Which moderator would you most like to see naked

Which moderator would you most like to see naked?

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I voted for myself because I'm pervy that way!

I can't vote or see the results, so you're gonna have to PM me with the final tally. If I voted in that poll --- HR would be putting me into "harassment class" for the 4th time. This will only be your 2nd time --- right?
When you've got five hands, groping is a more serious matter.
Oh, I'm just having fun here is all. :) Just like you do, to Bonzi, BlueGin, Mebelle, anyone else who you feel is your competition. Although they are probably all much more beautiful than you anyways. ;)
Bozo looks like Gonzo, BlueGin is a stalking shadow and has an issue with me because her boyfriend and I had talked on the phone and in PM, the issues with Mebelle are all water under the bridge now and she and I have talked in private about it. :)

Next...? :lol:
It must really have been a BURN for you that Bonzi hasn't tried half as hard as you, but found a husband out of this place before you! :2up: Now THAT is some funny shit! :beer: Congratulations to Bonzi and her new hubby. Right, AngelsNDemons (stupid name BTW).
:rofl: Honey, I didn't come to a Political Message board to pick up men. SHE did. And you've spewed that same shit out of your own mouth....gotta luv usmb archives! :lol: :D
I also don't go around lying about my life and posting about my wet vagina. Or begin polls about sex to bait and hook the men folk here, like she did. I am also not here to get others to boohoo for me.
Try again. :D
Wait, what?

No,, no, no....Ya gotta start doing that. No seriously, how can we harass you if you're not bating? It's a USMB unwritten rule!
Oh, I'm just having fun here is all. :) Just like you do, to Bonzi, BlueGin, Mebelle, anyone else who you feel is your competition. Although they are probably all much more beautiful than you anyways. ;)
Bozo looks like Gonzo, BlueGin is a stalking shadow and has an issue with me because her boyfriend and I had talked on the phone and in PM, the issues with Mebelle are all water under the bridge now and she and I have talked in private about it. :)

Next...? :lol:

Bonzo is prettier than you. :D
So, is that why you are here? A lonely old middle aged bar hag looking for companionship? Because you never participate in any political discussions, and I don't believe you are intelligent enough to do so anyways.
Again, you bitter old hag...check my earlier post history...;)

I wouldn't waste my time. IT is quite clear why you are here. :D Lol. It's NOT to talk about politics or current events either. You are prostituting yourself out at online message boards to a bunch of old men because you are too old to do it anywhere else. :D
Another thread twatted up with more attacks on another usmb female and obsessions with her outer shell.
I guess when you have nothing inside, constant shouting about how good looking you are is all ya got left.
Notice who attacked who first here..I was just responding to a post I was called to. Bitch is ultra insecure. Poor thing. :(

:crybaby: I know, you are an innocent victim of me. Lol.
Oh, I'm just having fun here is all. :) Just like you do, to Bonzi, BlueGin, Mebelle, anyone else who you feel is your competition. Although they are probably all much more beautiful than you anyways. ;)
Bozo looks like Gonzo, BlueGin is a stalking shadow and has an issue with me because her boyfriend and I had talked on the phone and in PM, the issues with Mebelle are all water under the bridge now and she and I have talked in private about it. :)

Next...? :lol:

Bonzo is prettier than you. :D
Haha @Bonzo... she wishes. ;)
Why is this "humor?"

You know cnelsen has seriously considered the question.
My next poll is "Which mod is most likely to have their own parking space at the STD clinic?"
Well, that one is easy. Westwall is such a slut. I mean, you should see him trolling the bingo halls.....it's obscene I tell ya...

Problem is, he's getting some serious action! ha!
Oh, I'm just having fun here is all. :) Just like you do, to Bonzi, BlueGin, Mebelle, anyone else who you feel is your competition. Although they are probably all much more beautiful than you anyways. ;)
Bozo looks like Gonzo, BlueGin is a stalking shadow and has an issue with me because her boyfriend and I had talked on the phone and in PM, the issues with Mebelle are all water under the bridge now and she and I have talked in private about it. :)

Next...? :lol:

Bonzo is prettier than you. :D
Haha @Bonzo... she wishes. ;)

She doesn't have to wish. She is prettier than you.
I would have to go with Taz on the simple fact that all the other male mods are ancient. :lol:
I know, you are an innocent victim of me. Lol.
Babe, you mean nothing to me to be a 'victim' of you...:lol: Come on now...keep trying. I am here for da duration. :p

Okay Cruella. LOL! :lol:


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