politics because weirdos are supported by Democrats and not by Republicans. It's politics because trying to normalize people with severe mental issues was an Obama agenda.

It's in "politics" because you put it here and you're an idiot with an agenda, as I've already demonstrated.
So if someone thinks a perv is attempting to do somthing , it’s ok to attack them?

Give even the slightest hint of you attacking my daughter/wife/mom and watch what happens. "shrugs".

So kinda like Teyvon Martin . He’s being stalked , at night, by some would be perv.

He defended himself , and you righties cast him as the bad guy .

You're an idiot. He was in the girls room and the GIRLS said he tried to get into her stall. I'd have kicked his ass too. Zimmerman was aqquitted.

Truthfully, I don't think it was at all appropriate for the father to beat him to death that much after the fact. Punch him, beat him up . . . I could probably see that. See the guy go into the bathroom after his daughter and beat him to death on the spot? I can even see that. Talk to security and THEN follow the guy across the parking lot and beat him to death? Not so much.

I'm not condoning the severity of it, but I do understand why he did it.

Oh, I can definitely understand it, and I certainly don't consider Mr. Armstrong any particular loss for society. But I can also see why he's being charged with second-degree murder.

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