Zone1 Which came first, Christianity or Judaism?

Sin brings a curse.

That is called the fear of God, something you don't seem to understand or give a damn about.

- a good reason not to sin, including mortality.

who is sinless need not fear the judgment of the heavens.
Jesus already did save them, as he saved all of us. All Jews need to do is accept him as their Lord and Savior, and that he is the Messiah.
The way that you numbskulls present the story and teachings of Jesus will never convince the Jewish people that Jesus is the Messiah. You will only convince them that Jesus was and you are insane. What you profess to believe brings the name of Jesus into disrepute. Way to go schmuck.

The "Jesus died for my sins so that I can be an asshole for life with impunity" never was the truth.
^^^ Good example of antisemitism….declaring Gd has cursed the Jews.
The Extinction Distinction

Have you heard the one that you're all descended from Esau and aren't at all the true Jews descended from Jacob? Esau's descendants became the Arab terrorists and killed off most of the True Jews. The few survivors by Jesus's time all became Christians. This connects the Jews as "God's chosen people" with Christianity being the choice of the only True Jews who survived.

Carrying the religious insanity even further, it proves that Israel has no right to exist if Jews don't exist.
The way that you numbskulls present the story and teachings of Jesus will never convince the Jewish people that Jesus is the Messiah. You will only convince them that Jesus was and you are insane. What you profess to believe brings the name of Jesus into disrepute. Way to go schmuck.

"Schmuck"........................I see what you did there..................kudos.
All the tribes were chosen, not just the Jews. Judaism was created by a sect of the Jews called the Pharisees. The other 'Hebrews' were long gone when they rose about 150 years before Christ.

It's the early history of all of Israel, not just the Jews (tribe of Judah). Don't be afraid to read it for yourself. ;)

Actually, ALL of the 12 Tribes of Israel were considered to be Jewish. far as your b.s.. about pharisees.......................

Pharisees didn't create Judaism. They had a major impact on Judaism as it stood, and changed it to reflect a great deal of what it is today.
Actually, ALL of the 12 Tribes of Israel were considered to be Jewish. far as your b.s.. about pharisees.......................

Pharisees didn't create Judaism. They had a major impact on Judaism as it stood, and changed it to reflect a great deal of what it is today.
WRONG. They were an ancient sect which no longer exists.
That's a lot of supposition to say that Jesus was the one who talked with Moses.

And, if Christianity actually was the "first religion" why did God bother to let the Hebrews create Judaism?

God actually favored Abraham because of his willingness to sacrifice his son when God told him to, and his descendants were chosen by God to be His people, which is why Jews are called God's Chosen.
I'm sorry to inform you but Judaism did not begin in the days of Abraham. Judah, who is the Father of the Jews was not even born yet. Abraham was the Father of Isaac who was the Father of Jacob from whom the House of Israel came to be. Judah was only one of the sons of Jacob (Israel). No Jew existed at the time of Abraham. It wasn't until Moses went up into the Mount to get the higher law of God and later came down and found the children of Israel practicing idolatry and all manner of sins that he broke the plates that contained the higher law and later received from God the lesser law which is known as the Ten Commandments. God later revealed other diverse laws and ordinances that were part of the lesser law. The Israelites lived that lesser law from the days of Moses until John the Baptist came being filled with the Holy Ghost, which the Israelites as a whole did not have because of their wickedness and hard heartedness. Judaism from the days of Moses until today still believe they are under the lesser Law of Moses and have rejected Christ and the higher law of the gospel. But the God of the Old Testament was Christ and He is the Lord that was to suffer and die and also the one who will come at his second coming as King of the world. It was Christ who instituted the law of sacrifice to Adam and Eve and it was he who spoke with all the prophets of old and it was he who is the great I AM as he stated in John 8. Through Jesus Christ, God the Father has revealed all things that have been revealed unto us. That includes both the New and the Old Testament revelations. The Jews as part of the House of Israel has survived as a known group of the Israelites and still hold to the Law of Moses which was revealed unto them by Christ and have rejected the higher law which Jesus fulfilled at his first coming. It has always been Jesus who has revealed all that we have from God. Thus Christianity has been around since Adam and Eve on this earth and will continue to be around till the end of the earth.
I'm sorry to inform you but Judaism did not begin in the days of Abraham. Judah, who is the Father of the Jews was not even born yet. Abraham was the Father of Isaac who was the Father of Jacob from whom the House of Israel came to be. Judah was only one of the sons of Jacob (Israel). No Jew existed at the time of Abraham. It wasn't until Moses went up into the Mount to get the higher law of God and later came down and found the children of Israel practicing idolatry and all manner of sins that he broke the plates that contained the higher law and later received from God the lesser law which is known as the Ten Commandments. God later revealed other diverse laws and ordinances that were part of the lesser law. The Israelites lived that lesser law from the days of Moses until John the Baptist came being filled with the Holy Ghost, which the Israelites as a whole did not have because of their wickedness and hard heartedness. Judaism from the days of Moses until today still believe they are under the lesser Law of Moses and have rejected Christ and the higher law of the gospel. But the God of the Old Testament was Christ and He is the Lord that was to suffer and die and also the one who will come at his second coming as King of the world. It was Christ who instituted the law of sacrifice to Adam and Eve and it was he who spoke with all the prophets of old and it was he who is the great I AM as he stated in John 8. Through Jesus Christ, God the Father has revealed all things that have been revealed unto us. That includes both the New and the Old Testament revelations. The Jews as part of the House of Israel has survived as a known group of the Israelites and still hold to the Law of Moses which was revealed unto them by Christ and have rejected the higher law which Jesus fulfilled at his first coming. It has always been Jesus who has revealed all that we have from God. Thus Christianity has been around since Adam and Eve on this earth and will continue to be around till the end of the earth.
You Ignore one critical fact-Under Judaism, there is only ONE divine Being-GOD HIMSELF and He has no Son.
Your link says they only existed in ancient Israel. Have you ever considered Remedial Reading? Some of their ideas are not them. All Jews today observe the Oral Law(Talmud)but the Torah is the primary source. link for your claim, just insults. Good to know.
You Ignore one critical fact-Under Judaism, there is only ONE divine Being-GOD HIMSELF and He has no Son.
Right. God has no equal and there is no other God in existence either above or below him.

Son of God was always just a relational metaphor indicating an intimacy with and knowledge of God like Moses had, which was greater than that of an ordinary prophet called "servant of God".

"A servant does not know what his master is about."
Actually, ALL of the 12 Tribes of Israel were considered to be Jewish.
Only Judah, Levi, and Benjamin were considered to be "Jews", and Benjamin and Levi only religiously/ceremoniously. The other ten tribes were never Jewish.

At no time was the Levitical priesthood called the "Jewish priesthood". In fact, no Jew was ever a temple priest as only the descendants of Levi could hold that position.

While it is true that the "throne of David" ruled over all Israel for a time that rule ended in the days of Rehoboam and Jeroboam, at least in Judea. The "Jews" remained in Judea and became "the house of Judah", also called the "southern kingdom. The other 10 tribes under Jeroboam established "the house of Israel" or the "northern kingdom" in Samaria.
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