Where do you think all this division and hatred in America is leading?

If you did, you'd be a conservative.
I’m pretry liberal on social issues and pretty conservative on fiscal issues. I think both parties suck. I also think a good balance between conservatives and liberals is healthy and necessary. We shouldn’t be at war with each other

Then, if that is the case, you can simply stop lying and they will kick you off those liberal social issues.
What am I lying about?

About not being a partisan hack, when you truly are a far left drone!
Rubber and glue dude. You are way out of your league, go back to the flame zone where you belong

Oh my a far left drone is mad at me for calling what they are, what ever will I do?

Stop pretending you are not a hyper partisan hack for the far left !

You have no league, therefore no one can be out of it!
Russia is pushing us towards civil war. They want us to destroy America.

They want us to defund science
They want us to give all the wealth to the top 1% barons
They want us to hate each other and rip each others throats out.
We all get wrapped up in the here and now. Today's stunning headlines that feed the flames.

But it might do some good to reflect on where this is all heading as that is what ultimately matters.

Will Americans simply "get over" their differences and find a way to live together in peace?
Will Conservatives eventually simply die off leaving the nation to modern day Leftists?
Will the exposure of corruption on one side sink that side to the point of irrelevance?
Will a Civil War erupt?
Or will we just become a disjointed nation of simmering hatred and anger for one another and this will go on for a very long time, eroding the fabric of our nation and tearing it down. China has already or is soon to overtake the US as the worlds largest economy. Yet we are too busy calling the President an Orange Clown or creating mean spirited video memes to see the bigger picture.

Maybe we can look to other countries and to history for some answers? Except that the Left is hell bent on erasing ours.

So let's look at another country torn apart by similar difficulties. Venezuela.
Leftist Venezuelans eventually won (for now) the fight by fighting harder and by using a mantra of by any means necessary. I see what's happening in America today as frighteningly similar.

We may be one election cycle away from dramatic changes. One person who grabs power (as just happened in China AND the Philippines by the way) and steers this nation into an entirely different direction.
And it's never towards freedom for the people in these situations.

Let's not fool ourselves and say it could "never" happen. It was once said we'd never have a black President and that China could never rival the USA economically or militarily.
You want to blame someone for the way the country is being run, blame (((those))) running the country.
Where do you think all this division and hatred in America is leading?

Today it led to a small town church in Texas

I agree and I think we'll see more of this. I also think a good part of this division is the fact I can see how you think and you can see how I think. Social media in the past few years have brought out the best and the worst in our society. People sit on the other side of their computers in forums, fb and twitter and see the hatred spewed from both sides and some of these people have decided they have had enough and are going to take someone or many out. To some, it's mind control to others bullying but you can rest assured we have not seen the last of mass murder's in the U.S. by our own citizens.

The news jumps to conclusions the minute the last body is shot, for instance, most of the rw news had this guy as antifa immediately. FBI at the scene about 6 hours later said they could find no ties to any organized group. So the rw fueled a little more hatred. If the lw would have said this was the work of a white supremacist the reverse would have happened. YYou can't place sole blame on the press some people in here immediately followed the leader.
The liberal side can do what they want, but I think the conservative side would keep most of the Constitution as it is with the exception of removing some of the amendments. We would keep the amendment process though in case we had to change it.
This country evolved over its 200+ years. I'd say the founding fathers were pretty liberal for their day but looking back I'd judge them as conservatives by today's standards. What makes you think that if you start conservative you'll stay conservative? Or that the definition of conservative won't change. Are we going to have to keep spliting the country periodically?
Without welfare programs, they will have to work and realize that being liberal makes no sense if it doesn't reward you.
California has the 7th largest economy in the WORLD. New York sends more to the Federal gov't than it gets in return. These blue states are doing very, very well.

They won't when all the people with money decide to leave. That is why NY keeps losing population share and electoral votes.
The population of NY continues to grow, just not at the rate of states in the South and West.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, as of 2010, New York was the third largest state in population after California and Texas, with a population of 19,378,102, an increase of over 400,000 people, or 2.1%, since the year 2000.

New York City has grown every decade since 1980. I has over 1,000,000 more people today (2010) than it did in 1980. It lost White people but that is likely a natural result of immigrants coming in and 2nd & 3rd generation immigrants moving out.
If you did, you'd be a conservative.
I’m pretry liberal on social issues and pretty conservative on fiscal issues. I think both parties suck. I also think a good balance between conservatives and liberals is healthy and necessary. We shouldn’t be at war with each other

Then, if that is the case, you can simply stop lying and they will kick you off those liberal social issues.
What am I lying about?

About not being a partisan hack, when you truly are a far left drone!
Rubber and glue dude. You are way out of your league, go back to the flame zone where you belong

So you are back to elementary school taunts? A sure sign of a liberal mind.
I’m pretry liberal on social issues and pretty conservative on fiscal issues. I think both parties suck. I also think a good balance between conservatives and liberals is healthy and necessary. We shouldn’t be at war with each other

Then, if that is the case, you can simply stop lying and they will kick you off those liberal social issues.
What am I lying about?

About not being a partisan hack, when you truly are a far left drone!
Rubber and glue dude. You are way out of your league, go back to the flame zone where you belong

So you are back to elementary school taunts? A sure sign of a liberal mind.
Have you read this thread? It’s been elementary schools for the past few pages thanks to KOSH, I was mocking him for taking it down to the gutter. But agreed, I’d much prefer we speak like grown ups
Then, if that is the case, you can simply stop lying and they will kick you off those liberal social issues.
What am I lying about?

About not being a partisan hack, when you truly are a far left drone!
Rubber and glue dude. You are way out of your league, go back to the flame zone where you belong

So you are back to elementary school taunts? A sure sign of a liberal mind.
Have you read this thread? It’s been elementary schools for the past few pages thanks to KOSH, I was mocking him for taking it down to the gutter. But agreed, I’d much prefer we speak like grown ups

So yes you believe that when the far left just labels people as racist, sexist, xenophobe, fascist, Homophobe, etc. That brings the country closer together!

And yet you still show you have nothing other than far left religious narratives!

You are a far left drone, time for you to be an adult and deal with it!
the "leaders" are leading the efforts at division for their own purposes.

demonize, degrade, dehumanize the opposition. keep them voters mad at the other guy as a means of keeping their jobs without having to actually do them and be held accountable.

no room for compromise. no room for seeing even a slight smidgen of the other guys' point or your own will open up full blast and blow your head clean off.

it's marketing and indoctrination as a means of manipulation going full-bore 24/7/365.

when this actually becomes people's world-view, and I'm convinced it has for many, it takes on a death spiral of increasingly estranged members of the same society leading to further divisions.

where's it leading us? right into the shitter, of course. there is no other possible outcome for such a fucked up means of doing things.
What am I lying about?

About not being a partisan hack, when you truly are a far left drone!
Rubber and glue dude. You are way out of your league, go back to the flame zone where you belong

So you are back to elementary school taunts? A sure sign of a liberal mind.
Have you read this thread? It’s been elementary schools for the past few pages thanks to KOSH, I was mocking him for taking it down to the gutter. But agreed, I’d much prefer we speak like grown ups

So yes you believe that when the far left just labels people as racist, sexist, xenophobe, fascist, Homophobe, etc. That brings the country closer together!

And yet you still show you have nothing other than far left religious narratives!

You are a far left drone, time for you to be an adult and deal with it!
Uh no I never said that you turd stop trying to define my narratives, you are horrible at it and are most always grossly incorrect. I think the Dems are just as divisive as the Reps. The race card and the sexist card and xeonophob card all get way over played and it only furthers the division. Is there anything else you want to incorrectly state about my opinions?
About not being a partisan hack, when you truly are a far left drone!
Rubber and glue dude. You are way out of your league, go back to the flame zone where you belong

So you are back to elementary school taunts? A sure sign of a liberal mind.
Have you read this thread? It’s been elementary schools for the past few pages thanks to KOSH, I was mocking him for taking it down to the gutter. But agreed, I’d much prefer we speak like grown ups

So yes you believe that when the far left just labels people as racist, sexist, xenophobe, fascist, Homophobe, etc. That brings the country closer together!

And yet you still show you have nothing other than far left religious narratives!

You are a far left drone, time for you to be an adult and deal with it!
Uh no I never said that you turd stop trying to define my narratives, you are horrible at it and are most always grossly incorrect. I think the Dems are just as divisive as the Reps. The race card and the sexist card and xeonophob card all get way over played and it only furthers the division. Is there anything else you want to incorrectly state about my opinions?

See how the far left will react when you are spot on with their narratives?

They seem to think that they are immune from everything, yet most of the problems are due to their policies!

Then again this one thinks that the right is the only side that has hypocrisy!

To the far left drones, the far left hypocrisy is almost non existent!

Now leave so the adults can discuss reality and you far left drones can go play in your debunked religious dogma!
Rubber and glue dude. You are way out of your league, go back to the flame zone where you belong

So you are back to elementary school taunts? A sure sign of a liberal mind.
Have you read this thread? It’s been elementary schools for the past few pages thanks to KOSH, I was mocking him for taking it down to the gutter. But agreed, I’d much prefer we speak like grown ups

So yes you believe that when the far left just labels people as racist, sexist, xenophobe, fascist, Homophobe, etc. That brings the country closer together!

And yet you still show you have nothing other than far left religious narratives!

You are a far left drone, time for you to be an adult and deal with it!
Uh no I never said that you turd stop trying to define my narratives, you are horrible at it and are most always grossly incorrect. I think the Dems are just as divisive as the Reps. The race card and the sexist card and xeonophob card all get way over played and it only furthers the division. Is there anything else you want to incorrectly state about my opinions?

See how the far left will react when you are spot on with their narratives?

They seem to think that they are immune from everything, yet most of the problems are due to their policies!

Then again this one thinks that the right is the only side that has hypocrisy!

To the far left drones, the far left hypocrisy is almost non existent!

Now leave so the adults can discuss reality and you far left drones can go play in your debunked religious dogma!
Seriously man, what’s going on with you? Are you drunk?

I literally just wrote:
“I think the Dems are just as divisive as the Reps. The race card and the sexist card and xeonophob card all get way over played and it only furthers the division“

I also linked to an OP of mine that was specifically about Dem hypocrisy!!!

And you responded:
“Then again this one thinks that the right is the only side that has hypocrisy!”

Are you high or just not reading anything I write so you can keep up with your fairy tail rants!
So you are back to elementary school taunts? A sure sign of a liberal mind.
Have you read this thread? It’s been elementary schools for the past few pages thanks to KOSH, I was mocking him for taking it down to the gutter. But agreed, I’d much prefer we speak like grown ups

So yes you believe that when the far left just labels people as racist, sexist, xenophobe, fascist, Homophobe, etc. That brings the country closer together!

And yet you still show you have nothing other than far left religious narratives!

You are a far left drone, time for you to be an adult and deal with it!
Uh no I never said that you turd stop trying to define my narratives, you are horrible at it and are most always grossly incorrect. I think the Dems are just as divisive as the Reps. The race card and the sexist card and xeonophob card all get way over played and it only furthers the division. Is there anything else you want to incorrectly state about my opinions?

See how the far left will react when you are spot on with their narratives?

They seem to think that they are immune from everything, yet most of the problems are due to their policies!

Then again this one thinks that the right is the only side that has hypocrisy!

To the far left drones, the far left hypocrisy is almost non existent!

Now leave so the adults can discuss reality and you far left drones can go play in your debunked religious dogma!
Seriously man, what’s going on with you? Are you drunk?

I literally just wrote:
“I think the Dems are just as divisive as the Reps. The race card and the sexist card and xeonophob card all get way over played and it only furthers the division“

I also linked to an OP of mine that was specifically about Dem hypocrisy!!!

And you responded:
“Then again this one thinks that the right is the only side that has hypocrisy!”

Are you high or just not reading anything I write so you can keep up with your fairy tail rants!

Yes many here also say they did not like Hilary, yet defend her at every turn..

Your actions and words match up very little. But even you admitted that you pick on those on the right!

And you pretty much ignore the far left on this board and their hypocrisy!

I am against the far left and never made any claims to the contrary, you try and push this narrative that you are fair and balanced, but you not even close. You are to far to the left for that!

So become and adult and admit you are afar left drone and be done with it!
Where will it lead? Given the increasing polarization being fostered by the media and promoted by intolerant fundies from both sides of the aisle, it can't be anywhere good.
Have you read this thread? It’s been elementary schools for the past few pages thanks to KOSH, I was mocking him for taking it down to the gutter. But agreed, I’d much prefer we speak like grown ups

So yes you believe that when the far left just labels people as racist, sexist, xenophobe, fascist, Homophobe, etc. That brings the country closer together!

And yet you still show you have nothing other than far left religious narratives!

You are a far left drone, time for you to be an adult and deal with it!
Uh no I never said that you turd stop trying to define my narratives, you are horrible at it and are most always grossly incorrect. I think the Dems are just as divisive as the Reps. The race card and the sexist card and xeonophob card all get way over played and it only furthers the division. Is there anything else you want to incorrectly state about my opinions?

See how the far left will react when you are spot on with their narratives?

They seem to think that they are immune from everything, yet most of the problems are due to their policies!

Then again this one thinks that the right is the only side that has hypocrisy!

To the far left drones, the far left hypocrisy is almost non existent!

Now leave so the adults can discuss reality and you far left drones can go play in your debunked religious dogma!
Seriously man, what’s going on with you? Are you drunk?

I literally just wrote:
“I think the Dems are just as divisive as the Reps. The race card and the sexist card and xeonophob card all get way over played and it only furthers the division“

I also linked to an OP of mine that was specifically about Dem hypocrisy!!!

And you responded:
“Then again this one thinks that the right is the only side that has hypocrisy!”

Are you high or just not reading anything I write so you can keep up with your fairy tail rants!

Yes many here also say they did not like Hilary, yet defend her at every turn..

Your actions and words match up very little. But even you admitted that you pick on those on the right!

And you pretty much ignore the far left on this board and their hypocrisy!

I am against the far left and never made any claims to the contrary, you try and push this narrative that you are fair and balanced, but you not even close. You are to far to the left for that!

So become and adult and admit you are afar left drone and be done with it!
Your game is getting old and guess what. Nobody gives a shit. You are standing on a soapbox preaching to nobody while the masses laugh at the crazy guy who is babbling nonsense. Enjoy yourself if thats what you need to feel superior. I'm done wasting my time with you. Thanks for playing and reminding me of how much of an imbecile you are.
So yes you believe that when the far left just labels people as racist, sexist, xenophobe, fascist, Homophobe, etc. That brings the country closer together!

And yet you still show you have nothing other than far left religious narratives!

You are a far left drone, time for you to be an adult and deal with it!
Uh no I never said that you turd stop trying to define my narratives, you are horrible at it and are most always grossly incorrect. I think the Dems are just as divisive as the Reps. The race card and the sexist card and xeonophob card all get way over played and it only furthers the division. Is there anything else you want to incorrectly state about my opinions?

See how the far left will react when you are spot on with their narratives?

They seem to think that they are immune from everything, yet most of the problems are due to their policies!

Then again this one thinks that the right is the only side that has hypocrisy!

To the far left drones, the far left hypocrisy is almost non existent!

Now leave so the adults can discuss reality and you far left drones can go play in your debunked religious dogma!
Seriously man, what’s going on with you? Are you drunk?

I literally just wrote:
“I think the Dems are just as divisive as the Reps. The race card and the sexist card and xeonophob card all get way over played and it only furthers the division“

I also linked to an OP of mine that was specifically about Dem hypocrisy!!!

And you responded:
“Then again this one thinks that the right is the only side that has hypocrisy!”

Are you high or just not reading anything I write so you can keep up with your fairy tail rants!

Yes many here also say they did not like Hilary, yet defend her at every turn..

Your actions and words match up very little. But even you admitted that you pick on those on the right!

And you pretty much ignore the far left on this board and their hypocrisy!

I am against the far left and never made any claims to the contrary, you try and push this narrative that you are fair and balanced, but you not even close. You are to far to the left for that!

So become and adult and admit you are afar left drone and be done with it!
Your game is getting old and guess what. Nobody gives a shit. You are standing on a soapbox preaching to nobody while the masses laugh at the crazy guy who is babbling nonsense. Enjoy yourself if thats what you need to feel superior. I'm done wasting my time with you. Thanks for playing and reminding me of how much of an imbecile you are.

Se you admit that you will not call out those that claim they hate Hilary, yet defend her every chance they get!

That is true hypocrisy, just like you trying to pass yourself off as some fair and balanced poster, which you are not!

You are a far left drone, be an adult and own up to it!

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