Where do you see America politically and socially 10 years from now?

Take the trends of today, add ten more years of bitterness, infighting, and economic malaise, plus ten more years of religious extremism and infrastructure neglect, and there you have it. The two major sides will be even further apart, getting even less done, and the problems will be worse and even more intractable.

There is no will to fix what is wrong because the solutions require that no one wins and everyone compromises, which means it won't happen. This is the new normal, idiotic as it is...
The wealth inequality issue with have become so large that the country will shift leftward very hard and start favoring Democrats "tax and spend" policies over Republicans "trickle down" policies.

The minority populations (particularly hispanics) will either force the Republicans to change their tune on social issues dramatically or become a minority party shut out of the white house.

The democrats as a whole I would say are going to become more divided then they are currently as their voting block grows larger and larger. There will be blurry but growing split between corporate democrats like Clinton, Schumer, Levin, Feinstein...and the more "true progressives" like Warren, Blumenauer, Wyden, and Sanders. Basically the progressives will find more and more support with the growing wealth inequality and worsening climate change. The progressives will be on the winning side in the long run...but the corporatist will have the backing of big business so they'll have power in the short term.

Nevada, Virginia, Colorado, and probably New Hampshire will no longer be swing states. Arizona, Georgia, and Texas will be.
We should be better off as the majority learn from past mistakes. That is all we need for the majority of voters to keep learning what does not work.

Productivity gains will keep making all of our lives easier, giving voters more free time to understand the world they live & work in.

Socially we will think we are more equal & think less like Archie Bunker.

Economically, the Rich power brokers will keep increasing leverage to make wealth more unequal. This could lead to confrontation.
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I want to here everyone's different thoughts on this
A meteor falls on capitol building while in session, white house and the federal reserve buildings killing everyone inside. Given the message I begin my public speaking, and due to kayos people begin listening to me, I become the official spokesman of the new world government, eradicate international bankers world wide, and resign, go back to work in front of my concrete mixer, the world prospers.
I believe the last time polarization was this severe, was in about 1850...and then, we were 10 years from Civil War.

Times have changed too much for there to be a Civil War...but some unhappy outcome bordering on cataclysm now seems likely to me...in the next decade.

Unless enlightenment occurs in two and a half years...when we are finally rid of this awful President and his corrupt and incompetent administration.
it will be when the rise of the oceans begin to slow and the planet begins to heal....

Sadly, I'm watching America deteriorate daily on many levels. Normally I'm an optimist. A Pollyana if you will, but I cannot find a bright side anymore for the country. Obama and the far left have created such hatred and divisiveness like the left always does. I don't believe the rift can be overcome. No mortal man will be able to heal the country I fear.

So at the pace we're at in 10 years I'd say America will be FUBAR'D.
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10 years from now there will be a Democrat in the White House. I don't see another seated Republican President yet in my lifetime. It's a combination of the ever-present and persistent 47%, combined with a fractionated Republican party.

Socially, I see this nation as a dissolved and diluted image of itself.

Because of the ever-present 47% and a fractionated Republican party.

Liberals, Progressives, and Socialists won the day when Obama was first elected. His first inauguration marked the beginning of the end of America.
We should be better off as the majority learn from past mistakes. That is all we need for the majority of voters to keep learning what does not work.

Productivity gains will keep making all of our lives easier, giving voters more free time to understand the world they live & work in.

Socially we will think we are more equal & think less like Archie Bunker.

Economically, the Rich power brokers will keep increasing leverage to make wealth more unequal. This could lead to confrontation.

This is what "productivity gains" looks like... and Obama and his Liberal minions had ZERO input. In fact, Obama is out to destroy these gains...

The "moderates" of the GOP and the "centrists" of the democrats will join together in "compromise" to keep corporate socialism alive while attacking social programs. The fringe elements will safely fight the ideological battles without disrupting the economy too much for the bankers or winning too much for the working class.

People will keep staring at smartphones while the TV is on instead of talking to each other, getting fat consuming crap convenience food and people will keep voting for politicians.

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