Where's the line up of Democratic superstars to run for President in 2020?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Republicans had fourteen candidates in 2016, and all of them were highly qualified, and all of them would have made good Presidents.

Where are the Democrats, where are their future candidates?

They have no one.

Right now, the leadership of the Democrats is Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, old coots who are so far to the left, it's pathetic.

I think the normal people have all left the Democratic Party.
Keith Ellison: One of the planks in the 2020 Democratic Party Platform will be the demand the US Constitution be replaced by Sharia Law as the basis for all US Law.
The Democratic Party is a wholly owned and operated subsidiary of CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood and has been since 2004 and as such is an agent of a foreign enemy entity. All party officials, representatives and supporters should be treated as such.
America had nothing but a cast of sorryassed clowns and misfits yearning for the position in 2016. And you want to look to 2020 to continue the dysfunction. And all the while your leadership will still be Goldman Sachs and Wall Street.
Republicans had fourteen candidates in 2016, and all of them were highly qualified, and all of them would have made good Presidents.

Where are the Democrats, where are their future candidates?

They have no one.

Right now, the leadership of the Democrats is Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, old coots who are so far to the left, it's pathetic.

I think the normal people have all left the Democratic Party.
Must be why trump lost the popular vote by 3 million- right?
Jeez we just got over one campaign. It's way too early to even guess who'll be going up against Pence.

Hillary is finished.

Bernie will be dead by then.

Tim Kaine isn't Presidential material.

Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein and Chuck Schumer are Old Guard and tired and are part of the Elitist Problem that the Democrats have at the moment.

Elizabeth Warren is too far out there in Left Field to withstand a vigorous scrutiny.

Michelle won't touch it with a ten-foot pole, and much of America reciprocates the feeling.

Chelsea is the product of the Most Humiliating Defeat the Democrats have suffered since Jimmah Abduhl Carter.

John-John is dead, Caroline won't touch the thing either, and the rest of the Kennedys would be non-starters in the Presidential marketplace.

Where, indeed.
Republicans had fourteen candidates in 2016, and all of them were highly qualified, and all of them would have made good Presidents.

Where are the Democrats, where are their future candidates?

They have no one.

Right now, the leadership of the Democrats is Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, old coots who are so far to the left, it's pathetic.

I think the normal people have all left the Democratic Party.

that's four years away you absurd little ignorant twit
Republicans had fourteen candidates in 2016, and all of them were highly qualified, and all of them would have made good Presidents.

Where are the Democrats, where are their future candidates?

They have no one.

Right now, the leadership of the Democrats is Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, old coots who are so far to the left, it's pathetic.

I think the normal people have all left the Democratic Party.

I actually feel bad sometimes that some people (see OP) are actually as dumb as they are. I mean, how do you dress yourself and remember to breath at the same time?

Remember to breath? Try "breathe"!
Republicans had fourteen candidates in 2016, and all of them were highly qualified, and all of them would have made good Presidents.

Where are the Democrats, where are their future candidates?

They have no one.

Right now, the leadership of the Democrats is Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, old coots who are so far to the left, it's pathetic.

I think the normal people have all left the Democratic Party.

that's four years away you absurd little ignorant twit
LOL, all that hate must keep you warm at night!!!
Republicans had fourteen candidates in 2016, and all of them were highly qualified, and all of them would have made good Presidents.

Where are the Democrats, where are their future candidates?

They have no one.

Right now, the leadership of the Democrats is Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, old coots who are so far to the left, it's pathetic.

I think the normal people have all left the Democratic Party.

If you can elect a T.V. Reality star, I am certain the field has extended into Dancing with the Stars and other areas that you haven't even thought about yet--LOL


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