Where is the President?

You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

You haven't a clue. That Bible belonged to the President's mother. Idiot.

Prove it. Just do some research I did and it doesn't.
He was using a bible as a prop, insulting religion.
Who owns that bible is irrelevant.

He was demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. Your hysteria is not called for.
What Bible Verse was he preaching?

He was not preaching any bible verses, that I am aware of.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
Pat Robertson a Trump supporter BLASTED this moron for photo op disagreed what you are saying. Followed by others that includes bishop, church leaders, Republicans and others.
Trump only did that for photo op. Nothing more.

I don't care what Pat Robertson thinks, and neither do you.

If you post the specifics of his complaint, I will be happy to consider and respond to it.

My point stands.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
That is so fucking hilarious. You supported these church leader when they support Trump. Now they are against Trump ......... now you don’t care. Photo op at this time is the wrong time and the wrong place..... Even Esper didn’t know and against the photo op. Several GOPs blasted this MORON for the photo op.
So you are wrong AGAIN 100%.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid.

At what point did Trump said anything good about this anti racist demonstrations all over the country?
Trump blasted mayor of Seattle. Mayor Durkan responded ..... go back to your bunker. So tell me Corell I know that you are a racist dog shit. Trump moron attacking the mayor. Does it helps?

I don’t really care if it bothers you or not. But Trump proved himself over and over that he is unfit, lousy and incompetent president. That’s the sad reality.

1. At several points. Pick one. Or don't. YOu don't care.

2. I have never given you cause to call me a racist. YOu are a dog fucker. Fuck you.

3. I don't know the details of why Trump attacked the Mayor. Your assumption that I follow ever statement Trump makes, like you do, with breathless abandon, would be wrong.

4. Also, fuck you some more, you race baiting asshole.

Truths sucks eh buddy..... Did I hurt your feelings?Good....... LOL. I’m cool in control. But I will never lower my class to your low low life class. I’ve been dealing with you for several years. You are a racist then you are a racist piece of crap now.

1. That I respond with harsh language to your vile lies, is not about my feelings, but about treating a piece of shit like you appropriately. That you are pretending to be too stupid to understand that, is noted and dismissed.

2. And when you make such lies, you are sinking well below me. I am still miles higher than you, because when I call you vile names, I am being honest and truthful, and fair, while when you do it, you are a piece of shit, smearing good people because you are a piece of shit. FUCK YOU.

3. I point out that you have no cause to call me "racist" and to support your accusation, you call me a "racist". I know that that is as good as your argument's get, so, thanks for trying. But, you lose you fucking faggot retard.

4. And to conclude, go choke on a bag of dicks.

I understand truth hurts. Did I blew your gaskets? Good. I’m glad I did that. I am by far classier than you Correl. You prove it here that you are nothing but a racist asshole. I’m sure Trump is so proud of you.... Sadly.

The truth? Nothing you have said is the Truth. IF it was, if you could demonstrate your claims, that would have some weight.

Instead, all you have, is repeating your smear, over and over again, like the piece of shit you are.
You started it Dick head. You know darn well I will blast you. Truth came out truth hurts. I showed you how bad is the photo op and link..... You can’t handle it....... then you went all over the place. Dude you are embarrassing yourself.,

Incorrect. I was talking to you fairly civilly when you called me "Racist dog shit" for no reason.

All you have demonstrated, is that you can't make your case and that when you fail, you start acting like an asshole.
Why not go back and read you post Dude???? I act like an asshole? Dude you are an asshole. Like I said you started it not me.. I will always wants to discuss in a proper manner professionally. Lots of you when loosing the arguments here comes the attacks..... You are no different.

In general, Obama was not very American president, destroying American freedoms such as the freedom to choose health care. If you don't believe in American freedoms you should not even be allowed to be an American president

But that is besides the point, Mac claims he is not partisan, yet he is hyper-partisan when it comes to Trump.

You ding Obama because of health care to insured more Americans. Why is that bad? Obama unAmerican? Trump dismantled Obamacare with no replacement. We have more uninsured Americans under Trump. Sadly.

Destroying American freedom? Oh! Please. Compared to Trump violations?
1. Firing of inspector Generals for check and balance without any explanation. That is called corruption.

2. Trump never stops licking Putin boots. Pushing Ukraine rape our democracy in 2016 election trying to save Putin despite his own intelligence that he hired told him Putin did it..... That is unAmerican.

3. Trump blasted all news media including his own Fox News because polls after polls he is 8 points behind Biden. Talking about an idiot. That is unAmerican.

4. Threatening mayors and governors in the middle of crisis. If he doesn’t have anything positive to say why not just STFU. That is unAmerican.

5. In his rallies attacking the democrats the democrats the democrats instigating violence against his own people the democrats. Who the fuck that kind of president does that? TRUMP.... that is unAmerican.

I can go on and on if you want. Bottom line Trump is a freak, unfit and incompetent.
What do you want him to do?
He could get on TV and give a speech.

I can't believe I had to say that.

Holy crap.
He did. Unless you failed to note it...

And is he done? Is that it?
Where is your link to your claim. Oh, and I’ll be glad to post his speech for ya, if you want. Oh, and by the way, I’m sure much to your chagrine, he set up a commission late Jan for finding ways law enforcement can regain the trust of the citizens. Bet ya didn’t know it, cause the lame msm probably didn’t mention it.
A snippet-
Therefore, we are establishing this Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement to study crime—how we can reduce it and how we can restore the public confidence in law enforcement to its rightful place. The Commission will examine the following:

How do certain social ills such as mental illness, substance abuse, and homelessness affect the ability of law enforcement to police?
How can we improve officer recruitment, training, and retention?
What are the major issues confronting rural and tribal law enforcement?
What are the major issues affecting the physical safety and mental health of police officers?
How can federal grant programs aide state, local, and tribal law enforcement?
What novel issues and criminal threats have arisen from new technologies?
What is the cause of diminished respect for law enforcement and the laws they enforce, and how does it affect both police and public safety?
What role can commercial business and community development organizations play in cultivating safe communities?
What methodologies, techniques, and targeted deterrence can be employed to reduce crime?
How can we integrate education, employment, social services, and public health services to reduce crime and ease the burden on law enforcement?
Thanks for the bullet points. So it's all about law enforcement and programs and technology and not about the racism that still exists in America.

Could you point out where he discussed how black people feel about their daily lives, why they might be frustrated beyond white people's understanding, or what it's like being pulled over SEVERAL times for no good reason -- as Republican Senator Tim Scott has described?

You couldn't have provided a better example. You folks are just not paying attention. Thank you.
Uh, that was about the commission formed back in Jan, not from the shooting. He actually recognized something needed done and started a commission to try to find solutions before this happened.
He also immediately sent in the doj and fbi.
And you weren’t aware from your sources either, were you, that the administration is weighing plans for a national listening tour in Black communities, to engage with and hear people, and putting together a task force. He is also looking at ways to start a national dialogue to help bring to light problems with racism in our country and how to solve them, rather than continuing what has not been working.

He also stated this, which you obviously did not hear-
On Saturday, Trump called the death of George Floyd “a grave tragedy” that has filled Americans “with horror, anger and grief.”
“It should never have happened,”

The guy could throw himself at your feet and you would still find fault.
More for your closed mind so that others might actually see he has been trying to work in the right direction.

From the same document-
Civil rights organizations, civic leaders, defense bar associations, victims’ rights organizations, and community organizations, should and will help this important mission. They will have opportunities to provide advice, counsel and input to the Commission in its study of the relevant issues and solutions.

So Trump wants to make certain civic rights are upheld. But I guess you need the word Black in there, because you see it as a black and white issue, not a human rights issue.

Now for some other things he has done to help minorities.
The First Step Act which has seen people such as Alice Marie Johnson, Taneesha Bannister, Matthew Charles, along with more than 3000 others. Another 1700+ have had their sentences reduced. It also revised sentencing guidelines.
They have also applied the Second Step Act, under a previous version from 2007, to help with their re-entry into society, with job training, and much more-
Transitional services to assist in the reintegration of offenders into the community, including-
  • Educational, literacy, and vocational, services and the transitional jobs strategy;
  • Substance use disorder treatment and services;
  • Coordinated supervision and services for offenders, including physical health care and comprehensive housing and mental health care;
  • Family services​
Funding for historically Black colleges, improving the economy which has reduced unemployment for minorities and restoring dignity to those that want to be able to feed their families themselves, tax cuts that have helped minorities

He has created opportunity zones in minority neighborhoods so it is easier them to start their own businesses without stifling regulations. $10 billion in funding for minority owned businesses.

He has directed more than $200 million a year to technology education grants for women and minorities.
Public housing is being cleaned up and made safer. Contractors
must comply with the training requirements included in their contracts and implementing valid apprenticeship programs for residents of the projects. At the completion of the training participants have a skill and are able to leave public housing.
Lowest Black unemployment.

These are just a few of the things Trump has done. Think what could have been done if the Dems had tried to work with Trump rather than against for 3 years.

Now tell us what Dems have done besides pandering...

That is just a bunch of totally HOGWASH. Are you forgetting something?

Trump has done NOTHING about racism here in US except giving these racist Americans and groups more vicious and emboldened like we never seen before. Right wing racist group was also invited in the WH. We have crisis right now about police brutality and racism but has done nothing to diffuse except fanning more hatred. Trump also instigating violence against Americans the democrats.

George Floyd death. Trump cannot even use his name in a proper manner. From Trump doing a victory lap dance about the unemployment of May..... George Floyd should be happy of the unemployment looking down. Busy blasting mayors and governors facing the crisis instead of working with them.

Pardoning? You cherry picked 3 names but you ignored most of the crooked, traitors and corrupted people that he pardoned. Here is the list of what this dude had pardoned from August 2017 to February 2020. Most of these do not even qualified or deserves to be pardoned. Since you lie a lot. Where did you get 3,000 or 1,700 numbers?

Black colleges HBCU. That’s another BS.
Trump signed a law in December restoring money that lapsed for several months when Congress failed to reauthorize some $255 million in financing on time.
Trump just signed the bill doesn’t mean he created or pushes it. If he really wants to help black colleges why didn’t he allowed it to lapsed or run out of money?

Give us one example of STIFLING regulations. Like WHAT?

I ran out of time. But I can guarantee you that 100% you have zero rebuttal of what I just said.

one simple question: what did Obama do about racism in his 8 years? Answer: ha made it worse.

Obama was well respected in this country and around the world. Compared to Trump...... they are laughing at us.

Your question..... What did Obama do about racism in his 8 years?
Explain why you think Obama made it worse?

Compared to what Trump is doing and promoting racism in his last 3 1/2??? At the same time Trump moron instigating violence against his own people the democrats. At the same he emboldened racist dog shit all over the country. Look how many armed militias with NAZIs flag showed up against the Michigan governor? Did he say something? NO. At the same time non stop saying or doing something stupid like a 10 yo kid. Then lie and lie all the time.

I never seen so many people blasting a US president that includes several GOPs, generals, governors, Chief of police etc etc etc...Trump made this country a racist piece of shit and a laughing stock around the world. Sadly.

That's okay you have 5 months left to enjoy. We will kick that King’s ass out of the WH.

My rebuttal against Depoto was long but you ignored it then you inserted Obama. Why?
Everything you wrote was caused by years of Democrat rule, and thats why the nation is a laughing stock abroad and here. It has nothing to do with Trump's presidency. It's all the Democrats bullcraping chickens coming home to roost. Own it.

Like WHAT? Give me an example. US was never a laughing stock under Obama. 4 foreign leaders was caught on camera laughing at this dude. Just imagine what they talk and laugh not caught in camera....
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What do you want him to do?
He could get on TV and give a speech.

I can't believe I had to say that.

Holy crap.
He did. Unless you failed to note it...

And is he done? Is that it?
Where is your link to your claim. Oh, and I’ll be glad to post his speech for ya, if you want. Oh, and by the way, I’m sure much to your chagrine, he set up a commission late Jan for finding ways law enforcement can regain the trust of the citizens. Bet ya didn’t know it, cause the lame msm probably didn’t mention it.
A snippet-
Therefore, we are establishing this Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement to study crime—how we can reduce it and how we can restore the public confidence in law enforcement to its rightful place. The Commission will examine the following:

How do certain social ills such as mental illness, substance abuse, and homelessness affect the ability of law enforcement to police?
How can we improve officer recruitment, training, and retention?
What are the major issues confronting rural and tribal law enforcement?
What are the major issues affecting the physical safety and mental health of police officers?
How can federal grant programs aide state, local, and tribal law enforcement?
What novel issues and criminal threats have arisen from new technologies?
What is the cause of diminished respect for law enforcement and the laws they enforce, and how does it affect both police and public safety?
What role can commercial business and community development organizations play in cultivating safe communities?
What methodologies, techniques, and targeted deterrence can be employed to reduce crime?
How can we integrate education, employment, social services, and public health services to reduce crime and ease the burden on law enforcement?
Thanks for the bullet points. So it's all about law enforcement and programs and technology and not about the racism that still exists in America.

Could you point out where he discussed how black people feel about their daily lives, why they might be frustrated beyond white people's understanding, or what it's like being pulled over SEVERAL times for no good reason -- as Republican Senator Tim Scott has described?

You couldn't have provided a better example. You folks are just not paying attention. Thank you.
Uh, that was about the commission formed back in Jan, not from the shooting. He actually recognized something needed done and started a commission to try to find solutions before this happened.
He also immediately sent in the doj and fbi.
And you weren’t aware from your sources either, were you, that the administration is weighing plans for a national listening tour in Black communities, to engage with and hear people, and putting together a task force. He is also looking at ways to start a national dialogue to help bring to light problems with racism in our country and how to solve them, rather than continuing what has not been working.

He also stated this, which you obviously did not hear-
On Saturday, Trump called the death of George Floyd “a grave tragedy” that has filled Americans “with horror, anger and grief.”
“It should never have happened,”

The guy could throw himself at your feet and you would still find fault.
More for your closed mind so that others might actually see he has been trying to work in the right direction.

From the same document-
Civil rights organizations, civic leaders, defense bar associations, victims’ rights organizations, and community organizations, should and will help this important mission. They will have opportunities to provide advice, counsel and input to the Commission in its study of the relevant issues and solutions.

So Trump wants to make certain civic rights are upheld. But I guess you need the word Black in there, because you see it as a black and white issue, not a human rights issue.

Now for some other things he has done to help minorities.
The First Step Act which has seen people such as Alice Marie Johnson, Taneesha Bannister, Matthew Charles, along with more than 3000 others. Another 1700+ have had their sentences reduced. It also revised sentencing guidelines.
They have also applied the Second Step Act, under a previous version from 2007, to help with their re-entry into society, with job training, and much more-
Transitional services to assist in the reintegration of offenders into the community, including-
  • Educational, literacy, and vocational, services and the transitional jobs strategy;
  • Substance use disorder treatment and services;
  • Coordinated supervision and services for offenders, including physical health care and comprehensive housing and mental health care;
  • Family services​
Funding for historically Black colleges, improving the economy which has reduced unemployment for minorities and restoring dignity to those that want to be able to feed their families themselves, tax cuts that have helped minorities

He has created opportunity zones in minority neighborhoods so it is easier them to start their own businesses without stifling regulations. $10 billion in funding for minority owned businesses.

He has directed more than $200 million a year to technology education grants for women and minorities.
Public housing is being cleaned up and made safer. Contractors
must comply with the training requirements included in their contracts and implementing valid apprenticeship programs for residents of the projects. At the completion of the training participants have a skill and are able to leave public housing.
Lowest Black unemployment.

These are just a few of the things Trump has done. Think what could have been done if the Dems had tried to work with Trump rather than against for 3 years.

Now tell us what Dems have done besides pandering...

That is just a bunch of totally HOGWASH. Are you forgetting something?

Trump has done NOTHING about racism here in US except giving these racist Americans and groups more vicious and emboldened like we never seen before. Right wing racist group was also invited in the WH. We have crisis right now about police brutality and racism but has done nothing to diffuse except fanning more hatred. Trump also instigating violence against Americans the democrats.

George Floyd death. Trump cannot even use his name in a proper manner. From Trump doing a victory lap dance about the unemployment of May..... George Floyd should be happy of the unemployment looking down. Busy blasting mayors and governors facing the crisis instead of working with them.

Pardoning? You cherry picked 3 names but you ignored most of the crooked, traitors and corrupted people that he pardoned. Here is the list of what this dude had pardoned from August 2017 to February 2020. Most of these do not even qualified or deserves to be pardoned. Since you lie a lot. Where did you get 3,000 or 1,700 numbers?

Black colleges HBCU. That’s another BS.
Trump signed a law in December restoring money that lapsed for several months when Congress failed to reauthorize some $255 million in financing on time.
Trump just signed the bill doesn’t mean he created or pushes it. If he really wants to help black colleges why didn’t he allowed it to lapsed or run out of money?

Give us one example of STIFLING regulations. Like WHAT?

I ran out of time. But I can guarantee you that 100% you have zero rebuttal of what I just said.

one simple question: what did Obama do about racism in his 8 years? Answer: ha made it worse.

Obama was well respected in this country and around the world. Compared to Trump...... they are laughing at us.

Your question..... What did Obama do about racism in his 8 years?
Explain why you think Obama made it worse?

Compared to what Trump is doing and promoting racism in his last 3 1/2??? At the same time Trump moron instigating violence against his own people the democrats. At the same he emboldened racist dog shit all over the country. Look how many armed militias with NAZIs flag showed up against the Michigan governor? Did he say something? NO. At the same time non stop saying or doing something stupid like a 10 yo kid. Then lie and lie all the time.

I never seen so many people blasting a US president that includes several GOPs, generals, governors, Chief of police etc etc etc...Trump made this country a racist piece of shit and a laughing stock around the world. Sadly.

That's okay you have 5 months left to enjoy. We will kick that King’s ass out of the WH.

My rebuttal against Depoto was long but you ignored it then you inserted Obama. Why?
Everything you wrote was caused by years of Democrat rule, and thats why the nation is a laughing stock abroad and here. It has nothing to do with Trump's presidency. It's all the Democrats bullcraping chickens coming home to roost. Own it.

Like WHAT? Give me an example.

How about Minnesota, as an example.
uh-huh. i lean left. i said on day 1 in the intro's i am center left. that doesn't make me a (D) & i am not registered as one. but you still go boy. it's what you do.
Take it from me. If you're center/left, you're a radical pinko Hitler Fascist Maoist Nazi Deep State Fake News Benghazi Alinsky Stalinist commie.

In fact, if you criticize Trump at all, you're a radical pinko Hitler Fascist Maoist Nazi Deep State Fake News Benghazi Alinsky Stalinist commie.

I've never seen anything like this, at least not since film of Europe in the last century. Remember, these people think they're at war, and I'm not kidding.
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You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

You haven't a clue. That Bible belonged to the President's mother. Idiot.

Prove it. Just do some research I did and it doesn't.
He was using a bible as a prop, insulting religion.
Who owns that bible is irrelevant.

He was demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. Your hysteria is not called for.
What Bible Verse was he preaching?

He was not preaching any bible verses, that I am aware of.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
Pat Robertson a Trump supporter BLASTED this moron for photo op disagreed what you are saying. Followed by others that includes bishop, church leaders, Republicans and others.
Trump only did that for photo op. Nothing more.

I don't care what Pat Robertson thinks, and neither do you.

If you post the specifics of his complaint, I will be happy to consider and respond to it.

My point stands.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
That is so fucking hilarious. You supported these church leader when they support Trump. Now they are against Trump ......... now you don’t care. Photo op at this time is the wrong time and the wrong place..... Even Esper didn’t know and against the photo op. Several GOPs blasted this MORON for the photo op.
So you are wrong AGAIN 100%.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid.

At what point did Trump said anything good about this anti racist demonstrations all over the country?
Trump blasted mayor of Seattle. Mayor Durkan responded ..... go back to your bunker. So tell me Corell I know that you are a racist dog shit. Trump moron attacking the mayor. Does it helps?

I don’t really care if it bothers you or not. But Trump proved himself over and over that he is unfit, lousy and incompetent president. That’s the sad reality.

1. At several points. Pick one. Or don't. YOu don't care.

2. I have never given you cause to call me a racist. YOu are a dog fucker. Fuck you.

3. I don't know the details of why Trump attacked the Mayor. Your assumption that I follow ever statement Trump makes, like you do, with breathless abandon, would be wrong.

4. Also, fuck you some more, you race baiting asshole.

Truths sucks eh buddy..... Did I hurt your feelings?Good....... LOL. I’m cool in control. But I will never lower my class to your low low life class. I’ve been dealing with you for several years. You are a racist then you are a racist piece of crap now.

1. That I respond with harsh language to your vile lies, is not about my feelings, but about treating a piece of shit like you appropriately. That you are pretending to be too stupid to understand that, is noted and dismissed.

2. And when you make such lies, you are sinking well below me. I am still miles higher than you, because when I call you vile names, I am being honest and truthful, and fair, while when you do it, you are a piece of shit, smearing good people because you are a piece of shit. FUCK YOU.

3. I point out that you have no cause to call me "racist" and to support your accusation, you call me a "racist". I know that that is as good as your argument's get, so, thanks for trying. But, you lose you fucking faggot retard.

4. And to conclude, go choke on a bag of dicks.

I choke on bag of dicks? Is that mean you are showing your low class disgusting piece of shit attitude here??? You are a disgusting old man.

My attitude towards you, is just fine, considering you called me, "racist dog shit".

So, yes, a big old bad of dicks. Go forth and start chocking.
Let me remind you again. You started it dick head...... You are a racist dog shit. Dude. We were talking just fine and you can’t handle it. Then you went all over the place..... You are a disgusting old man.

My last post, before you showed your true colors.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid."

What in there, justifies you sinking to your level?
Nothing Trump does is at the right time or right move?
Was anything Obama did at the right time or right move?
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

You haven't a clue. That Bible belonged to the President's mother. Idiot.

Prove it. Just do some research I did and it doesn't.
He was using a bible as a prop, insulting religion.
Who owns that bible is irrelevant.

He was demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. Your hysteria is not called for.
What Bible Verse was he preaching?

He was not preaching any bible verses, that I am aware of.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
Pat Robertson a Trump supporter BLASTED this moron for photo op disagreed what you are saying. Followed by others that includes bishop, church leaders, Republicans and others.
Trump only did that for photo op. Nothing more.

I don't care what Pat Robertson thinks, and neither do you.

If you post the specifics of his complaint, I will be happy to consider and respond to it.

My point stands.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
That is so fucking hilarious. You supported these church leader when they support Trump. Now they are against Trump ......... now you don’t care. Photo op at this time is the wrong time and the wrong place..... Even Esper didn’t know and against the photo op. Several GOPs blasted this MORON for the photo op.
So you are wrong AGAIN 100%.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid.

At what point did Trump said anything good about this anti racist demonstrations all over the country?
Trump blasted mayor of Seattle. Mayor Durkan responded ..... go back to your bunker. So tell me Corell I know that you are a racist dog shit. Trump moron attacking the mayor. Does it helps?

I don’t really care if it bothers you or not. But Trump proved himself over and over that he is unfit, lousy and incompetent president. That’s the sad reality.

1. At several points. Pick one. Or don't. YOu don't care.

2. I have never given you cause to call me a racist. YOu are a dog fucker. Fuck you.

3. I don't know the details of why Trump attacked the Mayor. Your assumption that I follow ever statement Trump makes, like you do, with breathless abandon, would be wrong.

4. Also, fuck you some more, you race baiting asshole.

Truths sucks eh buddy..... Did I hurt your feelings?Good....... LOL. I’m cool in control. But I will never lower my class to your low low life class. I’ve been dealing with you for several years. You are a racist then you are a racist piece of crap now.

1. That I respond with harsh language to your vile lies, is not about my feelings, but about treating a piece of shit like you appropriately. That you are pretending to be too stupid to understand that, is noted and dismissed.

2. And when you make such lies, you are sinking well below me. I am still miles higher than you, because when I call you vile names, I am being honest and truthful, and fair, while when you do it, you are a piece of shit, smearing good people because you are a piece of shit. FUCK YOU.

3. I point out that you have no cause to call me "racist" and to support your accusation, you call me a "racist". I know that that is as good as your argument's get, so, thanks for trying. But, you lose you fucking faggot retard.

4. And to conclude, go choke on a bag of dicks.

I choke on bag of dicks? Is that mean you are showing your low class disgusting piece of shit attitude here??? You are a disgusting old man.

My attitude towards you, is just fine, considering you called me, "racist dog shit".

So, yes, a big old bad of dicks. Go forth and start chocking.
Let me remind you again. You started it dick head...... You are a racist dog shit. Dude. We were talking just fine and you can’t handle it. Then you went all over the place..... You are a disgusting old man.

My last post, before you showed your true colors.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid."

What in there, justifies you sinking to your level?
My color is the same before and after.... I am against violent protester looting and burning.... But I support peaceful demonstrations especially in this time against RACISM.... I’m always against racist dog piece of shit people.

From you...... Trump nothing ever does the President right time or right move........ So tell me your excellency.

Posting photo op that you supported is good for you when church leaders, Esper, Gen Miley, Mattis, etc etc etc etc blasted Trump photo op. We are in the middle of crisis and he has the audacity to post picture.

Handling of CV-19.... blaming, finger pointing, conspiracies, tweeting nonsense, Busy playing golf, rallies, travel to India. At the same time downplaying the severity of the CV crisis.

Before Covid-19 in his regular rallies.... attack the democrats the democrats the democrats. Instigating violence against his own people the democrats . Since when you see a president attacking his own people. TRUMP.

So tell me where and what is there to love about this fucking piece of shit president? The whole world is laughing at us.....

YOu claimed I was the one that just started calling you names for no reason. So I posted my last civil post to you, before you started calling me names for no reason.

The point was not to revisit the points of that post, but to demonstrate that you were the one that started being an asshole for no reason.

Your pretense that you forgot that, is rejected.

Your error about your own behavior proves my point. YOu libs are so entitled that you truly believe you should get to smear us with the most vile slurs, while we treat you with kid gloves.

And you whine like faggots when we don't play by your stupid rules.

Well, fuck that shit. YOu dish it out, you better be prepared to take it.

Or talk like a civilized person and receive similar treatment in return. The choice is yours.

Just don't expect to get a pass for acting like an asshole. FUCK THAT SHIT.
Wrong again asshole...... I said go back and show me where in my posts that I started blasting you. Show me. GO. You did this to me in the past you are doing it again. This time you won’t get that off easily you racist asshole.

I don’t do that to you or anybody unless provoke. I prefer a good manner and professional discussion. You have this low class your buddy Morrison your kind of dog shit low class blasting me for no reasons. You are no different.

And I did that you moron. I was civil to you and you called me vile names for no reason.

See, you libs, you think that calling someone a name is an argument. You also are so used to doing that, and not being called out on it, that you don't even realize when you are doing it.

Dude. You are the ones that provoke. So much that it is like breathing to you, it just happens.

Post 732 in this thread, you just went off on me, calling me vile names for no reason.

If you want civil discussions, YOU HAVE TO DO BETTER. YOU.
A Globalist like yourself who lives on cheap slave labor isn't a racist?! You're such an idiot!

Good Trumpsters just make shit up as they go.
So tell us which Democrat related issues you disagree and we'll see if your response matches your posting pattern.
Wow, this constant interest in my political views is flattering.

Line 2 of my sig, linked to a thread in which I (a) list my specific views on the issues, and (b) disembowel a Regressive Lefty: https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/come-on-jake-man-up-just-this-once.590002/

You're welcome.
What's noted is your anti-MAGA, hypocritical bullshit.
You're welcome to point out any hypocrisy.

Oh, and quote me. You guys never have the balls to do that. You'd rather just make stuff up.

Thanks in advance!
Your long history of loving global slave labor is well known.
But that's expected of anyone who works as a Financial Advisor.
Slave labor? Do you know where Trump products are made? Do you know what kind of people that makes Trump products like socks and ties? Those are the products that a child labor or slave labor can make..

How are the US farmers, US Steeles, companies that are affected then layoffs are doing with the China Trade Wars? Companies are closing down in 2019 even before the Coronavirus crisis showed up.

Trump is a bad for the farmers, universities, economy, manufacturing, domestic and foreign policies. Handling of the Coronavirus pandemic and the current racism crisis now in the 16th day of demonstrations. Totally screwed up this country big time.
Wtf ever, you BS piece of shit! 'Murica! Go fuck yourself.

You have zero clues as to the reality of this situation, you leftist turd sucker!
Where are Snappys made again? You're not even American, don't even try it, you fuck!

It's srs business now, and I'm not playing your fuck-fuck games at this point, you foreign troll.

I'm for my country, and fuck you! :fu:
You are bery panny. Understand truth hurts. In what authority do you have to question me?

Showing me your deplorable low class attitude doesn’t prove anything what you are saying. Typical Trump supporter. I’m sure Trump a piece of shit is very proud of you. Go take your meth.

You are for this country? LOL. Dude you mean Russia where Trump puppet master live.
You don’t even know what you are talking about Dude.
I am for my country of USA defending against low class asshole deplorable like you ruining this country. That’s a fact.

You cannot even give me a clear rebuttal or any kinds of conversation. Meaning you don’t know anything.
Trump made this country a laughing stock, racist, bully, ignorant and dumb around the world because of people like you. Get a life.
Don’t worry you have 5 months to go to enjoy...... Biden will kick Trump ass out of the WH.
Oaaaa you bwerry bwerry funny liddle one, now you won on back to China and tell yor people not make world sick no more, bad, bad china man, baaaad. We take care of united states, you go back to Yina now. LOL

You are bery bery fanny beagle. Me go back to China? Why? I traveled there because I have business in China........ Are you proving your self that you are a racist piece of shit? Like Trump.

China is bad because of Trump using it as an excuse to blamed........ where he screwed this country handling the Covid-19 crisis.
Oh, please.
I can go on, if you like...
So tell me Dr. Depoto. What is your several nonsense links has anything to do with Trump stupidity and ineptness handling the Covid-19 crisis?

I gave you a long list against your post but I have not heard from you. Why not respond to that? Or you are just scared????

I also gave you a rebuttal against Pelosi. I have not heard from you either.
Scared. Uh, no. You sit here stating there is no problem with China. I showed you there is.
They have also failed the world on covid. You can believe what you want, but facts back me up.
Oh please..... Doc. So why not give me your rebuttal from your original post instead of giving me these nonsense links?

I never said there’s no problem in China. 85% of my consumables are made in China since 1995. I used to travel 4 to 6 times a year but my son and his assistant are now doing the traveling. Last time I was there was March 2019..... I speak Mandarin Chinese and Tagalog.

I posted several problems in China that you never heard before in BWK thread. I even proved Coronavirus started in September not late December.

So spare me your excuses about China.

What I don’t like is this stupid Trade Wars. At the start this idiot claimed it’s very easy to win TW that was almost 3 years ago. Not a single manufacturers, retailers, technologies or any kind of business categories supported Trump. At the same Chinese is just jerking us around. Sad results he just made farmers welfare recipients totaling. $40 billions including 2020 farmers bailout no end in sight. At the same time prices went up against Americans especially poor Americans that shop at Walmart... Trump is bad for this country.

We deserves better.
At the same time he is so busy tweeting, threatening Americans and allies, blame this and that, in love with Putin, promoting conspiracies, LIE like hell...... Then Americans like you still loves him... WHY?

So, you're comfortable with every larger, record trade deficits with China?

Oh please Correl. Trade deficits doesn’t mean mean it’s bad. Trade deficits with China means we buy more than we sell. We Americans are the most spoiled and extravagant countries around the world. If we have dirty shoes mostly kids wants new shoes, back packs we buy new every year we throw away the old ones, we donate second hand clothes to other countries more than anybody, look at left over in the restaurant, we waste tons and tons of food every day. Everything is just so freaking expensive to produce here in US.

Because of CV there was a big interruption of my consumables coming out from China so I made some here in US back east. One consumables alone cost me $22 shipping included from China cost me $189 to make them here in US. Sadly I can’t recuperate that against the hospitals.

Sounds like American manufacturers and manufacturing workers are just fucked. If we want to make them compete on a level playing field with the Third World.
A Globalist like yourself who lives on cheap slave labor isn't a racist?! You're such an idiot!

Good Trumpsters just make shit up as they go.
So tell us which Democrat related issues you disagree and we'll see if your response matches your posting pattern.
Wow, this constant interest in my political views is flattering.

Line 2 of my sig, linked to a thread in which I (a) list my specific views on the issues, and (b) disembowel a Regressive Lefty: https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/come-on-jake-man-up-just-this-once.590002/

You're welcome.
What's noted is your anti-MAGA, hypocritical bullshit.
You're welcome to point out any hypocrisy.

Oh, and quote me. You guys never have the balls to do that. You'd rather just make stuff up.

Thanks in advance!
Your long history of loving global slave labor is well known.
But that's expected of anyone who works as a Financial Advisor.
Slave labor? Do you know where Trump products are made? Do you know what kind of people that makes Trump products like socks and ties? Those are the products that a child labor or slave labor can make..

How are the US farmers, US Steeles, companies that are affected then layoffs are doing with the China Trade Wars? Companies are closing down in 2019 even before the Coronavirus crisis showed up.

Trump is a bad for the farmers, universities, economy, manufacturing, domestic and foreign policies. Handling of the Coronavirus pandemic and the current racism crisis now in the 16th day of demonstrations. Totally screwed up this country big time.
Wtf ever, you BS piece of shit! 'Murica! Go fuck yourself.

You have zero clues as to the reality of this situation, you leftist turd sucker!
Where are Snappys made again? You're not even American, don't even try it, you fuck!

It's srs business now, and I'm not playing your fuck-fuck games at this point, you foreign troll.

I'm for my country, and fuck you! :fu:
You are bery panny. Understand truth hurts. In what authority do you have to question me?

Showing me your deplorable low class attitude doesn’t prove anything what you are saying. Typical Trump supporter. I’m sure Trump a piece of shit is very proud of you. Go take your meth.

You are for this country? LOL. Dude you mean Russia where Trump puppet master live.
You don’t even know what you are talking about Dude.
I am for my country of USA defending against low class asshole deplorable like you ruining this country. That’s a fact.

You cannot even give me a clear rebuttal or any kinds of conversation. Meaning you don’t know anything.
Trump made this country a laughing stock, racist, bully, ignorant and dumb around the world because of people like you. Get a life.
Don’t worry you have 5 months to go to enjoy...... Biden will kick Trump ass out of the WH.
Oaaaa you bwerry bwerry funny liddle one, now you won on back to China and tell yor people not make world sick no more, bad, bad china man, baaaad. We take care of united states, you go back to Yina now. LOL

You are bery bery fanny beagle. Me go back to China? Why? I traveled there because I have business in China........ Are you proving your self that you are a racist piece of shit? Like Trump.

China is bad because of Trump using it as an excuse to blamed........ where he screwed this country handling the Covid-19 crisis.
China is bad because it is a Totalitarian nation whose leaders slaughter their citizens at will.
Yes, we know why you love China's government.
That’s very funny. Are you forgetting something? Trump and Ivanka products are made in China. I’m no different than that. That is so funny.

When Obama was president lots of you sided with China. Trump declared Trade wars with China....... where are we now? Farmers need more bailout this 2020. Last year 19% of farmers filled for bankruptcies.

Trump even praised China of handling the Coronavirus.....

Now his excuses....... he blamed China of his failure handling the CV crisis here in US. Blamed Obama after 3 years. He even blamed Obama for testing of CV..... when CV-19 only showed up here in US January 2020.
However and whatever you want to twist this Trump is a BAD Dude for this country.

they got their crap being made in china, mexico, bangladesh... anywhere but here.
It started with Reagan and quickly became bi-partisan.

okey dokey. donny didn't hafta outsource his cheap crap, did he? was he forced to?
There is a tale of an ancient kingdom...

On day, every year, the current king would doff his royal robes, dress as a commoner, then walk alone and unguarded amongst his people...

If he came back to the palace alive, his rule was considered just, and he was considered a good man...


If he did not return to the palace alive, or if his guard was forced to restrain the people, he was considered an unjust king, and a bad man...



Cadet Bone Spurs was too busy inspecting underground bunkers, and hiding-out in the White House, to make any substantive appearance.

And, given his lack of empathy, idiotic conspiracy theories, and his shoddy articulation skills, he was better off not saying much of anything.
What, like that butt kissing minnesota mayor who got roasted by the mob when they presented him demands so radical, that he couldn't answer them, and therefore had to walk the walk of shame as they told him to get his dumb ace out of there ??? So much for his butt kissing eh ???? Never pays off, but why isn't that lesson learned in life ??

Butt kissing? What do you want the mayor should say? Support the 3 murderers that killed Loyd? I’m very happy this mayor blasted Trump stupidity. I don’t understand why this mayor walked in there in the first place when he knew what they are demanding.

Theres no explanation for police defunding. That is not new 7 years ago Camden, NJ did exactly just that. Meaning total major overhaul of the police department. Results all positive.

Los Angeles mayor plan to do just the same.... Police brutalities are not acceptable.
Call it what it is then "reforming the police offices", instead of this idiotic term "defund" in which was used as a divisive weapon to just stirr up more bullcrap... Look I really don't got time for your bullcrap today, but here I am being temporarily insane again... LOL
My bullcrap? I don’t post bullcrap. I only post 100% facts and reality.

Then you should know better when posting something you don’t understand. There’s no such thing as defund the police. Low IQ people like you thinks no more police. That is not what it mean.

Defund means total overhaul of the police department.

camden NJ did just that & their crime rate dropped almost 50% since 2015, i believe.
I just love staistics...Which shows what a shithole Camden was before the police dept was overhauled.

camden was once deemed the most violent city in america.

that overhaul didn't change everything, but it sure made a huge dent.

You're so full of shit; you didn't look at the link.

i didn't say i did.
You inferred such and you're full of shit.

lol - that's your fault for thinking that. usually when i read something from another poster, i'll c/p from it to show where i agree or disagree. oh well - it's on you. deal with the fact you wrongly assumed.
uh-huh. i lean left. i said on day 1 in the intro's i am center left. that doesn't make me a (D) & i am not registered as one. but you still go boy. it's what you do.
Take it from me. If you're center/left, you're a radical pinko Hitler Fascist Maoist Nazi Deep State Fake News Benghazi Alinsky Stalinist commie.

In fact, if you criticize Trump at all, you're a radical pinko Hitler Fascist Maoist Nazi Deep State Fake News Benghazi Alinsky Stalinist commie.

I've never seen anything like this, at least not since film of Europe in the last century. Remember, these people think they're at war, and I'm not kidding.
Works the other way as well... It wasn't that long ago I was a socialist. But I've also been called a ... Hell... Trumpeter or some such nonsense.

This is not a one way street at all.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

mac were have you been?......we havent had a leader in this country so far in this century....and there is none on the horizon.....

Hard to argue that, but you might even have to go all the way back to Ike to look for real leadership.

back to a normal real (R) who was pro union, had a 90% tax rate where the middle class was strong & healthy, AND warned against the military industrial complex.

that just shows how fucked the GOP really is today.
the democrats are just as fucked up today....they were different 50 years ago too....both parties are the bane of this country....

they have deviated form their ideology, no doubt - but it's a false equivalency.

the blending of religion & politics was the start of the transformation of the (R) party into the freakshow fundy extremists they have become today. the (D)s haven't blown themselves into the stratosphere anywhere like that.
no they just have moved so far left that they have become just another freakshow themselves........

no they haven't. there's a faction that's uber liberal - but most are corporate dems & that's where they lost their way. they forgot the working man & donny slithered in & faked his way into their hearts; the rust belt anyway. the that gave the (D)s the wake up call they needed to reconnect. why do you think biden & not bernie or liz warren got the nomination?
of course you dont think they have.....you might be one of them.....i aint a party person i can see how both of them are......why cant you?...

i am a center left indy; but i also know a false equivalency when i see one.

why can't you?
you aint much of an "indy" if you favor one party over the other....why cant you see that?....

LOL! dude - i've voted the spectrum. (D)s (R)s AND even green party in 2000 over W. & gore/liebertoady - - -my own state senator. & i'm married to a (R) - - who many here would think is a 'RINO' because he knows a dying party when he sees one.

so never ASSume anything about me, it just makes you look silly.
...it doesnt matter who you voted for in the past "dude"....now is what counts....it makes you look silly when you call yourself an independent yet seem to never have any thing to say about the democrats but you have plenty to say about the other people......indy yea sure prove it....

sure i have. but right now, it's either (D) or (R) as far as voting goes.

yea for the party people.....

lol... whatever. i learned in 2000 what a protest vote can do.

we got W.
yea and 8 years later we got someone almost as bad and now we have trump.....all because of you party people.....

uh-huh ... another false equivalency. you're pretty good at it.
the only false thing here is you trying to pass yourself off as an independent....

uh-huh. ^ spoken like a real trumpanzee. i'll give yer opinion the CONsideration it so richly deserves. :heehee:
and yet you cant find me defending the dipshit.......but what you said was spoken like a true democrat....... :heehee:

truth be told - i don't read much of yer crap. don't care either way, but the few posts that i have seen, you sure won't CONvince me you didn't vote for him.

that - makes you a MAGAT, whether you wear the hat or not. :whipg:
well thats ok.....you cant CONvince me you aint a democrat.....and at least with me i can prove that.....you?.....lol...

i said i am not. that works for me because i'm no liar. now whether you believe it or not, matters not. i CONsider the source questioning me ... it's not really motivating. oh well. you go boy.
you can say you are not ......your posts here say differently.....

uh-huh. i lean left. i said on day 1 in the intro's i am center left. that doesn't make me a (D) & i am not registered as one. but you still go boy. it's what you do.
you are about as center left as billy000 is....


you go go go boyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee.......
A better question is 'S here is the Seattle Mayor?'

A foreign-financed, armed, domestic-terrorist occupying force has seized city territory and has created a ' No Law / No Cops / No Go' zone, she has abandoned the residents living / working within that terrorist-held zone who voted for her, and she and council members are calling them 'patriots'.

You snowflakes are celebrating and honoring these fascist, lawless, anti-American Trump-haters and are attacking the President who is standing up for and defending the Constitution and Rule of law.


You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

You haven't a clue. That Bible belonged to the President's mother. Idiot.

Prove it. Just do some research I did and it doesn't.
He was using a bible as a prop, insulting religion.
Who owns that bible is irrelevant.

He was demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. Your hysteria is not called for.
What Bible Verse was he preaching?

He was not preaching any bible verses, that I am aware of.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
Pat Robertson a Trump supporter BLASTED this moron for photo op disagreed what you are saying. Followed by others that includes bishop, church leaders, Republicans and others.
Trump only did that for photo op. Nothing more.

I don't care what Pat Robertson thinks, and neither do you.

If you post the specifics of his complaint, I will be happy to consider and respond to it.

My point stands.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
That is so fucking hilarious. You supported these church leader when they support Trump. Now they are against Trump ......... now you don’t care. Photo op at this time is the wrong time and the wrong place..... Even Esper didn’t know and against the photo op. Several GOPs blasted this MORON for the photo op.
So you are wrong AGAIN 100%.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid.

At what point did Trump said anything good about this anti racist demonstrations all over the country?
Trump blasted mayor of Seattle. Mayor Durkan responded ..... go back to your bunker. So tell me Corell I know that you are a racist dog shit. Trump moron attacking the mayor. Does it helps?

I don’t really care if it bothers you or not. But Trump proved himself over and over that he is unfit, lousy and incompetent president. That’s the sad reality.

1. At several points. Pick one. Or don't. YOu don't care.

2. I have never given you cause to call me a racist. YOu are a dog fucker. Fuck you.

3. I don't know the details of why Trump attacked the Mayor. Your assumption that I follow ever statement Trump makes, like you do, with breathless abandon, would be wrong.

4. Also, fuck you some more, you race baiting asshole.

Truths sucks eh buddy..... Did I hurt your feelings?Good....... LOL. I’m cool in control. But I will never lower my class to your low low life class. I’ve been dealing with you for several years. You are a racist then you are a racist piece of crap now.

1. That I respond with harsh language to your vile lies, is not about my feelings, but about treating a piece of shit like you appropriately. That you are pretending to be too stupid to understand that, is noted and dismissed.

2. And when you make such lies, you are sinking well below me. I am still miles higher than you, because when I call you vile names, I am being honest and truthful, and fair, while when you do it, you are a piece of shit, smearing good people because you are a piece of shit. FUCK YOU.

3. I point out that you have no cause to call me "racist" and to support your accusation, you call me a "racist". I know that that is as good as your argument's get, so, thanks for trying. But, you lose you fucking faggot retard.

4. And to conclude, go choke on a bag of dicks.

I understand truth hurts. Did I blew your gaskets? Good. I’m glad I did that. I am by far classier than you Correl. You prove it here that you are nothing but a racist asshole. I’m sure Trump is so proud of you.... Sadly.

The truth? Nothing you have said is the Truth. IF it was, if you could demonstrate your claims, that would have some weight.

Instead, all you have, is repeating your smear, over and over again, like the piece of shit you are.
You started it Dick head. You know darn well I will blast you. Truth came out truth hurts. I showed you how bad is the photo op and link..... You can’t handle it....... then you went all over the place. Dude you are embarrassing yourself.,

Incorrect. I was talking to you fairly civilly when you called me "Racist dog shit" for no reason.

All you have demonstrated, is that you can't make your case and that when you fail, you start acting like an asshole.
Why not go back and read you post Dude???? I act like an asshole? Dude you are an asshole. Like I said you started it not me.. I will always wants to discuss in a proper manner professionally. Lots of you when loosing the arguments here comes the attacks..... You are no different.

In general, Obama was not very American president, destroying American freedoms such as the freedom to choose health care. If you don't believe in American freedoms you should not even be allowed to be an American president

But that is besides the point, Mac claims he is not partisan, yet he is hyper-partisan when it comes to Trump.

You ding Obama because of health care to insured more Americans. Why is that bad? Obama unAmerican? Trump dismantled Obamacare with no replacement. We have more uninsured Americans under Trump. Sadly.

Destroying American freedom? Oh! Please. Compared to Trump violations?
1. Firing of inspector Generals for check and balance without any explanation. That is called corruption.

2. Trump never stops licking Putin boots. Pushing Ukraine rape our democracy in 2016 election trying to save Putin despite his own intelligence that he hired told him Putin did it..... That is unAmerican.

3. Trump blasted all news media including his own Fox News because polls after polls he is 8 points behind Biden. Talking about an idiot. That is unAmerican.

4. Threatening mayors and governors in the middle of crisis. If he doesn’t have anything positive to say why not just STFU. That is unAmerican.

5. In his rallies attacking the democrats the democrats the democrats instigating violence against his own people the democrats. Who the fuck that kind of president does that? TRUMP.... that is unAmerican.

I can go on and on if you want. Bottom line Trump is a freak, unfit and incompetent.


trump signing an EO to try to stop social media from fact checking his lies.

A better question is 'S here is the Seattle Mayor?'

A foreign-financed, armed, domestic-terrorist occupying force has seized city territory and has created a ' No Law / No Cops / No Go' zone, she has abandoned the residents living / working within that terrorist-held zone who voted for her, and she and council members are calling them 'patriots'.

You snowflakes are celebrating and honoring these fascist, lawless, anti-American Trump-haters and are attacking the President who is standing up for and defending the Constitution and Rule of law.



I'm waiting for the first report of a serious violent crime in the area. What will happen when someone gets hurt, and there is no one to call?
uh-huh. i lean left. i said on day 1 in the intro's i am center left. that doesn't make me a (D) & i am not registered as one. but you still go boy. it's what you do.
Take it from me. If you're center/left, you're a radical pinko Hitler Fascist Maoist Nazi Deep State Fake News Benghazi Alinsky Stalinist commie.

In fact, if you criticize Trump at all, you're a radical pinko Hitler Fascist Maoist Nazi Deep State Fake News Benghazi Alinsky Stalinist commie.

I've never seen anything like this, at least not since film of Europe in the last century. Remember, these people think they're at war, and I'm not kidding.
Works the other way as well... It wasn't that long ago I was a socialist. But I've also been called a ... Hell... Trumpeter or some such nonsense.

This is not a one way street at all.
Absolutely true.

The two ends of the spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.
Trump's a big hero with his flock when he's insulting people and calling them names.

Now that he's a quiet as a little bunny, they think that's neat, too.

And in any and every case you think that he's not neat. -
You just keep doing that -
Rump is unable to convincingly simulate a 'concerned human being' and is therefore useless to the Nation as it struggles with both pandemic and race issues.

Perhaps it's best that he continues to hide in the Oval Office - and in Das Bunker - and stays off the airwaves - in forlorn hopes of riding out the storm.

In elementary (grade) school, we would have labeled such a creature as a "dork" or "loser"... in our present context, the label is more akin to "train wreck".

Even a fence-post or (sane) old curmudgeon would be better than what we have now... we just can't afford to keep this clown as the Chief any longer.

Hurry, November 3rd...
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You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

I found it in about three seconds, using "Google".

Did you read the story?
If so what did you interpret it to actually mean?
Now when our President holds a round table with spokesmen for the protesters and their concerrns, I'll be pleased. I'm sure he DOES want to see things more peaceful. Meeting ONLY with the police and the police unions and a few of his Republican yes men is probably not going to do the trick.
18 killed in Chicago in one day. No one is concerned about that. Why?
Has nothing to do with it. This is about racism.

Translation - We don't care if Thugs kill Thugs we just want to get whitey
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

You haven't a clue. That Bible belonged to the President's mother. Idiot.

Prove it. Just do some research I did and it doesn't.
He was using a bible as a prop, insulting religion.
Who owns that bible is irrelevant.

He was demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. Your hysteria is not called for.
What Bible Verse was he preaching?

He was not preaching any bible verses, that I am aware of.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
Pat Robertson a Trump supporter BLASTED this moron for photo op disagreed what you are saying. Followed by others that includes bishop, church leaders, Republicans and others.
Trump only did that for photo op. Nothing more.

I don't care what Pat Robertson thinks, and neither do you.

If you post the specifics of his complaint, I will be happy to consider and respond to it.

My point stands.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
That is so fucking hilarious. You supported these church leader when they support Trump. Now they are against Trump ......... now you don’t care. Photo op at this time is the wrong time and the wrong place..... Even Esper didn’t know and against the photo op. Several GOPs blasted this MORON for the photo op.
So you are wrong AGAIN 100%.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid.

At what point did Trump said anything good about this anti racist demonstrations all over the country?
Trump blasted mayor of Seattle. Mayor Durkan responded ..... go back to your bunker. So tell me Corell I know that you are a racist dog shit. Trump moron attacking the mayor. Does it helps?

I don’t really care if it bothers you or not. But Trump proved himself over and over that he is unfit, lousy and incompetent president. That’s the sad reality.

1. At several points. Pick one. Or don't. YOu don't care.

2. I have never given you cause to call me a racist. YOu are a dog fucker. Fuck you.

3. I don't know the details of why Trump attacked the Mayor. Your assumption that I follow ever statement Trump makes, like you do, with breathless abandon, would be wrong.

4. Also, fuck you some more, you race baiting asshole.

Truths sucks eh buddy..... Did I hurt your feelings?Good....... LOL. I’m cool in control. But I will never lower my class to your low low life class. I’ve been dealing with you for several years. You are a racist then you are a racist piece of crap now.

1. That I respond with harsh language to your vile lies, is not about my feelings, but about treating a piece of shit like you appropriately. That you are pretending to be too stupid to understand that, is noted and dismissed.

2. And when you make such lies, you are sinking well below me. I am still miles higher than you, because when I call you vile names, I am being honest and truthful, and fair, while when you do it, you are a piece of shit, smearing good people because you are a piece of shit. FUCK YOU.

3. I point out that you have no cause to call me "racist" and to support your accusation, you call me a "racist". I know that that is as good as your argument's get, so, thanks for trying. But, you lose you fucking faggot retard.

4. And to conclude, go choke on a bag of dicks.

I understand truth hurts. Did I blew your gaskets? Good. I’m glad I did that. I am by far classier than you Correl. You prove it here that you are nothing but a racist asshole. I’m sure Trump is so proud of you.... Sadly.

The truth? Nothing you have said is the Truth. IF it was, if you could demonstrate your claims, that would have some weight.

Instead, all you have, is repeating your smear, over and over again, like the piece of shit you are.
You started it Dick head. You know darn well I will blast you. Truth came out truth hurts. I showed you how bad is the photo op and link..... You can’t handle it....... then you went all over the place. Dude you are embarrassing yourself.,

Incorrect. I was talking to you fairly civilly when you called me "Racist dog shit" for no reason.

All you have demonstrated, is that you can't make your case and that when you fail, you start acting like an asshole.
Why not go back and read you post Dude???? I act like an asshole? Dude you are an asshole. Like I said you started it not me.. I will always wants to discuss in a proper manner professionally. Lots of you when loosing the arguments here comes the attacks..... You are no different.

In general, Obama was not very American president, destroying American freedoms such as the freedom to choose health care. If you don't believe in American freedoms you should not even be allowed to be an American president

But that is besides the point, Mac claims he is not partisan, yet he is hyper-partisan when it comes to Trump.

You ding Obama because of health care to insured more Americans. Why is that bad? Obama unAmerican? Trump dismantled Obamacare with no replacement. We have more uninsured Americans under Trump. Sadly.

Destroying American freedom? Oh! Please. Compared to Trump violations?
1. Firing of inspector Generals for check and balance without any explanation. That is called corruption.

2. Trump never stops licking Putin boots. Pushing Ukraine rape our democracy in 2016 election trying to save Putin despite his own intelligence that he hired told him Putin did it..... That is unAmerican.

3. Trump blasted all news media including his own Fox News because polls after polls he is 8 points behind Biden. Talking about an idiot. That is unAmerican.

4. Threatening mayors and governors in the middle of crisis. If he doesn’t have anything positive to say why not just STFU. That is unAmerican.

5. In his rallies attacking the democrats the democrats the democrats instigating violence against his own people the democrats. Who the fuck that kind of president does that? TRUMP.... that is unAmerican.

I can go on and on if you want. Bottom line Trump is a freak, unfit and incompetent.

Socialism is fundamentally anti-American.

The country was built for freedom, if you want free gibs over freedom I recommend Venezuela. Get the fuck out.

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