Where in the New ACA Replacement Bill are State Limits Removed?

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

You are a bleeding heart slime who has no problem volunteering folks to pay for what YOU think they should pay for.

Sure hope you whip out your wallet, debit card and cash and put your money where your big fat mouth is.

Oh wait. I forgot. Your someone who'd rather use other peoples money to fulfill what YOU think is right.

Carry on slimeball. LOL
Lol, whatever, cretin.

One of the main pillars of human civilization and every major religion has been the necessity of caring for the poor, the infirm, the old and the disabled veterans.

You laugh at those like me who think this is a good practice to keep around because we actually do like civilization.

Welcome to my ignore list, idiot.

Whatever slimeball.

Hope you enjoy taking care of the poor because they will take every dime they can get and look for more.

Welcome to my ignore list you slimeball. LOL
Still cannot find a specific reference to the removal of state limits, but I found another article that specifically states itis in the new plan. Reduction of health insurance price through free market capitalism is key to lowering health care costs all around.

GOP framework for Obamacare replacement is short on details

The GOP proposal starts with a transition period out of Obamacare and into a new plan. It would encourage people to have insurance coverage with the help of advanceable, refundable tax credits adjusted for age. It would encourage small group health plans and provide $25 billion in incentives to states to set up high-risk insurance pools — more funding than was available to failed state high-risk pools in the past, according to senior House Republican aides.

The tax benefit for employer sponsored insurance would be capped — at a high but undefined level according to an aide — to discourage plans that enable indiscriminate health care spending, offering an alternative to Obamacare’s Cadillac tax, which Congress has suspended.

In place of Obamacare’s individual mandate, the plan would prohibit insurance companies from denying patients coverage or charging them more because of pre-existing conditions — but only if they keep continuous insurance coverage, although they could switch plans or carriers. It would also allow young adults to stay on their parents’ health plans until age 26 — one of the most popular pieces of Obamacare.

Insurers would be allowed to sell across state lines and medical liability laws would be reformed. States would get block grants to administer Medicaid with caps on how much could be spent per person, with accommodations for high-cost patients. A premium support plan — similar to the one Ryan outlined several years ago when he was the House Budget Committee chairman — would be introduced to Medicare.

“Directionally, this could be promising,” said Gail Wilensky, who ran Medicare under former President George H.W. Bush. “I doubt that you’re going to have people now supportive of the ACA who say, I now want this instead. But it gives people who are not happy with the ACA — which is a lot — [reason to think] this may be promising.”

Ryan has always framed his policy task forces — health care is one of six — as starting points to inform voters of the direction a GOP-led Washington would head. A senior House Republican leadership aide compared this to the white paper released by former Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus in November 2008, “which did not have any numbers in terms of subsidies or tax increases either,” which eventually became the Affordable Care Act.

“It is laying the groundwork for what the Congress and House Republicans would do next year through the committee work to put specifics behind the legislative proposals,” the aide said.
Still cannot find a specific reference to the removal of state limits, but I found another article that specifically states itis in the new plan. Reduction of health insurance price through free market capitalism is key to lowering health care costs all around.

GOP framework for Obamacare replacement is short on details

The GOP proposal starts with a transition period out of Obamacare and into a new plan. It would encourage people to have insurance coverage with the help of advanceable, refundable tax credits adjusted for age. It would encourage small group health plans and provide $25 billion in incentives to states to set up high-risk insurance pools — more funding than was available to failed state high-risk pools in the past, according to senior House Republican aides.

The tax benefit for employer sponsored insurance would be capped — at a high but undefined level according to an aide — to discourage plans that enable indiscriminate health care spending, offering an alternative to Obamacare’s Cadillac tax, which Congress has suspended.

In place of Obamacare’s individual mandate, the plan would prohibit insurance companies from denying patients coverage or charging them more because of pre-existing conditions — but only if they keep continuous insurance coverage, although they could switch plans or carriers. It would also allow young adults to stay on their parents’ health plans until age 26 — one of the most popular pieces of Obamacare.

Insurers would be allowed to sell across state lines and medical liability laws would be reformed. States would get block grants to administer Medicaid with caps on how much could be spent per person, with accommodations for high-cost patients. A premium support plan — similar to the one Ryan outlined several years ago when he was the House Budget Committee chairman — would be introduced to Medicare.

“Directionally, this could be promising,” said Gail Wilensky, who ran Medicare under former President George H.W. Bush. “I doubt that you’re going to have people now supportive of the ACA who say, I now want this instead. But it gives people who are not happy with the ACA — which is a lot — [reason to think] this may be promising.”

Ryan has always framed his policy task forces — health care is one of six — as starting points to inform voters of the direction a GOP-led Washington would head. A senior House Republican leadership aide compared this to the white paper released by former Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus in November 2008, “which did not have any numbers in terms of subsidies or tax increases either,” which eventually became the Affordable Care Act.

“It is laying the groundwork for what the Congress and House Republicans would do next year through the committee work to put specifics behind the legislative proposals,” the aide said.

I am truly disappointed that this is not front and center in the plan.

According to Ryan's double talk last night, this is a three stage plan to take some 200 days.

See what you think:

Why should the taxpayers be on the hook for the poor??
Because we are a decent and moral people?

This is the difference between moral civilizations and amoral Oligarchies that see their own people as mere cattle to be put down when convenient.

I disagree.

I'm not responsible for the poor and neither are the taxpayers of America. People like you frost my ass when you volunteer everyone to pay for the poor.

The poor need to get off their asses and take care of themselves.
You have no morals. You have greed. It is not the same thing.

We have the power to heal the sick but only if they can afford it. That might be the country where a Trumpette like you wants to lives but it is not what America is all about.
Why should the taxpayers be on the hook for the poor??
Because we are a decent and moral people?

This is the difference between moral civilizations and amoral Oligarchies that see their own people as mere cattle to be put down when convenient.

I disagree.

I'm not responsible for the poor and neither are the taxpayers of America. People like you frost my ass when you volunteer everyone to pay for the poor.

The poor need to get off their asses and take care of themselves.
You have no morals. You have greed. It is not the same thing.

We have the power to heal the sick but only if they can afford it. That might be the country where a Trumpette like you wants to lives but it is not what America is all about.

No morals and greedy?? Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Oh I think I'm what America is all about.


A hard worker.

A tax payer.

Oh and thanks for thinking the taxpayers are happy to be volunteered by idiots like you to bankroll the lives of what you consider "the poor."

They could take care of themselves if they got off their asses. But then why should they when dumbasses like you are so eager to take care of them and absolve them from all responsibility.
Last edited:
Why should the taxpayers be on the hook for the poor??
Because we are a decent and moral people?

This is the difference between moral civilizations and amoral Oligarchies that see their own people as mere cattle to be put down when convenient.

I disagree.

I'm not responsible for the poor and neither are the taxpayers of America. People like you frost my ass when you volunteer everyone to pay for the poor.

The poor need to get off their asses and take care of themselves.
You have no morals. You have greed. It is not the same thing.

We have the power to heal the sick but only if they can afford it. That might be the country where a Trumpette like you wants to lives but it is not what America is all about.

No morals and greedy?? Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Oh I think I'm what America is all about.


A hard worker.

A tax payer.

Oh and thanks for thinking the taxpayers are happy to be volunteered by idiots like you to bankroll the lives of what you consider "the poor."

They could take care of themselves if they got off their asses. But then why should they when dumbasses like you are so eager to take care of them and absolve them from all responsibility.
So far, we have established that you are no Christian & you think we should let poor people die if they can not afford healthcare.

You sound like the typicval Trump supporter. A hate filled, not too bright, uneducated white person.
Why should the taxpayers be on the hook for the poor??
Because we are a decent and moral people?

This is the difference between moral civilizations and amoral Oligarchies that see their own people as mere cattle to be put down when convenient.

I disagree.

I'm not responsible for the poor and neither are the taxpayers of America. People like you frost my ass when you volunteer everyone to pay for the poor.

The poor need to get off their asses and take care of themselves.
You have no morals. You have greed. It is not the same thing.

We have the power to heal the sick but only if they can afford it. That might be the country where a Trumpette like you wants to lives but it is not what America is all about.

No morals and greedy?? Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Oh I think I'm what America is all about.


A hard worker.

A tax payer.

Oh and thanks for thinking the taxpayers are happy to be volunteered by idiots like you to bankroll the lives of what you consider "the poor."

They could take care of themselves if they got off their asses. But then why should they when dumbasses like you are so eager to take care of them and absolve them from all responsibility.
So far, we have established that you are no Christian & you think we should let poor people die if they can not afford healthcare.

You sound like the typicval Trump supporter. A hate filled, not too bright, uneducated white person.

Never said I was a Christian. You just assumed.

I'm not responsible for others nor will I allow myself to be made responsible.

I don't hate. I wouldn't waste my time. Most people aren't worth the effort it takes to hate.

You appear to be the one that hates. You hate anyone who doesn't agree with you and of course you hate anyone who voted for Trump.

I have the right kind of education. The one that allows me to be a responsible producer.

Wonder if you can say the same.
Last edited:
Because we are a decent and moral people?

This is the difference between moral civilizations and amoral Oligarchies that see their own people as mere cattle to be put down when convenient.

I disagree.

I'm not responsible for the poor and neither are the taxpayers of America. People like you frost my ass when you volunteer everyone to pay for the poor.

The poor need to get off their asses and take care of themselves.
You have no morals. You have greed. It is not the same thing.

We have the power to heal the sick but only if they can afford it. That might be the country where a Trumpette like you wants to lives but it is not what America is all about.

No morals and greedy?? Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Oh I think I'm what America is all about.


A hard worker.

A tax payer.

Oh and thanks for thinking the taxpayers are happy to be volunteered by idiots like you to bankroll the lives of what you consider "the poor."

They could take care of themselves if they got off their asses. But then why should they when dumbasses like you are so eager to take care of them and absolve them from all responsibility.
So far, we have established that you are no Christian & you think we should let poor people die if they can not afford healthcare.

You sound like the typicval Trump supporter. A hate filled, not too bright, uneducated white person.

Never said I was a Christian. You just assumed.

I'm not responsible for others nor will I allow myself to be made responsible.

I don't hate. I wouldn't waste my time. Most people aren't worth the effort it takes to hate.

You appear to be the one that hates. You hate anyone who doesn't agree with you and of course you hate anyone who voted for Trump.

I have the right kind of education. The one that allows me to be a responsible producer.

Carry on marrooonn. LOL

So, I was right. You are not a Christian. I am not responsible for those who can not afford hrealthcare. But my humanity says that we should not allow these people to die when there is a cure.

Now that we have established that you are a heartless bitch, it does explain your support for Trump.
I disagree.

I'm not responsible for the poor and neither are the taxpayers of America. People like you frost my ass when you volunteer everyone to pay for the poor.

The poor need to get off their asses and take care of themselves.
You have no morals. You have greed. It is not the same thing.

We have the power to heal the sick but only if they can afford it. That might be the country where a Trumpette like you wants to lives but it is not what America is all about.

No morals and greedy?? Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Oh I think I'm what America is all about.


A hard worker.

A tax payer.

Oh and thanks for thinking the taxpayers are happy to be volunteered by idiots like you to bankroll the lives of what you consider "the poor."

They could take care of themselves if they got off their asses. But then why should they when dumbasses like you are so eager to take care of them and absolve them from all responsibility.
So far, we have established that you are no Christian & you think we should let poor people die if they can not afford healthcare.

You sound like the typicval Trump supporter. A hate filled, not too bright, uneducated white person.

Never said I was a Christian. You just assumed.

I'm not responsible for others nor will I allow myself to be made responsible.

I don't hate. I wouldn't waste my time. Most people aren't worth the effort it takes to hate.

You appear to be the one that hates. You hate anyone who doesn't agree with you and of course you hate anyone who voted for Trump.

I have the right kind of education. The one that allows me to be a responsible producer.

Carry on marrooonn. LOL

So, I was right. You are not a Christian. I am not responsible for those who can not afford hrealthcare. But my humanity says that we should not allow these people to die when there is a cure.

Now that we have established that you are a heartless bitch, it does explain your support for Trump.

Didn't say that either. You said that.

Wonder if you're humanity would let you open up your wallet, checkbook and debit card to pay for the poor if it were only you and those like you who had to pay for them. Believe me, they would take every dime you want to give them and then some.

The poor won't die because by law every hospital has to treat them.

Heartless bitch?? Nah just someone who picks and choses the charities she gives to.

As for Trump?? He's 100% better than both Obama and Hillary.
Why should the taxpayers be on the hook for the poor??
Because we are a decent and moral people?

This is the difference between moral civilizations and amoral Oligarchies that see their own people as mere cattle to be put down when convenient.

I disagree.

I'm not responsible for the poor and neither are the taxpayers of America. People like you frost my ass when you volunteer everyone to pay for the poor.

The poor need to get off their asses and take care of themselves.
You have no morals. You have greed. It is not the same thing.

We have the power to heal the sick but only if they can afford it. That might be the country where a Trumpette like you wants to lives but it is not what America is all about.

No morals and greedy?? Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Oh I think I'm what America is all about.


A hard worker.

A tax payer.

Oh and thanks for thinking the taxpayers are happy to be volunteered by idiots like you to bankroll the lives of what you consider "the poor."

They could take care of themselves if they got off their asses. But then why should they when dumbasses like you are so eager to take care of them and absolve them from all responsibility.
So far, we have established that you are no Christian & you think we should let poor people die if they can not afford healthcare.

You sound like the typicval Trump supporter. A hate filled, not too bright, uneducated white person.

".... you think we should let poor people die if they can not afford healthcare."

What sort of dunce are you.....the 'reliable Democrat voter' sort????

Every individual in America, whether legal or otherwise, has had healthcare- by federal law- since it was mandated by the most successful President in the last hundred years.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

You are long overdue for an education.
Because we are a decent and moral people?

This is the difference between moral civilizations and amoral Oligarchies that see their own people as mere cattle to be put down when convenient.

I disagree.

I'm not responsible for the poor and neither are the taxpayers of America. People like you frost my ass when you volunteer everyone to pay for the poor.

The poor need to get off their asses and take care of themselves.
You have no morals. You have greed. It is not the same thing.

We have the power to heal the sick but only if they can afford it. That might be the country where a Trumpette like you wants to lives but it is not what America is all about.

No morals and greedy?? Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Oh I think I'm what America is all about.


A hard worker.

A tax payer.

Oh and thanks for thinking the taxpayers are happy to be volunteered by idiots like you to bankroll the lives of what you consider "the poor."

They could take care of themselves if they got off their asses. But then why should they when dumbasses like you are so eager to take care of them and absolve them from all responsibility.
So far, we have established that you are no Christian & you think we should let poor people die if they can not afford healthcare.

You sound like the typicval Trump supporter. A hate filled, not too bright, uneducated white person.

".... you think we should let poor people die if they can not afford healthcare."

What sort of dunce are you.....the 'reliable Democrat voter' sort????

Every individual in America, whether legal or otherwise, has had healthcare- by federal law- since it was mandated by the most successful President in the last hundred years.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

You are long overdue for an education.

Yup. Already told dumbass that. Of course he's so stupid he didn't know.

He sure does need an education but he's so full of Trumphate it would be a wasted effort. LOL
There is no sense of urgency on Capitol Hill. They need Trumps stamina. Get to work already.
Every individual in America, whether legal or otherwise, has had healthcare- by federal law- since it was mandated by the most successful President in the last hundred years.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

But what about people with things like kidney stones; it wont kill them but they will be in a lot of pain for quite a while.

What about caps on Medical insurance, that wont cover catastrophic costs?

There needs to be some standards that protect American citizens, not corporations represented by their lobbyists.
Every individual in America, whether legal or otherwise, has had healthcare- by federal law- since it was mandated by the most successful President in the last hundred years.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

But what about people with things like kidney stones; it wont kill them but they will be in a lot of pain for quite a while.

What about caps on Medical insurance, that wont cover catastrophic costs?

There needs to be some standards that protect American citizens, not corporations represented by their lobbyists.

1. First....my post proves that there is healthcare for all: emergency care.
2. Second....there are many options such as a)getting a loan, b) asking a family member or a charity for help, c) find a doctor, hospital, or drug company willing to work at a reduced rate. All are common.

And because we have rich people who pay a great deal for the best healthcare, enabling research and development, the end result is that this brings costs down and makes treatment affordable for everyone, even in socialist countries.

3. I was in Lancaster, Pa. a while ago, and the local paper explained how the Amish, who eschew healthcare insurance, either make deals with the local hospitals and pay cash...the same rates that the government gets, or are involved in medical tourism...and fly to Mexico for health related issues.

Their choice....medical tourism over medical totalitarianism.

4. Free-Market Innovations

· a) Walgreens has retail health clinics staffed by board-certified Family Nurse Practitioners and Physicians Assistants, and expects to have 400 open by 2010, and CVS plans on about 500. Anyone can walk in and get treatment for about 1/6 the cost of an emergency room, plus about 2/3 are paid for by insurance. Treatment includes: Respiratory Illnesses

· Additional Treatments

· Skin Conditions

· Minor Injuries

· Diagnostic Testing

· Wellness

· Vaccinations

· Healthcare Clinics | Walgreens

b) Wal-Mart offers some 400 different prescription drugs @ $10 for a 90 day supply. CVS, Target, Kroegers, Food Lion, and a number of others have similar plans.

c) eHealthinsurance.com allows you to find health insurance in your zip.

d) Healthcarebluebook.com tells the costs of various procedures and treatments, allowing the consumer to negotiate prices with practitioners.

e) Teledoc gets you on the phone with a licensed physician in 3 hours or less, for $35- or it’s free!

f) American Well will let you talk to a doctor by webcam, text, phone, or IM for $45. And some Wal-Marts have virtual clinics where they can actually look into eyes, ears, and throat by webcam. http://www.americanwell.com/healthplan_FAQs.html

g) For an annual fee of just $480 for singles ($580 for couples and $680 for families) The No Insurance Club offers affordable pre-paid health care plans that cover basic medical services from a participating board-certified physician, with no deductibles, no additional premiums, and no co-payments and either 12 or 16 visits per year. http://www.noinsuranceclub.com/news/
You have no morals. You have greed. It is not the same thing.

We have the power to heal the sick but only if they can afford it. That might be the country where a Trumpette like you wants to lives but it is not what America is all about.

No morals and greedy?? Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Oh I think I'm what America is all about.


A hard worker.

A tax payer.

Oh and thanks for thinking the taxpayers are happy to be volunteered by idiots like you to bankroll the lives of what you consider "the poor."

They could take care of themselves if they got off their asses. But then why should they when dumbasses like you are so eager to take care of them and absolve them from all responsibility.
So far, we have established that you are no Christian & you think we should let poor people die if they can not afford healthcare.

You sound like the typicval Trump supporter. A hate filled, not too bright, uneducated white person.

Never said I was a Christian. You just assumed.

I'm not responsible for others nor will I allow myself to be made responsible.

I don't hate. I wouldn't waste my time. Most people aren't worth the effort it takes to hate.

You appear to be the one that hates. You hate anyone who doesn't agree with you and of course you hate anyone who voted for Trump.

I have the right kind of education. The one that allows me to be a responsible producer.

Carry on marrooonn. LOL

So, I was right. You are not a Christian. I am not responsible for those who can not afford hrealthcare. But my humanity says that we should not allow these people to die when there is a cure.

Now that we have established that you are a heartless bitch, it does explain your support for Trump.

Didn't say that either. You said that.

Wonder if you're humanity would let you open up your wallet, checkbook and debit card to pay for the poor if it were only you and those like you who had to pay for them. Believe me, they would take every dime you want to give them and then some.

The poor won't die because by law every hospital has to treat them.

Heartless bitch?? Nah just someone who picks and choses the charities she gives to.

As for Trump?? He's 100% better than both Obama and Hillary.
Trump the pussy grabbing, women degrading. liar, business cheat POS is better than who? Only in your feeble mind can that type of person be better than Obama.
This is the Bill, double HSA's and screw the rest. The conservatives bill doesn't care about anyone's health insurance.
Which puzzles me, why would the GOP commit political suicide?

That is what this bill is right now, political suicide without the state limits removed and some kind of way to allow the poor to get insurance with government assistance.
There is a group of men and women that seeks to screw some portions of society even with the adverse position of costing them their jobs...
3. I was in Lancaster, Pa. a while ago, and the local paper explained how the Amish, who eschew healthcare insurance, either make deals with the local hospitals and pay cash...the same rates that the government gets, or are involved in medical tourism...and fly to Mexico for health related issues.

Their choice....medical tourism over medical totalitarianism.

You do understand that Mexico is a socialist totalitarian state? Yet you advocate use of their medical facilities...ahem..
No morals and greedy?? Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Oh I think I'm what America is all about.


A hard worker.

A tax payer.

Oh and thanks for thinking the taxpayers are happy to be volunteered by idiots like you to bankroll the lives of what you consider "the poor."

They could take care of themselves if they got off their asses. But then why should they when dumbasses like you are so eager to take care of them and absolve them from all responsibility.
So far, we have established that you are no Christian & you think we should let poor people die if they can not afford healthcare.

You sound like the typicval Trump supporter. A hate filled, not too bright, uneducated white person.

Never said I was a Christian. You just assumed.

I'm not responsible for others nor will I allow myself to be made responsible.

I don't hate. I wouldn't waste my time. Most people aren't worth the effort it takes to hate.

You appear to be the one that hates. You hate anyone who doesn't agree with you and of course you hate anyone who voted for Trump.

I have the right kind of education. The one that allows me to be a responsible producer.

Carry on marrooonn. LOL

So, I was right. You are not a Christian. I am not responsible for those who can not afford hrealthcare. But my humanity says that we should not allow these people to die when there is a cure.

Now that we have established that you are a heartless bitch, it does explain your support for Trump.

Didn't say that either. You said that.

Wonder if you're humanity would let you open up your wallet, checkbook and debit card to pay for the poor if it were only you and those like you who had to pay for them. Believe me, they would take every dime you want to give them and then some.

The poor won't die because by law every hospital has to treat them.

Heartless bitch?? Nah just someone who picks and choses the charities she gives to.

As for Trump?? He's 100% better than both Obama and Hillary.
Trump the pussy grabbing, women degrading. liar, business cheat POS is better than who? Only in your feeble mind can that type of person be better than Obama.

You sure are one gullible idiot.
Every individual in America, whether legal or otherwise, has had healthcare- by federal law- since it was mandated by the most successful President in the last hundred years.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

But what about people with things like kidney stones; it wont kill them but they will be in a lot of pain for quite a while.

What about caps on Medical insurance, that wont cover catastrophic costs?

There needs to be some standards that protect American citizens, not corporations represented by their lobbyists.

1. First....my post proves that there is healthcare for all: emergency care.
2. Second....there are many options such as a)getting a loan, b) asking a family member or a charity for help, c) find a doctor, hospital, or drug company willing to work at a reduced rate. All are common.

And because we have rich people who pay a great deal for the best healthcare, enabling research and development, the end result is that this brings costs down and makes treatment affordable for everyone, even in socialist countries.

3. I was in Lancaster, Pa. a while ago, and the local paper explained how the Amish, who eschew healthcare insurance, either make deals with the local hospitals and pay cash...the same rates that the government gets, or are involved in medical tourism...and fly to Mexico for health related issues.

Their choice....medical tourism over medical totalitarianism.

4. Free-Market Innovations

· a) Walgreens has retail health clinics staffed by board-certified Family Nurse Practitioners and Physicians Assistants, and expects to have 400 open by 2010, and CVS plans on about 500. Anyone can walk in and get treatment for about 1/6 the cost of an emergency room, plus about 2/3 are paid for by insurance. Treatment includes: Respiratory Illnesses

· Additional Treatments

· Skin Conditions

· Minor Injuries

· Diagnostic Testing

· Wellness

· Vaccinations

· Healthcare Clinics | Walgreens

b) Wal-Mart offers some 400 different prescription drugs @ $10 for a 90 day supply. CVS, Target, Kroegers, Food Lion, and a number of others have similar plans.

c) eHealthinsurance.com allows you to find health insurance in your zip.

d) Healthcarebluebook.com tells the costs of various procedures and treatments, allowing the consumer to negotiate prices with practitioners.

e) Teledoc gets you on the phone with a licensed physician in 3 hours or less, for $35- or it’s free!

f) American Well will let you talk to a doctor by webcam, text, phone, or IM for $45. And some Wal-Marts have virtual clinics where they can actually look into eyes, ears, and throat by webcam. http://www.americanwell.com/healthplan_FAQs.html

g) For an annual fee of just $480 for singles ($580 for couples and $680 for families) The No Insurance Club offers affordable pre-paid health care plans that cover basic medical services from a participating board-certified physician, with no deductibles, no additional premiums, and no co-payments and either 12 or 16 visits per year. http://www.noinsuranceclub.com/news/

Next time you need surgery or a Dr go to Walgreens. Really eyes , ears and throat by webcam, oh you must be kidding. Too funny. The Webcam text and phone is probably a indian hack, we want health insurance , you can go to Walgreens.

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