Where in the New ACA Replacement Bill are State Limits Removed?

I have read repeatedly that it is not to be found, and yet the bills supporters are claiming it has everything Trump asked for.

So if it is in the bill, can someone cite page number and give the text?

Did any Republican read the entire bill yet?

If Rural Voters Were Angry Before, Wait Until The GOP Repeals Obamacare
They’ll pay more and their hospitals will suffer under the GOP replacement for Obamacare, experts say.

The centrist group Third Way estimated in a report released Thursday that 2.2 million Trump voters will be worse off under Republican leaders’ proposed American Health Care Act. Many of those voters are rural and white.

Independent analysts see similar outcomes.

“Low-income people in rural areas would get hit particularly hard under the House GOP health care bill,” said Larry Levitt, a senior vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation.

One way rural voters get hit is through the fact that tax credits proposed under the Republican health care plan are not as generous as those under Obamacare. For instance, in the Reno, Nevada, market, a 60-year-old person who earns $40,000 would get almost $2,000 less to buy health insurance in 2020, a Kaiser Foundation analysis found"}}" style="box-sizing: inherit; color: rgb(46, 112, 97);">Kaiser Foundation analysis found. Nationally, the average cost hike for that person is nearly $3,000, and in some locales, such as Mobile, Alabama, the difference is an eye-popping $6,000.

OK....let's review ....

1. The desire of many who support ObamaCare is to have others pay their healthcare insurance costs.

2. .....ObamaCare is not healthcare....it's healthcare insurance. Since 1986, everyone has had federally mandated healthcare.

3. Those in actual need of assistance to purchase healthcare insurance amounts to less than 0.05% of the population. There are many ways to solve their problem outside of destroying a very popular system: 85-90% of those within the system were happy with it.

4. ObamaCare has squandered enough money to give each of the above in need some $15,000 to purchase private healthcare insurance.

5. Rather than healthcare costs rising, healthcare costs were actully falling or leveling off.

6. Before ObamaCare, out of pocket expenses in the US were actually lower than in many nations with national insurance.

7. "Obama Promised Healthcare Premiums Would Fall $2,500 Per Family; They Have Climbed $4,865"

8. 'Bolshevik' is the accurate term for ObamaCare, as nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917.

9. When you spend your own money on yourself you try to maximize quality while minimizing cost producing better products at better prices. Governments, by contrast, don’t worry about efficiency or cost.

10 . Here's Obama stating he's for single payer:

We wanted single payer but you guys wouldn't let us.


You have a tapeworm?
Just for some perspective I saw a report that only like 80,000 people make min wage.

Also, if you don't like your pay, you're welcome to find another job. No one is /forced/ to work for the "evil rich guys." Hell start your own business, I believe everyone has a talent.

Trump campaigned for the blue-collar worker, but did he really mean it?

"Trump campaigned for the blue-collar worker, but did he really mean it?"

But....but....you can keep your doctor...and your premiums will drop by $2500!

...did he really mean it?

That gets so old.
People actually got doctors and most people who had doctors kept them.

More twists and turns in that post than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!
But you couldn't say it was't true, could you.

People lose doctors everyday, they move or the DR moves, or the DR retires or dies, OR even changes networks, so most of us understood what he meant. More people got a doctor and the RWNJ's just can't stand it, that the ACA and expanded Medicare is so great a law, they are so jealous, and there is not much they can do about it now. I suggest you quit fighting it.
Just for some perspective I saw a report that only like 80,000 people make min wage.

Also, if you don't like your pay, you're welcome to find another job. No one is /forced/ to work for the "evil rich guys." Hell start your own business, I believe everyone has a talent.

Trump campaigned for the blue-collar worker, but did he really mean it?

"Trump campaigned for the blue-collar worker, but did he really mean it?"

But....but....you can keep your doctor...and your premiums will drop by $2500!

...did he really mean it?

That gets so old.
People actually got doctors and most people who had doctors kept them.

More twists and turns in that post than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!
But you couldn't say it was't true, could you.

People lose doctors everyday, they move or the DR moves, or the DR retires or dies, OR even changes networks, so most of us understood what he meant. More people got a doctor and the RWNJ's just can't stand it, that the ACA and expanded Medicare is so great a law, they are so jealous, and there is not much they can do about it now. I suggest you quit fighting it.

Only the RWNJ's do not and if that is all they can say about the ACA , they have a lot of problems.

You already tried and failed to deny the facts....

....why are you back?

Just wipe that egg off your kisser.
You partisans who always peg me a Repub are amusing. Especially since my political standings are right in my sig, and it's not like I've not been on here a while... It's like you don't have any clue what's going on around you, who your talking to, or what you are even doing.

Look, I'm a capitalist. I voted for Trump because he's mostly a capitalist. And, fucking imagine this shit, as a capitalist, I believe that capitalist ideas, like Trump has, are the best course for the nation. Go figure right?

Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Characteristics central to capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system, and competitive markets. In a capitalist market economy, decision-making and investment are determined by the owners of the factors of production in financial and capital markets, and prices and the distribution of goods are mainly determined by competition in the market.

I don't agree with your socialist sniveling wants. I don't give two shits if you have to pay for your own health insurance and medical bills like I have my entire life. I don't care that you have to struggle your way from low paying jobs to high paying jobs like I did. I flat out don't care that you want more welfare and this and that, free education, reputations, green energy, blah blah blah. I also don't care about your globalist, micro-agression, PC, bullshit.

That stuff posted above is what /I/ vote for, not feels, not parties, and sure as fuck not for any of your recent candidates who are in /direct/ opposition to the above. So unless Trump decides to pull a Maduro, if he runs, I'm going to vote for him again regardless of what crap you simpering dolts make up to fling around. So far all I've seen from you folks is hate, lies, corruption, and blood... Just not something I'm interested in ya know, I'm interested in the economy, not your wallet...

That gets so old.
People actually got doctors and most people who had doctors kept them.

More twists and turns in that post than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!
But you couldn't say it was't true, could you.

People lose doctors everyday, they move or the DR moves, or the DR retires or dies, OR even changes networks, so most of us understood what he meant. More people got a doctor and the RWNJ's just can't stand it, that the ACA and expanded Medicare is so great a law, they are so jealous, and there is not much they can do about it now. I suggest you quit fighting it.

Only the RWNJ's do not and if that is all they can say about the ACA , they have a lot of problems.

You already tried and failed to deny the facts....

....why are you back?

Just wipe that egg off your kisser.
Republicans could improve the ACA but they wont
You partisans who always peg me a Repub are amusing. Especially since my political standings are right in my sig, and it's not like I've not been on here a while... It's like you don't have any clue what's going on around you, who your talking to, or what you are even doing.

Look, I'm a capitalist. I voted for Trump because he's mostly a capitalist. And, fucking imagine this shit, as a capitalist, I believe that capitalist ideas, like Trump has, are the best course for the nation. Go figure right?

Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Characteristics central to capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system, and competitive markets. In a capitalist market economy, decision-making and investment are determined by the owners of the factors of production in financial and capital markets, and prices and the distribution of goods are mainly determined by competition in the market.

I don't agree with your socialist sniveling wants. I don't give two shits if you have to pay for your own health insurance and medical bills like I have my entire life. I don't care that you have to struggle your way from low paying jobs to high paying jobs like I did. I flat out don't care that you want more welfare and this and that, free education, reputations, green energy, blah blah blah. I also don't care about your globalist, micro-agression, PC, bullshit.

That stuff posted above is what /I/ vote for, not feels, not parties, and sure as fuck not for any of your recent candidates who are in /direct/ opposition to the above. So unless Trump decides to pull a Maduro, if he runs, I'm going to vote for him again regardless of what crap you simpering dolts make up to fling around. So far all I've seen from you folks is hate, lies, corruption, and blood... Just not something I'm interested in ya know, I'm interested in the economy, not your wallet...
You're a con Republicans rwnj. Admit it. Embrace it
You partisans who always peg me a Repub are amusing. Especially since my political standings are right in my sig, and it's not like I've not been on here a while... It's like you don't have any clue what's going on around you, who your talking to, or what you are even doing.

Look, I'm a capitalist. I voted for Trump because he's mostly a capitalist. And, fucking imagine this shit, as a capitalist, I believe that capitalist ideas, like Trump has, are the best course for the nation. Go figure right?

Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Characteristics central to capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system, and competitive markets. In a capitalist market economy, decision-making and investment are determined by the owners of the factors of production in financial and capital markets, and prices and the distribution of goods are mainly determined by competition in the market.

I don't agree with your socialist sniveling wants. I don't give two shits if you have to pay for your own health insurance and medical bills like I have my entire life. I don't care that you have to struggle your way from low paying jobs to high paying jobs like I did. I flat out don't care that you want more welfare and this and that, free education, reputations, green energy, blah blah blah. I also don't care about your globalist, micro-agression, PC, bullshit.

That stuff posted above is what /I/ vote for, not feels, not parties, and sure as fuck not for any of your recent candidates who are in /direct/ opposition to the above. So unless Trump decides to pull a Maduro, if he runs, I'm going to vote for him again regardless of what crap you simpering dolts make up to fling around. So far all I've seen from you folks is hate, lies, corruption, and blood... Just not something I'm interested in ya know, I'm interested in the economy, not your wallet...
The guy working at Walmart is a capitalist too. He wants more capital
Thanks for letting me know what political party I am bud, cause of course you know better than I do right. Jesus can you people be any more closed minded? Why do you even bother coming on discussion boards if you /know/ everything fuck an a.

Anyway, the reason a lot of Republicans are not for "improving" ACA is because a lot of them were fine /without/ ACA. I've never had health insurance in my life, I've never needed it because I pay cash. You penalize me, even though it was socialist bullshit like forcing doctors to see patients (including fucking illegals) that couldn't pay are what caused the costs to go up in the first place. It's not even for /my/ benefit that I am not for ACA, fuck I can pay it even if I'm forced to, or I can pay the stupid fee, or I can do whatever the fuck I want because I have the money. Thing is, insurance is a damned scam and you guys are buying into it hook line and sinker. It's a waste of money, I don't care if you're poor or rich, it's a waste of money. Unless you morons are some how spending $17,000++ a fucking year on health insurance, and if you are holy crap your life is FUCKED, it's a god damn waste of money. It's not a good idea for your walmart person who wants more capital, it's not a good idea for the poor, it's not a good idea for the middle class.

The /only/ "thing" it is good for is the insurance companies, followed quickly by the hospitals who can then charge more because the government is paying. It's the /exact/ same thing that happened with student loans to tuition costs...

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