Where is Obama? gop congressman calling for congress to return and address the crisis

You right, both parties got us here. But the important part is one party is keeping us here.

This is what I don't get. Democrats put Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Education, among pretty much everything else on the table. Republicans offer nothing as a compromise. No tax loopholes to be closed, no taxes to be increased, no defense cuts, no subsidies to be taken away, nothing. And yet you blame the Democrats alone for not getting a big deal done.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzlG28B-R8Y]‪Twilight Zone intro.‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Modbert I will CONCEDE that tax loopholes should be removed. Having said that we were downgraded because of our debt and spending. Tax policy did not lead us to this problem. Taxes do need to be addressed for sure but why weren't the democrats smart enough to know that that issue is far to contentious to be lumped in with something so important? You got 800 billion in new taxes in Ocare. The tax cuts are due to expire. That's a huge new tax increase. How much do you need?

We spent way beyond our income. That isn't an income problem. If you get in over your head on your credit cards or mortgage you don't go to your boss and demand a raise. You first try to adjust your standard of living so you can maintain. The spending of the last 2 years put the final nail in the coffin.

The house tried to pull those nails but because the dems are so obsessed with keeping spending at all time highs they tried to force more taxes on the American people. The house, thank god, stood their ground. On top of that they offered several paths forward but YOUR party rejected them.

We do need to raise revenues. But we need to do it fairly and responsibly. The responsible part means NOT DURING OUR MOST TRYING TIME IN GENERATIONS.

If you respond ill try to get back to you later. Were going to see the new Planet of the Dems remake and out to dinner.

You right, both parties got us here. But the important part is one party is keeping us here.

This is what I don't get. Democrats put Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Education, among pretty much everything else on the table. Republicans offer nothing as a compromise. No tax loopholes to be closed, no taxes to be increased, no defense cuts, no subsidies to be taken away, nothing. And yet you blame the Democrats alone for not getting a big deal done.


Modbert I will CONCEDE that tax loopholes should be removed. Having said that we were downgraded because of our debt and spending. Tax policy did not lead us to this problem. Taxes do need to be addressed for sure but why weren't the democrats smart enough to know that that issue is far to contentious to be lumped in with something so important? You got 800 billion in new taxes in Ocare. The tax cuts are due to expire. That's a huge new tax increase. How much do you need?

We spent way beyond our income. That isn't an income problem. If you get in over your head on your credit cards or mortgage you don't go to your boss and demand a raise. You first try to adjust your standard of living so you can maintain. The spending of the last 2 years put the final nail in the coffin.

The house tried to pull those nails but because the dems are so obsessed with keeping spending at all time highs they tried to force more taxes on the American people. The house, thank god, stood their ground. On top of that they offered several paths forward but YOUR party rejected them.

We do need to raise revenues. But we need to do it fairly and responsibly. The responsible part means NOT DURING OUR MOST TRYING TIME IN GENERATIONS.

If you respond ill try to get back to you later. Were going to see the new Planet of the Dems remake and out to dinner.


Good point

Spending is at 25% of GDP
Historically we have been at 19-20%

We have a spending problem more than a tax problem

The US is an "addict" when it comes to spending
S&P is the first "intervention"
Dancing the night away
as "Rome" burns


Very poor taste. This guy has lost it. Talk about fiddling while Rome burns? Yikes! :eek:
Downgraded for the first time in history. They should all come back for public shamings and then be forced to resign.
But hey,as long as the President is having fun right? There is nothing to celebrate at this point.
Actually that's not true, not anything that could be scored by CBO or read by the American people. Obama gave out lines during speeches, but never was their a plan put forward.

And the reason why it was never put forward is because the GOP would not even look at it because it included tax increases. Some of the Tea Party was even calling Tom Coburn a traitor because his $9 trillion deficit plan included $1 trillion in tax increases.

And the GOP saying whatever would stop Obama from embracing and trying to sell it? Instead he threw out lines from it, never committing to anything. That's not leadership and as Salt Jones pointed out, perhaps on another thread? 'Obama wanted a clean bill on ceiling' never thinking that even after two years of no budget being passed, that he wasn't just going to get it.

That was a huge mistake and he owns it.
And the GOP saying whatever would stop Obama from embracing and trying to sell it? Instead he threw out lines from it, never committing to anything. That's not leadership and as Salt Jones pointed out, perhaps on another thread? 'Obama wanted a clean bill on ceiling' never thinking that even after two years of no budget being passed, that he wasn't just going to get it.

That was a huge mistake and he owns it.

President Obama had a $4 trillion deal on the table that Boehner walked away from because it included tax increases. The only reason why a $4 trillion deal or higher did not get made is because the Tea Party and more Conservative members of the GOP refused any tax increases whatsoever.

He committed to the Gang of Six plan among other things.

Obama endorses 'Gang of Six' deficit plan - politics - Capitol Hill - msnbc.com

However, the GOP rejected that.

Rep. Allen West calls DNC chair 'vile ... despicable' - Tracy Schmaler promoted at Justice - What Chris Christie told the tycoons - GOP losing perception war - Jamal Simmons, Ed Henry are 40 - POLITICO Playbook - POLITICO.com

GANG OF SIX “Bipartisan Plan to Reduce Our Nation’s Deficits” (5-page PDF, via Kaiser Health News) http://bit.ly/qTPrxS ... Paul Ryan: “Problems, Questions and the Potential for Promising Reforms” http://1.usa.gov/quVArL

--A Senate Republican leadership aide emails with subject line “Gang of Six”: “Background guidance: The President killed any chance of its success by 1) Embracing it. 2) Hailing the fact that it increases taxes. 3) Saying it mirrors his own plan.”
When the going gets rough Barry gets going. He is on a bus tour of the Mid-West during the worst financial crisis in history. Leadership?
Not one peep from the man that never let's a crisis goto waste. Well, here is a crisis that actually impacts the American peoples wallet and where is Obama? I guess there isn't anything in it politically for him eh?

On the other hand he could show some "ACTUAL LEADERSHIP" and call on congress to return and find further savings to show the world markets, lenders and ratings agencies that were serious about getting our fiscal house in order.
UH-Oh, Gramps!!!!

It's lookin' like "conservatives" are gettin' (a little) more than an


"In explaining their decision Standard & Poor’s cites both the decision by Republicans in Congress to turn the debt ceiling into a political football and the Republicans intransigence on tax increases."

How comical, if it was Standard & Poor’s that FORCED an early-return to CLINTON'S TAX-RATES.....and, all President Obama has to do is sit-back & smile.....as if he always saw it coming!!!!


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Radical Republicans manufactured the debt ceiling crisis; It is not an accident that this occured, this crisis is a direct result of the power and influence of Grover Norquist and those who support and/or control him.

Funny most thought it was out of control gov;t spending
And the GOP saying whatever would stop Obama from embracing and trying to sell it? Instead he threw out lines from it, never committing to anything. That's not leadership and as Salt Jones pointed out, perhaps on another thread? 'Obama wanted a clean bill on ceiling' never thinking that even after two years of no budget being passed, that he wasn't just going to get it.

That was a huge mistake and he owns it.

President Obama had a $4 trillion deal on the table that Boehner walked away from because it included tax increases. The only reason why a $4 trillion deal or higher did not get made is because the Tea Party and more Conservative members of the GOP refused any tax increases whatsoever.

He committed to the Gang of Six plan among other things.

Obama endorses 'Gang of Six' deficit plan - politics - Capitol Hill - msnbc.com

However, the GOP rejected that.

Rep. Allen West calls DNC chair 'vile ... despicable' - Tracy Schmaler promoted at Justice - What Chris Christie told the tycoons - GOP losing perception war - Jamal Simmons, Ed Henry are 40 - POLITICO Playbook - POLITICO.com

GANG OF SIX “Bipartisan Plan to Reduce Our Nation’s Deficits” (5-page PDF, via Kaiser Health News) http://bit.ly/qTPrxS ... Paul Ryan: “Problems, Questions and the Potential for Promising Reforms” http://1.usa.gov/quVArL

--A Senate Republican leadership aide emails with subject line “Gang of Six”: “Background guidance: The President killed any chance of its success by 1) Embracing it. 2) Hailing the fact that it increases taxes. 3) Saying it mirrors his own plan.”

Here's the problem with the way it all went down. Obama spent his political capital from January until waking up to 'a crisis.' He was blindsided, he didn't see it coming, but he should have. The Gang of 6 were those who'd pretty much been working with Biden the whole time, certainly could have come up with something sooner than a couple weeks before the created 'Armageddon.'

Instead the suddenly get together and 'poof' an agreed upon plan, just a few months too late for selling it.

This whole fiasco was wrought by sheer ineptness/inexperience on Obama's part, along with his general dislike for actually doing the work. He bought into the great communicator and thought he could just charm his way into his 'clear ceiling bill.' Didn't work for Congress, the people, or S & P. Indeed, while the people love a charming president, his whining over the last week was pitiful and cost him a deficit in political capital.
IRS: Not enough rich to cover the deficit

Soak the rich, eh?

They do not have the money.
A report from the Internal Revenue Service found that the rich — 8,274 people with incomes of $10 million per year or more — earned a total of $240 billion in 2009.

Even of you confiscated every dime they earned, you would barely have enough money to cover government spending for 24 days.

Of course, about a quarter of that money already goes to the federal government for federal income. So make that 18 days.

Another 227,000 people earned $1 million or more in 2009.

Millionaires averaged taxes of 24.4% of their income — up from 23.1% in 2008.

They, too, did not earn enough money to come anywhere close to covering the annual deficits that are $1.5 trillion a year.

Individual tax collections totaled $1,175,422,000,000 in 2009 — or 15.4% of all income.

Doubling federal income taxes for everyone would still leave us $400 billion or so shy of balancing the budget.
"Obama should tell Congress to come back."


"Why can't Congress come back by themselves?"


Point of the example: It really doesn't matter what President Obama does, you'll bitch about it anyway.

If Congress really cared about the deficit, they would have passed something significant in the first place. A source acknowledged one of the reasons they were lowering our credit rating is because Republicans refused to accept any tax increases as part of a larger deal. Which if they did in the first place, there would have been a $4 trillion deal in place if not higher. Which in the S&P video you posted earlier, the guy said "that would have been the trick."

You have a very short memory. The House did pass a significant bill called Cut, Cap and Balance. The Democrat controlled Senate voted to table it! In other words, it wasn't even considered or debated.
…calling for congress to return…

Of course one could well ask: ‘what would be the point’?

The House has failed the American people this entire year, what evidence is there that this will change?

The House passed the so-called cut, cap and balance bill and Harry Reid and the Democrats in the Senate tabled it. They did so because Obama said he would veto it if it passed in the Senate.

Passage of that bill would have averted the S&P downgrade of our AAA credit rating.

I know who failed the American people and it wasn't the House of Representatives.

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