Where do you think all this division and hatred in America is leading?

Yeah, but the biggest problem would be trying to keep liberals out of our states. In no time at all, they'd be jumping those walls and that would require more police. Of course, since our crime would diminish, maybe all those laid off cops can do the job. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Most of the population and wealth would be in the 'liberal' areas. I'd guess you'd be left with a 3rd world country, mostly owned by the liberals.

Is that what you think? Well wealth doesn't last long when most of your population is on the dole or in prison. Somebody has to support them. Besides, with our low tax rate and pollution regulations, most of the businesses would move here and we could create our own wealth. We will still sell you products though.........you know, compassionate conservatism....
Even in Texas the largest cities are blue. Would they be walled off too?

Separation by states was the good Admirals idea. My original idea was to divide the country in half from north to south. Conservatives get one side and liberals get the other. Two separate countries that can still have minimal interaction between each other. But the nice thing about that is no more fighting, no more arguing, no more putting up with one side or the other. Each side runs it's own way.

On the liberal side you can make firearm ownership illegal, have thousands of pollution regulations, taxation out the ass, prisons that are like hotel suites, legal recreational narcotics, and a government that tells you what to do from the time you get up until the time you go to bed. Doesn't that sound like Utopia to you?

I just want to see everybody happy is all, including myself. And there isn't much more that could make me happier than never having to deal with liberals and their antics again. And hey.......if we acted quick enough, Hillary could still be your President! :banana:
So these two countries would have separate constitutions that lock in conservative or liberal values and can't be changed? I think I'd prefer to live in a democracy.

Then you better move because you don't live in a democracy now--you live in a Republic.

The liberal side can do what they want, but I think the conservative side would keep most of the Constitution as it is with the exception of removing some of the amendments. We would keep the amendment process though in case we had to change it.
We all get wrapped up in the here and now. Today's stunning headlines that feed the flames.

But it might do some good to reflect on where this is all heading as that is what ultimately matters.

Will Americans simply "get over" their differences and find a way to live together in peace?
Will Conservatives eventually simply die off leaving the nation to modern day Leftists?
Will the exposure of corruption on one side sink that side to the point of irrelevance?
Will a Civil War erupt?
Or will we just become a disjointed nation of simmering hatred and anger for one another and this will go on for a very long time, eroding the fabric of our nation and tearing it down. China has already or is soon to overtake the US as the worlds largest economy. Yet we are too busy calling the President an Orange Clown or creating mean spirited video memes to see the bigger picture.

Maybe we can look to other countries and to history for some answers? Except that the Left is hell bent on erasing ours.

So let's look at another country torn apart by similar difficulties. Venezuela.
Leftist Venezuelans eventually won (for now) the fight by fighting harder and by using a mantra of by any means necessary. I see what's happening in America today as frighteningly similar.

We may be one election cycle away from dramatic changes. One person who grabs power (as just happened in China AND the Philippines by the way) and steers this nation into an entirely different direction.
And it's never towards freedom for the people in these situations.

Let's not fool ourselves and say it could "never" happen. It was once said we'd never have a black President and that China could never rival the USA economically or militarily.
The rich use wedge issues to divide us. DIVISION. Why? Because if they didn't then they wouldn't win elections. They need god gays gun racism to win over voters who otherwise wouldn't win over with their financial policies. So Trump and Republicans get to pass tax breaks for billionaires and poor/middle class voters still vote GOP because they might ban abortion.

Where is it leading? Do you see the widening gap between the rich and poor? It's about to get wider with Trumps tax plan. Eliminating the estate/death tax? The rich have been trying to pull that off for decades. They are winning.
Yeah, but the biggest problem would be trying to keep liberals out of our states. In no time at all, they'd be jumping those walls and that would require more police. Of course, since our crime would diminish, maybe all those laid off cops can do the job. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Most of the population and wealth would be in the 'liberal' areas. I'd guess you'd be left with a 3rd world country, mostly owned by the liberals.

Is that what you think? Well wealth doesn't last long when most of your population is on the dole or in prison. Somebody has to support them. Besides, with our low tax rate and pollution regulations, most of the businesses would move here and we could create our own wealth. We will still sell you products though.........you know, compassionate conservatism....
Even in Texas the largest cities are blue. Would they be walled off too?

Separation by states was the good Admirals idea. My original idea was to divide the country in half from north to south. Conservatives get one side and liberals get the other. Two separate countries that can still have minimal interaction between each other. But the nice thing about that is no more fighting, no more arguing, no more putting up with one side or the other. Each side runs it's own way.

On the liberal side you can make firearm ownership illegal, have thousands of pollution regulations, taxation out the ass, prisons that are like hotel suites, legal recreational narcotics, and a government that tells you what to do from the time you get up until the time you go to bed. Doesn't that sound like Utopia to you?

I just want to see everybody happy is all, including myself. And there isn't much more that could make me happier than never having to deal with liberals and their antics again. And hey.......if we acted quick enough, Hillary could still be your President! :banana:
So these two countries would have separate constitutions that lock in conservative or liberal values and can't be changed? I think I'd prefer to live in a democracy.

Read up on ancient Athenian democracy. It was not a bed of roses.
Without welfare programs, they will have to work and realize that being liberal makes no sense if it doesn't reward you.
California has the 7th largest economy in the WORLD. New York sends more to the Federal gov't than it gets in return. These blue states are doing very, very well.

They won't when all the people with money decide to leave. That is why NY keeps losing population share and electoral votes.
We all get wrapped up in the here and now. Today's stunning headlines that feed the flames.

But it might do some good to reflect on where this is all heading as that is what ultimately matters.

Will Americans simply "get over" their differences and find a way to live together in peace?
Will Conservatives eventually simply die off leaving the nation to modern day Leftists?
Will the exposure of corruption on one side sink that side to the point of irrelevance?
Will a Civil War erupt?
Or will we just become a disjointed nation of simmering hatred and anger for one another and this will go on for a very long time, eroding the fabric of our nation and tearing it down. China has already or is soon to overtake the US as the worlds largest economy. Yet we are too busy calling the President an Orange Clown or creating mean spirited video memes to see the bigger picture.

Maybe we can look to other countries and to history for some answers? Except that the Left is hell bent on erasing ours.

So let's look at another country torn apart by similar difficulties. Venezuela.
Leftist Venezuelans eventually won (for now) the fight by fighting harder and by using a mantra of by any means necessary. I see what's happening in America today as frighteningly similar.

We may be one election cycle away from dramatic changes. One person who grabs power (as just happened in China AND the Philippines by the way) and steers this nation into an entirely different direction.
And it's never towards freedom for the people in these situations.

Let's not fool ourselves and say it could "never" happen. It was once said we'd never have a black President and that China could never rival the USA economically or militarily.
The rich use wedge issues to divide us. DIVISION. Why? Because if they didn't then they wouldn't win elections. They need god gays gun racism to win over voters who otherwise wouldn't win over with their financial policies. So Trump and Republicans get to pass tax breaks for billionaires and poor/middle class voters still vote GOP because they might ban abortion.

Where is it leading? Do you see the widening gap between the rich and poor? It's about to get wider with Trumps tax plan. Eliminating the estate/death tax? The rich have been trying to pull that off for decades. They are winning.

What's wrong with eliminating the death tax? You think it's fair that the government taxes you again on your wealth after you die?
We all get wrapped up in the here and now. Today's stunning headlines that feed the flames.

But it might do some good to reflect on where this is all heading as that is what ultimately matters.

Will Americans simply "get over" their differences and find a way to live together in peace?
Will Conservatives eventually simply die off leaving the nation to modern day Leftists?
Will the exposure of corruption on one side sink that side to the point of irrelevance?
Will a Civil War erupt?
Or will we just become a disjointed nation of simmering hatred and anger for one another and this will go on for a very long time, eroding the fabric of our nation and tearing it down. China has already or is soon to overtake the US as the worlds largest economy. Yet we are too busy calling the President an Orange Clown or creating mean spirited video memes to see the bigger picture.
Maybe we can look to other countries and to history for some answers? Except that the Left is hell bent on erasing ours.

So let's look at another country torn apart by similar difficulties. Venezuela.
Leftist Venezuelans eventually won (for now) the fight by fighting harder and by using a mantra of by any means necessary. I see what's happening in America today as frighteningly similar.

We may be one election cycle away from dramatic changes. One person who grabs power (as just happened in China AND the Philippines by the way) and steers this nation into an entirely different direction.
And it's never towards freedom for the people in these situations.

Let's not fool ourselves and say it could "never" happen. It was once said we'd never have a black President and that China could never rival the USA economically or militarily.
The rich use wedge issues to divide us. DIVISION. Why? Because if they didn't then they wouldn't win elections. They need god gays gun racism to win over voters who otherwise wouldn't win over with their financial policies. So Trump and Republicans get to pass tax breaks for billionaires and poor/middle class voters still vote GOP because they might ban abortion.

Where is it leading? Do you see the widening gap between the rich and poor? It's about to get wider with Trumps tax plan. Eliminating the estate/death tax? The rich have been trying to pull that off for decades. They are winning.

What's wrong with eliminating the death tax? You think it's fair that the government taxes you again on your wealth after you die?
People with 50 million dollars or more? Yes. It's fair. Its how we deal with extreme wealth that left unchecked will undermine our democracy. At least that's what we've always believed until now.
Either we keep the death tax or all our taxes will go up. The gap just keeps on getting bigger. What's the big deal? Don't blame liberal policies when you die broke Ray. Free and broke.
People with 50 million dollars or more? Yes. It's fair. Its how we deal with extreme wealth that left unchecked will undermine our democracy. At least that's what we've always believed until now.

Either we keep the death tax or all our taxes will go up. The gap just keeps on getting bigger. What's the big deal? Don't blame liberal policies when you die broke Ray. Free and broke.

How would leaving people to pass on their wealth to their family "undermine" our democracy? And WTF does government have to deal with extreme wealth? Stay out of it and they won't have to deal with it.

So I have this business that I worked all my life for. I took the risks, I paid the taxes as it grew, and now I die and leave it to my family who wants to continue running the business that's now worth 50 million dollars.

After I pass this business of mine along, the government wants 25 million dollars for my family to keep the business. They don't have those kind of resources, so they are forced to sell the family business just to pay the death tax. You call that fair?

Okay, so I don't have a business any longer. I sold the business and retired. I now have 50 million dollars in the bank when I die. I had three children. Two of my children gave me two grandchildren and one gave me three grandchildren. So in my will, I divided up my 50 million so each gets an equal cut of 5 million dollars. Not filthy rich, but a good sum of money to live comfortably.

Along comes government and takes half of what I wanted to leave my family. So my heirs get 2.5 million each, and the government gets 25 million. You think that's fair?

Government doesn't belong at my dinner table to pass the biscuits to my daughter and take a few of them for themselves before it gets to her. That's not what our federal government is for.
Yes, like it has since our countries inception. It swings like a pendulum which is a good thing. Don’t make it out to be this big revolution.

When you lose the House, Senate, White House, and 30 states to a candidate as weak as Trump that's a bitch slapping. In never gets old rubbing that in :muahaha:
I don’t know what you think you are rubbing in, I didn’t vote for Clinton and I’m not a democrat. I do like to deal in reality though

If you did, you'd be a conservative.
I’m pretry liberal on social issues and pretty conservative on fiscal issues. I think both parties suck. I also think a good balance between conservatives and liberals is healthy and necessary. We shouldn’t be at war with each other

Then, if that is the case, you can simply stop lying and they will kick you off those liberal social issues.
What am I lying about?
Yes, like it has since our countries inception. It swings like a pendulum which is a good thing. Don’t make it out to be this big revolution.

When you lose the House, Senate, White House, and 30 states to a candidate as weak as Trump that's a bitch slapping. In never gets old rubbing that in :muahaha:
I don’t know what you think you are rubbing in, I didn’t vote for Clinton and I’m not a democrat. I do like to deal in reality though

If you did, you'd be a conservative.
I’m pretry liberal on social issues and pretty conservative on fiscal issues. I think both parties suck. I also think a good balance between conservatives and liberals is healthy and necessary. We shouldn’t be at war with each other

What’s your point?
Blood on the streets.

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hatred. Hatred leads to suffering
Here in Virginia, a group supporting Democratic gubernatorial candidate Ralph Northam recently ran an ad that showed two black kids running for their lives from a pickup truck that had a Confederate bumper sticker and an Ed Gillespie (the GOP candidate) bumper sticker on it, and the narration implied that this was the kind of world the GOP candidate wanted to create.

The group has now pulled the ad, in response to a backlash even from moderate Democratic elements in the state, but the Northam cam
Americans get over their hatred pretty fast but it seems that the democrat party and the liberals and the left wing fringe crazies will never accept last year's election and will continue to foster hatred and violence (and murder?) and continue to hate their Country. It's as simple as that.

paign never condemned the ad.

This is Nazi-like propaganda. This is the kind of poison that polarizes people and creates a climate that can lead to violence.
When you lose the House, Senate, White House, and 30 states to a candidate as weak as Trump that's a bitch slapping. In never gets old rubbing that in :muahaha:
I don’t know what you think you are rubbing in, I didn’t vote for Clinton and I’m not a democrat. I do like to deal in reality though

If you did, you'd be a conservative.
I’m pretry liberal on social issues and pretty conservative on fiscal issues. I think both parties suck. I also think a good balance between conservatives and liberals is healthy and necessary. We shouldn’t be at war with each other

What’s your point?

Point is how can you not be at war with people like this? The Democrats consider Republicans a bigger enemy than Muslim terrorists. It's not just Hil-liar either. Many Democrats feel that way.
I don’t know what you think you are rubbing in, I didn’t vote for Clinton and I’m not a democrat. I do like to deal in reality though

If you did, you'd be a conservative.
I’m pretry liberal on social issues and pretty conservative on fiscal issues. I think both parties suck. I also think a good balance between conservatives and liberals is healthy and necessary. We shouldn’t be at war with each other

What’s your point?

Point is how can you not be at war with people like this? The Democrats consider Republicans a bigger enemy than Muslim terrorists. It's not just Hil-liar either. Many Democrats feel that way.

You lose me when you try and define millions of people by the words and actions of a few. It is a lazy way of debating. Take issue with people specifically. I had plenty of problems with Hillary, but I just laugh when people think that dissing hillary is dissing me because of some liberal views that we may share.
When you lose the House, Senate, White House, and 30 states to a candidate as weak as Trump that's a bitch slapping. In never gets old rubbing that in :muahaha:
I don’t know what you think you are rubbing in, I didn’t vote for Clinton and I’m not a democrat. I do like to deal in reality though

If you did, you'd be a conservative.
I’m pretry liberal on social issues and pretty conservative on fiscal issues. I think both parties suck. I also think a good balance between conservatives and liberals is healthy and necessary. We shouldn’t be at war with each other

Then, if that is the case, you can simply stop lying and they will kick you off those liberal social issues.
What am I lying about?

About not being a partisan hack, when you truly are a far left drone!
I don’t know what you think you are rubbing in, I didn’t vote for Clinton and I’m not a democrat. I do like to deal in reality though

If you did, you'd be a conservative.
I’m pretry liberal on social issues and pretty conservative on fiscal issues. I think both parties suck. I also think a good balance between conservatives and liberals is healthy and necessary. We shouldn’t be at war with each other

Then, if that is the case, you can simply stop lying and they will kick you off those liberal social issues.
What am I lying about?

About not being a partisan hack, when you truly are a far left drone!
Rubber and glue dude. You are way out of your league, go back to the flame zone where you belong

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