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Where will conservative white Christians come down on the battle between Trump and Pence

It's what they chose..... their free will, I suppose??

A cult of personality, or a cult of the leader,[1] is the result of an effort which is made to create an idealized and heroic image of a leader by a government, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. Historically, it has developed through techniques of mass media, propaganda, the big lie, fake news, spectacle, the arts, patriotism, and government-organized demonstrations and rallies. A cult of personality is similar to apotheosis, except that it is established by modern social engineering techniques, usually by the state or the party in one-party states and dominant-party states. A cult of personality often accompanies the leader of a totalitarian or authoritarian countries. It can also be seen in some monarchies, theocracies, and failed democracies.
I remember, early on after Escalator Day, when it was thought that he had no chance with the Christian Right. For obvious reasons.

Then there was that awkward period in which it was clear he'd stick around in the race, and we saw excuses being made to snuggle up to him. We saw a few of the bigger names in the Christian Right start to cross that bridge. Clumsily.

Now, with the astonishing fusion of QAnon into the movement, they just don't give a shit, and by the way, fuck you.

Very, very, very informative. We're learning a lot right now about their "faith".
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Where will conservative white Christians come down on the battle between Trump and Pence.
Trump can see that Pence is being painted as the hero in stopping Trump from stealing the election by many Republicans and Independents.
Trump came out with both barrels firing, against Pence, this weekend, at a Christian conference. The reaction was tepid at best.
Pence is a long time proven conservative white Christian.
Trump is Trump.
What battle? Another guy hates his boss? *yawn, oh, stretch, yawn*
More care would be given to stop the fraud. There are states so mired in falsity (like California) that a fair election will never be able to happen. It is up to forcing other states to maintain integrity. Now that they know what to look for.

Or do you mean that democrat election fraud is so massive and so entrenched that a fair election will never happen?
Elections aren't perfect, and never will be....some evil individuals will always seek out a way to commit fraud for the win of their candidate or party.... Most will get caught, but not all....thus my comment that elections will never be perfect....

What we've done thru state election laws over the decades,, is make it harder and harder to commit voter fraud with checks and balances put in at every turn to stop or catch the bad guys while not interfering with the ease of voting for the law abiding citizen exercising their constitutional right to vote.... At least that has been the general goal of each state....or the goal they claim to have....

Crooked Donald and his helpers, tried to steal this election from we the people so he could illegally stay in power. He tried to blow up our constitution and norms of our Nation like the peaceful transfer of power, to keep himself in power....a self coup de'tat.

We can turn our heads to this kind of lawlessness allowing it to easily happen again in the future, or we can be all that we can be, under the law, and hold accountable this kind of lawless, treasonous-like behavior.
And 8.6% inflation is insane. Christians are no more monolithic in their voting than any other group. I vote for Trump not because I think he's a saint. I vote for him because he understands what's at stake today. Pence is trying to remain relevant within the RINO element of the Party. He'll run for as long as he receives $ and he's welcome to do so.
No one was demanding that he overturn an election. That, like so many other stories, is just a lie. He had the power to challenge the legitimacy of the slate of electors from the battleground states where so many irregularities were found and ignored. Once they were investigated, adjudicated, and cleared, the results could then be certified.

The Dems stole an election in 2020 and we have yet to see the extent of the damage that did to our Republic. If they attempt to repeat that action, America as a free nation will be at its end. The faith in our elections was the last, best hope for the survival of America. Those who casually risked its destruction for the simple expedient of retaining power should be tried for treason and then executed.
The way we hear Progs talk and push violence, they seem to not get it yet. They are safe and secure within the swamp. For no one is taking them to task.
The way we hear Progs talk and push violence, they seem to not get it yet. They are safe and secure within the swamp. For no one is taking them to task.
And it's gratifying to watch them in the FAFO phase. The fun is coming.
You declared war on Germany in those days. Keeps only the question why Germany never did do anything bad to the USA in all history of mankind but you like to be continuously in war with us. Sure you will win this war. You are a country in the size of a continent. Same is Russia and China. And one thing is also totally clear in this context: Germany will lose the war Russia vs the Ukraine and Germany - independent what will happen there - will also lose the economic war USA vs China - independent what will happen in this war.
I posted how Trump was a much better president than the disaster Biden is.
You replied about WW2?
I have no problem with Germany now except that they promise weapons to Ukraine, but don't deliver them.
Maybe Germany is too afraid of Putin?
You need to look at Germany as part of NATO, not alone. So don't be afraid of Putin.

So just remember that Biden is a disaster. Trump was a good president. Germany is part of NATO.
You voted for an incestuous pedophile. That "moral high ground" you believe you're standing on is a mound of shit.

What's both ironic and pathetic is that these old hippie leftists absolutely hated the moral high ground when they perceived it to be held by the 'religious right' thru the 70's, 80's, and 90's. Now that they've managed to take over pop culture, education, 'media', etc.. and the supposed 'moral high ground' in this country, they've proven themselves to be even worse monsters than those they worked so hard to tear down off of it. Now that they're in charge, there is no hesitation to legislate and bully everyone into obeying and falling in line with their so called 'morals'. They somehow perceive themselves as better than their enemies, I guess they believe that since their so called 'morals' aren't based on a 'religion', what the fools fail to understand is that their belief system is every bit as much of a religion as any of the formal ones. So it's never been about 'morals', it's always been about power, and they are just as, if not more so, corrupted than any of the so called religious right when they strived to shape the culture. A good portion of the 60's and 70's generation were a pox on this nation, soon they'll all be gone and their power will be meaningless, and the fools just don't seem to get it.
What's both ironic and pathetic is that these old hippie leftists absolutely hated the moral high ground when they perceived it to be held by the 'religious right' thru the 70's, 80's, and 90's. Now that they've managed to take over pop culture, education, 'media', etc.. and the supposed 'moral high ground' in this country, they've proven themselves to be even worse monsters than those they worked so hard to tear down off of it. Now that they're in charge, there is no hesitation to legislate and bully everyone into obeying and falling in line with their so called 'morals'. They somehow perceive themselves as better than their enemies, I guess they believe that since their so called 'morals' aren't based on a 'religion', what the fools fail to understand is that their belief system is every bit as much of a religion as any of the formal ones. So it's never been about 'morals', it's always been about power, and they are just as, if not more so, corrupted than any of the so called religious right when they strived to shape the culture. A good portion of the 60's and 70's generation were a pox on this nation, soon they'll all be gone and their power will be meaningless, and the fools just don't seem to get it.
Except the young people are supportive of socialism. BIG problem.
I posted how Trump was a much better president than the disaster Biden is.
You replied about WW2?

No. To speak about world war 2 is the normal US-American action of super-idiots who don't like to listen what a German says. I said Trump declared war on Germany. And that Germany (and many other nations) will lose the Russian-Ukrainian war as well as we will lose the economic war USA-China. And this is independent from who will win or lose from this pepole who are doing this wars.
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Except that they have fed a few generations of their progeny to the devil and this will keep the evil going stronger than ever.

I think it will always be this way, evil reigns on Earth.

That's the other thing that amuses me about the left, they deny the nature of man/humanity to their own peril. That will never change, regardless of how much we 'progress' or how sophisticated we become, human nature will never change. Men will continue to do evil deeds until they no longer exist no matter how much 'love and acceptance' you preach to the masses. And the ones who truly believe in the leftist mantra of acceptance and inclusion, regardless of whether it's a good thing or not, are just pawns by the ones in control.
Not all of them, and if everything goes to shit, you will see a slide in the opposite direction.
The only way that will happen is if we can install the sense that supporting oneself is admirable, and relying on government support is a last resort when all other options are exhausted. Right now, young people - including married couples with children - are remaining unemployed, turning down $18 an hour jobs at Target because it’s not “good enough“ - and instead are content to get all sorts of welfare benefits. (if both parents took those jobs, even temporarily until something more to their liking turned up, they’d have $72,000 a year.)
The only way that will happen is if we can install the sense that supporting oneself is admirable, and relying on government support is a last resort when all other options are exhausted. Right now, young people - including married couples with children - are remaining unemployed, turning down $18 an hour jobs at Target because it’s not “good enough“ - and instead are content to get all sorts of welfare benefits. (if both parents took those jobs, even temporarily until something more to their liking turned up, they’d have $72,000 a year.)

Some will for sure, but I don't believe a majority will. I have 3 adult children in their mid 20's, two getting married this year, all successfully employed and hard working, one even has his own business. They're all 'liberal' in their thinking from a cultural standpoint, live and let live, but when it comes to government handouts and the present administration, they're not fans of that at all. And the same holds true for a lot of the younger generation in our family and with friends of the family as well. I still hold out hope.
Some will for sure, but I don't believe a majority will. I have 3 adult children in their mid 20's, two getting married this year, all successfully employed and hard working, one even has his own business. They're all 'liberal' in their thinking from a cultural standpoint, live and let live, but when it comes to government handouts and the present administration, they're not fans of that at all. And the same holds true for a lot of the younger generation in our family and with friends of the family as well. I still hold out hope.
Well, that is hopeful indeed. Thx.

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