Where do you see America politically and socially 10 years from now?


My guess has been that in 20 to 25 years we'll be the Euro-social democracy for which the Left is working so hard. Maybe a couple of steps to the left of modern-day France. So in ten years we'll be further into the process. I'd think the ride will remain bumpy, since there will still be many who don't think Americans should be "ruled" by a centralized authoritarian bureaucracy.

The one clear variable will be how quickly the Left can effectively dissolve the southern border. The more quickly they're successful, the more rapid the change will be. So you have to toss that one into the calculus.


My guess has been that in 20 to 25 years we'll be the Euro-social democracy for which the Left is working so hard. Maybe a couple of steps to the left of modern-day France. So in ten years we'll be further into the process. I'd think the ride will remain bumpy, since there will still be many who don't think Americans should be "ruled" by a centralized authoritarian bureaucracy.

The one clear variable will be how quickly the Left can effectively dissolve the southern border. The more quickly they're successful, the more rapid the change will be. So you have to toss that one into the calculus.


Ten years from now, short of some unforeseen global disaster, things will be pretty much be the same, a few minor differences, a few wins for the Cons, a few wins for the libs, some new gadgets, some new things to be afraid of but that's about it.

My guess has been that in 20 to 25 years we'll be the Euro-social democracy for which the Left is working so hard. Maybe a couple of steps to the left of modern-day France. So in ten years we'll be further into the process. I'd think the ride will remain bumpy, since there will still be many who don't think Americans should be "ruled" by a centralized authoritarian bureaucracy.

The one clear variable will be how quickly the Left can effectively dissolve the southern border. The more quickly they're successful, the more rapid the change will be. So you have to toss that one into the calculus.


Ten years from now, short of some unforeseen global disaster, things will be pretty much be the same, a few minor differences, a few wins for the Cons, a few wins for the libs, some new gadgets, some new things to be afraid of but that's about it.

I'd think the wins for the conservatives will become less and less frequent unless/until they (a) stop stabbing each other in the back and (b) somehow, magically find a way to fix their messaging. They're sure as hell not very attractive right now.


My guess has been that in 20 to 25 years we'll be the Euro-social democracy for which the Left is working so hard. Maybe a couple of steps to the left of modern-day France. So in ten years we'll be further into the process. I'd think the ride will remain bumpy, since there will still be many who don't think Americans should be "ruled" by a centralized authoritarian bureaucracy.

The one clear variable will be how quickly the Left can effectively dissolve the southern border. The more quickly they're successful, the more rapid the change will be. So you have to toss that one into the calculus.


Ten years from now, short of some unforeseen global disaster, things will be pretty much be the same, a few minor differences, a few wins for the Cons, a few wins for the libs, some new gadgets, some new things to be afraid of but that's about it.

I'd think the wins for the conservatives will become less and less frequent unless/until they (a) stop stabbing each other in the back and (b) somehow, magically find a way to fix their messaging. They're sure as hell not very attractive right now.


Fear and anger are always ugly political tools. I think people are seriously getting outrage fatigue. I had it bad at this point in the Bush presidency.
Obama has already set his teeth into the coal industry. As he phases out coal, his next objective is oil and natural gas. He is on a mission to destroy us completely...

Obama Budget Would Cut $40 Billion in Fossil-Fuel Credits - Bloomberg

OH NO THE SKY IS FALLING. Dude, get the fuck out of my country if that is what you believe. Get a job, go to work, get off the fucking internet. It's rotting your brain if that (total failure) is what all of you believe.

All you doom and gloomers need to get a real life. The internet is for FUN. Message boards have almost NOTHING to do with reality. Jeeze.
Obama has already set his teeth into the coal industry. As he phases out coal, his next objective is oil and natural gas. He is on a mission to destroy us completely...

Obama Budget Would Cut $40 Billion in Fossil-Fuel Credits - Bloomberg

OH NO THE SKY IS FALLING. Dude, get the fuck out of my country if that is what you believe. Get a job, go to work, get off the fucking internet. It's rotting your brain if that (total failure) is what all of you believe.

All you doom and gloomers need to get a real life. The internet is for FUN. Message boards have almost NOTHING to do with reality. Jeeze.

Aw give them a break, they can't secretly masturbate to gay porn all of the time, they have to project all that self loathing somewhere.

My guess has been that in 20 to 25 years we'll be the Euro-social democracy for which the Left is working so hard. Maybe a couple of steps to the left of modern-day France. So in ten years we'll be further into the process. I'd think the ride will remain bumpy, since there will still be many who don't think Americans should be "ruled" by a centralized authoritarian bureaucracy.

The one clear variable will be how quickly the Left can effectively dissolve the southern border. The more quickly they're successful, the more rapid the change will be. So you have to toss that one into the calculus.


Ten years from now, short of some unforeseen global disaster, things will be pretty much be the same, a few minor differences, a few wins for the Cons, a few wins for the libs, some new gadgets, some new things to be afraid of but that's about it.

I'd think the wins for the conservatives will become less and less frequent unless/until they (a) stop stabbing each other in the back and (b) somehow, magically find a way to fix their messaging. They're sure as hell not very attractive right now.


Last time a "conservative" ran for POTUS he won. All the moderate Republicans lose.
Sadly, I'm watching America deteriorate daily on many levels. Normally I'm an optimist. A Pollyana if you will, but I cannot find a bright side anymore for the country. Obama and the far left have created such hatred and divisiveness like the left always does. I don't believe the rift can be overcome. No mortal man will be able to heal the country I fear.

So at the pace we're at in 10 years I'd say America will be FUBAR'D.

The left causing hatred an division ?????



I paid 4 dollars for one pretzel at the mall yesterday.

Regardless of what the government tells us inflation is real and increasing.

So in my opinion in 10 years the money supply will be so great that the dollar will be worthless. The world will have moved from having the dollar as the reserve currency. China will have grown just because of the sheer size of their population and the fact that they are about 200 years economically behind the US, decay hasn't started, as the dominate world power. If folks don't realize it that the US is not only using the unpatriotic Chinese credit card. Borrowing our own money back. We are also printing money like mad. It is sheer madness what we are doing it can't end well but I hope I am wrong.

Right now the wages of the average Joe are not increasing at the rate of inflation, that is the problem not some BS about wage equality or the income gap. But what do we do to stop the trend? Well certainly one side seems to think that bithin' about it will help but letting anyone flood the borders doesn't hurt. So I see in 10 years a middle class that is dragged even further down by inflation and immigration of those who will work for very little.

I see grocery stores where there are no cashiers. Gasoline stations without attendants.

I see both sides of the aisle blaming the other side for the problems and doing very little about the problems.

I see a health care system run by physician assistances with doctors more or less being on consultation only.

I see Dick Tracy's two way wrist radio and an anti-gravity machine, of course invent by the USA.

But of course everyone will have a 100 inch LCD TV.
Sadly, I'm watching America deteriorate daily on many levels. Normally I'm an optimist. A Pollyana if you will, but I cannot find a bright side anymore for the country. Obama and the far left have created such hatred and divisiveness like the left always does. I don't believe the rift can be overcome. No mortal man will be able to heal the country I fear.

So at the pace we're at in 10 years I'd say America will be FUBAR'D.

The left causing hatred an division ?????




Guno I'm not going to trade pictures with you. All one has to do is to google "images condi rice Aunt Jemima" to show hatred and divisiveness from the left. And Condi got the kindest treatment.

You personify "vile left wing bigot" with almost every post you make.
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Pretty much the same, bickering, yet, coming together when tragedies occur. Still the finest nation on earth.
Times have changed too much for there to be a Civil War
I hope so. However, if a civil war could happen in places like Belfast, it could happen anywhere.

Belfast, and the rest of Ireland have been in a state of "civil war" on and off for more than 400 years.
True, however they had stopped their fighting for decades till the civil war started again in 1969. It lasted about 30 years.
Ten years from now, short of some unforeseen global disaster, things will be pretty much be the same, a few minor differences, a few wins for the Cons, a few wins for the libs, some new gadgets, some new things to be afraid of but that's about it.

I'd think the wins for the conservatives will become less and less frequent unless/until they (a) stop stabbing each other in the back and (b) somehow, magically find a way to fix their messaging. They're sure as hell not very attractive right now.


Last time a "conservative" ran for POTUS he won. All the moderate Republicans lose.

Yeah, I think the party may as well throw the long ball and run a ticket that the Tea Party and more conservative Republicans love. What the hell, who knows. At least then it will be more clear. They just have to find a way to keep their candidates from saying stuff that makes them easy targets.

Let's just get this over with and find out.


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