Where the hell were the parents?

To clarify, I'm not saying that all 19 year olds are incapable of being good parents. Most of them, however, are too immature to handle the responsibilty.
gop_jeff said:
To clarify, I'm not saying that all 19 year olds are incapable of being good parents. Most of them, however, are too immature to handle the responsibilty.

I'm sure -Cp would agree he's picked up wisdom in years...
Dave said:
Sure in developed countrys this happens, but not like it does in third world country's.

Part of the neglect of children in third world countrys is the fact that many of these storys go unreported in these primitive countrys.

As far as the behaviour of these third worlders in America:

Are you scared of being a victim???
Cause black people are the biggest victims.
See Here
-=d=- said:
He meant "As of today, he's 13...we didn't kill him as a baby"....not 'today's the anniversary of his birthday' ;)

:tng: Sorry, I thought he meant today was his birthday, LOL!
Nevermind -CP, LOL!
Thanks Darin ;)
gop_jeff said:
To clarify, I'm not saying that all 19 year olds are incapable of being good parents. Most of them, however, are too immature to handle the responsibilty.
I agree! :beer:
I think it all has to do with how they are raised...
Yes I know, you said most! Unfair to stereotype this couple
based on a iresponsable granny.
Are you scared of being a victim???
Cause black people are the biggest victims.
See Here
Ya the victims of other blacks, the closer or more blacks and hispanics that live in your area, the greater your chances are of being a victim of violent crime.
gop_jeff said:
Joker, valiant efforts, but it will fall on deaf ears. Dave and William Joyce are the board racists, and nothing you say will dissaude them from basing their outlook on life on the color of people's skin.
A racist is someone who does not believe that ALL groups of people are excatly the same.
-=d=- said:
...but the reward is, the greater your chances of seeing some VERY HOT WOMEN... :)
Ya, black is beautiful, and farts smell great.
Dave said:
A racist is someone who does not believe that ALL groups of people are excatly the same.
A racist is someone who groups all people of one race into one lump and then bashes the hell out of them.
Dave and all other non white loving people,
I should probably tell you that I really don't want to prove you wrong.
I actually just think it's funny to watch you make an ass out of yourself.
See...that works both ways.
OBTW my wife and daughter are black, and it is VERY beautiful.
gop_jeff said:
Joker, valiant efforts, but it will fall on deaf ears. Dave and William Joyce are the board racists, and nothing you say will dissaude them from basing their outlook on life on the color of people's skin.

Saying "race is nothing but a skin color" is like saying a Porsche and Gremlin are the same thing because they both have two doors.

In fact, race is a crucial package of genetics that determines intelligence, behavior and culture in ways more far-reaching than any environmental factor, bar none. We are not all fungible items walking around under different paint jobs. Racial differences go right down to the DNA. Thousands of years of human evolution in separate climates has made for markedly different sub-species. Blacks, to cite one example, have IQs that have since they were measured (WWI) been 15 points below that of whites, despite the spending of trillions of dollars on government welfare and education programs, affirmative action and political correctness. What the liberals (and too many conservatives) have forgotten is the Mother Nature is politically incorrect.
William Joyce said:
Saying "race is nothing but a skin color" is like saying a Porsche and Gremlin are the same thing because they both have two doors.

In fact, race is a crucial package of genetics that determines intelligence, behavior and culture in ways more far-reaching than any environmental factor, bar none. We are not all fungible items walking around under different paint jobs. Racial differences go right down to the DNA. Thousands of years of human evolution in separate climates has made for markedly different sub-species. Blacks, to cite one example, have IQs that have since they were measured (WWI) been 15 points below that of whites, despite the spending of trillions of dollars on government welfare and education programs, affirmative action and political correctness. What the liberals (and too many conservatives) have forgotten is the Mother Nature is politically incorrect.
What's your IQ???
I got a friend who's Blacker than night and I PROMISE...
He's alot smarter than you.
Are you a rocket scientist???
He is.

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