Where's Hunter's Laptop?

  • How does Jeffery Epstein commit suicide in federal custody?
  • How does Hillary get away with destruction of evidence and obstruction of justice in her illegal server scandal?
  • Why is it that the Mueller Investigation proved nothing, but somehow got away with destruction of evidence?
  • How is it that two women were murdered in the Capital on Jan 6th and nobody was punished or even reprimanded?
  • Why is it every phone call or text message of conservatives living in Washington have been brought under investigation but nobody knows where the COVID virus came from, nor is anyone interested in finding out.
  • Why are people who weren't even inside the Capital on Jan 6th being charged with insurrection?
  • Why is it that as soon as the NYC District Attorney gives up on a witch hunt against Trump concerning his taxes because of lack of evidence....some schmuck judge goes way outside his authority to announce that Trump is probably guilty of crimes with respect to Jan 6th.
So true….

The worst disinformation campaign in modern US political history - worse than Russiagate - was the union of CIA, corporate media, and Big Tech to spread the absolute lie prior to the 2020 election that the Biden emails were "Russian disinformation." Still won't retract it: 👇Glenn Greenwald

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