Zone1 Which came first, Christianity or Judaism?

That's a lot of supposition to say that Jesus was the one who talked with Moses.

And, if Christianity actually was the "first religion" why did God bother to let the Hebrews create Judaism?

God actually favored Abraham because of his willingness to sacrifice his son when God told him to, and his descendants were chosen by God to be His people, which is why Jews are called God's Chosen.
All the tribes were chosen, not just the Jews. Judaism was created by a sect of the Jews called the Pharisees. The other 'Hebrews' were long gone when they rose about 150 years before Christ.
All the tribes were chosen, not just the Jews. Judaism was created by a sect of the Jews called the Pharisees. The other 'Hebrews' were long gone when they rose about 150 years before Christ.
Mr. Nutz------your jelly bean lady misled you
surada disagreed because matthew the roman shill said Jesus did not want to
wash his hands anymore

Joseph Smith---the 19th century "St Paul" replete with delusions----in his case of

What are you talking about?
It's the early history of all of Israel, not just the Jews (tribe of Judah). It's a great read, you should try it. ;)
Mr. Nutz-----wrong again--- ALL the "CHILDREN OF ISRAEL"---aka The descendants of
JACOB------came to be called JEWS because all are of the KINGDOM OF JUDAH---Jacob
aka Israel named his son JUDAH to be King over all of his descendants----read it again
Yes, according to the CHRISTIAN Bible. But, that leaves out over 2/3rds of the population, as Christianity doesn't encompass all human beings. What about the Buddhists, Hindus, and all the other religions? Do you really think that a loving God is going to consign the majority of His creation to everlasting damnation just because they don't believe a certain religion? I don't.
God hasn't consigned anyone to everlasting damnation...yet. That will occur at the Judgment.
Jesus Was the First Protestant

It was the Jewish high priests, collaborators with Roman occupation, who requested Pilate to execute Jesus. When Christianity developed its own vicious hierarchy, which also collaborated with the decadent Roman upper class, they shifted the blame to the Jewish laity.

The Sanhedrin was Jewish laity?
What are you talking about?
the concept of 'BRITISH ISRAEL" It is both a mormon and an anglican delusion and is
the actual reason that "KING CHARLES" was anointed with olive oil from Jerusalem
(quaint and cute----isn't it?)
God hasn't consigned anyone to everlasting damnation...yet. That will occur at the Judgment.
Damn----I had such high hopes for my X hubbie (make that low hopes)
Mr. Nutz-----wrong again--- ALL the "CHILDREN OF ISRAEL"---aka The descendants of
JACOB------came to be called JEWS because all are of the KINGDOM OF JUDAH---Jacob
aka Israel named his son JUDAH to be King over all of his descendants----read it again
It's true that "David shall never want for a man to rule over "the house of Israel", but that has nothing to do with Judaism.

Paul was a "Jew of the Jews" in the religious sense, but he was a Benjamite. Many in Judea were "Jews" as well, even though they weren't descendants of the tribe of Judah.
the concept of 'BRITISH ISRAEL" It is both a mormon and an anglican delusion and is
the actual reason that "KING CHARLES" was anointed with olive oil from Jerusalem
(quaint and cute----isn't it?)

Damn----I had such high hopes for my X hubbie (make that low hopes)

British Israelism is nonsense... always was.
Mr. Nutz-----wrong again--- ALL the "CHILDREN OF ISRAEL"---aka The descendants of
JACOB------came to be called JEWS because all are of the KINGDOM OF JUDAH---Jacob
aka Israel named his son JUDAH to be King over all of his descendants----read it again
rosie, the only reason all the tribes are considered to be "Jews" is because Jews have succeeded in leading everyone to believe it, likely because they want to be the only 'chosen' people. Clever rascals, them Jews. ;)
Christ will save the Jews who are his ancient covenant people from all nations that gather against them in the last days. He loves them and still recognizes them and saves them. It is then that they will come to the realization that Jesus is their God.
Jesus already did save them, as he saved all of us. All Jews need to do is accept him as their Lord and Savior, and that he is the Messiah.
I'll attempt to decipher your gibberish.

If you are speaking about Jesus and His virgin mother, Mary, as well as the place of His birth, you've clearly missed the point of the Bible story and it's history. You MUST start at the beginning in the Book of Genesis. The fall of man is the key that answers the need for Jesus Christ.
The Holocaust Was Nerd-Bashing. So Is All Anti-semitism.

Eating (reading or investigating) from the fruit (information and ideas) of the Tree of Knowledge leads to being called "a bookworm, a nerd, a freak," with implications of being a wimp and a loser.

Using that unusual symbol in the Bible is more evidence for my interpretation that the Jews were a group of High IQs in Sumeria and paid a high price for their intelligence. The rulers are threatened by that, so they overpowered the deep thinkers, which made the Jews go into the escapism of theology.
The Catholics have labeled the Protestants non-Christian, the Protestants have labeled the Catholics non-Christian, they both have labeled Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints non-Christian and so on and so on. Basically people tend to label those who are not of their faith as non-Christian. Personally I believe that anyone who believes that Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of the world are Christians. What we really don't agree on is the interpretation of scripture and the history of and meaning of many of the teachings and practices found in Christian History. I would bet that if we all went through the teachings of Christ, we probably all agree on over 50% of what we could list. Certain teachings, differences, meanings, and practices are what separates us from coming to a unity of the faith. An example of this is that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that Old Testament prophets were not living in sin when living Polygamous marriages and that they were accepted by God. We also believe that God restored this God accepted practice for a period of time back in the early days of the church. Other Christian sects don't agree with us on this doctrine. Another example is why Protestants originally broke away from the Catholic church over issue of the Catholic doctrines. What I have read is that they broke away primarily because they thought the Catholics strayed from the doctrine of being saved by grace alone. Catholics hold that because they came before other Christian sects that they are the original church of Christ. There are many arguments between the many Christian sects that keep them all apart. Latter-day Saints argue that the original Church of Jesus Christ fell into apostasy after the murder of most of the Apostles of Christ and that the church needed to be restored. We believe it was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. So disagreements over who holds the truth and who has the true church has been going on for over a thousand years. This why everyone points to the others and not being Christian.
No True God Would Allow All That, Done in His Name
The foreign nationals gathered against the Jews in 66 AD. They fought under Vespasian and Titus. It was a shortcut to Roman citizenship for people who lived in the Roman empire.
But Jesus did not come then and his feet were not placed upon the Mount of Olives and so you have got the wrong History for what was prophesied.
The problem that I have with Jesus and God being one and the same is that when Jesus was asked when He would return, He said that He didn't know, as only The Father (God) knew the answer to that question. So..............if Jesus and God were one and the same, why did Jesus say that He didn't know when He'd return, only God knew the answer to that?

that's not true, jesus knew and anyone else knows through the heavenly prescribed religion of antiquity - the triumph of either good vs evil in completion will be the day of final judgement.
British Israelism is nonsense... always was.
Yes it is-----but it is firmly believed by lots of Anglicans. The whole
Anglican/Episcopalian atrocity is nonsensical but it has very important
impact in the WHOLE USA. It certainly permeated my little hometown
and the very jelly bean classes to which I was exposed. Poor Jefferson
was so horrified with it-----that he became a "christian" who rejected the
concept of the divinity of Jesus. "PARLOR CHRISTIAN FOR SOCIAL PLACE"

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