Which was the bigger LIE? WMDs or 46 million "uninsured"???

Anyone who supports going to Iraq and making it so all those Americans died....well, fuck you.

The right wingers don't care about the troops coming home in body bags and sending out debt skyrocketing over a lie. That is A-OK just as long as the GOP are doing it.

Another lie, it was the liberals counting every death for the next round number to promote all over the place...you guys are disgusting.....we didnt want soldiers to die....but they do, that's what can happen when you're a soldier
Anyone who supports going to Iraq and making it so all those Americans died....well, fuck you.

that would be Bill and Hillary Clinton, Biden, Gore, Kerry, Scumer, Reid, and a majority of the democrats in congress. so I guess you can tell all of them to fuck off too.

congress authorized and funded Iraq. It was a stupid waste of american lives and money. but both parties are equally responsible.

Stop the fucking lies and tell the truth, you might gain a small measure of credibility.

Who was president. Simply respond to that please.

George W Bush.
Who voted to fund the effort? Answer that you asswipe.
at least when Bush was President, he kept us laughing with all of his classic bloopers, same with Joe Biden, but Obama, when he goofs up, it isn't funny, we all say,, I can't believe this dude is President and has no idea what a Corpsman is.
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Anyone who supports going to Iraq and making it so all those Americans died....well, fuck you.

You say "Fuck" you people like these current and former Secretary of State???
B]"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"[/B]..Hillary 2002

"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.

"When Clinton was here recently he told me he was absolutely convinced, given his years in the White House and the access to privileged information which he had, that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction until the end of the Saddam regime," he said in an interview with Portuguese cable news channel SIC Noticias.
Clinton believes Iraq had weapons of mass destruction: Portugal PM
Anyone who supports going to Iraq and making it so all those Americans died....well, fuck you.

The right wingers don't care about the troops coming home in body bags and sending out debt skyrocketing over a lie. That is A-OK just as long as the GOP are doing it.

Another lie, it was the liberals counting every death for the next round number to promote all over the place...you guys are disgusting.....we didnt want soldiers to die....but they do, that's what can happen when you're a soldier

It's a lie that iraq cost the nation over 2 trillions dollars and the lives of over 4,000 US troops? What the hell is wrong with you? :cuckoo:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFBl0fnMUVc]Al Gore: No Doubt Saddam's Weapons Are Grave Threat - YouTube[/ame]
WMDs in Iraq was not a lie, it was repeating bad intel that everyone accepted as valid--Bush did not do it on his own, the Clintons and most democrats also stated that Saddam had WMDs. congress authorized and funded the Iraq fiasco. It was a huge costly mistake, but they are all culpable, both parties.

Obama's lies are a different story. He lied about the number of uninsured, he lied about people being refused healthcare, he lied about costs going down, he lied about being to keep your current insurance, he lied about what was in the obamacare bill.

Now the truth is coming out and even the unions are wanting out of obozocare, congress wants to exempt itself, it is a total disaster and should be repealed.

Bzzzt. Wrong. The Dems who voted for the war realized their mistake by 2004, and rightly started to criticize the war. By 2004, it was the GOP's mistake and Democrats were totally off the hook for their wrong votes. The GOP was justifiably punished for their Iraq War Debacle in two Presidential elections in a row. Conservatives only have themselves to blame for Obama's Presidency. The sooner you understand this, the better off you'll be.

bullshit, the dems in congress could have defunded Iraq at any time---did they? no.

BTW, GOP does not equal conservative. This is not about party, its about philosophy of government. The last two elections had liberals on both tickets. Obama won because he is black and the media worshiped him.

the sooner you understand what really happened the better off you will be.

The Dems in Congress only controlled it from 2007-2009 during the Bush years. And to suddenly defund the Iraq War would have just compounded the Iraq War Mistake . Leaving Iraq as slapdash and hamhanded as we slobbed our way into it would have been an awful thing, and Obama did the right thing by being patient and deliberate in correcting the GOP's Iraq War Debacle.
Bzzzt. Wrong. The Dems who voted for the war realized their mistake by 2004, and rightly started to criticize the war. By 2004, it was the GOP's mistake and Democrats were totally off the hook for their wrong votes. The GOP was justifiably punished for their Iraq War Debacle in two Presidential elections in a row. Conservatives only have themselves to blame for Obama's Presidency. The sooner you understand this, the better off you'll be.

bullshit, the dems in congress could have defunded Iraq at any time---did they? no.

BTW, GOP does not equal conservative. This is not about party, its about philosophy of government. The last two elections had liberals on both tickets. Obama won because he is black and the media worshiped him.

the sooner you understand what really happened the better off you will be.

The Dems in Congress only controlled it from 2007-2009 during the Bush years. And to suddenly defund the Iraq War would have just compounded the Iraq War Mistake . Leaving Iraq as slapdash and hamhanded as we slobbed our way into it would have been an awful thing, and Obama did the right thing by being patient and deliberate in correcting the GOP's Iraq War Debacle.

Right before he abandoned the place in a slapdash and ham handed way.
So why did the Democrats promise they would defund the war and stop it? Were they lying??
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhzbEbW4Bdk]Nancy Pelosi Speech On Iraq - YouTube[/ame]
All of you Obamatrons so constantly blathering "Bush LIED people died" because they haven't found the WMDs yet that are in Syria by the way... YET YOU've bought hook line and sinker the BIGGEST most disastrous lie that Obama has told: "there are 46 million uninsured Americans"!

FACTS are there are less the 4 million Americans that truly want and need insurance! 4 Million NOT 46 million!

YET this bald grotesque LIE passed Obamacare by only 6 votes..
AND NOW we have even Harry Reid calling Obamacare a "train wreck"!
All because everyone including conservatives still think there were 46 million that wanted and needed insurance!

1) Census says 10 million of uninsured are not citizens!
2) A studyBlue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found:
- Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government
health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.
by Source: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf

24 million from 46 million leaves 22 million!
NOW the biggest stupidest LIE!!
Counted among those remaining 22 million are 18 million people that DON'T WANT health insurance!
DO YOU UNDERSTAND the implications of this???
These 18 million make over $50,000 a year. Don't want their employers insurance because they spend less then $1,000 a year out of their own pocket for health care!
THAT leaves 4 million! NOT 46 million! The biggest LIE ever told by a President... FAR BIGGER and more costly then WMDs!!!

WMD in Iraq was the biggest lie. It led to the deaths of thousands of innocent people, both US and Iraqi, and cost us trillions in dollars. It was a waste, and its failure is why Obama easily won twice. The GOP isn't worthy of the White House at this time because of their mistakes and lies of their Iraq Debacle.

Obamacare will easily cost 10 times that in both lives and money. And unlike the war, there's no end in sight to Obamacare.

It will save lives and be worth every penny.
WMD in Iraq was the biggest lie. It led to the deaths of thousands of innocent people, both US and Iraqi, and cost us trillions in dollars. It was a waste, and its failure is why Obama easily won twice. The GOP isn't worthy of the White House at this time because of their mistakes and lies of their Iraq Debacle.

Obamacare will easily cost 10 times that in both lives and money. And unlike the war, there's no end in sight to Obamacare.

It will save lives and be worth every penny.
Lemme guess: the unicorn told you that.

Because in every state that tried that, in every country with a similar system, the result ahs been exploding costs and declines in quality of treatment, quality of life, and outcomes.
So explain why "this time it's different."
bullshit, the dems in congress could have defunded Iraq at any time---did they? no.

BTW, GOP does not equal conservative. This is not about party, its about philosophy of government. The last two elections had liberals on both tickets. Obama won because he is black and the media worshiped him.

the sooner you understand what really happened the better off you will be.

The Dems in Congress only controlled it from 2007-2009 during the Bush years. And to suddenly defund the Iraq War would have just compounded the Iraq War Mistake . Leaving Iraq as slapdash and hamhanded as we slobbed our way into it would have been an awful thing, and Obama did the right thing by being patient and deliberate in correcting the GOP's Iraq War Debacle.

Right before he abandoned the place in a slapdash and ham handed way.
So why did the Democrats promise they would defund the war and stop it? Were they lying??
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhzbEbW4Bdk]Nancy Pelosi Speech On Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

Once the Dems had the power to, they began the withdrawal from Iraq, which was slow, deliberate and relatively peaceful. It was not abandoned, since the Iraqis wanted us out. If they wanted us to stay, then you could say abandoned.

Really, you right wingers need to admit that the Iraq War was a mistake, that the American people mostly believe it was boneheaded, and that the GOP has lost two Presidential elections in a row mostly because of that mistake.

I'm trying to help you here, okay? Admit the Iraq War was a mistake.
So as I understand it, YOU are OK if Saddam was still in power right?
Which means you are OK nearly 1.4 million children starved to death as of 2013 -since that's the number Saddam was starving each
with As many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com

So the war ended in 1991 and 4 years later 576,000 Iraqi children died or about 144,000 a year.
From 1995 to 2003 is 8 years at the rate of 144,000 starving children a year that would be 1,152,000 starved and dead children from 1995 to 2003

Now if American troops hadn't liberated Iraq in 2003 and Saddam was still in power there would be another 1,440,000!
So as I understand it, YOU are OK if Saddam was still in power right?
Which means you are OK nearly 1.4 million children starved to death as of 2013 -since that's the number Saddam was starving each
with As many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com

So the war ended in 1991 and 4 years later 576,000 Iraqi children died or about 144,000 a year.
From 1995 to 2003 is 8 years at the rate of 144,000 starving children a year that would be 1,152,000 starved and dead children from 1995 to 2003

Now if American troops hadn't liberated Iraq in 2003 and Saddam was still in power there would be another 1,440,000!
I think the biggest Presidential lie ever was "I did not inhale".
WMD in Iraq was the biggest lie. It led to the deaths of thousands of innocent people, both US and Iraqi, and cost us trillions in dollars. It was a waste, and its failure is why Obama easily won twice. The GOP isn't worthy of the White House at this time because of their mistakes and lies of their Iraq Debacle.

Obamacare will easily cost 10 times that in both lives and money. And unlike the war, there's no end in sight to Obamacare.

It will save lives and be worth every penny.

? do people in like Canada or England live to like 900 years now? damn didnt know about that fact.. and oh yea why do brits have such bad teeth? lol dont be a fool no such thing as "saving" a life. prolong it yes, save it? nope.
So as I understand it, YOU are OK if Saddam was still in power right?
Which means you are OK nearly 1.4 million children starved to death as of 2013 -since that's the number Saddam was starving each
with As many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com

So the war ended in 1991 and 4 years later 576,000 Iraqi children died or about 144,000 a year.
From 1995 to 2003 is 8 years at the rate of 144,000 starving children a year that would be 1,152,000 starved and dead children from 1995 to 2003

Now if American troops hadn't liberated Iraq in 2003 and Saddam was still in power there would be another 1,440,000!

Most Iraqis believe the war was a mistake. I'll take their word over yours.
The Dems in Congress only controlled it from 2007-2009 during the Bush years. And to suddenly defund the Iraq War would have just compounded the Iraq War Mistake . Leaving Iraq as slapdash and hamhanded as we slobbed our way into it would have been an awful thing, and Obama did the right thing by being patient and deliberate in correcting the GOP's Iraq War Debacle.

Right before he abandoned the place in a slapdash and ham handed way.
So why did the Democrats promise they would defund the war and stop it? Were they lying??

Once the Dems had the power to, they began the withdrawal from Iraq, which was slow, deliberate and relatively peaceful. It was not abandoned, since the Iraqis wanted us out. If they wanted us to stay, then you could say abandoned.

Really, you right wingers need to admit that the Iraq War was a mistake, that the American people mostly believe it was boneheaded, and that the GOP has lost two Presidential elections in a row mostly because of that mistake.

I'm trying to help you here, okay? Admit the Iraq War was a mistake.

Wow, it isn't like ancient history. I assume you were alive then.
The truth is that Bush set a framework and timetable for withdrawal from Iraq. A few things were left to later negotiation, like troops staying.
Obama followed that framework and that timetable exactly. He managed to screw up negotiatiing a continuing presence, and we see the results of that.
The war was not a mistake. The war was necessary. Besides, it had the support of a majority of Democrats.

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