Where do you stand on State succession?

Do you support the right of States to succeed from the Union?

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It doesn't have to a hostile neighbor.

Little Switzerland is in the middle of Europe , refused to be part of the EU, they have their own currency and they are doing mighty fine.


Theirs is a unique situation made so by their history, tradition and geography.

You aren't going to replicate the conditions here that exist there which make their independence possible.

People misunderstand Switzerland's neutrality. Like they're some kind of wussie-boys or something.

Here's the truth:
During the Napoleonic Wars, Swiss Battalions (usually Cavalry) would hire out as mercenaries to either side.... Sometimes to both sides.

The Swiss Soldiers were so tough, so badass, so good at War, that one of the settlements of the Napoleonic Wars was that Switzerland could never again bear arms outside of their Country and no European Country would ever attack or threaten them.

Wanna guess the only place the Swiss can bear arms outside of their own Country?

C'mon.... Take a swing at it :)


Be that as it may, Little Switzerland is in the middle of Europe , refused to be part of the EU, they have their own currency and they are doing mighty fine.

Nobody is going to secede. Can't happen.

To secede, a State or States, would have to be pretty goddam angry and pretty goddam hostile to leave and form their own Country.

The USA isn't going to tolerate a hostile neighbor.

Just ain't gonna happen.

Bunch of fucking bullshit, wasting time with this mental masturbation.

Grow up, people

The US tolerates Mexico.

Tolerates? I think you mean, panders and offers prostate massages on demand.

It doesn't have to a hostile neighbor.

Little Switzerland is in the middle of Europe , refused to be part of the EU, they have their own currency and they are doing mighty fine.


Theirs is a unique situation made so by their history, tradition and geography.

You aren't going to replicate the conditions here that exist there which make their independence possible.

People misunderstand Switzerland's neutrality. Like they're some kind of wussie-boys or something.

Here's the truth:
During the Napoleonic Wars, Swiss Battalions (usually Cavalry) would hire out as mercenaries to either side.... Sometimes to both sides.

The Swiss Soldiers were so tough, so badass, so good at War, that one of the settlements of the Napoleonic Wars was that Switzerland could never again bear arms outside of their Country and no European Country would ever attack or threaten them.

Wanna guess the only place the Swiss can bear arms outside of their own Country?

C'mon.... Take a swing at it :)

The Vatican. :D
A much better idea is to convene a constitutional convention to decide if the USA should become a socialist country or remain a free democratic capitalist country.

Then each state could ally itself to one or the other, I think the result would be two countries.

The united states of liberalism--the west coast and the northeast---kinda like east and west pakistan used to be-------------and the rest of the country which would be the United states of freedom.

We could divide up the assets (military, infrastructure, etc) and the debt on a pro-rata basis based on population.

Then let the two systems compete.

I would put my money on freedom and capitalsim.
What I would rather see is that any state that wanted to could split into two, the libs holding the metropolitan areas and conservatives the rural areas. They each run their own economies and make deals for goods and services.

That way liberals can outlaw guns, cigarettes, disagreeing with them, whatever and the conservatives can sell them goods and produce. With lower taxes and less operating expenses many of the businesses will flee to the conservative areas.
None of those states would ever need to join Mexico. If they seceded, Mexico would quickly invade and conquer them.

They tried that once before.

And the only thing that stopped them was the full force of the US military. If any border state decided to secede from the Union, I don't really think that the US would rush to their defense. Nor should it, IMO.
None of those states would ever need to join Mexico. If they seceded, Mexico would quickly invade and conquer them.

Have you even been to Texas? They wouldn't make it past Houston.

Nonsense. Texas is already overrun with Mexicans. Everything south of Amarillo would probably roll over without resistance.

Nonsense, those Mexicans aren't exactly patriots to their homeland or they'd still be there.
None of those states would ever need to join Mexico. If they seceded, Mexico would quickly invade and conquer them.

They tried that once before.

And the only thing that stopped them was the full force of the US military. If any border state decided to secede from the Union, I don't really think that the US would rush to their defense. Nor should it, IMO.
The US Army was nowhere to be found in 1836.
Mexico is such a military non entity that they are completely unable to occupy their own country, much less Texas with its heavily armed citizenry.
Spell it 'secession', and we can go from there.

Any state can leave the Union, provided the other states approve.

Won't happen.

Damn. I thought we would have a chance to vote Texas out!

We can dream, huh?

Actually I love Texas. Lived in East Texas for decades with business ties all the way to west Florida's panhandle.

But they are freaks for sure on culture and politics: eat their own, for sure.
Spell it 'secession', and we can go from there.

Any state can leave the Union, provided the other states approve.

Won't happen.

Damn. I thought we would have a chance to vote Texas out!

We can dream, huh?

Actually I love Texas. Lived in East Texas for decades with business ties all the way to west Florida's panhandle.

But they are freaks for sure on culture and politics: eat their own, for sure.

Austin's a fun place.
No. 5 for me, oppose it and take them to court, not go to war. :)

Problem is, all 50 states have added to the National Debt, received Federal funds, etc. If you can sucede, do you first pay off what you've taken from the whole so far or not? Are you then exempt from declarations or war, can we build a wall around your state and ignore your problems making you another Cuba? There's too many questions like that for it to ever be a practical option.
Last thing we in the civilized, modern world need is yet another backward, piss poor country looking for a handout.
Theirs is a unique situation made so by their history, tradition and geography.

You aren't going to replicate the conditions here that exist there which make their independence possible.

There is no unique situation.

Just admit that you and your ilk are assholes determined to meddle in whatever state declares its independence.


If you hot heads will just settle down a moment.

Take a deep breath.

Count to 10.

Then listen to the points proposed by Mark Levin in his book, "The Liberty Amendments" you will see that there is a way for states rights people to maintain their states rights and stay with the Republic.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2JFFBYvDFQ]The Liberty Amendments: Mark Levin on Hannity - YouTube[/ame]

After watching this vid and paying attention to what he says, I believe you will feel no further compulsion to secede.

You can get what you want with this plan.

How the fuck can you praise someone who approves of the Patriot Act and who denounced Edward Snowden,

A much better idea is to convene a constitutional convention to decide if the USA should become a socialist country or remain a free democratic capitalist country.

Then each state could ally itself to one or the other, I think the result would be two countries.

The united states of liberalism--the west coast and the northeast---kinda like east and west pakistan used to be-------------and the rest of the country which would be the United states of freedom.

We could divide up the assets (military, infrastructure, etc) and the debt on a pro-rata basis based on population.

Then let the two systems compete.

I would put my money on freedom and capitalsim.

No, not a Constitutional convention. that would turn into a madhouse.

Try this.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2JFFBYvDFQ]The Liberty Amendments: Mark Levin on Hannity - YouTube[/ame]
There is no unique situation.

Just admit that you and your ilk are assholes determined to meddle in whatever state declares its independence.


If you hot heads will just settle down a moment.

Take a deep breath.

Count to 10.

Then listen to the points proposed by Mark Levin in his book, "The Liberty Amendments" you will see that there is a way for states rights people to maintain their states rights and stay with the Republic.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2JFFBYvDFQ]The Liberty Amendments: Mark Levin on Hannity - YouTube[/ame]

After watching this vid and paying attention to what he says, I believe you will feel no further compulsion to secede.

You can get what you want with this plan.

How the fuck can you praise someone who approves of the Patriot Act and who denounced Edward Snowden,


You remind me of the character played by Eddie Murphy in the film, The Distinguished Gentleman." He dated the most beautiful, sexy, sweet, nice women around but rejected them if they had less than perfect looking feet.

If there is nothing that will satisfy you then shut the fuck up and stop poisoning the climate while constructive, workable changes are being presented.

The Liberty Amendments proposes a STATE'S convention to amend the Constitution and go AROUND the assholes in Congress.

Just take the country back from them!

Why wouldn't you agree to that?

EDIT: And remember, we are NOT talking about personalities here. That's what LIBERALS and Women and Kids tend to do.

Forget what you might feel are character flaws in Mark Levin.

Focus on what the Founding fathers left US as a tool to use in exactly these kinds of situations, to take back our country.

We can look to this remedy that is part of the Constitution itself or you can go barking at the moon and playing the personalities game where I don't like so and so because she is a this and that...

Just stop and look at what you are casually discarding because Mark Levin pissed off Lew Rockwell's main man, Ron Paul.

That is the pedestrian, partisan and personalities game level on which Lew Rockwell operates.

You too?
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EDIT: And remember, we are NOT talking about personalities here. That's what LIBERALS and Women and Kids tend to do.

It's a telling point that you equate women as a whole to those you consider to be inferior to you.

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