Where in the New ACA Replacement Bill are State Limits Removed?

Still cannot find a specific reference to the removal of state limits, but I found another article that specifically states itis in the new plan. Reduction of health insurance price through free market capitalism is key to lowering health care costs all around.

GOP framework for Obamacare replacement is short on details

The GOP proposal starts with a transition period out of Obamacare and into a new plan. It would encourage people to have insurance coverage with the help of advanceable, refundable tax credits adjusted for age. It would encourage small group health plans and provide $25 billion in incentives to states to set up high-risk insurance pools — more funding than was available to failed state high-risk pools in the past, according to senior House Republican aides.

The tax benefit for employer sponsored insurance would be capped — at a high but undefined level according to an aide — to discourage plans that enable indiscriminate health care spending, offering an alternative to Obamacare’s Cadillac tax, which Congress has suspended.

In place of Obamacare’s individual mandate, the plan would prohibit insurance companies from denying patients coverage or charging them more because of pre-existing conditions — but only if they keep continuous insurance coverage, although they could switch plans or carriers. It would also allow young adults to stay on their parents’ health plans until age 26 — one of the most popular pieces of Obamacare.

Insurers would be allowed to sell across state lines and medical liability laws would be reformed. States would get block grants to administer Medicaid with caps on how much could be spent per person, with accommodations for high-cost patients. A premium support plan — similar to the one Ryan outlined several years ago when he was the House Budget Committee chairman — would be introduced to Medicare.

“Directionally, this could be promising,” said Gail Wilensky, who ran Medicare under former President George H.W. Bush. “I doubt that you’re going to have people now supportive of the ACA who say, I now want this instead. But it gives people who are not happy with the ACA — which is a lot — [reason to think] this may be promising.”

Ryan has always framed his policy task forces — health care is one of six — as starting points to inform voters of the direction a GOP-led Washington would head. A senior House Republican leadership aide compared this to the white paper released by former Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus in November 2008, “which did not have any numbers in terms of subsidies or tax increases either,” which eventually became the Affordable Care Act.

“It is laying the groundwork for what the Congress and House Republicans would do next year through the committee work to put specifics behind the legislative proposals,” the aide said.

I am truly disappointed that this is not front and center in the plan.

According to Ryan's double talk last night, this is a three stage plan to take some 200 days.

See what you think:

You have no morals. You have greed. It is not the same thing.

We have the power to heal the sick but only if they can afford it. That might be the country where a Trumpette like you wants to lives but it is not what America is all about.

No morals and greedy?? Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Oh I think I'm what America is all about.


A hard worker.

A tax payer.

Oh and thanks for thinking the taxpayers are happy to be volunteered by idiots like you to bankroll the lives of what you consider "the poor."

They could take care of themselves if they got off their asses. But then why should they when dumbasses like you are so eager to take care of them and absolve them from all responsibility.
So far, we have established that you are no Christian & you think we should let poor people die if they can not afford healthcare.

You sound like the typicval Trump supporter. A hate filled, not too bright, uneducated white person.

Never said I was a Christian. You just assumed.

I'm not responsible for others nor will I allow myself to be made responsible.

I don't hate. I wouldn't waste my time. Most people aren't worth the effort it takes to hate.

You appear to be the one that hates. You hate anyone who doesn't agree with you and of course you hate anyone who voted for Trump.

I have the right kind of education. The one that allows me to be a responsible producer.

Carry on marrooonn. LOL

So, I was right. You are not a Christian. I am not responsible for those who can not afford hrealthcare. But my humanity says that we should not allow these people to die when there is a cure.

Now that we have established that you are a heartless bitch, it does explain your support for Trump.

Didn't say that either. You said that.

Wonder if you're humanity would let you open up your wallet, checkbook and debit card to pay for the poor if it were only you and those like you who had to pay for them. Believe me, they would take every dime you want to give them and then some.

The poor won't die because by law every hospital has to treat them.

Heartless bitch?? Nah just someone who picks and choses the charities she gives to.

As for Trump?? He's 100% better than both Obama and Hillary.
The poor don't get screenings & regular Healthcare ( Note to dumbbitch, Healthcare is not running to the ER when sick). Their cancer is discoverrted at Stage 4 - ie they're dead.

You are a fucking idiot,.
Every individual in America, whether legal or otherwise, has had healthcare- by federal law- since it was mandated by the most successful President in the last hundred years.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

But what about people with things like kidney stones; it wont kill them but they will be in a lot of pain for quite a while.

What about caps on Medical insurance, that wont cover catastrophic costs?

There needs to be some standards that protect American citizens, not corporations represented by their lobbyists.

1. First....my post proves that there is healthcare for all: emergency care.
2. Second....there are many options such as a)getting a loan, b) asking a family member or a charity for help, c) find a doctor, hospital, or drug company willing to work at a reduced rate. All are common.

And because we have rich people who pay a great deal for the best healthcare, enabling research and development, the end result is that this brings costs down and makes treatment affordable for everyone, even in socialist countries.

3. I was in Lancaster, Pa. a while ago, and the local paper explained how the Amish, who eschew healthcare insurance, either make deals with the local hospitals and pay cash...the same rates that the government gets, or are involved in medical tourism...and fly to Mexico for health related issues.

Their choice....medical tourism over medical totalitarianism.

4. Free-Market Innovations

· a) Walgreens has retail health clinics staffed by board-certified Family Nurse Practitioners and Physicians Assistants, and expects to have 400 open by 2010, and CVS plans on about 500. Anyone can walk in and get treatment for about 1/6 the cost of an emergency room, plus about 2/3 are paid for by insurance. Treatment includes: Respiratory Illnesses

· Additional Treatments

· Skin Conditions

· Minor Injuries

· Diagnostic Testing

· Wellness

· Vaccinations

· Healthcare Clinics | Walgreens

b) Wal-Mart offers some 400 different prescription drugs @ $10 for a 90 day supply. CVS, Target, Kroegers, Food Lion, and a number of others have similar plans.

c) eHealthinsurance.com allows you to find health insurance in your zip.

d) Healthcarebluebook.com tells the costs of various procedures and treatments, allowing the consumer to negotiate prices with practitioners.

e) Teledoc gets you on the phone with a licensed physician in 3 hours or less, for $35- or it’s free!

f) American Well will let you talk to a doctor by webcam, text, phone, or IM for $45. And some Wal-Marts have virtual clinics where they can actually look into eyes, ears, and throat by webcam. http://www.americanwell.com/healthplan_FAQs.html

g) For an annual fee of just $480 for singles ($580 for couples and $680 for families) The No Insurance Club offers affordable pre-paid health care plans that cover basic medical services from a participating board-certified physician, with no deductibles, no additional premiums, and no co-payments and either 12 or 16 visits per year. HugeDomains.com - NoInsuranceClub.com is for sale (No Insurance Club)

Next time you need surgery or a Dr go to Walgreens. Really eyes , ears and throat by webcam, oh you must be kidding. Too funny. The Webcam text and phone is probably a indian hack, we want health insurance , you can go to Walgreens.

And this part?

2. Second....there are many options such as a)getting a loan, b) asking a family member or a charity for help, c) find a doctor, hospital, or drug company willing to work at a reduced rate. All are common.

And because we have rich people who pay a great deal for the best healthcare, enabling research and development, the end result is that this brings costs down and makes treatment affordable for everyone, even in socialist countries.

3. I was in Lancaster, Pa. a while ago, and the local paper explained how the Amish, who eschew healthcare insurance, either make deals with the local hospitals and pay cash...the same rates that the government gets, or are involved in medical tourism...and fly to Mexico for health related issues.

Their choice....medical tourism over medical totalitarianism.
Every individual in America, whether legal or otherwise, has had healthcare- by federal law- since it was mandated by the most successful President in the last hundred years.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

But what about people with things like kidney stones; it wont kill them but they will be in a lot of pain for quite a while.

What about caps on Medical insurance, that wont cover catastrophic costs?

There needs to be some standards that protect American citizens, not corporations represented by their lobbyists.

1. First....my post proves that there is healthcare for all: emergency care.
2. Second....there are many options such as a)getting a loan, b) asking a family member or a charity for help, c) find a doctor, hospital, or drug company willing to work at a reduced rate. All are common.

And because we have rich people who pay a great deal for the best healthcare, enabling research and development, the end result is that this brings costs down and makes treatment affordable for everyone, even in socialist countries.

3. I was in Lancaster, Pa. a while ago, and the local paper explained how the Amish, who eschew healthcare insurance, either make deals with the local hospitals and pay cash...the same rates that the government gets, or are involved in medical tourism...and fly to Mexico for health related issues.

Their choice....medical tourism over medical totalitarianism.

4. Free-Market Innovations

· a) Walgreens has retail health clinics staffed by board-certified Family Nurse Practitioners and Physicians Assistants, and expects to have 400 open by 2010, and CVS plans on about 500. Anyone can walk in and get treatment for about 1/6 the cost of an emergency room, plus about 2/3 are paid for by insurance. Treatment includes: Respiratory Illnesses

· Additional Treatments

· Skin Conditions

· Minor Injuries

· Diagnostic Testing

· Wellness

· Vaccinations

· Healthcare Clinics | Walgreens

b) Wal-Mart offers some 400 different prescription drugs @ $10 for a 90 day supply. CVS, Target, Kroegers, Food Lion, and a number of others have similar plans.

c) eHealthinsurance.com allows you to find health insurance in your zip.

d) Healthcarebluebook.com tells the costs of various procedures and treatments, allowing the consumer to negotiate prices with practitioners.

e) Teledoc gets you on the phone with a licensed physician in 3 hours or less, for $35- or it’s free!

f) American Well will let you talk to a doctor by webcam, text, phone, or IM for $45. And some Wal-Marts have virtual clinics where they can actually look into eyes, ears, and throat by webcam. http://www.americanwell.com/healthplan_FAQs.html

g) For an annual fee of just $480 for singles ($580 for couples and $680 for families) The No Insurance Club offers affordable pre-paid health care plans that cover basic medical services from a participating board-certified physician, with no deductibles, no additional premiums, and no co-payments and either 12 or 16 visits per year. HugeDomains.com - NoInsuranceClub.com is for sale (No Insurance Club)

Next time you need surgery or a Dr go to Walgreens. Really eyes , ears and throat by webcam, oh you must be kidding. Too funny. The Webcam text and phone is probably a indian hack, we want health insurance , you can go to Walgreens.

And this part?

2. Second....there are many options such as a)getting a loan, b) asking a family member or a charity for help, c) find a doctor, hospital, or drug company willing to work at a reduced rate. All are common.

And because we have rich people who pay a great deal for the best healthcare, enabling research and development, the end result is that this brings costs down and makes treatment affordable for everyone, even in socialist countries.

3. I was in Lancaster, Pa. a while ago, and the local paper explained how the Amish, who eschew healthcare insurance, either make deals with the local hospitals and pay cash...the same rates that the government gets, or are involved in medical tourism...and fly to Mexico for health related issues.

Their choice....medical tourism over medical totalitarianism.

The Amish have balloons stuck up their nose, to move their sphenoid and pay big bucks for it.

The rich people, I do not give a rip about them, as they do not give a rip about those who work for min wage. The only people who pay less than 1% more are those who make over 250,000 AGI, pocket change to them.
Every individual in America, whether legal or otherwise, has had healthcare- by federal law- since it was mandated by the most successful President in the last hundred years.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

But what about people with things like kidney stones; it wont kill them but they will be in a lot of pain for quite a while.

What about caps on Medical insurance, that wont cover catastrophic costs?

There needs to be some standards that protect American citizens, not corporations represented by their lobbyists.

1. First....my post proves that there is healthcare for all: emergency care.
2. Second....there are many options such as a)getting a loan, b) asking a family member or a charity for help, c) find a doctor, hospital, or drug company willing to work at a reduced rate. All are common.

And because we have rich people who pay a great deal for the best healthcare, enabling research and development, the end result is that this brings costs down and makes treatment affordable for everyone, even in socialist countries.

3. I was in Lancaster, Pa. a while ago, and the local paper explained how the Amish, who eschew healthcare insurance, either make deals with the local hospitals and pay cash...the same rates that the government gets, or are involved in medical tourism...and fly to Mexico for health related issues.

Their choice....medical tourism over medical totalitarianism.

4. Free-Market Innovations

· a) Walgreens has retail health clinics staffed by board-certified Family Nurse Practitioners and Physicians Assistants, and expects to have 400 open by 2010, and CVS plans on about 500. Anyone can walk in and get treatment for about 1/6 the cost of an emergency room, plus about 2/3 are paid for by insurance. Treatment includes: Respiratory Illnesses

· Additional Treatments

· Skin Conditions

· Minor Injuries

· Diagnostic Testing

· Wellness

· Vaccinations

· Healthcare Clinics | Walgreens

b) Wal-Mart offers some 400 different prescription drugs @ $10 for a 90 day supply. CVS, Target, Kroegers, Food Lion, and a number of others have similar plans.

c) eHealthinsurance.com allows you to find health insurance in your zip.

d) Healthcarebluebook.com tells the costs of various procedures and treatments, allowing the consumer to negotiate prices with practitioners.

e) Teledoc gets you on the phone with a licensed physician in 3 hours or less, for $35- or it’s free!

f) American Well will let you talk to a doctor by webcam, text, phone, or IM for $45. And some Wal-Marts have virtual clinics where they can actually look into eyes, ears, and throat by webcam. http://www.americanwell.com/healthplan_FAQs.html

g) For an annual fee of just $480 for singles ($580 for couples and $680 for families) The No Insurance Club offers affordable pre-paid health care plans that cover basic medical services from a participating board-certified physician, with no deductibles, no additional premiums, and no co-payments and either 12 or 16 visits per year. HugeDomains.com - NoInsuranceClub.com is for sale (No Insurance Club)

Next time you need surgery or a Dr go to Walgreens. Really eyes , ears and throat by webcam, oh you must be kidding. Too funny. The Webcam text and phone is probably a indian hack, we want health insurance , you can go to Walgreens.

And this part?

2. Second....there are many options such as a)getting a loan, b) asking a family member or a charity for help, c) find a doctor, hospital, or drug company willing to work at a reduced rate. All are common.

And because we have rich people who pay a great deal for the best healthcare, enabling research and development, the end result is that this brings costs down and makes treatment affordable for everyone, even in socialist countries.

3. I was in Lancaster, Pa. a while ago, and the local paper explained how the Amish, who eschew healthcare insurance, either make deals with the local hospitals and pay cash...the same rates that the government gets, or are involved in medical tourism...and fly to Mexico for health related issues.

Their choice....medical tourism over medical totalitarianism.

The Amish have balloons stuck up their nose, to move their sphenoid and pay big bucks for it.

The rich people, I do not give a rip about them, as they do not give a rip about those who work for min wage. The only people who pay less than 1% more are those who make over 250,000 AGI, pocket change to them.
I have read repeatedly that it is not to be found, and yet the bills supporters are claiming it has everything Trump asked for.

So if it is in the bill, can someone cite page number and give the text?

Did any Republican read the entire bill yet?

If Rural Voters Were Angry Before, Wait Until The GOP Repeals Obamacare
They’ll pay more and their hospitals will suffer under the GOP replacement for Obamacare, experts say.

The centrist group Third Way estimated in a report released Thursday that 2.2 million Trump voters will be worse off under Republican leaders’ proposed American Health Care Act. Many of those voters are rural and white.

Independent analysts see similar outcomes.

“Low-income people in rural areas would get hit particularly hard under the House GOP health care bill,” said Larry Levitt, a senior vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation.

One way rural voters get hit is through the fact that tax credits proposed under the Republican health care plan are not as generous as those under Obamacare. For instance, in the Reno, Nevada, market, a 60-year-old person who earns $40,000 would get almost $2,000 less to buy health insurance in 2020, a Kaiser Foundation analysis found"}}" style="box-sizing: inherit; color: rgb(46, 112, 97);">Kaiser Foundation analysis found. Nationally, the average cost hike for that person is nearly $3,000, and in some locales, such as Mobile, Alabama, the difference is an eye-popping $6,000.

Text - H.R.1275 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): World's Greatest Healthcare Plan of 2017

This is it, not quite like the one by Ryan, but by Pete Sessions and his credits are 2500 max. Not good. Pre existing condition , well it doesn't say the cost and the insurance companies can refuse to cover if they do it for all and show a hardship. They also have a basic care plan, which has a cap on yearly pay outs and gets into bankruptcy and all that.
Every individual in America, whether legal or otherwise, has had healthcare- by federal law- since it was mandated by the most successful President in the last hundred years.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

But what about people with things like kidney stones; it wont kill them but they will be in a lot of pain for quite a while.

What about caps on Medical insurance, that wont cover catastrophic costs?

There needs to be some standards that protect American citizens, not corporations represented by their lobbyists.

1. First....my post proves that there is healthcare for all: emergency care.
2. Second....there are many options such as a)getting a loan, b) asking a family member or a charity for help, c) find a doctor, hospital, or drug company willing to work at a reduced rate. All are common.

And because we have rich people who pay a great deal for the best healthcare, enabling research and development, the end result is that this brings costs down and makes treatment affordable for everyone, even in socialist countries.

3. I was in Lancaster, Pa. a while ago, and the local paper explained how the Amish, who eschew healthcare insurance, either make deals with the local hospitals and pay cash...the same rates that the government gets, or are involved in medical tourism...and fly to Mexico for health related issues.

Their choice....medical tourism over medical totalitarianism.

4. Free-Market Innovations

· a) Walgreens has retail health clinics staffed by board-certified Family Nurse Practitioners and Physicians Assistants, and expects to have 400 open by 2010, and CVS plans on about 500. Anyone can walk in and get treatment for about 1/6 the cost of an emergency room, plus about 2/3 are paid for by insurance. Treatment includes: Respiratory Illnesses

· Additional Treatments

· Skin Conditions

· Minor Injuries

· Diagnostic Testing

· Wellness

· Vaccinations

· Healthcare Clinics | Walgreens

b) Wal-Mart offers some 400 different prescription drugs @ $10 for a 90 day supply. CVS, Target, Kroegers, Food Lion, and a number of others have similar plans.

c) eHealthinsurance.com allows you to find health insurance in your zip.

d) Healthcarebluebook.com tells the costs of various procedures and treatments, allowing the consumer to negotiate prices with practitioners.

e) Teledoc gets you on the phone with a licensed physician in 3 hours or less, for $35- or it’s free!

f) American Well will let you talk to a doctor by webcam, text, phone, or IM for $45. And some Wal-Marts have virtual clinics where they can actually look into eyes, ears, and throat by webcam. http://www.americanwell.com/healthplan_FAQs.html

g) For an annual fee of just $480 for singles ($580 for couples and $680 for families) The No Insurance Club offers affordable pre-paid health care plans that cover basic medical services from a participating board-certified physician, with no deductibles, no additional premiums, and no co-payments and either 12 or 16 visits per year. HugeDomains.com - NoInsuranceClub.com is for sale (No Insurance Club)

Next time you need surgery or a Dr go to Walgreens. Really eyes , ears and throat by webcam, oh you must be kidding. Too funny. The Webcam text and phone is probably a indian hack, we want health insurance , you can go to Walgreens.

And this part?

2. Second....there are many options such as a)getting a loan, b) asking a family member or a charity for help, c) find a doctor, hospital, or drug company willing to work at a reduced rate. All are common.

And because we have rich people who pay a great deal for the best healthcare, enabling research and development, the end result is that this brings costs down and makes treatment affordable for everyone, even in socialist countries.

3. I was in Lancaster, Pa. a while ago, and the local paper explained how the Amish, who eschew healthcare insurance, either make deals with the local hospitals and pay cash...the same rates that the government gets, or are involved in medical tourism...and fly to Mexico for health related issues.

Their choice....medical tourism over medical totalitarianism.

The Amish have balloons stuck up their nose, to move their sphenoid and pay big bucks for it.

The rich people, I do not give a rip about them, as they do not give a rip about those who work for min wage. The only people who pay less than 1% more are those who make over 250,000 AGI, pocket change to them.

"The rich people, I do not give a rip about them,"

Coincidentally, I feel the same way about you and your ignorance.
Just for some perspective I saw a report that only like 80,000 people make min wage.

Also, if you don't like your pay, you're welcome to find another job. No one is /forced/ to work for the "evil rich guys." Hell start your own business, I believe everyone has a talent.
Just for some perspective I saw a report that only like 80,000 people make min wage.

Also, if you don't like your pay, you're welcome to find another job. No one is /forced/ to work for the "evil rich guys." Hell start your own business, I believe everyone has a talent.

This was the same advice Republicans gave us during Bush's crappy economy. But then Obama was elected and all of the sudden Republicans blamed him for those people's woes. Then Trump said he was going to make things all better.

And I KNEW after Trump won you cons would go right back to your original position which is those people are on their own. It wasn't Obama's fault. Thank you for admitting it. Unfortunately the stupid fucking American people voted for your lying asses.
With his message of economic populism, Trump — who ran better among union households than any Republican since Ronald Reagan in 1984 — has a unique opportunity to drive a wedge between Democrats and blue-collar workers. But he’s also surrounded by corporate executives who seem to have his ear.

“He’s going to know we’re here, and what we’re fighting is corporate greed,” said Ed Halse, 56, who has worked at the plant for 27 years. “I like everything he says. I just hope he does something.”

Halse and around 700 other workers from IUE-CWA locals 81359 and 81380 went on strike on Nov. 2 when they rejected a contract offer that would have rolled back retirement benefits and retiree health care. They speak almost wistfully of the GE days, and say Momentive managers have been jabbing at workers since they took over — including an attempt to reclassify jobs that resulted in wage reductions — and loading up the plant with debt.

This kind of situation is exactly what union leaders point to in making their case for Democrats as champions of workers rights and tax policy. (The CWA endorsed Bernie Sanders in last year's primaries and then Hillary Clinton in the general election.) A union-backed group, Hedge Clippers, released a report on Schwarzman and Leon Black, CEO of Apollo Management and a majority shareholder in Momentive, juxtaposing their net worth with the lot of the workers.

But many workers figured that Trump had a better shot at shaking things up.

“I couldn’t believe it. I tried my best to convince ’em — I was a true Bernie guy,” said Dom Patrignani, president of Local 81359. “I respect the fact that Donald Trump was elected as president. He’s our guy, and he said a lot of things to these people that jumped from the Bernie wagon to the Trump wagon. They are all believers now of all these great things Donald Trump said to them, and I’m asking, if you really mean what you say, look what’s going on in upstate New York.”
Just for some perspective I saw a report that only like 80,000 people make min wage.

Also, if you don't like your pay, you're welcome to find another job. No one is /forced/ to work for the "evil rich guys." Hell start your own business, I believe everyone has a talent.

Trump campaigned for the blue-collar worker, but did he really mean it?

"Trump campaigned for the blue-collar worker, but did he really mean it?"

But....but....you can keep your doctor...and your premiums will drop by $2500!

...did he really mean it?
Last edited:
With his message of economic populism, Trump — who ran better among union households than any Republican since Ronald Reagan in 1984 — has a unique opportunity to drive a wedge between Democrats and blue-collar workers. But he’s also surrounded by corporate executives who seem to have his ear.

“He’s going to know we’re here, and what we’re fighting is corporate greed,” said Ed Halse, 56, who has worked at the plant for 27 years. “I like everything he says. I just hope he does something.”

Halse and around 700 other workers from IUE-CWA locals 81359 and 81380 went on strike on Nov. 2 when they rejected a contract offer that would have rolled back retirement benefits and retiree health care. They speak almost wistfully of the GE days, and say Momentive managers have been jabbing at workers since they took over — including an attempt to reclassify jobs that resulted in wage reductions — and loading up the plant with debt.

This kind of situation is exactly what union leaders point to in making their case for Democrats as champions of workers rights and tax policy. (The CWA endorsed Bernie Sanders in last year's primaries and then Hillary Clinton in the general election.) A union-backed group, Hedge Clippers, released a report on Schwarzman and Leon Black, CEO of Apollo Management and a majority shareholder in Momentive, juxtaposing their net worth with the lot of the workers.

But many workers figured that Trump had a better shot at shaking things up.

“I couldn’t believe it. I tried my best to convince ’em — I was a true Bernie guy,” said Dom Patrignani, president of Local 81359. “I respect the fact that Donald Trump was elected as president. He’s our guy, and he said a lot of things to these people that jumped from the Bernie wagon to the Trump wagon. They are all believers now of all these great things Donald Trump said to them, and I’m asking, if you really mean what you say, look what’s going on in upstate New York.”

".... Trump — who ran better among union households than any Republican since Ronald Reagan in 1984 —...."

What better proof could there be that Obama was even worse than Carter?
I have read repeatedly that it is not to be found, and yet the bills supporters are claiming it has everything Trump asked for.

So if it is in the bill, can someone cite page number and give the text?

Did any Republican read the entire bill yet?

If Rural Voters Were Angry Before, Wait Until The GOP Repeals Obamacare
They’ll pay more and their hospitals will suffer under the GOP replacement for Obamacare, experts say.

The centrist group Third Way estimated in a report released Thursday that 2.2 million Trump voters will be worse off under Republican leaders’ proposed American Health Care Act. Many of those voters are rural and white.

Independent analysts see similar outcomes.

“Low-income people in rural areas would get hit particularly hard under the House GOP health care bill,” said Larry Levitt, a senior vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation.

One way rural voters get hit is through the fact that tax credits proposed under the Republican health care plan are not as generous as those under Obamacare. For instance, in the Reno, Nevada, market, a 60-year-old person who earns $40,000 would get almost $2,000 less to buy health insurance in 2020, a Kaiser Foundation analysis found"}}" style="box-sizing: inherit; color: rgb(46, 112, 97);">Kaiser Foundation analysis found. Nationally, the average cost hike for that person is nearly $3,000, and in some locales, such as Mobile, Alabama, the difference is an eye-popping $6,000.

OK....let's review ....

1. The desire of many who support ObamaCare is to have others pay their healthcare insurance costs.

2. .....ObamaCare is not healthcare....it's healthcare insurance. Since 1986, everyone has had federally mandated healthcare.

3. Those in actual need of assistance to purchase healthcare insurance amounts to less than 0.05% of the population. There are many ways to solve their problem outside of destroying a very popular system: 85-90% of those within the system were happy with it.

4. ObamaCare has squandered enough money to give each of the above in need some $15,000 to purchase private healthcare insurance.

5. Rather than healthcare costs rising, healthcare costs were actully falling or leveling off.

6. Before ObamaCare, out of pocket expenses in the US were actually lower than in many nations with national insurance.

7. "Obama Promised Healthcare Premiums Would Fall $2,500 Per Family; They Have Climbed $4,865"

8. 'Bolshevik' is the accurate term for ObamaCare, as nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917.

9. When you spend your own money on yourself you try to maximize quality while minimizing cost producing better products at better prices. Governments, by contrast, don’t worry about efficiency or cost.

10 . Here's Obama stating he's for single payer:
Just for some perspective I saw a report that only like 80,000 people make min wage.

Also, if you don't like your pay, you're welcome to find another job. No one is /forced/ to work for the "evil rich guys." Hell start your own business, I believe everyone has a talent.

Yes do what the Pres did, start a business, take out a huge loan, get it incorporated, pay yourself very handsomely and then file bankruptcy and do it over an over again.
Just for some perspective I saw a report that only like 80,000 people make min wage.

Also, if you don't like your pay, you're welcome to find another job. No one is /forced/ to work for the "evil rich guys." Hell start your own business, I believe everyone has a talent.

Trump campaigned for the blue-collar worker, but did he really mean it?

"Trump campaigned for the blue-collar worker, but did he really mean it?"

But....but....you can keep your doctor...and your premiums will drop by $2500!

...did he really mean it?

That gets so old.
People actually got doctors and most people who had doctors kept them.
Just for some perspective I saw a report that only like 80,000 people make min wage.

Also, if you don't like your pay, you're welcome to find another job. No one is /forced/ to work for the "evil rich guys." Hell start your own business, I believe everyone has a talent.

Trump campaigned for the blue-collar worker, but did he really mean it?

"Trump campaigned for the blue-collar worker, but did he really mean it?"

But....but....you can keep your doctor...and your premiums will drop by $2500!

...did he really mean it?

That gets so old.
People actually got doctors and most people who had doctors kept them.

More twists and turns in that post than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!
But you couldn't say it was't true, could you.
Just for some perspective I saw a report that only like 80,000 people make min wage.

Also, if you don't like your pay, you're welcome to find another job. No one is /forced/ to work for the "evil rich guys." Hell start your own business, I believe everyone has a talent.

Trump campaigned for the blue-collar worker, but did he really mean it?

"Trump campaigned for the blue-collar worker, but did he really mean it?"

But....but....you can keep your doctor...and your premiums will drop by $2500!

...did he really mean it?

I'm happy with the ACA. No more denying people with pre existing conditions. And how come Trump renegged on fixing it? He's let you down but made me happy.

You can keep your doctor by the way, if he'll have you. Did you want Obama to force doctors to look at your shriveled up vajayjay?
I have read repeatedly that it is not to be found, and yet the bills supporters are claiming it has everything Trump asked for.

So if it is in the bill, can someone cite page number and give the text?

Did any Republican read the entire bill yet?

If Rural Voters Were Angry Before, Wait Until The GOP Repeals Obamacare
They’ll pay more and their hospitals will suffer under the GOP replacement for Obamacare, experts say.

The centrist group Third Way estimated in a report released Thursday that 2.2 million Trump voters will be worse off under Republican leaders’ proposed American Health Care Act. Many of those voters are rural and white.

Independent analysts see similar outcomes.

“Low-income people in rural areas would get hit particularly hard under the House GOP health care bill,” said Larry Levitt, a senior vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation.

One way rural voters get hit is through the fact that tax credits proposed under the Republican health care plan are not as generous as those under Obamacare. For instance, in the Reno, Nevada, market, a 60-year-old person who earns $40,000 would get almost $2,000 less to buy health insurance in 2020, a Kaiser Foundation analysis found"}}" style="box-sizing: inherit; color: rgb(46, 112, 97);">Kaiser Foundation analysis found. Nationally, the average cost hike for that person is nearly $3,000, and in some locales, such as Mobile, Alabama, the difference is an eye-popping $6,000.

OK....let's review ....

1. The desire of many who support ObamaCare is to have others pay their healthcare insurance costs.

2. .....ObamaCare is not healthcare....it's healthcare insurance. Since 1986, everyone has had federally mandated healthcare.

3. Those in actual need of assistance to purchase healthcare insurance amounts to less than 0.05% of the population. There are many ways to solve their problem outside of destroying a very popular system: 85-90% of those within the system were happy with it.

4. ObamaCare has squandered enough money to give each of the above in need some $15,000 to purchase private healthcare insurance.

5. Rather than healthcare costs rising, healthcare costs were actully falling or leveling off.

6. Before ObamaCare, out of pocket expenses in the US were actually lower than in many nations with national insurance.

7. "Obama Promised Healthcare Premiums Would Fall $2,500 Per Family; They Have Climbed $4,865"

8. 'Bolshevik' is the accurate term for ObamaCare, as nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917.

9. When you spend your own money on yourself you try to maximize quality while minimizing cost producing better products at better prices. Governments, by contrast, don’t worry about efficiency or cost.

10 . Here's Obama stating he's for single payer:

We wanted single payer but you guys wouldn't let us.
Just for some perspective I saw a report that only like 80,000 people make min wage.

Also, if you don't like your pay, you're welcome to find another job. No one is /forced/ to work for the "evil rich guys." Hell start your own business, I believe everyone has a talent.

Trump campaigned for the blue-collar worker, but did he really mean it?

"Trump campaigned for the blue-collar worker, but did he really mean it?"

But....but....you can keep your doctor...and your premiums will drop by $2500!

...did he really mean it?

I'm happy with the ACA. No more denying people with pre existing conditions. And how come Trump renegged on fixing it? He's let you down but made me happy.

You can keep your doctor by the way, if he'll have you. Did you want Obama to force doctors to look at your shriveled up vajayjay?

"I'm happy with the ACA."

"It's Time to Call This Obamacare Experiment an Utter Failure
Although this program was designed to facilitate competition among insurers, it's cost taxpayers more than $1.7 billion and left more than 800,000 people searching for a new health plan."
It's Time to Call This Obamacare Experiment an Utter Failure -- The Motley Fool

"The result was the closure of more than half of Obamacare's healthcare co-ops heading into 2016. These 23 co-ops were to be run for the people, by the people, and they were designed to be a low-cost alternative to national health-benefit providers. Unfortunately, low premiums were also their demise, and the lack of risk-corridor funding pushed many to shutter their doors. Just this past week, three more healthcare co-ops -- Healthy CT in Connecticut, Land of Lincoln Health in Illinois, and Oregon Health Co-Op -- announced that they were shuttering their doors as well after extensive and unsustainable losses. Healthy CT will allow its roughly 40,000 members to maintain their plan through the remainder of the year, while Oregon's Co-Op will close at the end of this month."
From the Motley Fool Stock Analysts.

Soooo.....we've learned that it would have been better to rely on Amy Winehouse to do my Lasik surgery...
...than to rely on your judgment about ANYTHING.

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