Whether it's true or not a lot of people are going to think that the assassination attempt was planned.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Just as many democrats believe that Trump staged his own assassination.... There are likely an equal number of people who suspect that the series of fumbling operations that led up to a successful attack on the former president weren't just ineptitude but instead purposeful downgrading of operational procedure.

When you see a bus speeding towards a person you hate you have two choices. You can holler at the top of your lungs and try to warn him so he gets out of the way or you can crack a wry smile, close your mouth and stand back to watch the fun.

The Secret service, Homeland security and affiliated federal agencies zipped their lips and stood back to watch with crossed fingers until they were forced to act.
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Well, obviously the stupid fool "planned" to climb up on the roof with his rifle and shoot. What is not believable is that any professionals would be involved with that stupid, pitiful fool.
Well, obviously the stupid fool "planned" to climb up on the roof with his rifle and shoot. What is not believable is that any professionals would be involved with that stupid, pitiful fool.

Haven't you been listening to some of the MAGAts? They are not only stupid but even stupider than stupid.
Just as many democrats believe that Trump staged his own assassination.... There are likely an equal number of people who suspect that the series of fumbling operations that led up to a successful attack on the former president weren't just ineptitude of purposeful downgrading of operational procedure. When you see a bus speeding towards a person you hate you have two choices you can holler at the top of your lungs and try to want him so he gets out of the way or you can crack a wry smile, close your mouth and stand back to watch the fun. The Secret service, Homeland security and affiliated federal agencies zip their lips and stood back to watch until they were forced to act.

Multiple errors combined with the repeated declines for increases to his security, and, the target being Trump who has been in the crosshairs of legal efforts and artificially produced dossiers? This ensures that suspicions will always be present.

This attack has resonated with both sides of the aisle (and voters). It has also become a viral moment that Trump couldn't possibly have enough money to have sent.

For instance, I saw a video of kids in Africa re-enacting the assassin to the point the kid who was supposed to play Trump, pumps his fist in the air, his friends protecting him (playing the role of secret service) as they whisked the kid away.

That image has gone viral and then some.

Oh, I might add. The obfuscation by the head of the secret service has gone viral as well with allies. This doesn't help.
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At this point if Trump dropped dead in public from natural causes (he's old enough to pass at any moment, statistically), conspiracy stories would still emerge by the hundreds.
Just as many democrats believe that Trump staged his own assassination.... There are likely an equal number of people who suspect that the series of fumbling operations that led up to a successful attack on the former president weren't just ineptitude of purposeful downgrading of operational procedure. When you see a bus speeding towards a person you hate you have two choices you can holler at the top of your lungs and try to want him so he gets out of the way or you can crack a wry smile, close your mouth and stand back to watch the fun. The Secret service, Homeland security and affiliated federal agencies zipped their lips and stood back to watch with crossed fingers until they were forced to act.

Even without an assassination attempt "a lot of people" will believe a lot of stupid shit. That's US politics. Most of it is fought in a fantasy world.
Well, obviously the stupid fool "planned" to climb up on the roof with his rifle and shoot. What is not believable is that any professionals would be involved with that stupid, pitiful fool.
precisely. this is not grassy knoll quality shooting. for sniping you need a sniper. biden has several on his payroll if he wants that, and doesn't have to kill the patsy at the scene when he has pardon power and immunity.
3/8 of an inch over and this plot wouldn't seem so stupid, with a dead supposed assassin and a favorable outcome for some. Wasn't long after that that Biden dropped out, was it? Shouldn't this be in the Coincidence Theory forum? Oh yeah we don't have one.
Well, obviously the stupid fool "planned" to climb up on the roof with his rifle and shoot. What is not believable is that any professionals would be involved with that stupid, pitiful fool.
Then we have to ask, why is politics “fought in a fantasy world”?

I believe it’s because we don’t have actual journalism anymore. And, we don’t have true transparency with consequences attached.

Department heads, of alphabet agencies, most of which are unconstitutional, don’t believe that Congress has oversight.
Even without an assassination attempt "a lot of people" will believe a lot of stupid shit. That's US politics. Most of it is fought in a fantasy world.

You mean like Trump Staged his own assassination attempt? That kind of thing?
You mean like Trump Staged his own assassination attempt? That kind of thing?

I was going more for there are fairies who are going around stealing everyone's mojo and placing it in a fire pit of hell, then producing huge three kilometer round bagels which are then used to smash bananas into each other in order to find the meaning of life, the universe and sexy underwear....
Well, obviously the stupid fool "planned" to climb up on the roof with his rifle and shoot. What is not believable is that any professionals would be involved with that stupid, pitiful fool.
What would make a 20-year-old kid give up this life like that? If he had any type of intelligence at all he had to know he was going to die.
I was going more for there are fairies who are going around stealing everyone's mojo and placing it in a fire pit of hell, then producing huge three kilometer round bagels which are then used to smash bananas into each other in order to find the meaning of life, the universe and sexy underwear....
So to sum up: you're one of the former.
Then we have to ask, why is politics “fought in a fantasy world”?

I believe it’s because we don’t have actual journalism anymore. And, we don’t have true transparency with consequences attached.

Department heads, of alphabet agencies, most of which are unconstitutional, don’t believe that Congress has oversight.
The NY Times has been doing excellent reporting on the attempt. Just this morning they published this excellent story:

It’s there, it’s just that large swaths of right wingers have been brainwashed to deny its existence.

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