Which Came First Creation Or Evolution?

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015
Dr. Henry Morris, states, "One question remains. Assuming Satan to be the real source of the evolutionary concept, how did it originate in his mind? . . . A possible answer to this mystery could be that Satan, the father of lies, has not only deceived the whole world and the angelic hosts who followed him--he has even deceived himself! The only way he could really know about creation (just as the only way we can know about creation) was for God to tell him! . . . . He refused to believe and accept the Word of God concerning his own creation and place in God's economy . . . He therefore deceived himself into supposing that all things, including himself and including God, had been evolved by natural processes out of the primordial stuff of the universe. . . ." (Morris, Troubled Waters of Evolution, 1974, pp 74-75)."

He is correct in stating that we know about creation through the Bible or God's Word. Evolution came afterward as we see during the times of Paul, the Epicureans and Stoics.


"The Theory of Biological Evolution is most often associated with Charles Darwin, because it was Charles Darwin that proposed the mechanism of natural selection and accompanied that proposition with a large volume of empirical data providing evidence for biological evolution.

Darwin was not, however, the first person to propose an evolutionary explanation for the diversity of life on earth. In fact, evolutionary concepts about life date far back into history and arose in many different cultures. The Greeks developed a concept of evolution over 2,300 years ago that was basically equivalent to that of Charles Darwin's, but the early Christians opposed the idea and destroyed all of the works that promoted it or any other naturalistic explanations for earthly phenomena."

Understanding Evolution: History, Theory, Evidence, and Implictions

ETA: Both of my sources are atheist, so they could be lying. Still, the first one brings up an interesting question. We find science backs up the Bible, but science doesn't back up evolution. Thus, the first one is the truth and not the myth.
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Creation of course....when you put bacteria in a flask it will evolve and change and multiply...but the bacteria in the flask was created by you....
It is funny to see all those that they claim to believe in evolution, yet do not practice or support it.
Hades has done a fantastic job of fooling the world into forgetting Zeus and believing all these other, sillier religions.
Assuming Satan to be the real source of the evolutionary concept,...
Satan, the father of lies
When you assume, you make an ASS of U and ME.

Since God "created" Satan, than God is the father of the father of lies!
It is funny to see all those that they claim to believe in evolution, yet do not practice or support it.
Whether you believe or support it or not, we are all practicing it.

And how are you practicing it?
And here I thought I had already seen the stupidest question of the day a few threads ago

So in other words you admit that you do not practice it, yet by saying we all practice it.
It is funny to see all those that they claim to believe in evolution, yet do not practice or support it.
Whether you believe or support it or not, we are all practicing it.
And how are you practicing it?
And here I thought I had already seen the stupidest question of the day a few threads ago

TRANSLATION: Shit! Got called out on the carpet again and I haven't a fucking single smart thing to say to actually cover my ass! Never thought anyone would call my bluff and expect me to actually EXPLAIN one of my shitstain-stupid remarks!
Creation of course....when you put bacteria in a flask it will evolve and change and multiply...but the bacteria in the flask was created by you....

You seem to agree that creation came first, but your example has flaws.

One doesn't create bacteria. It grows from contamination in the air, i.e. it was already present in the air and accumulated in the flask. Only life can begat life. This is what the Bible states, so creation from God came first.
You seem to agree that creation came first, but your example has flaws.

One doesn't create bacteria. It grows from contamination in the air, i.e. it was already present in the air and accumulated in the flask. Only life can begat life. This is what the Bible states, so creation from God came first.
That is why I said in a flask...there was no bacteria in the flask until you placed it in there...therefor you created it in the flask...for something to evolve it must be created first...
Hades has done a fantastic job of fooling the world into forgetting Zeus and believing all these other, sillier religions.

Hades is in the Bible as grave. I think Zeus is the word for bright sky. The Greek myths came from the Bible just like all the other myths showing creation came first.
when i pee on god for rape, slavery and baby killing i wonder if he will turn my pee stream into a lightning bolt with his daddy magic and make my penis explode
Assuming Satan to be the real source of the evolutionary concept,...
Satan, the father of lies
When you assume, you make an ASS of U and ME.

Since God "created" Satan, than God is the father of the father of lies!

You just made an ass of yourself. God created Lucifer as an angel who became his greatest angel. Lucifer became Satan or devil when he went against God wanting equal status as God. He did it to himself through free will.

This is what Dr. Henry Morris was stating when he said Satan created evolution to go against creation. Did Satan know it was a lie? No, Morris states he assumed this is how creatures and other living things, including himself came into being through nature in the universe. It included God. If Satan knew it was a lie, then he would have had to admit creation was true.
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It is funny to see all those that they claim to believe in evolution, yet do not practice or support it.
Whether you believe or support it or not, we are all practicing it.

And how are you practicing it?
And here I thought I had already seen the stupidest question of the day a few threads ago

It's a valid question because God states that non-believers know inside what is true, but are covering up their homosexuality or other penchant for Hollywood values.
You seem to agree that creation came first, but your example has flaws.

One doesn't create bacteria. It grows from contamination in the air, i.e. it was already present in the air and accumulated in the flask. Only life can begat life. This is what the Bible states, so creation from God came first.
That is why I said in a flask...there was no bacteria in the flask until you placed it in there...therefor you created it in the flask...for something to evolve it must be created first...

Ha ha. The flask would have to be open to the air and bacteria get in. This would not happen in a sealed flask. Easily demonstrated by experiment.

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