Which would you prefer; A New World Order or a World Caliphate?

uganda , home of the people eating 'idi amin' and liberal progressive news as reported by a messed up in the head racheal maddow . [as I roll my eyes Greatest]
did you ever see 'the killing of Fahrkunda' Greatest ??

Yes. Quite ugly.

My issue is that that is only one of the 5.000 or so yearly honor killings perpetrated by Muslims.

Muslims do not seem to know what honor really is or means.

If you have the time for it, this is a well done piece where Muslim women speak out against Islam and their God damned Sharia law.

these women are about as useless as 'tits' on a boar hog , course I'd say the same if they were men . Doesn't matter what men or women say , the problem is islam Greatest .
Which would you prefer; A New World Order or a World Caliphate?

Or a perpetual insurgency war against civilians?


Islam’s hates democracy and the Western culture. Islam is determined to destroy the West and democracy so as to install a World Caliphate.

The West is beginning to hate Islam thanks to this hatred against them and Western ideas of a New World Order.

If we as a world cannot change our views and remove this hate from our hearts, we are bound to end in a larger numbers of small battles within a larger war.

We must find a better way to appease our objections to rapprochement. If we cannot dispel these irritants, a long and expanding jihad is inevitable. Because the jihad can only be an insurgency war, eventually the West will have to resort to the same techniques if the West is to win. This then would make the war against civilians instead against combatants. This is a coward’s war that Islam is forcing onto the world. Islam of course will blame the West for the war that the West will blame on Islam.

Both sides want to eventually have a one world government. I advocate for a one world government and think that the West and Islam should sit down and decide the rules of this one world government and to see if there is any rapprochement possible between what would be an Islamic theocracy or Caliphate, with an absentee God ruling through Sharia, and a freedom promoting Western system with a visible elected ruler.

If no rapprochement is possible then it is the Wests duty to declare a war against Islam and annihilate it if it will not reform into a peaceful world religion.

Many try to cut radical jihadists out of Islam’s general population and say they are hijacking Islam and are not really real Muslims. I suggest that Islam itself and their holy books are what are creating these extremists and that Islam has now produced a majority of extremists within its general population. If Islam does not reform its belief system and literature, the West will have no choice but to try to destroy Islam. The older world would have had to do the same with Christianity if it had maintained its own jihad that was called the Inquisition. Radical Islam is being seen as the mainstream Islam and the world cannot and will not live with such an Islam.

We are not creating any new conditions between Islam and the West. Attacks and the death of innocent non-combatants civilians in this cowardly jihad will continue if no new conditions are introduced. It is said that to continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome, is insanity. We are at the point of insanity and that is why I suggest a new condition which would be peace negotiations that would produce a new order in the world that would embrace both Western ideologies as well as Muslim ideologies.

This may be the only way to rid the world of the hate and cowardly jihad against civilians. A form of insurgency fighting that the West would have to adopt against Islam to win the jihad.

If you do not agree, then what would you suggest to bring the West and Islam to a rapprochement?



I would prefer neither, but it makes no difference - we have them both. The ultra-rich (you know, those who actually make decisions) and the Islamic caliphate (that will eventually take the world). So - there is no choice.

Sharia will never take over the world. There are good reasons why immigration is from East to West and not West to East and fleeing Sharia by Muslims is one of the main reasons.

uganda , home of the people eating 'idi amin' and liberal progressive news as reported by a messed up in the head racheal maddow . [as I roll my eyes Greatest]

That aside, Christianity helped pay for that legislation.

The issues was the treatment of gays. Not right, left or center.

You kill the messenger but the message is still there.

Which would you prefer; A New World Order or a World Caliphate?

Or a perpetual insurgency war against civilians?


Islam’s hates democracy and the Western culture. Islam is determined to destroy the West and democracy so as to install a World Caliphate.

The West is beginning to hate Islam thanks to this hatred against them and Western ideas of a New World Order.

If we as a world cannot change our views and remove this hate from our hearts, we are bound to end in a larger numbers of small battles within a larger war.

We must find a better way to appease our objections to rapprochement. If we cannot dispel these irritants, a long and expanding jihad is inevitable. Because the jihad can only be an insurgency war, eventually the West will have to resort to the same techniques if the West is to win. This then would make the war against civilians instead against combatants. This is a coward’s war that Islam is forcing onto the world. Islam of course will blame the West for the war that the West will blame on Islam.

Both sides want to eventually have a one world government. I advocate for a one world government and think that the West and Islam should sit down and decide the rules of this one world government and to see if there is any rapprochement possible between what would be an Islamic theocracy or Caliphate, with an absentee God ruling through Sharia, and a freedom promoting Western system with a visible elected ruler.

If no rapprochement is possible then it is the Wests duty to declare a war against Islam and annihilate it if it will not reform into a peaceful world religion.

Many try to cut radical jihadists out of Islam’s general population and say they are hijacking Islam and are not really real Muslims. I suggest that Islam itself and their holy books are what are creating these extremists and that Islam has now produced a majority of extremists within its general population. If Islam does not reform its belief system and literature, the West will have no choice but to try to destroy Islam. The older world would have had to do the same with Christianity if it had maintained its own jihad that was called the Inquisition. Radical Islam is being seen as the mainstream Islam and the world cannot and will not live with such an Islam.

We are not creating any new conditions between Islam and the West. Attacks and the death of innocent non-combatants civilians in this cowardly jihad will continue if no new conditions are introduced. It is said that to continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome, is insanity. We are at the point of insanity and that is why I suggest a new condition which would be peace negotiations that would produce a new order in the world that would embrace both Western ideologies as well as Muslim ideologies.

This may be the only way to rid the world of the hate and cowardly jihad against civilians. A form of insurgency fighting that the West would have to adopt against Islam to win the jihad.

If you do not agree, then what would you suggest to bring the West and Islam to a rapprochement?


One world government would suck in the extreme. Even small governments cannot be trusted. We are eons away from the level of human perfection you dream of. Better to have individual nations competing in the world...and helping those which fail. As for the Caliphate...warn its citizens to play by the rules...rid themseleves of jihadists...or die with their jihadists.
Which would you prefer; A New World Order or a World Caliphate?

Or a perpetual insurgency war against civilians?


Islam’s hates democracy and the Western culture. Islam is determined to destroy the West and democracy so as to install a World Caliphate.

The West is beginning to hate Islam thanks to this hatred against them and Western ideas of a New World Order.

If we as a world cannot change our views and remove this hate from our hearts, we are bound to end in a larger numbers of small battles within a larger war.

We must find a better way to appease our objections to rapprochement. If we cannot dispel these irritants, a long and expanding jihad is inevitable. Because the jihad can only be an insurgency war, eventually the West will have to resort to the same techniques if the West is to win. This then would make the war against civilians instead against combatants. This is a coward’s war that Islam is forcing onto the world. Islam of course will blame the West for the war that the West will blame on Islam.

Both sides want to eventually have a one world government. I advocate for a one world government and think that the West and Islam should sit down and decide the rules of this one world government and to see if there is any rapprochement possible between what would be an Islamic theocracy or Caliphate, with an absentee God ruling through Sharia, and a freedom promoting Western system with a visible elected ruler.

If no rapprochement is possible then it is the Wests duty to declare a war against Islam and annihilate it if it will not reform into a peaceful world religion.

Many try to cut radical jihadists out of Islam’s general population and say they are hijacking Islam and are not really real Muslims. I suggest that Islam itself and their holy books are what are creating these extremists and that Islam has now produced a majority of extremists within its general population. If Islam does not reform its belief system and literature, the West will have no choice but to try to destroy Islam. The older world would have had to do the same with Christianity if it had maintained its own jihad that was called the Inquisition. Radical Islam is being seen as the mainstream Islam and the world cannot and will not live with such an Islam.

We are not creating any new conditions between Islam and the West. Attacks and the death of innocent non-combatants civilians in this cowardly jihad will continue if no new conditions are introduced. It is said that to continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome, is insanity. We are at the point of insanity and that is why I suggest a new condition which would be peace negotiations that would produce a new order in the world that would embrace both Western ideologies as well as Muslim ideologies.

This may be the only way to rid the world of the hate and cowardly jihad against civilians. A form of insurgency fighting that the West would have to adopt against Islam to win the jihad.

If you do not agree, then what would you suggest to bring the West and Islam to a rapprochement?



I would prefer neither, but it makes no difference - we have them both. The ultra-rich (you know, those who actually make decisions) and the Islamic caliphate (that will eventually take the world). So - there is no choice.

Sharia will never take over the world. There are good reasons why immigration is from East to West and not West to East and fleeing Sharia by Muslims is one of the main reasons.

------------------------------------ yep , that's the claim of some people that sharia will never take over . Course , I don't even like seeing burkhas on the streets of the western world and seeing mosques in the western world . Course , I'm an old guy so this issue while interesting is really only a problem for the younger generation and their widdle babies Greatest !!
Which would you prefer; A New World Order or a World Caliphate?

Or a perpetual insurgency war against civilians?


Islam’s hates democracy and the Western culture. Islam is determined to destroy the West and democracy so as to install a World Caliphate.

The West is beginning to hate Islam thanks to this hatred against them and Western ideas of a New World Order.

If we as a world cannot change our views and remove this hate from our hearts, we are bound to end in a larger numbers of small battles within a larger war.

We must find a better way to appease our objections to rapprochement. If we cannot dispel these irritants, a long and expanding jihad is inevitable. Because the jihad can only be an insurgency war, eventually the West will have to resort to the same techniques if the West is to win. This then would make the war against civilians instead against combatants. This is a coward’s war that Islam is forcing onto the world. Islam of course will blame the West for the war that the West will blame on Islam.

Both sides want to eventually have a one world government. I advocate for a one world government and think that the West and Islam should sit down and decide the rules of this one world government and to see if there is any rapprochement possible between what would be an Islamic theocracy or Caliphate, with an absentee God ruling through Sharia, and a freedom promoting Western system with a visible elected ruler.

If no rapprochement is possible then it is the Wests duty to declare a war against Islam and annihilate it if it will not reform into a peaceful world religion.

Many try to cut radical jihadists out of Islam’s general population and say they are hijacking Islam and are not really real Muslims. I suggest that Islam itself and their holy books are what are creating these extremists and that Islam has now produced a majority of extremists within its general population. If Islam does not reform its belief system and literature, the West will have no choice but to try to destroy Islam. The older world would have had to do the same with Christianity if it had maintained its own jihad that was called the Inquisition. Radical Islam is being seen as the mainstream Islam and the world cannot and will not live with such an Islam.

We are not creating any new conditions between Islam and the West. Attacks and the death of innocent non-combatants civilians in this cowardly jihad will continue if no new conditions are introduced. It is said that to continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome, is insanity. We are at the point of insanity and that is why I suggest a new condition which would be peace negotiations that would produce a new order in the world that would embrace both Western ideologies as well as Muslim ideologies.

This may be the only way to rid the world of the hate and cowardly jihad against civilians. A form of insurgency fighting that the West would have to adopt against Islam to win the jihad.

If you do not agree, then what would you suggest to bring the West and Islam to a rapprochement?


One world government would suck in the extreme. Even small governments cannot be trusted. We are eons away from the level of human perfection you dream of. Better to have individual nations competing in the world...and helping those which fail. As for the Caliphate...warn its citizens to play by the rules...rid themseleves of jihadists...or die with their jihadists.

I agree with your first but think it better to have one set of possibly corrupt leaders instead of the much larger set of possibly corrupt officials the wold presently has to suffer.

Which would you prefer; A New World Order or a World Caliphate?

Or a perpetual insurgency war against civilians?


Islam’s hates democracy and the Western culture. Islam is determined to destroy the West and democracy so as to install a World Caliphate.

The West is beginning to hate Islam thanks to this hatred against them and Western ideas of a New World Order.

If we as a world cannot change our views and remove this hate from our hearts, we are bound to end in a larger numbers of small battles within a larger war.

We must find a better way to appease our objections to rapprochement. If we cannot dispel these irritants, a long and expanding jihad is inevitable. Because the jihad can only be an insurgency war, eventually the West will have to resort to the same techniques if the West is to win. This then would make the war against civilians instead against combatants. This is a coward’s war that Islam is forcing onto the world. Islam of course will blame the West for the war that the West will blame on Islam.

Both sides want to eventually have a one world government. I advocate for a one world government and think that the West and Islam should sit down and decide the rules of this one world government and to see if there is any rapprochement possible between what would be an Islamic theocracy or Caliphate, with an absentee God ruling through Sharia, and a freedom promoting Western system with a visible elected ruler.

If no rapprochement is possible then it is the Wests duty to declare a war against Islam and annihilate it if it will not reform into a peaceful world religion.

Many try to cut radical jihadists out of Islam’s general population and say they are hijacking Islam and are not really real Muslims. I suggest that Islam itself and their holy books are what are creating these extremists and that Islam has now produced a majority of extremists within its general population. If Islam does not reform its belief system and literature, the West will have no choice but to try to destroy Islam. The older world would have had to do the same with Christianity if it had maintained its own jihad that was called the Inquisition. Radical Islam is being seen as the mainstream Islam and the world cannot and will not live with such an Islam.

We are not creating any new conditions between Islam and the West. Attacks and the death of innocent non-combatants civilians in this cowardly jihad will continue if no new conditions are introduced. It is said that to continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome, is insanity. We are at the point of insanity and that is why I suggest a new condition which would be peace negotiations that would produce a new order in the world that would embrace both Western ideologies as well as Muslim ideologies.

This may be the only way to rid the world of the hate and cowardly jihad against civilians. A form of insurgency fighting that the West would have to adopt against Islam to win the jihad.

If you do not agree, then what would you suggest to bring the West and Islam to a rapprochement?



I would prefer neither, but it makes no difference - we have them both. The ultra-rich (you know, those who actually make decisions) and the Islamic caliphate (that will eventually take the world). So - there is no choice.

Sharia will never take over the world. There are good reasons why immigration is from East to West and not West to East and fleeing Sharia by Muslims is one of the main reasons.

------------------------------------ yep , that's the claim of some people that sharia will never take over . Course , I don't even like seeing burkhas on the streets of the western world and seeing mosques in the western world . Course , I'm an old guy so this issue while interesting is really only a problem for the younger generation and their widdle babies Greatest !!

True but if you have a normal social conscience, you will consider your children, grandchildren, if you have any, or consider your friends and theirs.

Which would you prefer; A New World Order or a World Caliphate?

Or a perpetual insurgency war against civilians?


Islam’s hates democracy and the Western culture. Islam is determined to destroy the West and democracy so as to install a World Caliphate.

The West is beginning to hate Islam thanks to this hatred against them and Western ideas of a New World Order.

If we as a world cannot change our views and remove this hate from our hearts, we are bound to end in a larger numbers of small battles within a larger war.

We must find a better way to appease our objections to rapprochement. If we cannot dispel these irritants, a long and expanding jihad is inevitable. Because the jihad can only be an insurgency war, eventually the West will have to resort to the same techniques if the West is to win. This then would make the war against civilians instead against combatants. This is a coward’s war that Islam is forcing onto the world. Islam of course will blame the West for the war that the West will blame on Islam.

Both sides want to eventually have a one world government. I advocate for a one world government and think that the West and Islam should sit down and decide the rules of this one world government and to see if there is any rapprochement possible between what would be an Islamic theocracy or Caliphate, with an absentee God ruling through Sharia, and a freedom promoting Western system with a visible elected ruler.

If no rapprochement is possible then it is the Wests duty to declare a war against Islam and annihilate it if it will not reform into a peaceful world religion.

Many try to cut radical jihadists out of Islam’s general population and say they are hijacking Islam and are not really real Muslims. I suggest that Islam itself and their holy books are what are creating these extremists and that Islam has now produced a majority of extremists within its general population. If Islam does not reform its belief system and literature, the West will have no choice but to try to destroy Islam. The older world would have had to do the same with Christianity if it had maintained its own jihad that was called the Inquisition. Radical Islam is being seen as the mainstream Islam and the world cannot and will not live with such an Islam.

We are not creating any new conditions between Islam and the West. Attacks and the death of innocent non-combatants civilians in this cowardly jihad will continue if no new conditions are introduced. It is said that to continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome, is insanity. We are at the point of insanity and that is why I suggest a new condition which would be peace negotiations that would produce a new order in the world that would embrace both Western ideologies as well as Muslim ideologies.

This may be the only way to rid the world of the hate and cowardly jihad against civilians. A form of insurgency fighting that the West would have to adopt against Islam to win the jihad.

If you do not agree, then what would you suggest to bring the West and Islam to a rapprochement?


One world government would suck in the extreme. Even small governments cannot be trusted. We are eons away from the level of human perfection you dream of. Better to have individual nations competing in the world...and helping those which fail. As for the Caliphate...warn its citizens to play by the rules...rid themseleves of jihadists...or die with their jihadists.

I agree with your first but think it better to have one set of possibly corrupt leaders instead of the much larger set of possibly corrupt officials the wold presently has to suffer.

I hear ya...but I think we should keep ours within "firing" range...if ya git ma driff.....
Which would you prefer; A New World Order or a World Caliphate?

Or a perpetual insurgency war against civilians?


Islam’s hates democracy and the Western culture. Islam is determined to destroy the West and democracy so as to install a World Caliphate.

The West is beginning to hate Islam thanks to this hatred against them and Western ideas of a New World Order.

If we as a world cannot change our views and remove this hate from our hearts, we are bound to end in a larger numbers of small battles within a larger war.

We must find a better way to appease our objections to rapprochement. If we cannot dispel these irritants, a long and expanding jihad is inevitable. Because the jihad can only be an insurgency war, eventually the West will have to resort to the same techniques if the West is to win. This then would make the war against civilians instead against combatants. This is a coward’s war that Islam is forcing onto the world. Islam of course will blame the West for the war that the West will blame on Islam.

Both sides want to eventually have a one world government. I advocate for a one world government and think that the West and Islam should sit down and decide the rules of this one world government and to see if there is any rapprochement possible between what would be an Islamic theocracy or Caliphate, with an absentee God ruling through Sharia, and a freedom promoting Western system with a visible elected ruler.

If no rapprochement is possible then it is the Wests duty to declare a war against Islam and annihilate it if it will not reform into a peaceful world religion.

Many try to cut radical jihadists out of Islam’s general population and say they are hijacking Islam and are not really real Muslims. I suggest that Islam itself and their holy books are what are creating these extremists and that Islam has now produced a majority of extremists within its general population. If Islam does not reform its belief system and literature, the West will have no choice but to try to destroy Islam. The older world would have had to do the same with Christianity if it had maintained its own jihad that was called the Inquisition. Radical Islam is being seen as the mainstream Islam and the world cannot and will not live with such an Islam.

We are not creating any new conditions between Islam and the West. Attacks and the death of innocent non-combatants civilians in this cowardly jihad will continue if no new conditions are introduced. It is said that to continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome, is insanity. We are at the point of insanity and that is why I suggest a new condition which would be peace negotiations that would produce a new order in the world that would embrace both Western ideologies as well as Muslim ideologies.

This may be the only way to rid the world of the hate and cowardly jihad against civilians. A form of insurgency fighting that the West would have to adopt against Islam to win the jihad.

If you do not agree, then what would you suggest to bring the West and Islam to a rapprochement?


One world government would suck in the extreme. Even small governments cannot be trusted. We are eons away from the level of human perfection you dream of. Better to have individual nations competing in the world...and helping those which fail. As for the Caliphate...warn its citizens to play by the rules...rid themseleves of jihadists...or die with their jihadists.

I agree with your first but think it better to have one set of possibly corrupt leaders instead of the much larger set of possibly corrupt officials the wold presently has to suffer.

I hear ya...but I think we should keep ours within "firing" range...if ya git ma driff.....

You forget our double standards of blue collar justice and white collar justice.

Bastard corrupt politicians never get what they deserve. I am just happy that most are not as corrupt as those with the real power.

Which would you prefer; A New World Order or a World Caliphate?

Or a perpetual insurgency war against civilians?


Islam’s hates democracy and the Western culture. Islam is determined to destroy the West and democracy so as to install a World Caliphate.

The West is beginning to hate Islam thanks to this hatred against them and Western ideas of a New World Order.

If we as a world cannot change our views and remove this hate from our hearts, we are bound to end in a larger numbers of small battles within a larger war.

We must find a better way to appease our objections to rapprochement. If we cannot dispel these irritants, a long and expanding jihad is inevitable. Because the jihad can only be an insurgency war, eventually the West will have to resort to the same techniques if the West is to win. This then would make the war against civilians instead against combatants. This is a coward’s war that Islam is forcing onto the world. Islam of course will blame the West for the war that the West will blame on Islam.

Both sides want to eventually have a one world government. I advocate for a one world government and think that the West and Islam should sit down and decide the rules of this one world government and to see if there is any rapprochement possible between what would be an Islamic theocracy or Caliphate, with an absentee God ruling through Sharia, and a freedom promoting Western system with a visible elected ruler.

If no rapprochement is possible then it is the Wests duty to declare a war against Islam and annihilate it if it will not reform into a peaceful world religion.

Many try to cut radical jihadists out of Islam’s general population and say they are hijacking Islam and are not really real Muslims. I suggest that Islam itself and their holy books are what are creating these extremists and that Islam has now produced a majority of extremists within its general population. If Islam does not reform its belief system and literature, the West will have no choice but to try to destroy Islam. The older world would have had to do the same with Christianity if it had maintained its own jihad that was called the Inquisition. Radical Islam is being seen as the mainstream Islam and the world cannot and will not live with such an Islam.

We are not creating any new conditions between Islam and the West. Attacks and the death of innocent non-combatants civilians in this cowardly jihad will continue if no new conditions are introduced. It is said that to continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome, is insanity. We are at the point of insanity and that is why I suggest a new condition which would be peace negotiations that would produce a new order in the world that would embrace both Western ideologies as well as Muslim ideologies.

This may be the only way to rid the world of the hate and cowardly jihad against civilians. A form of insurgency fighting that the West would have to adopt against Islam to win the jihad.

If you do not agree, then what would you suggest to bring the West and Islam to a rapprochement?


One world government would suck in the extreme. Even small governments cannot be trusted. We are eons away from the level of human perfection you dream of. Better to have individual nations competing in the world...and helping those which fail. As for the Caliphate...warn its citizens to play by the rules...rid themseleves of jihadists...or die with their jihadists.

I agree with your first but think it better to have one set of possibly corrupt leaders instead of the much larger set of possibly corrupt officials the wold presently has to suffer.

I hear ya...but I think we should keep ours within "firing" range...if ya git ma driff.....

You forget our double standards of blue collar justice and white collar justice.

Bastard corrupt politicians never get what they deserve. I am just happy that most are not as corrupt as those with the real power.

I support justice for all. I witnessed the rise of the "tolerance" meme in the sixties. Now we tolerate all manner of evil and injustice...tempered (I'm afraid) by a touch of "I've got mine, I can ignore" reaction.
Which would you prefer; A New World Order or a World Caliphate?

Or a perpetual insurgency war against civilians?


Islam’s hates democracy and the Western culture. Islam is determined to destroy the West and democracy so as to install a World Caliphate.

The West is beginning to hate Islam thanks to this hatred against them and Western ideas of a New World Order.

If we as a world cannot change our views and remove this hate from our hearts, we are bound to end in a larger numbers of small battles within a larger war.

We must find a better way to appease our objections to rapprochement. If we cannot dispel these irritants, a long and expanding jihad is inevitable. Because the jihad can only be an insurgency war, eventually the West will have to resort to the same techniques if the West is to win. This then would make the war against civilians instead against combatants. This is a coward’s war that Islam is forcing onto the world. Islam of course will blame the West for the war that the West will blame on Islam.

Both sides want to eventually have a one world government. I advocate for a one world government and think that the West and Islam should sit down and decide the rules of this one world government and to see if there is any rapprochement possible between what would be an Islamic theocracy or Caliphate, with an absentee God ruling through Sharia, and a freedom promoting Western system with a visible elected ruler.

If no rapprochement is possible then it is the Wests duty to declare a war against Islam and annihilate it if it will not reform into a peaceful world religion.

Many try to cut radical jihadists out of Islam’s general population and say they are hijacking Islam and are not really real Muslims. I suggest that Islam itself and their holy books are what are creating these extremists and that Islam has now produced a majority of extremists within its general population. If Islam does not reform its belief system and literature, the West will have no choice but to try to destroy Islam. The older world would have had to do the same with Christianity if it had maintained its own jihad that was called the Inquisition. Radical Islam is being seen as the mainstream Islam and the world cannot and will not live with such an Islam.

We are not creating any new conditions between Islam and the West. Attacks and the death of innocent non-combatants civilians in this cowardly jihad will continue if no new conditions are introduced. It is said that to continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome, is insanity. We are at the point of insanity and that is why I suggest a new condition which would be peace negotiations that would produce a new order in the world that would embrace both Western ideologies as well as Muslim ideologies.

This may be the only way to rid the world of the hate and cowardly jihad against civilians. A form of insurgency fighting that the West would have to adopt against Islam to win the jihad.

If you do not agree, then what would you suggest to bring the West and Islam to a rapprochement?


One world government would suck in the extreme. Even small governments cannot be trusted. We are eons away from the level of human perfection you dream of. Better to have individual nations competing in the world...and helping those which fail. As for the Caliphate...warn its citizens to play by the rules...rid themseleves of jihadists...or die with their jihadists.

I agree with your first but think it better to have one set of possibly corrupt leaders instead of the much larger set of possibly corrupt officials the wold presently has to suffer.

I hear ya...but I think we should keep ours within "firing" range...if ya git ma driff.....

You forget our double standards of blue collar justice and white collar justice.

Bastard corrupt politicians never get what they deserve. I am just happy that most are not as corrupt as those with the real power.

I support justice for all. I witnessed the rise of the "tolerance" meme in the sixties. Now we tolerate all manner of evil and injustice...tempered (I'm afraid) by a touch of "I've got mine, I can ignore" reaction.

I support justice for all as well. Most people in the world also give that lip service. But we are not walking our talk.

I was just pointing out that, by and large, the world does not practice what it preaches. Money buys justice when you have enough of it.


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