which is more destructive to the sanctity of marriage?

which is more destructive to the sanctity of marriage?

  • Divorce is more destructive.

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Gay marriage is more destructive.

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
The defense of marraige act will no longer be enforced by our government. Thank God for small favors. First let me say that the government has absolutely no business in the lives of it's citizens churches and especially their bedrooms. The next thing to do now is to get the churches out of our bedrooms.

Which is more destructive to the "sanctity of marriage"? Gay marriage or divorce? IMO it must be divorce. The divorce rate is over 50% in this country, and I recognize that repeat offenders artificially inflate that number, but not by that much.

The gay community is realatively small but compared to the press they get and the outrage directed at them for wanting the same rights as everyone else (as per the constitution) is unbelievable. You can see just about every reverend, priest, or pastor condemn the gay community and rail against them. They have gone far into the political arena to try and guarantee they do not get equal rights i.e. marriage. Why would they do this? IMO it is because organized religion has become an elitist organization. They need to make themselves feel superior to everyone else. This is why everyone else is going to hell but them and their particular brand of religion.:(

Divorce, is the third rail of religion. Pastors, preists, and reverends rarely, if at all, ever talk about divorce. Why is that? IMO it is because they do not want to loose their congregation. If they were to turn the same effort and energy they use against gays, against their own parrishoners, for divorcing they wouldn't have a congregation left. It is true that in the bible the appostles gave exceptions and reasons for divorce, but Jesus and God never did, hmm....can you imagine a priest saying "I'm sorry, but you can't get divorced because what is bound on earth is bound in heaven, Jesus says." The reply would be even funnier, "But Paul said...." I didn't realize that Paul trumps Jesus?:eek:

So the question I have is what is more destructive to the institution of Marriage? Homosexuals or Divorce?
The defense of marraige act will no longer be enforced by our government. Thank God for small favors. First let me say that the government has absolutely no business in the lives of it's citizens churches and especially their bedrooms. The next thing to do now is to get the churches out of our bedrooms.

Which is more destructive to the "sanctity of marriage"? Gay marriage or divorce? IMO it must be divorce. The divorce rate is over 50% in this country, and I recognize that repeat offenders artificially inflate that number, but not by that much.

The gay community is realatively small but compared to the press they get and the outrage directed at them for wanting the same rights as everyone else (as per the constitution) is unbelievable. You can see just about every reverend, priest, or pastor condemn the gay community and rail against them. They have gone far into the political arena to try and guarantee they do not get equal rights i.e. marriage. Why would they do this? IMO it is because organized religion has become an elitist organization. They need to make themselves feel superior to everyone else. This is why everyone else is going to hell but them and their particular brand of religion.:(

Divorce, is the third rail of religion. Pastors, preists, and reverends rarely, if at all, ever talk about divorce. Why is that? IMO it is because they do not want to loose their congregation. If they were to turn the same effort and energy they use against gays, against their own parrishoners, for divorcing they wouldn't have a congregation left. It is true that in the bible the appostles gave exceptions and reasons for divorce, but Jesus and God never did, hmm....can you imagine a priest saying "I'm sorry, but you can't get divorced because what is bound on earth is bound in heaven, Jesus says." The reply would be even funnier, "But Paul said...." I didn't realize that Paul trumps Jesus?:eek:

So the question I have is what is more destructive to the institution of Marriage? Homosexuals or Divorce?
You are so wrong it is laughable. For one thing Gay marriage is not protected in the constitution. They do not get any more rights than anyone else, even though they think they do. Pastors, Ministers, and Priests are always talking about divorce. And as far as obamaturd not following the law in defending DOMA, impeach him!
Much of the increase in Divorce rate is a result of people not fucking dying any more

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Politically-Incorrect-Guide-Women-Feminism/dp/1596980036]Amazon.com: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex And Feminism (9781596980037): Carrie L. Lukas: Books[/ame]
"So the question I have is what is more destructive to the institution of Marriage? Homosexuals or Divorce?"


My own answer if more choices, would be a "marriage license." :D
Boehner Says House Will Intervene To Support Defense of Marriage Act

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said on Friday that he will begin the process for House intervention in litigation over the constitutionality of the federal Defense of Marriage Act.

Boehner said he intends to convene the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group, which, under House rules, has the authority to instruct the Office of House General Counsel to take legal action on behalf of that chamber.

President Barack Obama last month announced that he had determined, after consultation with Attorney General Eric Holder, that the law, known as DOMA, would not pass constitutional muster under a heightened review standard. As a result, Holder said he would inform district courts in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2d Circuit as well as the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit that the department would no longer defend the law. He also said Congress should have the opportunity to defend the law.

Boehner Says House Will Intervene To Support Defense of Marriage Act - The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times
Congress wrote the stinking law.....let THEM defend it
People, we can't let fag marriage happen.

Can you imagine the damage to the children if Republicans don't have the Law to help them resist abandoning their children and eloping with their gay lovers they met in the bathroom?
"So the question I have is what is more destructive to the institution of Marriage? Homosexuals or Divorce?"


My own answer if more choices, would be a "marriage license." :D

Entitlement programs would be another HUGE one. ( Welfare )
The most destructive thing to the sanctity of marriage is marraige itself.

Without a doubt!

Anyone who doesn't think so has obviously never been married.
The defense of marraige act will no longer be enforced by our government. Thank God for small favors. First let me say that the government has absolutely no business in the lives of it's citizens churches and especially their bedrooms. The next thing to do now is to get the churches out of our bedrooms.

Which is more destructive to the "sanctity of marriage"? Gay marriage or divorce? IMO it must be divorce. The divorce rate is over 50% in this country, and I recognize that repeat offenders artificially inflate that number, but not by that much.

The gay community is realatively small but compared to the press they get and the outrage directed at them for wanting the same rights as everyone else (as per the constitution) is unbelievable. You can see just about every reverend, priest, or pastor condemn the gay community and rail against them. They have gone far into the political arena to try and guarantee they do not get equal rights i.e. marriage. Why would they do this? IMO it is because organized religion has become an elitist organization. They need to make themselves feel superior to everyone else. This is why everyone else is going to hell but them and their particular brand of religion.:(

Divorce, is the third rail of religion. Pastors, preists, and reverends rarely, if at all, ever talk about divorce. Why is that? IMO it is because they do not want to loose their congregation. If they were to turn the same effort and energy they use against gays, against their own parrishoners, for divorcing they wouldn't have a congregation left. It is true that in the bible the appostles gave exceptions and reasons for divorce, but Jesus and God never did, hmm....can you imagine a priest saying "I'm sorry, but you can't get divorced because what is bound on earth is bound in heaven, Jesus says." The reply would be even funnier, "But Paul said...." I didn't realize that Paul trumps Jesus?:eek:

So the question I have is what is more destructive to the institution of Marriage? Homosexuals or Divorce?
You are so wrong it is laughable. For one thing Gay marriage is not protected in the constitution. They do not get any more rights than anyone else, even though they think they do. Pastors, Ministers, and Priests are always talking about divorce. And as far as obamaturd not following the law in defending DOMA, impeach him!

Gay people aren't getting anymore rights, they just want the same rights you have. What would those rights be, anyway? I think that's just something you repeatedly throw out there without a shred of proof. That's intellectually dishonest. Put up or shut up.
Throwing fits about gay marriage is a perfect way of deflecting from the real problem, divorce.

Rest assured broken families and having kids watch the 2 people they love the most sling mud on each other is a hell of a lot worse than Tom+Bob down the street having a sheet of paper and a ceremony.
  • Thanks
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Congress wrote the stinking law.....let THEM defend it

not their job, man.

I don't really care....they passed an idefensible law

Let them worry about it...better yet, let Obama give the DOMA defense fund the budget it deserves

Last edited:
The defense of marraige act will no longer be enforced by our government. Thank God for small favors. First let me say that the government has absolutely no business in the lives of it's citizens churches and especially their bedrooms. The next thing to do now is to get the churches out of our bedrooms.

Which is more destructive to the "sanctity of marriage"? Gay marriage or divorce? IMO it must be divorce. The divorce rate is over 50% in this country, and I recognize that repeat offenders artificially inflate that number, but not by that much.

The gay community is realatively small but compared to the press they get and the outrage directed at them for wanting the same rights as everyone else (as per the constitution) is unbelievable. You can see just about every reverend, priest, or pastor condemn the gay community and rail against them. They have gone far into the political arena to try and guarantee they do not get equal rights i.e. marriage. Why would they do this? IMO it is because organized religion has become an elitist organization. They need to make themselves feel superior to everyone else. This is why everyone else is going to hell but them and their particular brand of religion.:(

Divorce, is the third rail of religion. Pastors, preists, and reverends rarely, if at all, ever talk about divorce. Why is that? IMO it is because they do not want to loose their congregation. If they were to turn the same effort and energy they use against gays, against their own parrishoners, for divorcing they wouldn't have a congregation left. It is true that in the bible the appostles gave exceptions and reasons for divorce, but Jesus and God never did, hmm....can you imagine a priest saying "I'm sorry, but you can't get divorced because what is bound on earth is bound in heaven, Jesus says." The reply would be even funnier, "But Paul said...." I didn't realize that Paul trumps Jesus?:eek:

So the question I have is what is more destructive to the institution of Marriage? Homosexuals or Divorce?

Just want to say first that Jesus did talk specifically about divorce, I'll show you here:
Matthew 19:8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”
He's saying if she commits adultery (cheats) then it's ok for divorce. He understands the broken covenant there, the unfaithfulness - "except for sexual immorality."

To expand deeper on the subject, I believe overall the fall of the sanctity of marriage is because of sin - all types of sin. And we first sin against God.

Jesus also said that because of the increase of sin/iniquity/wickedness - the love of most will grow cold. Jesus told us what would happen...(and it's happening and will get worse just as He said). See Matthew 24 in the Bible - Matthew 24 - Passage*Lookup - New International Version, ©2011 - BibleGateway.com

Matthew 24:12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,

So I'd say the problems with marriage is sin in general in all types - from lying to homosexuality to murder, to the "love" of money - which the "love" of money is the root of all evil. Not money itself. If anyone thinks homosexuality is not a sin - please feel free to ask me about the Bible verses - and no, not just in the OT. And please know because I bring this up that I'm not bashing anyone at all (specifically homosexuals)for any sin, nor do I look down on them, etc. The Lord knows I need work too and I fall short and my own certain sins at times. The Lord know our hearts and when we are repentive.

However, the difference with homosexuality is that people are coming out and saying it's NOT a sin, even some churches. And that's where we get in a lot of trouble. In other words, struggling with sin is way different than calling something "not a sin".

I encourage anyone one to take heed in Jesus's Words, get to know Him, see what He said, and what is going to happen. "The End" may not happen in our lifetimes, but I seriously cannot see how anyone can argue about what Jesus Christ our Lord said, and in regard to this, in Matthew 24. Link > Matthew 24 - Passage*Lookup - New International Version, ©2011 - BibleGateway.com

What's the leading cause of divorce?

Do we have the right to get married?

Marriage is not mentioned in the Consititution. We have an unconstitutional law that prohibits anything but men getting hitched to women. Gays can still get married, it just has to be to the opposite sex. Don't see a lot of joy in that wedding night.

We need to do away with everything that is not Constitutional.

that bit about getting church outta your bed room. Take the cross down next time you wanna get your freak on.
Congress wrote the stinking law.....let THEM defend it
What is funny is the obaama crowd says DOMA is unconstitutional and they won't defend it, yet the healthcare bill/law is unconstitutional and they pushed that through and defend it, idiots!!!
The defense of marraige act will no longer be enforced by our government. Thank God for small favors. First let me say that the government has absolutely no business in the lives of it's citizens churches and especially their bedrooms. The next thing to do now is to get the churches out of our bedrooms.

Which is more destructive to the "sanctity of marriage"? Gay marriage or divorce? IMO it must be divorce. The divorce rate is over 50% in this country, and I recognize that repeat offenders artificially inflate that number, but not by that much.

The gay community is realatively small but compared to the press they get and the outrage directed at them for wanting the same rights as everyone else (as per the constitution) is unbelievable. You can see just about every reverend, priest, or pastor condemn the gay community and rail against them. They have gone far into the political arena to try and guarantee they do not get equal rights i.e. marriage. Why would they do this? IMO it is because organized religion has become an elitist organization. They need to make themselves feel superior to everyone else. This is why everyone else is going to hell but them and their particular brand of religion.:(

Divorce, is the third rail of religion. Pastors, preists, and reverends rarely, if at all, ever talk about divorce. Why is that? IMO it is because they do not want to loose their congregation. If they were to turn the same effort and energy they use against gays, against their own parrishoners, for divorcing they wouldn't have a congregation left. It is true that in the bible the appostles gave exceptions and reasons for divorce, but Jesus and God never did, hmm....can you imagine a priest saying "I'm sorry, but you can't get divorced because what is bound on earth is bound in heaven, Jesus says." The reply would be even funnier, "But Paul said...." I didn't realize that Paul trumps Jesus?:eek:

So the question I have is what is more destructive to the institution of Marriage? Homosexuals or Divorce?

Republicans at it again

White House staff secretary Rob Porter has resigned following newly published reports alleging that he physically abused his two ex-wives.

Porter resigned from his position on Wednesday, the White House confirmed.

Porter’s ex-wife, Jennifer Willoughby, said he emotionally, mentally and physically abused her, according to a report in The Daily Mail. After getting into an argument with her in 2010, Porter allegedly pulled her from the shower by the shoulders and yelled at her.

Colbie Holderness, Porter’s first wife, alleged that he punched her in 2005.

“He threw me down on the bed and punched me in the face,” Holderness told The Intercept. “I think he was shocked that he had lost control to that extent.”

Holderness provided photos to the publication showing a black eye she said she sustained during the incident.

Ryan Grim


Senior White House aide Rob Porter physically assaulted two ex-wives, they tell @theintercept. Full story to come in the morning.

His first wife, Colbie Holderness, provided these photos from a vacation they took together in Florence, Italy:

1:53 AM - Feb 7, 2018
Divorce should be outlawed. You pledge "till death do you part" and that's it. FOREVER.

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