Which was the bigger LIE? WMDs or 46 million "uninsured"???

Right before he abandoned the place in a slapdash and ham handed way.
So why did the Democrats promise they would defund the war and stop it? Were they lying??

Once the Dems had the power to, they began the withdrawal from Iraq, which was slow, deliberate and relatively peaceful. It was not abandoned, since the Iraqis wanted us out. If they wanted us to stay, then you could say abandoned.

Really, you right wingers need to admit that the Iraq War was a mistake, that the American people mostly believe it was boneheaded, and that the GOP has lost two Presidential elections in a row mostly because of that mistake.

I'm trying to help you here, okay? Admit the Iraq War was a mistake.

Wow, it isn't like ancient history. I assume you were alive then.
The truth is that Bush set a framework and timetable for withdrawal from Iraq. A few things were left to later negotiation, like troops staying.
Obama followed that framework and that timetable exactly. He managed to screw up negotiatiing a continuing presence, and we see the results of that.
The war was not a mistake. The war was necessary. Besides, it had the support of a majority of Democrats.

Bush set the timetable for withdrawal, but it was forced on him , against his will. His heart wasn't in it. He and most of the GOP wanted permanent occupation. Obama won and kept pretty much to the timetable. The GOP went into pure hissyfit mode once they realized their plan for decades of occupation was being snuffed out by the Dems.

The Iraq War was a disaster and a mistake. We'd be better off not having fought it, and most Iraqis agree.
All of you Obamatrons so constantly blathering "Bush LIED people died" because they haven't found the WMDs yet that are in Syria by the way... YET YOU've bought hook line and sinker the BIGGEST most disastrous lie that Obama has told: "there are 46 million uninsured Americans"!

FACTS are there are less the 4 million Americans that truly want and need insurance! 4 Million NOT 46 million!

YET this bald grotesque LIE passed Obamacare by only 6 votes..
AND NOW we have even Harry Reid calling Obamacare a "train wreck"!
All because everyone including conservatives still think there were 46 million that wanted and needed insurance!

1) Census says 10 million of uninsured are not citizens!
2) A studyBlue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found:
- Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government
health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.
by Source: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf

24 million from 46 million leaves 22 million!
NOW the biggest stupidest LIE!!
Counted among those remaining 22 million are 18 million people that DON'T WANT health insurance!
DO YOU UNDERSTAND the implications of this???
These 18 million make over $50,000 a year. Don't want their employers insurance because they spend less then $1,000 a year out of their own pocket for health care!
THAT leaves 4 million! NOT 46 million! The biggest LIE ever told by a President... FAR BIGGER and more costly then WMDs!!!

Healthmyths! Why do you keep on with this bullshit about folks who are on Medicaid/SCHIPS not being counted as having insurance when in fact they actually are?
I have pointed out this to you over a half dozen times, you acknowledge it and then come back and repeat that lie again and again and again!!!

From the actual report: I did it in red with hopes it might actually sink in after a half dozen times or so.

[B]What Is Health Insurance Coverage?[/B]
The Current Population Survey Annual Social and
Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC) asks about health
insurance coverage in the previous calendar year.
Specifically, the survey asks separate questions about
the major types of health insurance. People who answer
“no” to each of the coverage questions are then asked
to verify that they were, in fact, not covered by any type
of health insurance. For reporting purposes, the Census
Bureau broadly classifies health insurance coverage as
private coverage or government coverage. Private health
insurance is a plan provided through an employer or a
union or purchased by an individual from a private company.
Government health insurance includes such federal
programs as Medicare, Medicaid, and military health
care; the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP);
and individual state health plans.* People were considered
“insured” if they were covered by any type of health
insurance for part or all of the previous calendar year.
They were considered “uninsured” if, for the entire year,
they were not covered by any type of health insurance.
Research shows health insurance coverage is under
reported in the CPS ASEC for a variety of reasons. Annual
retrospective questions appear to cause few problems
when collecting income data (possibly because the interview
period is close to when people pay their taxes).
However, because health insurance coverage status can
change over the course of a year, answering questions
about this long reference period may lead to response
errors. For example, some people may report their
insurance coverage status at the time of their interview
rather than their coverage status during the previous
calendar year. Compared with other national surveys,
the CPS ASEC’s estimate of the number of people without
health insurance more closely approximates the number
of people who were uninsured at a specific point in time
during the year than the number of people uninsured for
the entire year. There are several ongoing projects aimed
at improving the quality of health coverage data from
the CPS ASEC, including cognitive research and field
testing to improve the wording of the CPS ASEC health
coverage questions.
For more information on the quality of CPS ASEC health
insurance estimates, see Appendix C, “Estimates of
Health Insurance Coverage.” For a comparison between
health insurance coverage rates from the major federal
surveys, see Changes to the Imputation Routine
for Health Insurance in the CPS ASEC: Description and
Evaluation at <Health Insurance - U.S Census Bureau
* Types of insurance are not mutuall


Now, will please stop your repeated lies about this. I'm really getting tired of looking up this report for you over and over and over again. I pray to God that a honest bone will show up in your body and that you get a clue that lying isn't morally right.

Thank you.
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Healthmyths has started this same thread about 2 dozen times now,

and it's based on HIS lie.

The truth is as follows:

Link is below:

Last night, President Obama stated: "We are the only democracy—the only advanced democracy on Earth—the only wealthy nation—that allows such hardship for millions of its people. There are now more than 30 million American citizens who cannot get coverage."

So for starters the OP is lying because the President's number, which was based on census numbers,

was 30+ million, not 46 million.

Once the OP concedes that he has been lying about this for YEARS now, then maybe we could move to deciding what the most reasonable accurate number was.

Counting the Uninsured: 46 Million or ?More than 30 Million?? | The White House

30M was also a lie.

At least you're agreeing that healthmyths has been lying.
Once the Dems had the power to, they began the withdrawal from Iraq, which was slow, deliberate and relatively peaceful. It was not abandoned, since the Iraqis wanted us out. If they wanted us to stay, then you could say abandoned.

Really, you right wingers need to admit that the Iraq War was a mistake, that the American people mostly believe it was boneheaded, and that the GOP has lost two Presidential elections in a row mostly because of that mistake.

I'm trying to help you here, okay? Admit the Iraq War was a mistake.

Wow, it isn't like ancient history. I assume you were alive then.
The truth is that Bush set a framework and timetable for withdrawal from Iraq. A few things were left to later negotiation, like troops staying.
Obama followed that framework and that timetable exactly. He managed to screw up negotiatiing a continuing presence, and we see the results of that.
The war was not a mistake. The war was necessary. Besides, it had the support of a majority of Democrats.

Bush set the timetable for withdrawal, but it was forced on him , against his will. His heart wasn't in it. He and most of the GOP wanted permanent occupation. Obama won and kept pretty much to the timetable. The GOP went into pure hissyfit mode once they realized their plan for decades of occupation was being snuffed out by the Dems.

The Iraq War was a disaster and a mistake. We'd be better off not having fought it, and most Iraqis agree.

It was not forced on him. I dont know where you made that one up from.
Most military advisors felt keeping a token presence would prevent an eruption of sectarian violence. Like what actually happened.
The GOP did not go into hissy fit mode. No evidence of it. Obama fumbled the peace after Bush won the war.
Most Iraqis are happy to have Saddam gone.
Healthmyths has started this same thread about 2 dozen times now,

and it's based on HIS lie.

The truth is as follows:

Link is below:

Last night, President Obama stated: "We are the only democracy—the only advanced democracy on Earth—the only wealthy nation—that allows such hardship for millions of its people. There are now more than 30 million American citizens who cannot get coverage."

So for starters the OP is lying because the President's number, which was based on census numbers,

was 30+ million, not 46 million.

Once the OP concedes that he has been lying about this for YEARS now, then maybe we could move to deciding what the most reasonable accurate number was.

Counting the Uninsured: 46 Million or ?More than 30 Million?? | The White House

30M was also a lie.

At least you're agreeing that healthmyths has been lying.

No, he's quoting a number he supported. The administration lied, throwing numbers around without actually knowing the truth. It is like Maxine Waters saying the sequester would cost 300M jobs.
ON August 21, 2009 Obama said: "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
46 Million Uninsured: A Look Behind The Number : NPR
Now I gave you Obama's exact QUOTE! HE said 46 million!

OK let's concede he said 30 million!
So are you counting people that don't want health insurance???
That leaves 12 million!
WHY then are 10 million per the census counted when they are NOT AMERICANS?
That leaves 2 million you idiot!

In 2009, according to the U.S. Census there were 50,674 million with no insurance.
These people fell into the following income levels:

Less than $25,000 a yr - 15,483
$25,000 - $49,000 a yr - 15,278
$50,000 -$74,000 a yr - 9,352
$75,000 and more a yr - 10,561

Out of the 15,483 that made under $25,000 a yr, 13,903 were considered below poverty level.

WHERE IS YOUR SOURCE?? Because here are mine!
I am not afraid of showing MY facts why are you???

1) I can tell you 10 million of Obama's 46 million PER THE below link are NOT AMERICANS!
Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

A study of the Census' also shows:
2) GIVEN: 14 million are eligible for Medicaid..but they are counted as "uninsured"….
but Obama totally ignored this FACT and subtracting 14 million from 36 million that leaves 22 million…
Source: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf

3) Source:The American Spectator : The Myth of the 46 Million
"in 2007, 17.6 million of the uninsured had annual incomes of more than $50,000 and 9.1 million earned more than $75,000. "

Check out my links and you will see that 18 million are people that can afford but don't want health insurance because it is less for them to pay out of pocket!

Those 18 million are freeloaders who WILL need care and aren't getting preventive care. It's like saying you don't need car insurance. STUPID in a civilized country.

Those 10 million illegals COUNT and cost MORE without a doctor, in ER care.

Your medicaid figure is RW BS.

There are malpractice countermeasures. All you know is your Pubspam and that you don't want to lose your freebies from Medicare Advantage, a stupid Bush giveaway that all Pub plans cut too . The whole thing is a Pub plan, a compromise from the beginning- Just shows Pubs won't vote for ANYTHING that blows their masters' health scam, dupes.
Once the Dems had the power to, they began the withdrawal from Iraq, which was slow, deliberate and relatively peaceful. It was not abandoned, since the Iraqis wanted us out. If they wanted us to stay, then you could say abandoned.

Really, you right wingers need to admit that the Iraq War was a mistake, that the American people mostly believe it was boneheaded, and that the GOP has lost two Presidential elections in a row mostly because of that mistake.

I'm trying to help you here, okay? Admit the Iraq War was a mistake.

Wow, it isn't like ancient history. I assume you were alive then.
The truth is that Bush set a framework and timetable for withdrawal from Iraq. A few things were left to later negotiation, like troops staying.
Obama followed that framework and that timetable exactly. He managed to screw up negotiatiing a continuing presence, and we see the results of that.
The war was not a mistake. The war was necessary. Besides, it had the support of a majority of Democrats.

Bush set the timetable for withdrawal, but it was forced on him , against his will. His heart wasn't in it. He and most of the GOP wanted permanent occupation. Obama won and kept pretty much to the timetable. The GOP went into pure hissyfit mode once they realized their plan for decades of occupation was being snuffed out by the Dems.

The Iraq War was a disaster and a mistake. We'd be better off not having fought it, and most Iraqis agree.

I doubt that....where did you get that? Im sure they loved saddam. /rolleyes
Yup, they much prefer nonstop sectarian violence, no electricity, and fundie rule. Change the channel and get some real news, dupes.
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In 2009, according to the U.S. Census there were 50,674 million with no insurance.
These people fell into the following income levels:

Less than $25,000 a yr - 15,483
$25,000 - $49,000 a yr - 15,278
$50,000 -$74,000 a yr - 9,352
$75,000 and more a yr - 10,561

Out of the 15,483 that made under $25,000 a yr, 13,903 were considered below poverty level.

WHERE IS YOUR SOURCE?? Because here are mine!
I am not afraid of showing MY facts why are you???

1) I can tell you 10 million of Obama's 46 million PER THE below link are NOT AMERICANS!
Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

A study of the Census' also shows:
2) GIVEN: 14 million are eligible for Medicaid..but they are counted as "uninsured"….
but Obama totally ignored this FACT and subtracting 14 million from 36 million that leaves 22 million…
Source: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf

3) Source:The American Spectator : The Myth of the 46 Million
"in 2007, 17.6 million of the uninsured had annual incomes of more than $50,000 and 9.1 million earned more than $75,000. "

Check out my links and you will see that 18 million are people that can afford but don't want health insurance because it is less for them to pay out of pocket!

Those 18 million are freeloaders who WILL need care and aren't getting preventive care. It's like saying you don't need car insurance. STUPID in a civilized country.

Those 10 million illegals COUNT and cost MORE without a doctor, in ER care.

Your medicaid figure is RW BS.

There are malpractice countermeasures. All you know is your Pubspam and that you don't want to lose your freebies from Medicare Advantage, a stupid Bush giveaway that all Pub plans cut too . The whole thing is a Pub plan, a compromise from the beginning- Just shows Pubs won't vote for ANYTHING that blows their masters' health scam, dupes.

Who says the 18 million are free loaders..Pelosi?? They pay their health care bills out of their pocket!
They make over $50,000 a year decided it is cheaper just to pay out of pocket the average of
$1,000 per year for their health needs then take up their employers' health plan.
And they pay their health services bills because: Their credit rating depends on their paying their bills--- they pay their own way!
Source for the 18 million figure: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009
AGE the annual per capita expenditure
20 $ 1,448 (So why should they pay a $2,000 penalty for not having insurance when they pay out less in real expenses???
40 $ 2,601
65 $10,245
Source for above expenditures:: The Lifetime Distribution of Health Care Costs

Why do the illegals count just because you say so? They pay out of pocket if they want to. AND YES YOU are right THEY do go and have
emergency room which is WHAT will happen when they go and they have to register with the Uninsured Health insurance company!
Think they'll register as a legal citizen???

This Medicaid study is BS??
GIVEN: 14 million are eligible for Medicaid..but they are counted as "uninsured"….
but Obama totally ignored this FACT and subtracting 14 million from 36 million that leaves 22 million…
Source: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found:
- Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government
health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.

REACHABLE meaning all these people had to do was enroll! NO money. NO risks! Just enroll! 14 million already eligible only need to register with MEDICAID!

So far we've reduced the 46 million by 10 million NON-Citizens, 14 million that simply had to enroll as they were covered by Medicaid!

Finally why are you such a defender of Millionaires? Lawyers? What makes them sacred to you that you will tax tanning salons but not lawyers that
these physicians say cost over $850 billion a year? Why are you so afraid to tax the lawyers and use that to pay the premium for the uninsured?

I can't believe you love lawyers that much !
how about the lie about all of the millions of jobs Yobama promised in the New Green Energy Crapola? Millions? how many people do we need to make solar panels when barely anyone is buying them? just like with the Chevy Volt!

You do know that the solar panels you're talking about are being made in China, because an American company could never satisfy the EPA with regards to the environmental disaster solar panel manufacturing creates.
We can insure 46 million, but it is too much effort to deport 11 million.
so why should those (like myself) who don't smoke, don't eat like a sumo wrestler, not on drugs, work out regularly, never had an illness, Be Required To Buy Health-Care, When I choose to pay for my own doctor visits? This is like Liberal Leaders walking into every gym, point a gun to all of the members heads and tell them they have to buy health insurance and they don't give a chit if you are in top condition.

and your premiums will be the same as the 300 pound smoker with hepatitis and lung cancer. What a deal-----------equal misery for all under chairman maobama.
so why should those (like myself) who don't smoke, don't eat like a sumo wrestler, not on drugs, work out regularly, never had an illness, Be Required To Buy Health-Care, When I choose to pay for my own doctor visits? This is like Liberal Leaders walking into every gym, point a gun to all of the members heads and tell them they have to buy health insurance and they don't give a chit if you are in top condition.

and your premiums will be the same as the 300 pound smoker with hepatitis and lung cancer. What a deal-----------equal misery for all under chairman maobama.

Again... this shows the total ignorance about insurance and even more business this administration exhibits.

Everyone keeps harping on the insurance companies that Obama and anyone favoring single payer want to put out of business, but they absolutely have no idea evidently that all the insurance companies do is take 80% of the premium to pay claims! Claims submitted by providers i.e. physicians that KNOW they are duplicating tests,etc. all out of fear of lawsuits.
As a result $850 billion a year is per these physician/experts WASTED! Duplicate testing out of fear!

And the companies simply raise the premiums to cover the claims!
So my idea is simple... tax lawyers 10% like obamacare taxed tanning salons because they cause skin cancer.
Tax lawyers because they cause the $850 billion in defensive medicine 10% of their $200 billion a year in income.
Take the $20 billion and use to pay a $5,000 premium for each of the truly 4 million that want and need insurance!
THEN when these "insured uninsured" go to hospital.. FORCE AUDIT, REQUIRE hospitals to send uninsured claims to insurance company AND NOT
pad and pass the what would have been unreimbursed expenses on to Medicare/insurance companies..sometimes they charged Medicare 6,000% markup!
This will absolutely cut this wasteful padding and passing as well as the $850 billion in defensive medicine easily 20% or over $300 billion a year in savings!
WATCH the premiums drop then! And you ignorant people that don't know what state insurance regulators do is they audit companies requests for premiums and if these premiums are increasing in spite of the claims cost dropping the companies are no longer able to sell !

THAT Simple.. tax lawyers buy insurance for the 4 million and quick f..king around with the rest of the 98% Americans health insurance!!!
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I think that anyone in top physical condition should never have to pay for insurance! just the smokers/pigs and alligators(well, u turn into an alligator if u never stop tanning)

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