Which is more important to you, human life or your guns?

But then again other people prefer a little more freedom. There should be a balance.

FREEDOM for what?... to act immorality or illegally? To do things contrary to the most basic values and standards of decency?

FREEDOM has become just a synonym for Chaos in American Society, and that's antithetical to a functioning society.

Morality is different for different people. Legal is what the people say the laws are.

Fine, you don't like freedom. Zeig Heil.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

People are so blown out of proportion of 26 deaths while ignoring that during that same time period Sunday 11/6/17:
26 people shot in Texas
109 people died on Sunday in car accidents across the USA and
2,464 babies killed by abortion that Sunday.

But which event had 24 hour 5 days or more coverage? WHY are guns and not the shooters the target of MSM?

Why don't car accidents that kill 109 people EVERY DAY not the 24/5 day be the topic? or 2,464 babies a day that are killed?

People your priorities are so screwed up by the extremely BIASED and truly ignorant MSM!

The problem is not guns. It is not cars. It is not abortions.

It is the very simple issue that the MSM blow these events WAY out of proportion!
26 people shot in church. Sad and despicable YES!
But why all the coverage? Why continually making a BIG deal out of 26 people dying in less then 26 minutes when during that same day
109 people were killed in car accidents and 2,464 babies murdered!
Where is the perspective here?

NO what we need to do is tell the MSM enough of this blowing out of proportion these events and guess what?
Those mentally ill idiots that do this won't be doing it! They won't see their name in 15 minutes of fame!
That's the cause because here is what happened in prior days:
from this source: https://www.globalresearch.ca/mass-shootings-in-america-a-historical-review/5355990
In 37 years from 1980s to 2017 342 deaths Mass shooting deaths.
And all you people are so distraught by 342 deaths while in the meantime:

1,524,982 people killed by cars since 1980! List of motor vehicle deaths in U.S. by year - Wikipedia
36,649,884 abortions since 1980! Abortion statistics in the United States - Wikipedia
PEOPLE!!!! Where is your sense of proportion???
List of motor vehicle deaths in U.S. by year - Wikipedia
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

Which is more important to you, human life or your guns?

My guns took no human life yesterday. Or last week. Or last month. Or in the last year.

No, but the fact that guns are easy to obtain means that people are able to get guns easily and some of them will use those guns.
So your logic here is that some people will kill with guns so no one can own guns?

Do you want to apply that standard to all laws?
I discuss agree with FW, and I disagree with you as well. You logic is the laws we have no, so we should have no laws.

You two are the extremes of the the argument.

I never said we should have no laws.

I said laws do not prevent anyone from committing a crime. All any law does is define the unacceptable behavior and set punishments for those who break the laws.

You want laws but you do not want to enforce them with the appropriate harsh punishments

But you people say since one person can kill with a gun them no one should have guns.

So at least be consistent and apply that to all laws.

One person might drive drunk and kill someone so no one can drink. etc
Yep, I'm sure that 14 year old girl, dead in Texas, feels the same thing.

Then maybe her parents will think twice about spending time in unsecured places with no means to defend themselves. It's truly tragic thst it took the loss of their daughter to teach them thst lesson.

And is that how people want to live? Like I said, it's like being outside of society, in the wilderness, afraid of things. Society is supposed to be about protection, instead society is attacking.

You revere society don't you?

I prefer to revere individual rights.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?
My guns, so I can keep my life. Thanks.

But so other people die.

Which is better.

The UK where the murder rate is 1/4 of the murder rate of the US, where you're not going to die, and where others don't die

Or the US where the murder rate is 4 times higher, and you need a gun to protect yourself and where others are dying much more than the UK and where you're more likely to die? But you have a gun.
No one is dying because I happen to own firearms but you don't get that do you?
Well, in some places owning a gun is "illegal behavior"

In Chicago, they were illegal for several decades.
Didn't stop Chicago from topping the murder stats for years.

No, the problem here is that you're making something illegal but you don't have borders.

So people will do illegal things, even though they're illegal?

I guess your plan to make guns illegal won't work.

Which is, again, ridiculous.

In the UK gun laws are stricter, this doesn't mean people will all do things that are illegal.

In fact when it comes to guns, when they're in SHORT SUPPLY, when they're a valuable item, people use them less. In the US getting a new gun just isn't that difficult.

But you don't want to know the truth, do you? Every time someone says something you have a little sound bite from the Kochhead brothers that tells you what to say.

So, what do you say now? What does the book say you have to say?

In the UK gun laws are stricter, this doesn't mean people will all do things that are illegal.

Americans don't all do things that are illegal.

Well done, and what?

Pointing out silliness in your posts.
If the far left had their way the man that came out to defend the church would not been able to do so and the massacre would have been much worse!
LOL! - The shooter had already shot everyone in the church. Some survivors were shot 5 times. Who knows how many times he shot those who died. He was done, left the church & leaving in his truck when the NRA dud shot at him from behind. The shooter shot himself to commit suicide.
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And is that how people want to live? Like I said, it's like being outside of society, in the wilderness, afraid of things. Society is supposed to be about protection, instead society is attacking.

One of the largest concepts of a proper Society is Personal Responsibility. That includes taking responsibility for those under your care (in your home, at yoir business, etc...). That' why the only places I willingly go unarmed are places that provide armed and trained security.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?
My guns, so I can keep my life. Thanks.

But so other people die.

Which is better.

The UK where the murder rate is 1/4 of the murder rate of the US, where you're not going to die, and where others don't die

Or the US where the murder rate is 4 times higher, and you need a gun to protect yourself and where others are dying much more than the UK and where you're more likely to die? But you have a gun.
No one is dying because I happen to own firearms but you don't get that do you?
100,000 people shot in the USA every year. How many were by a good guy with a gun saving lives?
A good start would be enforcing the laws already on the books.

Of course, no matter what I post, you will just drag the goal post a little further.
A good start would be enforcing the laws already on the books.

Of course, no matter what I post, you will just drag the goal post a little further.
I am glad you dragged it close: good on you.

What other laws are needed, if any, iyo?
A good start would be enforcing the laws already on the books.

Of course, no matter what I post, you will just drag the goal post a little further.
I am glad you dragged it close: good on you.

What other laws are needed, if any, iyo?

None, unless and until the laws ALREADY ON THE BOOKS are enforced.
Then you have no further credibility and will be ignored here by me.
I accept your concession.

And you just lied.
But then again other people prefer a little more freedom. There should be a balance.

FREEDOM for what?... to act immorality or illegally? To do things contrary to the most basic values and standards of decency?

FREEDOM has become just a synonym for Chaos in American Society, and that's antithetical to a functioning society.

Morality is different for different people. Legal is what the people say the laws are.

Fine, you don't like freedom. Zeig Heil.
You don't respect or defend freedom you advocate the removal of rights you don't like because you are afraid and a coward. I and every American have a CONSTITUTIONAL protected RIGHT to own possess and carry firearms. You want that right removed because a fraction of a fraction of the population abuse that right. Meanwhile you ignore others that abuse their rights in greater numbers because you don't care about freedom you just want to take away rights you disagree with. Well I am sorry but until you pass an amendment the 2nd IS in fact the LAW of the land and all your whining and prattling on does not change that.

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