Which of These Careers Requires More Intelligence?

Which of these careers requires more intelligence?

  • Real Estate Broker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Neurosurgeon

    Votes: 10 62.5%
  • Rocket Scientist

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Successful TV star

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • CEO of a top Corporation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Community Organizer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dunno, I've never had a job, jobs are for suckers

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Was having this discussion with a friend, and thought I would ask folks here at USMB.

Which of these careers requires more intelligence?
Was having this discussion with a friend, and thought I would ask folks here at USMB.

Which of these careers requires more intelligence?

none of them----the most INTELLECTUALLY DEMANDING CAREER is----
you guessed it-----MOTHER AND HOUSEWIFE
Any answer given will be strictly opinion.

That is the whole point to an OPINION poll, jack ass.

To your point, however, My opinion is that Barack Obama is more intelligent than Ben Carson or Donald Trump.

There.....now you can have your fun.

Like a typical libtard, you have to have the ideologically required conclusion first, then discuss the evidence afterwards.
none of them----the most INTELLECTUALLY DEMANDING CAREER is----
you guessed it-----MOTHER AND HOUSEWIFE
True, I just didnt think it fair to confuse the libtards any more than necessary, but you are correct. Anyone that has ever tried to do that role knows this, though I was a stay at home FATHER, not a housewife.
Which one refuses to show his transcripts?
That is a revealing contrast, on how differently the Marxist press vetted Obama, never demanding his college records or papers, and going over Carson wtih a fine tooth comb and then getting it all wrong anyway.

The libtards just cant help themselves and if the GOP had any real leadership at the helm they could bury the libtards with it, but they wont even show up till election day, the worthless traitors.
none of them----the most INTELLECTUALLY DEMANDING CAREER is----
you guessed it-----MOTHER AND HOUSEWIFE
True, I just didnt think it fair to confuse the libtards any more than necessary, but you are correct. Anyone that has ever tried to do that role knows this, though I was a stay at home FATHER, not a housewife.

similar intellectual requirement. I am going to tell you a secret------
neurosurgery? not really
Verse 18. - For in much wisdom is much grief. The more one knows of men's lives, the deeper insight one obtains of their actions and circumstances, the greater is the cause of grief at the incomplete and unsatisfactory nature of all human affairs. He that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow; not in others, but in himself. With added experience and more minute examination, the wise man becomes more conscious of his own ignorance and impotence, of the un-sympathizing and uncontrollable course of nature, of the gigantic evils which he is powerless to remedy; this causes his sorrowful confession (ver. 17b). St. Gregory, taking the religious view of the passage, comments, "The more a man begins to know what he has lost the more he begins to bewail the sentence of his corruption, which he has met with" ('Moral.,' 18:65); and, "He that already knows the high state which he does not as yet enjoy is the more grieved for the low condition in which he is yet held" (ibid., 1:34). The statement in our text is paralleled in Ecclus. 21:12, "There is a wisdom which multiplieth bitterness," and contrasted in Wisd. 8:16 with the comfort and pleasure which true wisdom brings.
"Which of These Careers Requires More Intelligence?"

You can't be serious.

This is as ridiculous as it is ignorant.

Indeed, the issue is ignorance, not intelligence.

There are extremely intelligent individuals who are ignorant about all manner of things, such as Carson.

Carson has exhibited ignorance of the law, sound governance, and responsible public policy, woefully lacking in fundamental political acumen – explaining his poor handling of reports concerning his past and his bizarre statements and positions on the issues.
"Which of These Careers Requires More Intelligence?"

You can't be serious.

This is as ridiculous as it is ignorant.

Indeed, the issue is ignorance, not intelligence.

There are extremely intelligent individuals who are ignorant about all manner of things, such as Carson.

Carson has exhibited ignorance of the law, sound governance, and responsible public policy, woefully lacking in fundamental political acumen – explaining his poor handling of reports concerning his past and his bizarre statements and positions on the issues.

you make a very good point -------I have "personally" known lots of neurosurgeons that I would not trust to have the intellect and mental stability to be an office
"Which of These Careers Requires More Intelligence?"

You can't be serious.

This is as ridiculous as it is ignorant.

Indeed, the issue is ignorance, not intelligence.

There are extremely intelligent individuals who are ignorant about all manner of things, such as Carson.

Carson has exhibited ignorance of the law, sound governance, and responsible public policy, woefully lacking in fundamental political acumen – explaining his poor handling of reports concerning his past and his bizarre statements and positions on the issues.
In your political hack, ideologue jack ass opinion, sure.
you make a very good point -------I have "personally" known lots of neurosurgeons that I would not trust to have the intellect and mental stability to be an office
Bullshit. You only say that to slam on Carson because he has an R after his name instead of a D, you freaking loon.
none of them----the most INTELLECTUALLY DEMANDING CAREER is----
you guessed it-----MOTHER AND HOUSEWIFE
True, I just didnt think it fair to confuse the libtards any more than necessary, but you are correct. Anyone that has ever tried to do that role knows this, though I was a stay at home FATHER, not a housewife.

similar intellectual requirement. I am going to tell you a secret------
neurosurgery? not really
Modern IQ ranges for various occupations


Note Medical professions are at the very top end, dumbass.

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